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Found 11 results

  1. http://www.mytransport.sg/content/mytransp...s_&_Figures Also can see Attached According to the facts and figure, 2015 will have 115,335 COE expired, while 2014 will have 87,554 COE expired. Copy_of_Age_Distribution_of_Motor_Vehicle.xls
  2. Every time I see people driving nice cars, I wonder how much they earn to afford such nice machines? Let's say Mr Driver drives a $400k car, most likely he has more than one car, his other car may worth say another $180k. At the same time, being able to afford the cars, he is unlikely to live in a 2-room HDB flat, more likely at least a place worth say $1m to be very very conservative. Let's say he has only one property, though unlikely. For the purpose of simplifying the calculation, let's say he manages to arrange full loans for his cars and property, and stretches his loans to max repayment periods, he's likely to be paying about $13k monthly combined installment. (maybe some bros can check / correct this figure to make it as realistic as possible?) ..... Assuming car loans:- 6-yr, housing loan:- 20-yr Let's say he spend about $1k on rdtx, petrol, insur etc per month, another say $3k on daily expenses eg food, cloths, etc etc.... This is quite a tight budget for some singles. Total:- 13 + 1 + 3 = 17 k Assuming he saves 5% of his earning, he will needs to earn $17k x 1.05 = approx $18k per month Is this figure close to what some mcf bros are earning when they are/were single and owning cars + property as Mr Driver?
  3. Hii, Out of curiosity, can anybody here enlighten me on tis? Looking @ COE figures for motorcars is about 80% of the car price, juz wondering wat is motorbike's COE based on. Was thinking its only a small fraction of the bike's price, y izzit not also about 80% of bike's price.
  4. Hi brudders, did some sums on my FC today while filling up. Took the reading from the odometer and subtracted the previous one taken. .. Divide this figure by the the number shown on the petrol pump (amount of petrol topped up to full tank) and it was 122/17.8 = 6.85km/l. Shocking!! Is this the way to calculate FC? Time to chuck the spare tyre.
  5. i suppose fann wong and zoe tay are in the 5 figure league. its "think" and "guess" only lah..........i dun have their payslip. which celebrity you think and guess are in this league?
  6. http://www.straitstimes.com/vgn-ext-templa...0000a35010aRCRD If this guy has this device in his car at the time of accident and its recording, I think it will solve all his problem on the spot. I really think this device is a very good investment. http://www.mycarforum.com/index.php?showto...p;#entry2737753 Post 158.
  7. http://gamu-toys.info/sonota/sw/obama/obama.html
  8. Jamie Yeo's blog http://starblog.stomp.com.sg/post.php?blogid=740 I don't think anybody was surprised to read about the findings of the survey that revealed that 64 per cent of NUS students have sex at least once a week. Frankly I was surprised the figure wasn't any higher. And I was surprised that the media has been treating this piece of survey like it's sensational news. Because everyone knows that all this testosterone-driven hanky-panky has been going on for many years at the hostels. I mean, seriously! What do you think goes on when you put a whole bunch of strong, virile, young people together under the same roof? Prayer sessions? Studying?? Let's not kid ourselves. We all remember being 20, curious and bored, don't we? Who am I to come down hard on the students? So what if they sometimes resort to making out in the bathrooms? In fact, I have fond memories of making out in weird places when I was much younger, although I never did in toilets due to my slight OCD (as mentioned in my previous blog). Let's see, there's the basement stairwell at Pacific Plaza, a certain "hidden" bench at Kent Ridge Park, in a parked car at Mount Faber... Okay I must add that my "making out' here isn't actual sex. It's just making out. Which brings me to the point that yes, young people these days are certainly more daring, gung-ho and liberal. And they just keep getting more and more so. But it isn't their fault. Blame it on the media. They're just victims of all the glorified crap that the media throws at us. And of course I'm not going to pretend that these students are all angels. A few of them are just plain tarts, sleeping their way through the student and teacher population, and the rest of the population outside the school. I personally know of a few like that. In fact, I know of a certain famous person who once boasted that back when she was in NUS, she once slept with a lecturer just to get good grades! And this certain person was a student there more than a decade ago! (See? It's been going on for years!) And I know of a male friend of mine who's in his mid thirties who was invited a couple of years ago by a young nubile NUS hottie to her hostel room for a shag. He naturally did not turn the invite down. Oh, I've got more scandalous stories my dears but I don't really want to cause a heart attack in conservatives reading this blog. And for the sake of them conservatives, let's come up with ways to stop the incorrigible behaviour. Get NUS to ban sex in hostels. Infiltrate the campus with a huge cheesy abstinence campaign. Impose strict curfews. Hire chaperones to prowl the corridors at all times. Install CCTVs in all campus toilets. Erm...any other ideas? Because really, nothing can be done to stop two consenting adults from copulating. It's in our basic nature to be drawn to each other sexually. If a person has great discipline or a calling to be celibate that stems from a faith, good for him/her. But if they don't, you can't forbid them to have sex. It's their business and right in this free country of ours. However, what needs to be done is educating them on safe sex and instilling a social and academic responsibility into their conscience, as in there are dire consequences of sex if not undertaken responsibly. I can name a few: Unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, bad grades, broken hearts, etc. Finally, I'll end this blog with a quote taken from the bible: "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone". Enough said.
  9. Try figuring the below out. If still can't, try pulling the corner of the your eyes out to the side and you will figure it out...
  10. In my impression, Honda Stream is a brilliant MPV, but I saw a MCF thread mentioned Toyota Wish achived a very good sale figure from 2006 Jan to Oct[thumbsup], but Honda stream has been phased out from KM list Why does Toyota always defeat Honda in same CAT products?
  11. this might sound really stupid, but i can't for the death of me, figure out how to use the cd changer that came with my newly bought 2nd hand car. it's a sony Xplod series type, the one with the big stupid looking X on the disc changer. don't know the exact model number. thing is, i can't seem to eject the damn tray. i don't see any buttons on the cd-changer. i don't think pressing any button on the head-unit is supposed to pop the tray right? tried feeling the stupid thing inside, outside, almost to the point i nearly wanted to break the stupid thing.... help!!!!
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