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  1. I going to have a nice dinner w my wifey today. How's your's here mcfers? Happy Valentine's Day to all Mcfers!!
  2. Happy Father Day to all the fathers out there! Hope all the father here is celebrating your "achievement" with your little ones.Stay safe and enjoy the day! (:
  3. Happy Deepavali to all Hindu bros and and sis................. Welcome the Festival of Lights............May the supreme light of lights, enlighten and enrich all our life!!!!...........
  4. Lately had seen too many complaint in this forum, seem like many of us are unhappy about CPF, Life, property, Car and Money. Come across this article ( see link below) which is very enlightening. Hope you fine some happiness in you life no matter who you are😄 http://drwealth.com/2014/12/10/singaporeans-are-unhappy-and-poor/?utm_medium=DISPLAY&utm_source=OUTBRAIN&utm_campaign=NOV2014&utm_content=ARTICLE24_LIFESTYLE
  5. This is the new way forward? Seems like helplessness setting in. Quitting 5Cs? Netizens suggest many Singaporeans are content to 'just get by' - TODAY (todayonline.com) https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/trending-5cs-dream-quit-just-get-2003191 that said, we would lose all competitiveness and the path is then to import. I see more and more languishing in their demeanour with no more gumption to forge ahead. Good or bad?
  6. Saw this article in the ST and it kinda resonated with me on how my life thus far has gone by considering the challenges and what I live to appreciate. Amidst the chaos of life, we tend to forget that we are mortal and our time here is finite. A good reminder that our time is ticking and as we think and reflect of what is to come, we can be more fulfilled and HAPPY. Peace and to a better 2016 amidst the gloom now! To Be Happier, Start Thinking More About Your Death Arthur C. Brooks JAN. 9, 2016 WANT a better 2016? Try thinking more about your impending demise. Years ago on a visit to Thailand, I was surprised to learn that Buddhist monks often contemplate the photos of corpses in various stages of decay. The Buddha himself recommended corpse meditation. “This body, too,” students were taught to say about their own bodies, “such is its nature, such is its future, such its unavoidable fate.” Paradoxically, this meditation on death is intended as a key to better living. It makes disciples aware of the transitory nature of their own physical lives and stimulates a realignment between momentary desires and existential goals. In other words, it makes one ask, “Am I making the right use of my scarce and precious life?” In fact, most people suffer grave misalignment. In a 2004 article in the journal Science, a team of scholars, including the Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman, surveyed a group of women to compare how much satisfaction they derived from their daily activities. Among voluntary activities, we might expect that choices would roughly align with satisfaction. Not so. The women reported deriving more satisfaction from prayer, worship and meditation than from watching television. Yet the average respondent spent more than five times as long watching TV as engaging in spiritual activities. If anything, this study understates the misalignment problem. The American Time Use Survey from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that, in 2014, the average American adult spent four times longer watching television than “socializing and communicating,” and 20 times longer on TV than on “religious and spiritual activities.” The survey did not ask about hours surfing the web, but we can imagine a similar disparity. This misalignment leads to ennui and regret. I’m reminded of a friend who was hopelessly addicted to British crossword puzzles (the ones with clues that seem inscrutable to Americans, such as, “The portly gentleman ate his cat, backwards”). A harmless pastime, right? My friend didn’t think so — he was so racked with guilt after wasting hours that he consulted a psychotherapist about how to quit. (The advice: Schedule a reasonable amount of time for crosswords and stop feeling guilty.) While few people share my friend’s interest, many share his anxiety. Millions have resolved to waste less time in 2016 and have already failed. I imagine some readers of this article are filled with self-loathing because they just wasted 10 minutes on a listicle titled “Celebrities With Terrible Skin.” Some might say that this reveals our true preferences for TV and clickbait over loved ones and God. But I believe it is an error in decision making. Our days tend to be an exercise in distraction. We think about the past and future more than the present; we are mentally in one place and physically in another. Without consciousness, we mindlessly blow the present moment on low-value activities. The secret is not simply a resolution to stop wasting time, however. It is to find a systematic way to raise the scarcity of time to our consciousness. Even if contemplating a corpse is a bit too much, you can still practice some of the Buddha’s wisdom resolving to live as if 2016 were your last year. Then remorselessly root out activities, small and large, that don’t pass the “last-year test.” There are many creative ways to practice this test. For example, if you plan a summer vacation, consider what would you do for a week or two if this were your last opportunity. With whom would you reconnect and spend some time? Would you settle your soul on a silent retreat, or instead spend the time drunk in Cancún, Mexico? If this year were your last, would you spend the next hour mindlessly checking your social media, or would you read something that uplifts you instead? Would you compose a snarky comment on this article, or use the time to call a friend to see how she is doing? Hey, I’m not judging here. Some might think that the last-year test is impractical. As an acquaintance of mine joked, “If I had one year to live, I’d run up my credit cards.” In truth, he probably wouldn’t. In a new paper in the science journal PLOS One, two psychologists looked at the present value of money when people contemplated death. One might assume that when reminded of death, people would greatly value current spending over future spending. But that’s not how it turned out. Considering death actually made respondentsless likely to want to blow money now than other scenarios did. Will cultivating awareness of the scarcity of your time make you grim and serious? Not at all. In fact, there is some evidence that contemplating death makes you funnier. Two scholars in 2013 published an academic paperdetailing research in which they subliminally primed people to think about either death or pain, and then asked them to caption cartoons. Outside raters found the death-primed participants’ captions to be funnier. There’s still time to rethink your resolutions. Forget losing weight and saving money. Those are New Year’s resolutions for amateurs. This year, improve your alignment, and maybe get funnier in the process: Be fully alive now by meditating on your demise. Happy 2016!
  7. My birthday is coming and my good friends want to give me a treat and ask me to pick a restaurant,. Do you have any good recommendations? Hopefully, it is quite decent and yet affordable.
  8. Surprised no thread on this. Anyway let me wish all mothers, mothers to be, foster mothers and those whowere mmothers once Happy mother's day :)
  9. This is a good start The bosses interviewed said the surcharge is similar to previous years and has not been significantly increased due to recent inflation.
  10. Party still go on. Message is very clear, if you refused to go for vaccination, you will be left behind. National Day Parade 2021 to go ahead with physical event and spectators at The Float @ Marina Bay https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/national-day-parade-2021-ndp-floating-platform-15124154 SINGAPORE: This year’s National Day Parade (NDP) on Aug 9 will go ahead with a centralised physical event and spectators at The Float @ Marina Bay, Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen said on Monday (Jun 28). The number of participants and spectators will be “scaled down appropriately”, Dr Ng said, adding that the final figure will be decided later. Spectators above 12 years old who are eligible for the national vaccination programme must be fully vaccinated before attending the event. They will also have to undergo pre-event COVID-19 testing. All participants have also been vaccinated against the coronavirus and are routinely tested before each rehearsal in separate groups. There will only be one preview show before the main event. “There will be the usual combined parade and show, there will also be heartland activities, which the NDP Committee will share,” Dr Ng told reporters ahead of the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) Day on Thursday. “By Aug 9, with Singaporeans’ cooperation, we hope that at least two-thirds of the population would have gotten their second dose,” he said, highlighting that vaccinated participants and spectators “reduces a lot of risk”. “With proper safety measures, it will be safe enough for us to conduct a physical NDP on the floating platform, and I hope that Singaporeans will give us the support.” When asked about show elements like fireworks and the potential for crowding, Dr Ng said “we need Singaporeans to play their part”. “It is better to watch from the comfort and safety of their homes. Do not crowd and I think there will be administrators and safe distancing ambassadors on the ground to help enforce,” he added. “But the new normal also means that Singaporeans must take their own measures to protect themselves and especially if you are not vaccinated.” Dr Ng advised those who are not vaccinated to watch the heartland activities at home and to avoid the crowds as “it is just not as safe”. “If you are vaccinated, it does not mean you do not take any safety measures, but the risk to you is less,” he added. Dr Ng also asked Singaporeans for their understanding if this year’s show turns out to be "not as well prepared" as in previous years, given the shorter preparation time due to changing scenarios amid COVID-19. “We hope that the NDP will give us a wider perspective because it has been a tough year, a year and a half, and I think with Singaporeans’ support and help, I think we can achieve,” he added.
  11. Wish all members here have an excellent year ahead, in term of career, wealth and health. And since this is a car forum, I personally hope COE can revert to a more Saint level soon.😊
  12. Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday to @SiLangKia Happy birthday to you!
  13. Happy Chinese New Year to all MCFers! Wish all of you have a prosperous year of Ox. May you be as tough and determined as the hardworking Ox. Let all stay safe and strong.
  14. Hope the new year brings joy and happiness to one and all members of the MCF.
  15. SGMCF328

    Welcome 2020

    I believe 2019 has been a rough year for some, at least for me. I am looking forward to a brand new year, which happen to be the beginning of a new decade as well as start of the Chinese Zodiac cycle (year of rat). I would like to wish all MCF members The best of Luck The best of Health The best of Wealth The best of everything to come! Happy New Year!! May 2020 bring you happiness, prosperity, and inner peace.😊
  16. knowning still early but better early than late cos I weekends busy .. so... Wishing all members ...... HAPPY 中秋節
  17. Here's a dedication to all fathers (and mothers) too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYFC4god31o
  18. Wishing Everybody a Blessed and Happy Vesak Day!!
  19. Chinese Language education centre Xin Zhong Wen (新中文) has teamed up with McDonald’s to launch a new initiative to encourage practical learning of Chinese for children. The initiative, named Project 开心点(Kāi Xīn Diǎn, be happier in English), will offer free Happy Meals to kids under 12 who place their orders in Mandarin. The promotion will be available from Feb. 16 to Feb. 17, at four McDonald’s outlets — NEX, JEM, Great World City, United Square. 1000 Happy Meals will be given out, per day, at each outlet. No catch. Read more: https://mothership.sg/2019/02/free-happy-meal-mandarin-chinese-xin-zhong-wen-mcdonalds/
  20. Give in? Give way? Give....?
  21. HAPPY BIRTHDAY @BABYBLADE!!!! Stay young, stay pretty, stay happy and stay healthy forever!!! I just summon the demon, and he will make sure all the above taken care!!!
  22. For teachers out there, Happy Teachers Day!
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