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  1. I thought I saw on the news today a very old man with very expressionless face. The skin seems like very stiff from Botox injection and the skin is tight and wrinkleless. It even resemble a robotic talking wax figurine from Madame Taussauds' museum. I pray for his health, as my wealth and happiness as a citizen depends on this old man existence! Take care old man!
  2. Hi all, Wish to check about this... My car transmission gearbox gives a slight jerk when stationary. Just a slight thump once or twice randomly when i stop at red lights.. It is still in D mode and I just depress the brakes to hold the car... What could be the reason to this?? Thanks..
  3. used to drive a concerto (fuel injection), when i pump to the brim, it will give me 500over km. if i do some hard driving also got 400plus. Car was more than 15yrs old. i could do a century sprint in 10sec with a good launch in dry conditions. no fuel enhancer, just a good 100% synthetic oil and engine treatment. open pod stainless steel. straight through exhaust. spark enhancer. NOBODY believed me... (cars in the 90s had great improvments with juz an open pod and straight through exhaust, cant say the same for modern cars now) so i checked my car specs... oil tank was 50L... most model cars now are 40L? and my rims were 16inch 45s... but not sure if original was 14inch 65s... so maybe my tyres were to big hence the extra reading in my distance... hmmmm.. dont know leh... cause i had a friend who drove an EG 2-dr and he clocked 500km on his full tank too (note that i am NOT referring to highway figures) but he had 2 carbon seats, carbon doors, boot bonnet.. used 15inch 55s. hmmmmm........ is 500km really not possible on a full tank of petrol in petrol driven cars? i thought that the city n jazz DSI versions also were very furl efficent?
  4. Thai wedding interrupted as guest gives birth Feb 25, 2018 BANGKOK - A baby girl sprang a surprise on guests at a wedding in northeast Thailand when she was delivered during the ceremony on Saturday (Feb 24). Her mother, Ms Nattaporn Tesrit, who was a friend of the bride Mayuree Kumchanteuk, was nearly nine months pregnant when she attended the ceremony in Nakhon Ratchasima city's Sikhiu district. As the bride was waiting for the arrival of the dowry procession, Ms Nattaporn went into labour. Though shocked, guests sprang into action to help Ms Nattaporn and moved her under a tree. Rescue workers were called in to transfer her to a nearby hospital. But by the time they arrived, Ms Nattaporn was already in the process of giving birth. With the help of medical officers, Ms Nattaporn gave birth to a healthy baby girl weighing 3.2kg in the shade of the tree. The bride congratulated Ms Nattaporn and took a picture with the baby. Ms Nattaporn was later taken to a hospital for further medical care. Although the wedding ceremony was interrupted by the newborn, guests said they were happy to be present at the event. The birth of a healthy baby is seen as an auspicious sign in Thailand. http://www.asiaone.com/asia/thai-wedding-interrupted-guest-gives-birth?xtor=EREC-16-4[Emarsys_Newsletter]-20180226&extid=6934d0cfb7b252f1ae9f0dbddf5ff88ca8637e77
  5. http://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/1932275/woman-northern-china-gives-birth-son-father-law-her-infertile?utm_source=outbrain&utm_medium=Outbrain-SG-currentaffair&utm_campaign=px2016&utm_term=56570869 A woman in northern China had a boy with her father-in-law to give her infertile husband a son, a local television station reports. The woman’s mother-in-law allegedly forced her to have sex with male strangers after they found out that her husband was infertile in 2010, Hubei Television reported. The woman refused and left Hubei for the country’s south to escape the arrangement. Her father-in-law, who also opposed the arrangement of his wife, came to her workplace in Guangdong province to take her home with a promise that she would not be forced to sleep with strangers any more. However, at a hostel near a train station the old man raped her and made her pregnant, the woman said. But the father-in-law said he was seduced by the woman who told him that she was willing to bring a grandson to the family. They had sex repeatedly in the following years, the father-in-law said. The family members decided to go to the court to settle the dispute.
  6. 75K per annum considered high flying banker in London? market must be really really bad sia.... that's barely a bank teller/counter wiper pay in MCF. LOL but to be able to give up everything and live in the wild is really amazing... i doubt i could even last a week.
  7. BY JEFF LEESON Hell hath very literal fury for a husband scorned. A German man seems to be following his divorce agreement to the letter by using power tools to give his ex-wife half of everything he owns. The man posted a video of him cutting chairs, beds and phones in half for his ex with the translated description "Thank you for 12 'beautiful' years, Laura! You've really earned half." He has reportedly sent half of the pieces to his ex and is selling his halves on eBay. As of the time of this post, his car is selling for a little more than $50. Thankfully, it seems like their house is still in one piece.
  8. SINGAPORE - The MediShield Life Scheme Bill tabled in Parliament on Monday gives wide-ranging powers to the administrator to access people's income and health status without explicit consent from them. Those who object to having such information accessed have the choice of opting out. However, those who do so will not be eligible for income-related subsidies for their premiums, nor can they be automatically given a clean bill of health. The Bill also gives the national insurance administrator the same powers as that of the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore to recover unpaid premiums, such as through employers or banks. Such powers are needed because defaults on premiums by people who can afford to pay them will mean a heavier load on other policy holders. Full premiums are payable even by Singaporeans and permanent residents living overseas for long periods. MediShield Life, which will replace the current MediShield when it starts at the end of this year, will cover everyone regardless of whether they are healthy or sick, for their entire life. Coverage will be higher with lower co-payments and no lifetime claim caps but premiums will be higher than the current scheme. Massive government aid, to the tune of $4 billion over five years, will make it highly affordable, the Government has assured. This includes the transitional subsidies which will be given to everyone, rich or poor, for the first four years. On top of that, two in three people will also get 15-50 per cent permanent subsidies on their premiums. The need to access incomes is to make it easy to identify people who qualify and the amount of subsidy they are entitled to. Additional help will be given to those who still can't afford the premiums. For the majority, the higher premiums will be entirely covered by Medisave, with the extra 1 per cent in Medisave contribution from employers that takes effect this month. People who are currently not covered by MediShield and have pre-existing illness will need to pay 30 per cent additional premiums per year for 10 years, after which they revert to paying the normal premiums for their age band. To simplify the procedure of identifying people with existing serious illnesses, such as cancer or heart disease, the administrator will have access to hospital data on all Singaporeans and permanent residents. The Bill also sets out the various penalties for defaulting on payments, providing false information, or wrongfully disclosing information obtained under the authority of the MediShield Life Scheme. For example, a defaulter who tries to leave the country without paying or providing security, as well as officials who wrongfully disclose information, can be fined $5,000, jailed for up to a year or both. The penalty for obstructing investigation into offences under the Bill is heavier with a maximum of $20,000 fine and a year's jail. The Bill also provides for a MediShield Life Council which can review the policy and parameters and recommend changes to the Health Minister to ensure that it continues to provide effective protection to citizens. The Council, which will likely comprise experts from people, private and public sectors, also has overview of the administration of the scheme. Dr Chia Shi Lu, head of the Government Parliamentary Committee for Health, said he supports the implied consent to verify personal details, as there is provision to refuse access. He said: "There has been quite a lot of feedback from Singaporeans, and particularly from the elderly, who are unhappy with government agencies repeatedly requesting personal and financial information from them in order to qualify for any number of government schemes." He and his parliamentary colleagues have often been asked why government agencies do not share information - as will now be done with MediShield Life. - See more at: Parliament: MediShield Life Scheme Bill gives wide-ranging powers to administrator - Singapore Health News & Top Stories - The Straits Times
  9. If I have one of those uncommon models of cars where they do not sell approved aftermarket exhausts, if the installed aftermarket exhaust looks similar to the original oem one, what would give me away? For those that have been caught before, what do LTA look out for? the sound? size? or are they so familiar with various types of exhausts that they can tell straight away?
  10. Angry driver gives lorry both fingers for blocking his turn This man flashed both middle fingers at the driver of a lorry for apparently blocking his turn. According to Stomper Weldon, who contributed the picture, a police report has been lodged over the man's behaviour. The Stomper wrote: "Is this how a Singaporean should behave? "Just because you drive a big car doesn't mean you can do anything. "This guy overtook and stopped people from using the road just because the lorry blocked his way when making a turn . "Worse of all he came down from his car and start pointing centre finger at the lorry driver. "The driver of the lorry has filed a Police report regarding this matter." Sources from: Stomp.com.sg http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/singaporeseen/motoring-goondus/angry-driver-gives-lorry-both-fingers-for-blocking-his-turn
  11. Picture is self explanatory. Not bad huh? I think Singaporeans still got hope after all. By the way, does anyone know where this hawker is at? I will wear No. 4 go look for him
  12. Maybe our teachers here should get a lesson too from Jeff,
  13. anybody tries LEVO? It really gives you kilometrico..........................................
  14. Quite a mystery why Stomper never noticed her maid is preggers as well. Nevertheless, I also wonder what all the maid levy is for when at the first sign of trouble, the authorities straight away bo wa eh tai ji. Employer's horror: She has to bear medical expenses after maid gives birth STOMPer Sabrina was appalled after she got saddled with medical bills and repatriation costs for her maid who gave birth within three months of employment. The STOMPer wonders how the maid got through the medical check-ups without the pregnancy setting off any alarm. The STOMPer wrote: "I employed an Indonesian maid to look after my mother (not living with me) in February this year but returned her to the maid agency last Friday (May 04) and got an alarming piece of news yesterday (May 08) -- that she has given birth to a healthy baby boy in the office of the maid agency! "How can this be possible since she was only in Singapore for less than three months. Now, the maid agency says that according to MOM's (Ministry of Manpower) rules and regulations, the employer is to bear all the medical fees and costs for repatriating the maid and the baby. "In the first place, the maid should be at least 6 months pregnant when she arrived in Singapore -- how could she have passed the full medical check-up? "Furthermore, the medical check-up is handled by the maid agency, not me! "As such, shouldn't the maid agency be responsible for the costs or go after the doctor who did the medical check-up? "I checked through the contract that I signed with the maid agency -- under clause 15, it's stated that 'in the event FDW (Foreign Domestic Worker) falls ills or suffers personal injury...employer shall bear all the medical costs'. "Can an 'unexpected' birth be classified as an illness or injury? "The agency is going to discharge the maid and the baby from NUH today (May 09). "Is there any of you out there who has a similar story to share? Is there any immediate action I should take to protect my rights? "I am very very sad. Staff from MOM called me up yesterday too and surprisingly, she told me that they are not going to mediate the matter involving. "She advised me to settle the bill and send the maid back as soon as possible and said 'it has nothing to do with MOM as the ministry issued work permits based on medical reports'. "Who should I turn to then?"
  15. http://chasvoice.blogspot.com/2011/11/russ...dle-finger.html I still can't figure out why the Nobel Committee have him the Nobel Peace prize. maybe they confused it with Piss Prize.
  16. STOMP Driver gives me the finger and asks me to get out of car -- after cutting into my lane
  17. rockson is back! http://rockson.blogspot.com/2011/03/tin-pe...xy-pap-xmm.html I don't know why she holding this paper bag from a brand call kate spade. Maybe she like gardening! I want to show her my spade also! My spade is call Horse!!! Hahahahahahahaha!
  18. A myth or truth? I have heard bathing in cold water improves the body immune system but I am abit skeptical abt it. what do you think?
  19. fookin'ell..... wat's sg's talk show? give matchbox i happy...
  20. Company gives mercs!!! so envy wor... in sg context, no matter how hard u work once a mistake is made dan forever u will be condemned not considering the past contributions...
  21. Just found this lobang. https://www.singtelshop.com/FreePhones/ Singtel so rich, giving away one free phone everyday. They are doing well huh?
  22. SYDNEY - An Australian man took a gleaming Ferrari for a dawn joyride Friday after mistakenly being handed the keys by a casino valet. The red F430 Spider, reportedly the property of a professional poker millionaire playing at Melbourne's Crown Casino, vanished after the blunder. "It has happened in the past from time to time that people lose their tickets, and in these circumstances we ask for proof of identification and a valid driver's licence," said casino spokesman Gary O'Neill. "Those procedures were followed on this occasion." It took police six hours to find the high-performance vehicle at a suburban service station. A 32-year-old man was arrested at the scene and charged with theft.
  23. Currently, automakers use head-up displays to project important vehicle information (speed, navigation directions, etc.) on the windshield, keeping the driver's eyes focused on the road, where they belong. General Motors is hard at work developing its next-generation heads-up technology, and we were given a preview yesterday of what sort of new features to expect in the coming years. This new concept, developed in partnership with Carnegie Mellon and the University of Southern California, uses an augmented reality system to display head-up information across the entire windshield. Never heard of augmented reality? Sure you have. When you're watching a football game and images appear on the screen to indicate lines on the playing field, that's augmented reality. GM feels that this technology will be a good way to expand upon current heads-up systems without being too distracting for drivers. GM's new concept uses an array of vehicle sensors and cameras to collect data and project images directly onto the surface of the windshield. For example, if you're driving in dark foggy conditions, this technology can highlight the lines of the road. By pairing these functions with existing night vision technology, the heads-up system can identify and highlight animals or people along the side of the road. It's all about improving safety, not only for the driver and passengers, but for pedestrians, too. What's more, this new tech can work with a car's navigation system to give more precise directions, highlighting actual road signs or buildings to show drivers where they should be going. Don't expect to see this technology anytime soon, however
  24. I have an estimated $30K in hospital bills to pay next week. Which credit card offers the best benefit in terms of rebate and/or cash back? Are there any credit card that specifically offers more rebate for hospital bills (just as Citibank Dividend offers best rebate of 5% for petrol purchase).
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