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Found 17 results

  1. https://www.littledayout.com/psle-math-how-should-students-tackle-difficult-questions-exam-nicklebee-tutors/ PSLE Math: Is It Really That Tough? How Should Students Tackle Difficult Questions In The Exam? Nearly every year, difficult PSLE Math questions spark a furore among students and parents. In 2019, the infamous semi-circle question left many students in tears. In 2021, it was a question about Henry, Ivan and their coins that stumped examinees and made its rounds on the internet. It seems that, in recent years, Math Olympiad-style questions have been appearing in PSLE Math papers with increasing frequency. However, the Ministry of Education maintains that the difficulty level of the PSLE has been kept consistent, with challenging questions capped at 15% yearly. One thing is clear: the PSLE Math paper is not going to get easier. Read More : https://www.littledayout.com/psle-math-how-should-students-tackle-difficult-questions-exam-nicklebee-tutors/
  2. sometimes i wonder.... what is the purpose really? why when US EU etc dont do things this way, yet they are the FT talents here, they make the Nobel Prizes and make the inventions. hell.... even Uptron is considered better in the end. So.... why are we doing this to our children? Bragging rights?
  3. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-31998343 About 300 people have been arrested in the Indian state of Bihar, authorities say, after reports emerged of blatant cheating in school exams. Parents and friends of students were photographed climbing school walls to pass on answers. Many of those arrested were parents. At least 750 students have been expelled. An estimated 1.4m students are taking their school leaving exams in Bihar alone - tests seen as crucial for their chances of a successful career. The authorities have clearly been embarrassed by the cheating, the BBC's Jill McGivering says, with the episode prompting ridicule on social media. Students were seen copying answers from smuggled-in note sheets, and police posted outside test centres were even seen being bribed to look the other way. Here's how to cheat: ...and they are probably coming here as FT.
  4. Ask you guys on something. If there a exam coming up with this scenario. What would you guys choose. 1) Logistics exam subject with 8 topics. 2) Leaturer study notes is for reference nia. Self study is the culture. 3) Exam in 3 weeks time. 6 Q choose 4. 3 hours. Close book. 4) Leaturer presented a list 20 exam questions for students to nego. Questions difficulty level is about the same. 5) Voting and bargaining ended in agreement on "2" + "6". 6) "2" = confirm exam questions but very strict marking. Minimum 5 pages (i assume is 1000 words?) and have have very good substance just to pass. The bar will be set very high. 7) "6" = not so confirm exam questions Bcos only 4 will come out. Less strict marking and good chance for scoring. Standard 3-5 pages nia. Bearing in mind, the answers cannot be found in the study notes. Only through self study via books, articles, white papers, magazines, internet sources etc etc. Hence gathering the answers will be another set of challenge. What kind of options will one choose ? Im thinking of dropping the "2" and go for the "6" instead. The "2" + "(4 out of 6)" looks good but im skepitcal. Both sets are preparing 6 questions to tackle 4 questions. What would u choose ? Any other formations with explaination will be appreciated.
  5. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/a-level-chemistry-exam-papers-stolen-238-students-from-4-jcs-9984934 Long article, which i only quote a bit here. Now worried about being sued for reproducing full articles, so pls click the link and read in full... Surprised to read this, and also that it's not the first time exams scripts are stolen. This time, the affect students can choose to accept a grade that was calculated/projected by SEAB, or to retake the paper. The higher mark will be used... My kids are now in sec school... Just wondering if so suay kanna such thing, what should the students do or what should we as parents, advise our kids to do...
  6. dun play play i think the technology that these cheaters use are more high tech than mission impossible
  7. what the f*%& is this....... http://edvantage.com.sg/edvantage/schoops/...aminations.html Furious parent questions if this is how the school 'prepares' students for exams. A group of Primary Six students were left waiting in the rain just before their PSLE oral examinations on Aug 20, leaving at least one parent fuming. They were locked out of school and according to a contributor to STOMP, the security guard refused to let them in even though it was raining heavily. The contributor, Teow, described the incident in an email: "My daughter is a pupil of Boon Lay Garden Primary School, who is sitting for her PSLE oral examination this morning. "She was told to report to the school before 9.30am to sit for her exam. As my wife and I had to go to work, I arranged for my brother-in-law to send her to school this morning. "Since my daughter told us that they had to wait outside the gate until their allocated time, I thought the school will make alternative arrangements as it is was raining quite heavily. "But when my brother-in-law reached there around 9am with my daughter, he was surprised to see that there were a lot of PSLE pupils waiting outside the gate in the rain. "He spoke to the school's security officer to let the pupils into the school and wait at the covered link-way since it is was raining so heavily.
  8. AROUND 2,000 degree and diploma students who sat a statistics exam at the Singapore Expo on May 7 will have to take it again because of a mistake. The two-hour paper - set by the University of London (UOL) - did not contain the statistical tables needed for answering the questions. The students from various tertiary institutes here, including the Singapore Institute of Management (SIM), were expected to answer eight questions in all. But with the tables missing, some parts of the questions could not be completed. The UOL e-mailed the affected students last Friday to apologise and said it would "commence a detailed deliberation of the assessment" for the subject and the impact the missing tables caused before marking. However, students received another e-mail yesterday informing them of the retest. Signed off by Mr Timothy Wade, associate director of assessment and awards for the UOL's international programmes, it said the exam had been "declared null and void". He added that the university had reviewed the situation and found that the first paper was "flawed" and "does not provide a fair test of candidates' abilities and proficiency in this course". Students can take a retest on either May 28 or June 3 and will not have to pay a separate exam fee. Those unable to make the two dates will have to take the exam next May, the e-mail said. Mr Wade added the university is "sorry that the delivery of the examination service has failed on this occasion". He said it will also review its procedures surrounding the production of exam papers, to ensure the error does not recur. The UOL told The Straits Times yesterday that it was acting "in the best interest of both its students and the integrity of its academic award" in calling for a retest. SIM, where most of the affected students are from, will also render help, such as holding optional revision classes. The module is compulsory for a number of UOL courses, including banking and finance, and business and management. UOL programmes are also offered at institutes such as PSB Academy. Second-year business and management student Ellen Chan, 21, is upset at having to retake the test. "Now we have to study for the paper again and I've already made holiday plans," said Ms Chan, who will return before the May 28 test. "I don't understand how the tables got left out. Why didn't anyone check the papers?" But banking and finance student Aizat Guan, 24, said the retest "is another chance... to complete the paper". He added: "I wasn't satisfied after sitting the first exam, as I couldn't complete it without the tables." In 2007, the UOL erroneously set a sociology exam paper with only six questions instead of eight. http://www.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/education/story/2000-students-retake-exam-after-slip-20150515
  9. Anyone can recommend a good training centre here to prepare for the GRE? Many thanks.
  10. I passed the exam - now I get a refund. Happy happy joy joy - I have two certificates as well
  11. Read in the news and I definitely agree with it. Most, if not all, Insurance agents are scums of the lower caste of the earth. Freaking busturds. They are farking uneducated and they handle your $$$. I rather put it in a tin can and give to charity. 4 farking 'o' levels and you sell life plans? Damn, they are even lower than car salesman! I support this move and eradicate the scums totally
  12. http://sg.news.yahoo.com/cna/20091014/tap-...pi-231650b.html SEAB says PSLE Chinese Paper was fair to pupils http://sg.rd.yahoo.com/partners/channelnew...elnewsasia.com/ Channel NewsAsia - Thursday, October 15 SINGAPORE: The Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board (SEAB) said it has in place a process to ensure all examination questions are carefully set and vetted
  13. Sci10213

    GMAT exam

    Hi Anyone taking / taken the exam this year? I have booked a slot in Dec 2009 How do you people prepare for it? Just practise the guides? any good ones to recommend? becos in the market there are many publishers... nt sure which is good...
  14. anyone drove there for the june exam? how was it? the parking? preferably reach before what time to get a lot?
  15. http://www.straitstimes.com/Latest%2BNews/...ory_259262.html July 19, 2008 Teacher, student hit with a hammer and spanner JOHOR BARU - STUDENTS watched in horror as their teacher and a classmate were repeatedly assaulted with a hammer and spanner during an examination in a classroom. The incident at a top Chinese school here resulted in the student and teacher suffering multiple head injuries. They were both rushed to the Sultanah Aminah Hospital for treatment. The attack is believed to have been sparked by a misunderstanding a few days ago when the victim allegedly called the assailant 'useless'. The drama unfolded at 1.30pm yesterday during a Chinese language exam for 50 Form Two students. The 17-year-old assailant, also a student at the school, rushed into the classroom armed with a small hammer and spanner and started hitting the 15-year-old victim on the head. The teacher, only known as Seng, said that she happened to be near the victim at that time and rushed to protect him when she was also hit with the hammer above her right eye. Seng said that she and her student were bleeding profusely. 'There was blood everywhere,' she said, adding that she ran to the discipline teacher's room to report the matter. Both Seng and the student received several stitches at the hospital. According to the injured student's cousin, electrician Lee Boon Huat, 44, the misunderstanding stemmed from a small argument between the victim and another boy. The student's parents declined to comment on the matter, saying that their son was now recovering from the attack. State CID chief Senior Asst Comm II Amer Awal confirmed the attack and that a Form Five student was handed over to the police by school authorities. -- NST ------------------------------
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