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Found 11 results

  1. I see people all around me struggling more than usual to make ends meet. Costs of basic commodities and essentials in life has gone up such as electricity, gas and water. These increases are usually in excess of the raw materials costs increase as well. Having a simple meal nowadays in the hawker centre cost easily more than 30-50% as compared to a few years back and if you are a family of 4-5 this means a fair amount of increment in your monthly expenses for which your income has not risen to meet. Someone wrote that most of these increases are, aside from the price increase of raw ingredients and materials, more that of rent and operation costs. The person went on to argue that more than 60% of rented properties belong to HDB, URA and other government linked organisations, can the authorities take a closer look at the state of affairs on the ground to see the hardships that are being caused as a result of this trickle down effect all these high overheads and yearly good-pat-in-the-back profit reports? The irony of it all is that we can clearly see all this profits are derived at the expense of a brutal drive for profits at every level of the game including cutbacks in key operations and maintenance of public conveniences such as transports and for example public waterworks and drainage. I think in the years to come, more native Singaporeans will have to seriously consider finding another place to call their home and live out their golden years. How else can your pittance savings last you especially if you have been displaced by FTs who are being brought in indiscriminately by the truckloads and also the high elder healthcare and other related living expenses? Ministers who make more than $120K a month not inclusive their fat bonuses cannot understand this and at most do lip service solving of problems without the drive or competency to get down to the root of the problem to better the lives of the people. Someone said it very aptly when he commented that if you make more than $1 million a year, you are disconnected with the people and the problems the man in the street faces. The rich only take care of themselves while the poor struggles to just put bread on the table, such is the disparity of life. Quite sad and make it sickening really to watch ceremonies when they come on stage to give useless thesis quality speeches and awards to each other for a job allegedly well done.
  2. http://www.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?927...eastern-sinkies i like the reply from "robert half at post #4"
  3. Hi all, Could be many find it very tough to make a decision or we have many Singaporean who can't find job in Singapore and have to work in overseas and no longer interested in politic? Regards,
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuEEZk22TqE...embedded#at=330 [thumbsup]
  5. Bros here's my personal and final take on the issues at hand. 1) Pres1dent gets 30% increment but we are promised 30% over 10YEARS. Will the ministars be getting increments soon I wonder? 2) we were promised floods happened once in 50 years but in the end the heavens opened up to make them swallow their words. 3) overcrowding was apparently unforeseen , but many of us here saw it coming way in advance. Does that mean that there are better people with even greater foresight who would have handled this differently? Didn't they also now say that more would be coming? 4) HDB prices are really sky-high but we are told that it's very affordable, so much so that they are thinking of increasing the salary ceiling to 10k. 5) we are told that TPL has got what it takes to serve but then we must give her time to learn? On the job learning at whose expense I wonder? 6) we have lots of poor in our midst but then we are asked if we want 3 meals in a hawker centre just because of a request of a buck a day? Where is the compassion? 7) health care is really affordable if u need to pay 8 bucks for a heart operation, but how many can afford the additional payment to top up the insurance payment which does not come cheap. There are people that earn 400 a month who can't afford even 80 for their kids tuition fees. 8) our kids have to compete with FT for place in schools and we have to pay through our noses for tuition just to keep pace with them. Have u noticed recently who some of the top students are? And then when they finish school they have to fight for a job with FTs as competitors. 9) I'm not even gonna talk about our limping convict. So that's the end of my rant. I hope when tomorrow comes it will be a new era and then I can start repenting for the next 5 years. So long people and remember to VOTE WISELY. This could be our last chance where we as native SGPOREANS still outnumber the FTs. I'm not sure if it will be like this come 2016. So make your vote COUNT. Cheers and see you on Sunday. HAPPY POLLING FOR A NEW DAWN.
  6. no offence to rest of speaker but they (above) relates to young voters..
  7. Guys, watch this... I shed a tear at the part when Nicole said "When the people are suferring, where were you (PAP)?"
  8. S_pore_elections_by_Nomura_29_April_2011.pdf Come writers and critics, who prophesize with your pen And keep your eyes wide the chance won't come again And don't speak too soon, For the wheel's still in spin And there's no tellin' who That it's namin'. For the loser now Will be later to win For the times they are a-changin'. Bob Dylan
  9. My dear brothers and sisters, As we approach the 2011 General Election, I wanted to share with you my thoughts on the relationship between Church and State and highlight to you the importance of taking an active role in the political process. When Jesus returned to Jerusalem, he was greeted first by adoring crowds waving palm branches, and then, as we know, the mood turned. People became suspicious of this Man who was speaking against the establishment. When he was asked, hypocritically, by some Pharisees whether it is lawful to pay taxes, Jesus referred to a coin with the image of Caesar on it and said, "Give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God" (Mk 12:17). This witty answer helped Jesus walk the line between politics and religion. His words express eloquently the legitimate autonomy and respect that religion and politics must always maintain. Church and State have distinctive roles, but they share one mutual goal: the pursuit of the common good of society. Values promoted by the Church, such as honesty, integrity, love and respect for the human person, represent the founding principles of good citizenship in a democratic society. Thus, by remaining true to his/her faith, the Christian citizen acts responsibly in the social community. When considering the issues and the candidates that will represent us in the upcoming election, we as Catholics must reflect on our duty to use our free vote to further the common good while remaining true to the Christian values that Jesus has taught us. Human rights and the dignity of the human person must be respected. We must also ensure that the poor, the elderly and the marginalised in our society are cared for. Finally, we must protect the beautiful world that God has given us by addressing the impact that our actions have on the environment. The right to vote is one of the founding principles of a democracy. Each one of us has a voice and can make a difference in the world in which we live through our choices in the election process. Each vote is significant. As we embrace this Easter season, a season of joy and new life, I encourage all of you, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, to exercise your vote carefully and thoughtfully, in respect of the compatibility between your Catholic values and the common good of Singaporeans. Yours in Christ, Archbishop Nicholas Chia
  10. I have received quite of few creative and funny stuff via my emails. Let's put all of these together and have a light moment: Recently, my white MP, nok on my door, and very kek ki.. Say 'I've worked so hard, so vote for me', 'Or rubbish won't be cleared, in your vicinty'... I said 'Dear MP of my GRC', 'Dun remember u, so please pardon me'.. 'I only saw you on TV', 'Dozing off and jiak liao bee'.. Last GE I voted for thee, 2% up in GST.. Cut CPF and up utility, Are still very clear in my memory.. 5 years later, then you come to me, Fresh from your slumber of ivory.. Say that only, you can help me, Escape from a life of poverty.. Just take a drive on CTE, Count the number, of all the gantries.. Or squeeze a ride on the MRT, That has not been cleared for me My life since the last GE, Has been downhill though I voted PAP.. If I vote the same for your sleeping spree, I can expect the same misery... So! this time round, I vote for somebody, Who will kachiao you, to productivity.. Forms fill wrong, no big deal to me, If there's someone to speak up for ah bee.. So dear MP of GRC, If life no improve, vote u cho simi?
  11. Shull

    GE2011 Manifesto

    First, i have to admit that i'm not the biggest fan of PAP, but for once, let's be impartial and view their manifesto from a neutral point of view. Let's be fair, for once and give every party equal chance. Please, if you have the time to spare, just take 3-4 mins to read thru each party's manifesto. WP might need about 5-10mins. PAP (~15 pages): http://www.pap.org.sg/ge2011incl/manifesto2011eng.pdf WP (63 pages): Key highlights - http://wp.sg/wpge/manifesto/key-highlights/ | Full Manifesto - http://wp.sg/wpge/manifesto/ NSP (13 pages): http://www.scribd.com/doc/53562332/Nationa...-Manifesto-2011 SDP: http://yoursdp.org/index.php/the-party/our-manifesto RP: http://www.thereformparty.net/voting-rp/election-manifesto/ SPP: http://www.spp.org.sg/?p=196
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