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Found 8 results

  1. Wind30

    Sdp pofma case

    https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/pofma-challenge-sdp-mom-pmet-agc-judge-verdict-court-12273078 I think this specific case require a separate thread as I really think sdp case is strong. This should be a landmark court case that every singaporean who values freedom of speech should follow. mom is arguing as Long as they can prove one interpretation of your post is false, they can shut you up. I don’t want to live in North Korea. I hope the judge clarifies the law. If the law is so over reaching, I know exactly who to vote for. ps, I not sdp supporter. I think 90% of their suggested policies on their websites are populist destructive policies.
  2. Singapore ranked 27th Worst in the latest Press Freedom listings... They were narrowly beaten to 26th spot by Libya where 7 Journalists were murdered and 37 kidnapped. This is the highest position that Singapore has ever achieved in the "Worst Press Freedom" listings....
  3. Open ended question. Inspired by the recent Jumanji movie and the Sims game. What video game do you related your life with? Or what game character do you related yourself to? How would you play this game if you have an alternative choice? What powers and abilities and weakness you think you should have to make you stronger? Discuss.
  4. some time better keep the opinion to yourself, especially regarding politic of other people.
  5. The problem is the so-called freedom of speech under their Bill of Rights which Mr Mencher and his fellow Americans enjoy gives them unfettered right to say or advocate almost anything, some of which are leading to adverse outcomes such as anger, protests and violence outside their state boundary. What if one day some rogue nation enacts a bill giving their folks the right to slab, kick or spit on Americans? How? But I guess this Bill of Rights is enshrined inside their Constitution which their leaders and citizens will vigorously protect to the end and thus the rest of the world will have to live with it whether we like it or not. From ST Forum: http://www.straitstimes.com/premium/forum-...the-us-20120927 Freedom of speech is fundamental in the US Published on Sep 27 As an American, I would like to comment on last Saturday's editorial ("Stand firm against bigotry and violence") about the United States' freedom of speech laws. There is debate in the US about what should be allowed to be said, but freedom of speech is fundamental. It is listed first in the Bill of Rights, part of our Constitution. Legally protected freedom of speech (including hate speech) has persisted over the centuries, because it underpins the American marketplace of ideas. Even constraining only the most extreme speech raises real fears that "extreme" will come to mean whatever the most sensitive groups want it to mean. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr said in a 1919 opinion: "The best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market... I think that we should be eternally vigilant against attempts to check the expression of opinions that we loathe and believe to be fraught with death..." The US is among a small minority of nations in allowing such unfettered freedom of speech. And while that freedom has serious and real consequences, it is worth remembering that the nation emphatically preserves it and its benefits after great consideration, and acknowledging the costs, from its own perspective in the world. While many may call for laws restraining free speech in the US, it is very unlikely to change to the degree those offended would like, if at all. An undisputed way to stop ignorance from violently responding to ignorance is through what the editorial indirectly suggests - better education. That is something we can all agree on without reservation. Justin Mencher
  6. he is a very captivating speaker
  7. Source: Freedom of Speech The free speech rights of a married couple are under attack in Singapore. Ong Kian Cheong and his wife Dorothy Chan Hien Leng are on trial for allegedly distributing anti-Muslim tracts by comic creator Jack Chick. According to The Straits Times, Farhati Ahmad, Irwan Ariffin and Isa Raffee, all of whom are Muslim, filed police reports after receiving by mail the comic booklets The Little Brideand Who is Allah? from Chick Publications. Farhati Ahmad says she received The Little Bride through the mail March 6, 2007 and made an official complaint the same day. She claims the booklet aims to insult and confuse Muslims and perpetuate Islamaphobia. Ong Kian Cheong and Dorothy Chan Hien Leng are being tried under Singapore's Sedition Act and Undesirable Publications Act. The charges allege the comic publications promote feelings of ill-will and hostility between Christians and Muslims in Singapore. For nearly four decades professional artist Jack Chick has written and published hundreds of comic tracts in multiple languages to promote his particular brand of Christianity, with hundreds of millions of copies distributed worldwide. kHis hatred for Catholics, Jehovah
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