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Found 25 results

  1. Buses with rooftop gardens will begin plying Singapore's roads, as part of an initiative to study possible energy and cost savings for bus operators. The Garden on the Move initiative, which was launched on Sunday (May 5), will see 10 SBS Transit buses ply Singapore’s roads for at least three mont...
  2. this morning brought my family to Jacob Ballas Children's Garden, reportedly the largest children's garden in Asia after the official opening of the extension on 10 Nov 2017. a really fun place to bring your kids there as the whole place is specially designed for kids (duh). theres a Food for Though...
  3. A pity, because I think this is a very good restaurant. http://www.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/more-singapore-stories/story/lei-garden-closes-orchard-shopping-centre-branch-2014070 With so many restaurants closing down, or on the brink of closing down, due to manpower shortage issues, an...
  4. till next week, from noon till 10pm daily
  5. pix says a thousand words......obviously i did not eat
  6. https://twitter.com/ChannelNewsAsia/status/...2723712/photo/1 https://twitter.com/ChannelNewsAsia/status/...6062592/photo/1
  7. Aerosmith coming here.. As part of some social club event.. http://www.starcount.com/tickets
  8. Hi All, Yesterday, I was a victim of hit-and-run accident. My car was parked at road side lot at Tyersall Avenue to attend the wedding at Halia Restaurant. When I came back to my car after wedding, I had found that there was a big dent on the right side of the fender. I can't believe that...
  9. NIMBY Version 3.0 [shakehead] From CNA: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/sin...1260600/1/.html Petition against setting up of childcare centre at rooftop garden By Lip Kwok Wai | Posted: 17 March 2013 2214 hrs Ow Bin Bing SINGAPORE: Some Punggol residents are...
  10. It is Friday night and Serangoon Garden is a motorist's nightmare. A never-ending stream of cars head for the popular enclave of eating joints and watering holes. Drivers honk and patience thins as they jostle for limited carpark spaces. The compact centre of the middle-class housing estate is...
  11. Hi, Any recommendations on where to buy iron garden benches like this in SG ? ty mice
  12. STOMPer Marcus was disgusted to see this foreign couple changing their baby girl's diaper right at their table in Seoul Garden. They were also talking at the top of their lungs and showing no regard for other patrons, said the STOMPer. The STOMPer wrote: "These people, who appear to be fr...
  13. http://www.asiaone.com/News/AsiaOne%2BNews...801-292162.html f--kers la...take photo onli also cannot... why angmor so liddat... A family who wanted to take some photos at Botanic Gardens' Swan Lake Gazebo were shooed away by a group of Caucasians who claimed th...
  14. Neo Garden Catering Anybody tried this caterer lately? What's the meaning of "No 1 Caterer In SG"? Tot of giving a party.
  15. Anyone been to these two places? Can share your experience? http://www.eagleranch.com.my/ http://www.swissgarden.com/hotels/sgrdl/ What is there to do nearby? Thanks
  16. Hi All, I planning my 1st visit to Kuantan this June school holiday. I will like expert and frequent visitor to Kuantan for the above 2 hotel choice, which is better in term of: 1) Access to seafood restuarant or some famous local food? Any good seafood restuarant to recommend (with addres...
  17. hey bros.. i hv been searching from the internet for those steel or cast iron kinda garden benches, but all i found were websites from either UK or the US. Anyone has any idea or recommendation of shops/companies selling such benches? Thanks..
  18. I have been trying to get one of those metal swings that allow 4 person to sit together type, but seems like no longer available leh. Internet can't find, some shops I went also cannot find. And I I do not want those wooden types carried by nursaries and Carrefour. Anybody know where to get new...
  19. Now watching a blogtv on CNA debating should serangoon garden technical school allow to transform to a foreign worker lodging....after hearing to this "Mdm Rose Tan" serangoon garden resident defensive reasons and excuses, already can tell that she and the rest of the residents ultimately scare thei...
  20. Photos owner said car racing another white car before the accident. After accident, both driver and front passenger ran away from the accident scene.
  21. Hi I heard that on every first Sunday of each month, there will be orchids for sale at the botanic garden . . . can i ask anyone being there before and whether how the variety and price?
  22. I saw a Secret Garden folder just below Lite n EZ.. what is it about? I cant seem to access this folder.. need authorization?
  23. Hi all members..... any idea what's this folder is all about? try to access but to no avail... how ah? any gurus [scholar] here care to enlightened?
  24. Wah.. saw it on the news last nite.. lady driver (not try to imply anything hor..) good thing she walked out with only minor injuries. The owner said not the first time somemore that someone crashed into the garden.. 3rd time liaoz! Best part is, traffic police ask LTA to do something about thi...
  25. Come join us at Ridout Garden Macs on Wed 9th Aug 2006 (National day) for breakfast! We'll be there from 0900hrs till about noon. 1) beanoyip 2) Koolaba 3) Fisheye 4)
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