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Any difference between aircon flushing and normal aircon servicing? Thanks
Hi All, As most cars here need to have their car brake fluid replace every 2-3 yrs (fluid absorbs moisture and lose braking efficiency) and properly bleed the system (avoid air pockets), let us all contribute some places to go and estimated costs. Brake system is important and safety aspect even more so due to high humidity here in Singapore. Some drivers even change brake fluid every year. Well done guys! With more info, so hoping more drivers will inclined to maintain their brake system whichever part of the island you're at. Cars with ABS system need to be bleed by vacuum method and those without ABS may simply use the leg pump method. Let's contribute : 1) Stamf Tyres = bleed by vacuum method, uses Caltex DOT4 , est $40 (Feb 2011) 2) Yap Bro = by vacuum method, uses Indemitsu DOT 4, est $45-$50 (Feb 2011). 3) 4)
New idea in mortuary science: Dissolving bodies with lye CONCORD, N.H. - Since they first walked the planet, humans have either buried or burned their dead. Now a new option is generating interest
- watch the video. not much text
Any 1 use the liqui moly engine flush b4? now they having a package promotion , 3 in 1 or 3 can. 1:engine flush 2: mos2 anti-frictioin engine treatment 3: fuel injection cleaner any 1 try the above package b4?? its going around for 68 sgd+- package. need some feed back b4 i try it LOL . cheers.
I bought this pre-stone flush and clean from amazon. After a bit of research, flushing 50/50 will sprung a leak from the cooling loop. Not sure should i do it or not. 2009 Avante, not sure whether the previous owner have done any coolant change so decide to do it 1 time,
Only hear people say top up the fluid.. Brake fluid and ATF, differential oil, coolant , engine, even aircon you hear of people flushing the system.
Anyone did aircon flushing before? been to a reputable workshop and was recommend to do aircon flushing to my recently bought 2.5 year old 2nd hand axio. it was claim that the gas was low in the air con and will spoil the compressor (potential 600 SGD damage) if the gas runs out cost quite a bit for the flushing and now comtemplating if this was a wise choice. also they change out my 2 front tyres, experience car owners told me that i should swap the front for the back tyres instead of changing a new set of front tyres. not sure if i was recommended the best choice.. please advise if this is true
Hi i am now on D1 Specs BBK and its time to change brake pads and bleed system I am driving a Lancer EX 2.0 GT. I want to ask if there is any recommendation for a place that do proper brake flushing and VACUUM brake bleeding, the leg method used by many workshop proven to be not very effective as after a few months air entered the brake system again and need to bleed again... I also want to know if any one of you is on the d1 spec caliper and know that is it possible to use better brake pad than the d1 spec one, looking at a better brake pad also but not sure will it fit into my caliper. If inconvenient to post recommended place to do brake flush and brake bleed please pm me as the one thread i have found here is dated 2011 thus dont think accurate anymore. Thanks in advance
- diy not complete yet, went back home to take some tools and also have a drink. will update it ps: a video i found similar to my timing belt change in case u cannot visualize what i am doing
I found slug inside my radiator. High time to do a flush. Possible to DIY? what to take note? Ive not done this before. Search the web and was told some cars also hv drain plugs on the engine tt need to be remove while flushing. Also hv to take not to prevent airlock otherwise may damage engine. Or shd get w/s to flush? how much they usually charge?
Hi All, As above mentioned, any advice ?? TIA........
Hi, thinking of this until I was told but how true is this. I was told that flushing of coolant is not advisable when I went to buy aircon filter at some Bosch dealer. Reason was given was, when you flush coolant, rust/dirt etc comes out and so does the holes! He told me to leave the coolant alone and recommended aircon flush instead. Is this true? I was thinking of flushing the coolant and adding some water wetter. Ride is 3 yrs old, I am new owner (2nd), mileage 72K, make: bobo. Anything I need to note when flushing? Like fluid workshop use? Was recommended aut* dynam*c Appreciate any advise. Thanks.
i 1st used engine flush on my coe car... thought it was good... started to have eo slight leaks... but dont know what was the cause thought it was just the engine being too old... then found out many negetive stuff about engine flushes and told myself never to use it again... even thought i used it on my present car at 40k mileage and now at 80+k mileage there is no signs of any eo leaks... (touch wood)... and now after reading additional info on ppl using eo to flush... flushing oils.... and lately marvel oil in the engine oil.... hmmmmm... engine flush on a 80k mileage normal NA engine... should i or shouldnt i?.......
just did my 30k svc at 25k mileage. AD recommended do engine flush, went ahead with it. after collected car, engine has less restriction n also slight quieter. one word to describe - shiok! not advertising or paid to spread message - just sincere feedback. also gave a bottle of mitsubishi motors fuel system cleaner for use before topping up petrol; used today b4 pumping petrol.
Anyone see something similar in;Number=1537016 Wanted to buy one but cannot find.
I've heard about the Holts radiator coolant/flush (donno which one) that has some sorta fine solid particle inside that's meant to gently scrub away the mineral/rust buildup... anyone has any info on it? And price? Thanks, bro! And sis!
Where in the East to do ATF Flush with good oil & ATF Filter change too? Any recommendation? Price & Oil recommendation to watchout for?
this could be one of the most overlooked area for most car owners... do u flush your radiator by yourself? or do it often?
thanks~~~~ just changed to mintex brake pad .. instead of giving me better respone ... now its giving me those crook crook sound while braking ... i suspect my brake fluid need to be flush and change cause my car is 2 1/2 yr liao and running on 30k already any advice here what could be the problem .?? or shall i do the change of brake fluid anyway ... pretty tight on budget these days cause just lup one exos Lips Are Sealed any recommendation .? thanks in advance
thanks~~~~ just changed to mintex brake pad .. instead of giving me better respone ... now its giving me those crook crook sound while braking ... i suspect my brake fluid need to be flush and change cause my car is 2 1/2 yr liao and running on 30k already any advice here what could be the problem .?? or shall i do the change of brake fluid anyway ... pretty tight on budget these days cause just lup one exos any recommendation .? thanks in advance
sorry for another noob qns. though it's noob but i need some serious feedback. is it necessary to flush coolant and ATF for 40K km servicing? normal drain and fill ok? paisay pai say thanks ya
Hi bros, My car to coming to 60000km soon but have yet to change or flush the ATF. Thinking of doing it at Stamford for $80. Any brothers here have done it at stamford before? Are they using mineral or syn oil ? Thanks Laser
any bros can recommend one that bleed the brake fluid properly and flush the coolant thoroughly?