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Happened to find 3 1m length USB-C to lightning cables. Brand new. Anyone needs or want them? Will have to self collect at my place though.
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Came accross this article in Yahoo ........... Yahoo news: Dear CPF: Give Me Back My Money! Dear CPF, For years you’ve taken a cut from my paycheck under the promise of social “protection.” In a way, you’re like a very well-intentioned gangster, protecting my money from well… me right? I’m grateful though that you at least “allow” me to use some of my money towards buying a home, or to subsidise (partially) my hospital bills. I’m not going to ask what you do with my money while it’s in your hands (I’m sure it’s just sitting there untouched right?). But I do ask that you let me use it for pressing emergencies that directly affect me and my family’s well-being. What do I mean? Let me enlighten you. 1. For Retrenchment My financial obligations won’t stop if I get retrenched. Finding a job takes 2-3 months at best. I’m lucky I have enough savings to last me 3 months, but what if it takes longer? What if I had no savings to begin with? Any unsecured debt I have (credit cards, car loan, personal loans, etc.) still needs to be paid – otherwise I risk damaging my credit with late payments or even default. The banks don’t care that I lost my job. They’re about as sympathetic as a cat watching a rodent struggle in a mousetrap. But if I could use my “account” to service my unsecured debt if I get retrenched, even if it’s just to make my minimum payments, that would give me the financial flexibility to weather the situation. Plus, it would discourage those without savings from worsening their financial situation by going to Ah Longs for money. 2. For Education Ultimately, the government wants me to be successful. The more successful I am, the more taxes I can contribute to our nation’s economy. So why can’t I use some of the money from my account towards education, whether I want to pursue an MDA-approved training course or a degree? You don’t need me to tell you that education improves my earning potential, which is a win-win for everyone. I improve my standard of living while the government takes a greater amount of tax revenue. Plus, if I’m working in a sunset industry that has a bleak outlook, I can get the training I need to transition to a more promising profession. But not everyone has the money on hand to pay for education… oh yeah, they do – you’re holding it CPF! So ease up a little on the funds distribution and let us chant Jerry Maguire’s “help me, help you” line together yeah? 3. For Growing Transportation Costs Paying for transportation in Singapore is like choosing how you want to be tortured. The choices differ, but the result is the same – you’re still paying hundreds or thousands of dollars a month just to commute daily! It doesn’t matter whether you own a car or use public transportation, the cost to travel to and from work, pick up the wife and kids, or take the family out to Sentosa is always increasing. All you have to do is see how much COE, ERP, taxi, and public transportation rates have increased over the last few years. Of course, I don’t own 3 cars, nor do I live in Sentosa Cove – and neither do a majority of citizens who suffer every time transportation costs rise. But it would help if I could use some of my funds as a monthly “transportation allowance” to offset the financial pain felt by price hikes. In Conclusion… Now, before you crumple up this letter (if you haven’t already), I have one more thing to say… Tax payers won’t need to support me with these situations. That’s because this money is already mine to begin with (or so you tell me). All I’m asking is that you make it easier for me to access my funds so I can patch up my social safety net. If you need to validate my situation before dispersing my funds to prevent “fraud,” I’m fine with that. I’d rather deal with the inconvenience of a sloth-like bureaucracy than have to worry about how I’m going to come up with cash in an emergency. Again, I’m grateful for the monthly shakedown that’s necessary for my retirement. But you’ve got to be a little more flexible when it comes to financial emergencies that cannot wait. Yours sincerely, A Messenger of Singaporean Frustrations P.S. Umm…. yeah, if you could let me use my funds to cover the hospital bill for childbirth (c’mon, we’re doing you a favor by creating more taxpayers) and for elderly friendly renovations to take care of my ageing grandparents without sending them to a home, that would be great. link: Look like the person who wrote this has not reach the retirement age or 55yrs to withdraw his CPF. Thats why very important to save for raining days....
Lai Lai Lai! That time of year standby 16Feb2021, 1500hrs
I have been trying various polishes, waxes, polymer, etc that give that 'wet' look. But I have yet see one that give a deep 'wet' look. The shine are either deep, but not that shiny or very shiny look 'superficial'. Btw, is there one that gives a truely 'wet' look? Over the years. I've tried autoglym SRP, EGS, extra deep shine, soft 99 auth series, zaino series, hi-glaze 88, NXT, etc. It will be nice to hear about your own experiences on those listed and those which are not in the list. I'm particularly interested in Klasse and #21 vs any of those listed.
Mitsubishi Lancer and Audi TT survive one close shave!
chitchatboy posted a blog entry in MyAutoBlog
Now that is one close shave. As seen on SG Road Vigilante's facebook page, an Audi TT failed to stop at the give way line, nearly crashing into a Mitsubishi Lancer Ex which had the right of way on 29th of April Eagle-eyed readers would have definitely spotted the P-plate sign on the Audi, signaling to us that this might just be a rookie's honest mistake. In our opinion, we thought the camera car would have gotten a larger shock, seeing the Lancer swerve into his lane along Sengkang West Road. On another note, should the Lancer have slowed down instead of (recklessly)accelerating into the camera car's lane? Let us know in the comments below! 94921823_310296959954310_3878032568351719424_n.mp4 -
Hi everyone, I have 3 boats to give away. First one is a Larsson 25 footer. The boat is presently berthed at punggol Marina. Boat is seaworthy,you need to replace the outboard engine which you can get new from $18k.cabin cruiser The two other boats are berthed at my fish farm. They are diesel engines and both of them requires engine overhaul Maybe $5-$8k each. Anyone interested please pm me
Just a little effort from every motorist and the ambulance breezed thru the jam...saving him many precious minutes.
Hi, I have a rubbermaid cooler box to give away, have been keeping it for too long. The handle is a little degraded but otherwise functional. Good for those who wants to keep some cold beer for outing or bring kids for picnic. Please PM me, pick up at hougang area. I am passing it on because of environmental friendliness reason. those who do not mind an old box please PM me or post it back here
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Our rabbit passed away this morning, will be giving away all his stuff since I don't think we will be getting a new one. Stuff includes, 1) 40litres bedding - brand new 2) Timothy hay - brand new 3) nail slipper 4) drinking bottle 5) feeding bowl 6) grooming brush 7) pellets Self collect, please try take all. Note, the bedding is heavy.
Interesting, I wonder if it will work or cause more issues Public buses are less likely to get stuck in traffic in future, with a new system that can prompt traffic lights to change in the buses' favour. The Land Transport Authority (LTA) announced yesterday that it is carrying out a six-month trial of the Smart Bus Priority System, starting today. During the trial, which ends next April, services 98 and 99 buses are fitted with Global Positioning System (GPS) trackers, which transmit the buses' real-time locations to a back-end assessment system. As a bus with the GPS tracker approaches a traffic junction, the system will communicate with the traffic lights and prioritise its movement, if required, by either extending the green-light duration or shortening the red-light duration. For instance, if a bus that has been delayed by a traffic jam approaches a green light that is about to turn red, the traffic light will stay green longer to allow the bus to pass. This will also benefit other vehicles travelling alongside the bus. After the bus passes the junction, the timing of the traffic light will revert to normal. The LTA said the system, which has a similar concept to one already in place in Australia, is aimed at providing faster and more reliable bus journeys for commuters. It added that a total of 56 buses which currently ply the routes of services 98 and 99 will have GPS trackers. Services 98 and 99 ply Jurong East Avenue 1 and Jurong West Avenue 1 between Jurong Town Hall Road and Jurong West Street 42/52. They were chosen for the trial because both routes have multiple traffic-light junctions, which will enable the LTA to better evaluate the effectiveness of the system. At the end of the trial period, data collected will be analysed to determine whether the system can effectively complement existing bus priority measures - such as bus lanes, B-signals for buses at junctions and bus priority boxes - to improve bus journey times and reliability.
Outrageous new TV dating shows cut straight to chase Once upon a time in a more coy era people made an effort to get to know each other -- perhaps learning each other's names -- before hopping into bed together. But for the swipe-right generation raised on dating apps like Tinder that is so last century, television executives believe. A new dating show is helping time-pressed millennials save on the unnecessary preliminaries by cutting straight to the chase. "Making Love" has jaws dropping at MIPCOM, the world's biggest TV market in Cannes, by having contestants have sex first before deciding if they like each other. Its French producers WeMake said it has brought together "scientifically-matched singles" to ask the essential question, "Could making love make you fall in love?" They billed the show -- which is being sold at MIPCOM -- as "a ground-breaking experiment into how humans fall in love. "Behind the (bedroom) door cameras have captured the new couple's every move, every awkward moment," the producers said, before pulling away at the last minute only to reappear in the post-coital glow -- or gloom. Contestants can then hurry into the bathroom to debrief the audience on just how their new partner performed. - Friends-with-benefits - "We will follow the daters over the next few weeks to see if the pair remain friends-with-benefits only or will they chose to get to know each other and start a relationship," the show's trailer promised. Although the producers are French, the contestants for the pilot show were British. The format is one of several new series which are likely to pop up on TV screens across the globe in the next few years. Analyst Virginia Mouseler of The Wit database said the new age of dating was not for prudes.
Just to check.. married or not do you give ang bao to your parents for CNY? Some said only if married then can give ang bao.. but does that apply to giving parents ang bao?
As Topic... I remember I used up all my monie when MR in 2006. Today went to E-mart with my collegue, suprise to know I still have $99 in the account...
Using phone to upload pic and don't blame me for not rotating pic. Min spend $50 to have $2 off. Total 8 Vouchers, cannot combine use. Please see validity dates / time line. Can only use with Amex card at SPC. Giving it for free, just PM me for details. First PM with name and complete address will get this deal.
Precisely why one shouldn't dabble with crime in the first place... Like they say: Do the crime, pay the time. And if I may add further: Do the crime, pay the time & can't earn a dime . Having said that, society should accept those reformed ex-cons else they may go back to the old ways & the vicious cycle repeats once more. From ST Forum: Give former minor offenders a chance Published on Jun 23, 2012
Errors of the Mandatory Give Way to Buses Scheme
Bic_cherry posted a topic in General Car Discussion
[author note: this topic was previously discussed at 'New Rules : Giving Way to Buses Coming Out From Bus Stop.' (Dec2008)] Mandatory Give Way to Buses Scheme Is Mr Lui Tuck Yew crazy to bend the law to suit his convenience as Minister of Transport? [Source: OneMotoring: 'Mandatory Give Way to Buses Scheme''] [Source: She claims she's a "victim" of new give-way-to-bus rule] Yes, public transport (buses) is Singapore are slow and sucks "Mrs Teo said bus speeds have gone down from 19.1kmh in 2007 to 17.8kmh, as ridership went up from 2.9 million per day to 3.45 million per day in the same time." ['Bus hubs currently the priority and good progress made: Josephine Teo': (TDY18Jan2012)], and in fact, transport by bicycle for journeys 30km and up might average 25.750kmh. [source: ''] Rather than the drawing up of more bus lanes, it seems that the MOT is getting lazy and thus enacting some confusing stop gap measures like the ridiculous mandatory Give Way to Buses Scheme (GWTBS)- a scheme whose logic if not legality remains both contradictory if not perplexing. It is in fact perhaps oxymoronic that the good Minister now says that the slow speed of buses exiting bus is due to the fast and continuous movement of other vehicular traffic on Singapore roads, since in stationary traffic conditions yellow boxes to provide for 'reserved' space so that exiting buses ALWAYS have right of way. [Dunearn-Newton Rd- bus bay with typical yellow box pict]. Wouldn't the provision of better public transport services cause fewer Singaporeans to demand travel by private car or taxi?- a largely carbon and road use intense mode of private transportation. Isn't the revolving door [wiki] effect of buses entering bus bays the occasion for buses to exit just the same since a bus awaiting entry to a bus bay effectively blocks off all oncoming traffic by virtue of its size? (that is if Minister Lui is adamant about saving bus-lanes painting costs). Mr Lui as Rear Admiral used to be Chief of Navy; with a cannon in front and torpedoes beneath, everyone gave way to the Admiral's ship. But road vehicular traffic is not the same, emergency vehicles get stuck in traffic jams just the same- nobody moves. Everyone needs space on the little land designated for road use: bus lanes besides allowing cyclist free passage (cycling is good for exercise (save govt healthcare costs) and good for the environment (low impact on global warming)) also allow emergency public vehicles free passage to conduct to their rightful roles, even during the heaviest traffic periods on all days. Emergency public vehicles stuck in jams remain a stain upon the efficiency that the PAP boasts its credentials by. The start stop driving by vehicles on the left lane caused by ambiguity as to whether a bus is indeed leaving the bus bay is also another cause for accidents occurring, if not a compromise in time and energy efficiency as drivers operate their brakes with unnecessary intensity. This adds to pollution if not frustration of driving on Singapore roads; foreign talents holding international driving licenses also cannot be expected to understand this paradoxical local law as it is international convention for vehicles along minor roads (bays etc) to give way to vehicles along major roads (e.g. trunk roads): wouldn't an accident due to this legal paradox result in more jams created by unnecessary traffic accidents? One side issue would be that the Minister is being unnecessary cruel to cyclist and motorcyclist in the enaction of the GWTBS law is that the poor rider/ pillion is then expected to breath in the diesel fumes of the exiting bus: not a pleasant experience nor a safe one- considering that the car driver behind might not be able to break in time, having not considered about the need to stop to give way to the exiting bus and result in the poor rider being crushed in-between- another tragic road fatality. Mr Lui's salary is one that mirrors the elite of the elite in Singapore [pict]. Surely being elite is not about just making more money? Don't the people of Singapore demand more than just hare brained stop gap measures in managing public transport and road use in hyper-efficient Singapore? Not everybody can afford a maid [pict link], nor the privilege of private transportation in Singapore [Saw Phiak Hua empress pict]. More for public transport, safer transport for motorcycles and bicycles. Good Minister, Thank you and have a nice day. References: Above: Dunearn-Newton Rd bus bay- yellow box pict. [pict source: Singapore's defense burden - Something no maid can carry] [pict source] - STOMP 29Aug09: “I gave way to bus -- and got rammed from behind”, [link] - STOMP 19Aug09: “I am one of many 'victims' unfairly fined $130 under new 'give way to bus' rule”, [link] [link] [img source] -
SINGAPORE: As of Monday afternoon, Singapore's Land Transport Authority (LTA) has received some 960 applications to get cash rebates from their Certificates of Entitlement (COE) and the Preferential Additional Registration Fee (PARF). But car dealers have said that they are not expecting a rush of owners to give up their cars for cash. Jackson Lee, managing director of Jia Leong Trading, said: "Some of them might give up because of petrol... inflation... some of them want to be more economical (and) give up the car, but I think (the number is small)." "For the first kind of people, whose vehicle is fully paid (up), this would serve as an advantage to them because they can exchange their PARF paper for full cash with LTA," said Jerry Ong, Manager of Auto Inn. "But for people with outstanding loans, it won't make much of a difference because dealers like us, we've got to come up with the money to fully settle their cars for them." In Singapore, a car's PARF value is the amount credited to motorists who scrap their cars before its 10th year. A COE is the pre-requisite before anyone can buy a car, awarded through a bidding system. As of Monday, car owners have the option to exchange their COE and PARF rebates for cash. The move, announced in March, is aimed at reducing the car population and have Singaporeans turn to public transport. Dealers have said it is still too early to say what car owners will do, as opinions differ among individuals. Phoebe Lim, a car owner, said: "I feel very handicapped without a car, (therefore) whether with or without the rebate, I will still drive. Since I got my licence five years back I've never taken public transport, so no (I wouldn't exchange my car for cash)." "If the public transport is good enough, yes I think I would," said another car owner, Andrew Ong. "I balance the two together, I value the cash rebate, I can have a saving, I can have money in my pocket, so why not?" But whether more people will give up their cars for cash in the days ahead remains to be seen. - CNA/yb
Which credit card give the best diesel discount?
HermanGuoh posted a topic in General Car Discussion
any credit cards? use Nets only give switching to Caltex Viewer's Choice for 14%- 28 replies
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Proven pretty much here in MCF, that no money no talk! Singaporeans more likely to give money than volunteer, help a stranger: Study TODAY reports: The Republic moved up again to 34th on World Giving Index, where Myanmar is ranked the highest. However, Singapore placed 89th for how often they help strangers and 42nd for how often they volunteer. POSTED: 11 Nov 2015 07:50 A volunteer helping an elderly man put on a N95 mask at the Haze Shelter at Tanjong Pagar Community Club on Oct 3, 2015. (Photo: Jaslin Goh / TODAY) SINGAPORE: When it comes to giving to charity, Singaporeans are more likely to give from the pocket, than give up their time to volunteer or help out a stranger. The World Giving Index, compiled by UK-based non-profit Charities Aid Foundation (CAF), showed that nearly six in 10 in Singapore gave money to charity in the month before when polled last year, but less than three in 10 volunteered at a charity, and about four in ten had helped a stranger. Based on these factors, the CAF ranked Singapore 34th on the index, well behind neighbouring countries like Myanmar, which was ranked first, and Malaysia, which placed tenth. But this is a significant improvement from 114th place in the 2012 index and 64th place in the 2013 index. The index ranked 145 countries using 2014 data from Gallup’s World View World Poll, an ongoing research project carried out in more than 140 countries. In most countries surveyed, 1,000 questionnaires are completed by a representative sample of individuals, with larger samples for big countries like China and Russia. Respondents were asked how often they donate to charity, how often they volunteer and how often they help strangers. Singapore ranked 18th for how often residents gave money to charity, but placed 89th for how often they help strangers and 42nd for how often they volunteer. Nonetheless, the Republic was among the top five most improved country over time, improving 11 percentage points over five years. In 2012, for example, only 29 per cent of the respondents gave money to charity, 8 per cent volunteered, and 24 per cent helped a stranger. The report, released on Tuesday (Nov 10), attributed the high levels of giving in Myanmar - where nine out of 10 gave money to charity - and Thailand to high levels of Theravada Buddhism, where many devotees regularly give money and time to ordained monks and nuns, as well as to the upkeep of temples. The country also came in top for volunteering, with half the population doing so, followed by Sri Lanka, Liberia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States. “However the achievement will be contrasted with the continuing plight of the Rohingya people within the country,” the report stated, referring to the violent persecution of the Rohingyas, a Muslim minority group who are not allowed to vote and have been driven from their homes to neighbouring countries or into camps. The report also observed that across the world, people responded to those in need. For example, the proportion of people donating money in Ukraine more than quadrupled last year compared with the previous year, probably due to fundraising efforts for those affected by the conflict. Also, Iraq emerged top in helping a stranger despite the security situation in the country. At a global level, the study found that more people are donating money to charity, with almost a third of the world (or 31.5 per cent) giving money to charity in the month before - a rise of 3.2 percentage points from 2013. However, the global proportion of people who said they volunteered time fell slightly, to 21 per cent from 21.3 per cent. And almost half of the world’s adult population said they helped a stranger last year according to the poll, a slight increase on the previous year. i would say that we have to look after ourselves first and if we even struggle to put $$$ on the table for ourselves, hardly can we find the time to volunteer I was in that state, but now tt I am more comfy, I find myself volunteering more with those in need. @little_prince do your pitch here, as how we discussed offline
This is so apt considering that most here still cannot agree to disagree. Good time to reflect and think deep down what really matters. This is timely considering the 'disliking' going on Peace and stay happy and most of all let it go
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bought wrongly.....cannot away free.........self collect jurong area...........interested PM me.........1 pc only (12")........
It makes me wonder what kind of bad chemicals and poison they put into Mac French Fries, that can cause polluted waste water. Me not a chef, but i do know normal washing and slicing potatoes will not produce polluted waste water, unless they have bad chemicals added A McDonald's joint venture in China supplying its outlets with French fries has been slapped with a record 3.9 million yuan ($630,000) fine for water pollution, state media reported. The fine levied against Beijing Simplot Food Processing is the largest ever meted out by the city of Beijing for pollution, the official Xinhua news agency said, citing the municipal environmental watchdog. Beijing Simplot Food Processing is a joint venture between US agribusiness concern J.R. Simplot Company, McDonald's and the Beijing Agricultural, Industrial and Commerce General Company, Xinhua said. Established in 1992, Beijing Simplot makes French fries and hash browns for McDonald's, Xinhua said, adding that it also produces them for "other East Asian customers", without elaborating. The fine comes as China cracks down nationwide on air, water and soil pollution amid rising public discontent over health concerns, and national embarrassment of the blight on the image of the world's second-largest economy. A new environmental law -- the first in 25 years -- went into force this year, imposing tougher penalties and pledging that violators will be "named and shamed". Recent studies have shown that roughly two-thirds of China's soil is estimated to be polluted, and that 60 percent of underground water is too contaminated to drink. According to Xinhua, inspectors in November discovered that a water quality indicator in Beijing Simplot Food Processing's waste water exceeded limits and immediately blocked its pipes, ordering it to treat the water at a processing plant. The polluted water flowed into city pipes, the report said, citing a local environmental protection office. In a statement posted on its website on Wednesday, Beijing Simplot Food Processing said it accepted the decision and paid the fine on schedule after having "immediately cooperated" with authorities after the problem was discovered. McDonald's said in a statement e-mailed to AFP that it took the violation "very seriously" and would be monitoring Beijing Simplot's compliance in the future. "All McDonald's suppliers must comply with all relevant local laws and regulations," it said. .
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