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  1. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/bus-stop-pillars-marine-parade-parkway-chee-hong-tat-4461911 Ok… I am not that sad over how stupid that bus stop design is but more about our minister reaction to it… it is obviously a mistake in design and yet minister took lta explanation and try to justify it. We can build huge underground mrt lines and we cannot build a functional bus stop because of a drain??? Common just reroute the drain or work around it. U can’t say because of a drain, u build a bus stop where people cannot see buses coming… And our brilliant minister fix is to install video screens???? Those video screens can show buses coming but can you make out the bus number??? I think minister never use a camera before or understand how human vision work. To be able to make out the bus number early, u need a giant screen…. the right fix is to redo the bus stop to remove those pillars from the front but that would admit the mistake in the first place… is it that hard to admit a mistake that they want to waste even more tax payers money trying to find and implement a work around???
  2. SINGAPORE – MacPherson Member of Parliament (MP) Tin Pei Ling, 39, has been appointed the director of public affairs and policy at Grab. Tin joined the Nasdaq-listed company in January, Grab confirmed in a statement on Wednesday. CNA reported that her appointment became publicly known when she made an appearance in her new capacity on Wednesday at a Chinese New Year lunch that Grab hosted for some 750 private-hire drivers and delivery partners at Singapore Expo. She was there alongside Grab's managing director Yee Wee Tang and Senior Minister of State for Transport Amy Khor. Grab reportedly said, "Pei Ling has deep on-ground understanding of digital economy and Smart Nation policy, and close ties with the local community. She will build partnerships and programmes to harness the positive potential of technology to create impact in Singapore." Prior to this, Tin spent four-and-a-half years as the chief executive officer of Business China, a non-profit organisation seeking to cultivate Singapore-China relationships. According to her LinkedIn profile, Tin remains a board member there. She has also worked at Jing King Tech Holdings, now known as Adera Global, and Ernst and Young. Tin was elected to Parliament as part of the five-member People's Action Party team contesting in Marine Parade Group Representation Constituency (GRC). She then became the MP taking care of the MacPherson ward within the GRC. She was elected MP for MacPherson Single Member Constituency in 2015, a seat she successfully defended in the 2020 general election. Tin is married and has two children. https://sg.finance.yahoo.com/news/tin-pei-ling-grab-singapore-director-public-affairs-policy-041425096
  3. to beat scam and spam.. https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/government-smses-will-show-govsg-as-the-sender-id-from-july-1 Government SMSes will show ‘gov.sg’ as the sender ID from July 1 SINGAPORE - From July 1, virtually all SMSes sent by government agencies in Singapore will have a single sender ID, as part of efforts to make it easier for the public to identify authentic government text messages. Such SMSes will show “gov.sg” as the sender ID instead of individual government agencies, such as “MOH” for the Ministry of Health or “Iras” for the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore. Besides the gov.sg sender ID, every text message will begin with the full name of the agency that sent it and end with a note stating that it is an automated message sent by the Singapore Government, to indicate that recipients should not reply to it. Over a two-week period beginning on June 18, government agencies will gradually begin to send messages using the gov.sg sender ID, with all messages displaying the new ID from July 1. There are exceptions, though: Text messages from the Defence and Home Affairs ministries about national service matters and emergency services will have different sender IDs. The initiative was developed by Open Government Products (OGP), an independent division of the Government Technology Agency that builds technology for the public good. The effort aims to safeguard people here against government official impersonation scams.
  4. am I the only one ecnountering vehicles spewing insane amount of smoke on the roads? No right? Maybe I am the only boliao enough the pull the footage of the car cam... Why isn't the gov doing something about this? Isn't it like a simple fix? The first traffic police vehicle should pull this guy off the road and give him a fine/warning. How can this guy drive around with no penalty? To me it is a simple fix and yet this problem has been around for many years... Or is that amount of smoke within regulation? smoke.mp4
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darwinism Darwinism is a theory of biological evolution developed by the English naturalist Charles Darwin (1809–1882) and others, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce. https://www.straitstimes.com/business/companies-markets/ministry-of-food-winding-up-fails-to-pay-debt-of-200000 Ministry of Food winding up, fails to pay debt of $200,000 SINGAPORE - Home-grown restaurant chain Ministry of Food is winding up after failing to pay a debt of $200,000. We all know Charles Darwin so I'm not going to explain his theory of natural selection. Nevertheless, I created this thread because it's pretty amazing we're 1 year plus into the pandemic and there are businesses/individuals that still refuses to evolve. They continue to think the world will return to normal and rely on government aid (tax payers money) or cheap labor (maximize margin) to drive their organizations (plus complain a lot). Do you think they are worth saving?
  6. Now this is an interesting sight. As we have mentioned before in previous blog posts, the COVD-19 pandemic has somewhat influenced many who are forced to stay home to start working out as an excuse to head out. Hence, when we went into Phrase 2, there was a noticeable increase in traffic at our parks as many still continued to enjoy exercising, leading to some to come up with new ideas to move away from the overcrowding in parks. Check out this clip which has been shared by SG Road Vigilante, whereby the camera car chanced upon this public outdoor carpark at Fort Canning on the 9th of September which has been 'converted' into an outdoor gym. With the carpark almost full, we bet the sight of those using the carpark as a workout area annoyed the camera car driver. What do you guys reckon? Cool or not cool? Let us know!
  7. This is very interesting. There were two incidents that convinced me how to vote in the next election, the way our president was elected and the fake news law. What is our government going to do if facebook decide against the correction? Are they going to hurt our economy by going hard against facebook? Singapore as a small country needs to be as open as possible. To me, the government can always publish their rebuttals but to force the other party to shut up is way too much. It reminds me of china... I remember their justification for the fake news law was that sometimes it is time sensitive to prevent news from going viral, people getting hurt. Is this instance really the right way to use the new law? It is just stupid trying to force a showdown with facebook over this states times review which I never heard off until our government try to shut it down. To me, these two incidents, president elections and fake news law, are the clearest incidents where I feel the good of the country is sacrificed for political needs. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/states-times-review-fake-news-pofma-facebook-correction-12136996
  8. By mean of fault lines, I am not referring to NSL, EWL, NEL, CCL, DTL, etc. (we are seeing less service disruption lately right?) Neither am I referring to any new geographical discovery that might put us at risk of natural disasters such as earthquake or volcano eruption, but... Majority now aware of race, religious issues, but study flags new fault lines A large majority of Singaporeans are aware of the seriousness of race and religious issues, and feel the Government has done enough to manage these divisions. But fault lines have emerged on class, immigration and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights, where more Singaporeans, especially younger ones, want to see greater state involvement and public discourse. These emerging issues, if mismanaged, are also seen to affect Singaporeans' trust in the Government the most, compared with race and religion. These and other findings from a study of public opinion on fault lines in Singapore, carried out by the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), were released yesterday. Besides Dr Mathews, the other researchers were IPS research associate Melvin Tay and research assistant Shanthini Selvarajan. Based on a survey of about 4,000 citizens and permanent residents last year, the study noted that about a third of the respondents identified race and religion as having the potential to result in violence in Singapore if not managed properly - significantly more so than class, immigration and LGBT issues. Yet only about a quarter tied race and religion to trust in the state and politicians, compared with almost 40 per cent who said trust levels in the Government would likely fall if class and immigration issues are mismanaged. Close to half of both younger and older respondents felt there should be more state involvement in immigration, reflecting possible higher levels of xenophobia and job insecurity in recent times, regardless of age, said the researchers. These results could mean that citizens now accord the Government more responsibility to do more to manage class differences and immigration issues, they added. "People may feel that the Government already has clear policies and frameworks that are fairly robust when it comes to race and religion. But perhaps for immigration, socio-economic status and LGBT issues, people might want the state to be more involved in managing those issues," said IPS senior research fellow Mathew Mathews. This is unlike in the early years after independence, when the focus was on surviving communal politics. YOUTH LESS KEEN ON MORE GOVT INTERVENTION ON RACE AND RELIGION Just over a fifth of young people aged between 18 and 25 surveyed wanted more state involvement in race issues, compared with one-third of those aged above 65. Similar results were observed for religion. This could be due to the lived experiences of the older generation, who experienced the Maria Hertogh and 1964 race riots, said researchers. The former took place in 1950, after a court decided that a child who had been raised by Muslims should be returned to her Catholic biological parents. In 1964, clashes took place between the Malays and Chinese amid rising ethnic and political tensions. For older Singaporeans, these events drove home the need for a robust state apparatus to intervene and keep the peace, added the researchers. Significantly more Malays and Indians (about 40 per cent each) wanted greater state involvement in race issues than Chinese (24 per cent) - a sign that ethnic minorities are more likely to perceive or experience discrimination than the majority. A similar trend was seen for religion. In addition, people of minority races with a university degree and above desired more state intervention than their less-educated counterparts, showing that increased education results in greater awareness of, and desire to resolve, racial and religious issues, said the study. MINORITY RACES, YOUTH MORE LIKELY TO PROBE POTENTIAL DISCRIMINATION When asked how they would respond after getting an e-mail or phone message that a business had refused to serve people from a certain race or religion, nearly half of both Malays and Indians said they were likely to investigate the issue, compared with 37 per cent of Chinese. About 30 per cent each of Malays and Indians were also more likely to take the allegation seriously by reporting it to the authorities, compared with 13 per cent of Chinese. Younger Singaporeans would also be more proactive in tracing the source of such a message, with two-thirds saying they would check with their friend who sent it, compared with only half of respondents aged 65 and above. This could be because younger people aged 18 to 25 are more sensitive and concerned about discrimination. Being digital natives, they are likely to investigate matters further, said the study. Overall, the study showed that an overwhelming 92 per cent of respondents believed the Government had done well to improve racial and religious harmony. An example of vigorous state intervention to combat social divides, it said, can be seen in the area of religion - where a range of hard and soft legislation like the Internal Security Act, Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act, and the Inter-Racial and Religious Confidence Circles has prevented potential discord and wider conflict. But while seven in 10 aged above 65 agreed that the Government is responsible for racial and religious harmony in Singapore, only half of respondents aged 18 to 25 felt this way, it added. The researchers said this shows older Singaporeans may attribute greater responsibility to the state, or believe these fault lines are most effectively managed by strong government intervention. But going forward, younger generations could prefer a more community-driven approach to race and religion. Aiyah, why waste time and $$$ to conduct such survey, just sit at neighborhood coffee shop, food court, or even surfing HWZ, MCF, etc. will get you the same results. May I add that this is a typical example of people at the top loosing touch with people on the ground...
  9. If you’ve ever wanted to work at the Istana, now might be your chance. The official residence and office of the President of Singapore has put up a job advertisement on the Careers @ Gov portal. The opening? A butler position. Responsibilities Under the title “Assistant Senior Butler/ Butler”, the advert says that the responsibilities include providing hospitality services, along with food and beverages to guests at the Istana. Butlers will also have to perform housekeeping duties such as readying the Istana for events, setting up ceremonial props or tables, and helping in various places such as the kitchen, linen room or floral arrangement room. There is even an opportunity for applicants with relevant past working experience to be appointed at a higher level, leading a team of butlers and performing other administrative and logistical duties. In order to apply, applicants must be Singapore citizens, and if successful, will be offered a one or two year contract in the first instance. Butlers will also have to perform housekeeping duties such as readying the Istana for events, setting up ceremonial props or tables, and helping in various places such as the kitchen, linen room or floral arrangement room. There is even an opportunity for applicants with relevant past working experience to be appointed at a higher level, leading a team of butlers and performing other administrative and logistical duties. In order to apply, applicants must be Singapore citizens, and if successful, will be offered a one or two year contract in the first instance. https://mothership.sg/2019/07/istana-butler-job/
  10. Ownself check ownself 2019 edition Auditor-General finds lapses in procurement, contracts and IT controls in public agencies Mata involved! Police reports made after AGO highlights lapses Police begin probe over irregular quotations received by MND and URA after AGO report
  11. Adrianli

    SG Bonus 2018

    Woohoo, government giving bonus. Coming soon, just nice for Christmas.
  12. https://www.aic.sg/sites/aicassets/AssetGallery/Forum/Keynote_Prof%20Michael%20Porter.pdf It’s not easy but I really think that is the way forward. Every time I see a specialist I always wonder, do the doctor really want to make me healthy or does he just want to operate on me.... what’s in it for him to keep me healthier as that means I don’t need him and he will be out of work. He needs to pay for all the expensive overheads, u can’t blame him for trying to sell expensive ops. The current volume based healthcare is so fundamentally wrong.
  13. After seeing the change of government in Malaysia after 60 years, obviously many people have talked about could it happen in Singapore? And the way some of the younger leaders talk and handle issues leave me feeling disappointed with the situation. Josephine Teo comes across very arrogant, Ng chee meng too. Now Ong ye kung says teachers must have self discipline and pay parking... Singapore is being run as a business, with annual price increases to maximise profits everywhere. And i disagree with it Anyway this topic is not to bash the government, there are enough threads on this. What i hope to see is your views on what will happen if there was a change in government in the next 1-2 elections. How will it affect Singapore. Will we fail as a country? Will our women become maids in other countries as LKY once claimed? Give your analysis of what you think will happen if the PAP is no longer the government. Ideally put the worse case scenario of how bad things will be. Can we survive it? Or do you think that it won't mean the end of Singapore as the PAP likes to claim
  14. kdash

    New agency SFA

    AVA to be dissolved, new agency SFA to be set up... New Singapore Food Agency to oversee food safety regulations and related matters from next April https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/new-singapore-food-agency-oversee-food-safety-regulations-food-related-matters-april-next
  15. I read our minister say how much money our saf save.... but my experience with my reservist unit feels the exact opposite. It feels like they have to spend their Budget else it will be cut next year kind of feeling. I am curios is it like a widespread kind of thing or it’s just my unit? My unit is not conbat fit so maybe it is different from mainstream saf.
  16. http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/government-to-conduct-trial-of-mobile-app-for-parking-charges-8848624 Government to conduct trial of mobile app for parking charges File photo of a carpark in Singapore (Photo: Francine Lim) 15 May 2017 04:51PM(Updated: 15 May 2017 05:10PM) Share this content SINGAPORE: The Government will be conducting a trial of a mobile application that will allow motorists to pay for their parking charges using their mobile devices. For a start, the app will be tested among public sector officers in May and June, at selected public car parks in the city area that still require paper coupons, announced the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA), the Housing and Development Board (HDB) and the Government Technology Agency of Singapore (GovTech) in a joint news release on Monday (May 15). The car parks include those in Amoy Street, Circular Road, Emerald Hill Road and Duxton Road. "The mobile app will provide more convenience for motorists as they need not return to their vehicles to add more coupons to extend their parking session," said the agencies. All motorists have to do is key their vehicle number into the app, select the car park, indicate their parking duration and start parking. According to the agencies, the app automatically calculates the charges that motorists have to pay based on their parking duration on a per minute basis. A refund will be given if they choose to leave the carpark earlier than the duration that was keyed in. Likewise, motorists can extend the duration of their parking session without having to return to the vehicle. Among the issues authorities said they will be testing is the payment module, "to be confident of its robustness before we extend the trial to the general public." They added that the plan is to extend the trial to members of the public later this year. Source: CNA/am
  17. An article by Chen Show Mao:- SERVICE: THE ROLE OF GOVERNMENT Now, let me talk about service as a role of the government. As I see it, our government's central task to serve Singaporeans. You may say, "Yes, of course." But I am not sure if we always remember to use that yardstick to measure the success of our government policies. To me service means putting at the center of things the object of our service. The question is simple, it is a matter of perspective, who will be at the center of things, that is all. Is it the people of Singapore, or some measure of gross development or growth, that has over time been taken as a proxy for what's good for Singapore. For instance, when the economy grew by 14%, as it did last year, but median household income grew only 3%, or 0% after you adjust for inflation, then we need to ask "who is all this growth for?" Who is at the center of all this economic growth if most Singaporean households barely kept pace? I have come to meet many more Singaporeans in this situation since my return. It has got to be: all this economic growth will go to benefit MOST Singaporeans, in the long run if not necessarily in the short run. But is that the case? SERVANT LEADERSHIP In his National Day dinner speech in Ang Mo Kio, the Prime Minister said that we've got to
  18. http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/more-governments-manipulate-media-with-bots-trolls-study-9405134 Very interesting read on how governments influence via bots and paid trolls. Enjoy!
  19. WAH Swee... now government also giving us keyboard warrior upgrading course. We can argue better after the course. Who want to join.
  20. Government, judges cannot be sued for judicial decisions: Apex court http://www.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/courts-crime/story/govt-judges-cannot-be-sued-judicial-decisions-apex-court-20150625#xtor=CS1-10 I find it apt to use this picture to describe the whole situation
  21. PM Lee urges citizens to stand against hackers Referring to the recent hacking incidents, which also affected Singapore’s government sites, he noted that the suspects have been arrested by the Police. It is not a prank when someone hacks websites and intrudes into computer systems, but a criminal act, said Mr Lee. He added that such acts inconvenience the public but also resulted in graver consequences which could endanger lives. For instance, this will be a serious problem when hospital management systems are affected, he said. Mr Lee told the audience that the courts will deal with culprits to the full extent of the law but also urged citizens to speak up against these actions and to stand against the culprits. I raise up both hands and feet to support PM Lee in pushing for a strong deterrent sentence to those hackers that have been caught.
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