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  1. when i saw this in my email. i din know to laugh of cry.... unbelieveable...... read and enjoy the fun! --------------------------------------------------------------- FROM THE DESK OF THE MANAGER NOKIA N'SERIES PROMOTION TRANS-ATLANTIC S.A LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM We are delighted to inform you of your prize release on the 22Th December, 2007 from the NOKIA 'N' SERIES END OF YEAR PROGRAM. Your e-mail was attached to ticket number 1110008342, serial number 6028808. This batch draws the lucky numbers as follows 4-13-7-37-1 bonus number 20, which consequently won the lottery in the First category. You hereby have been approved a lump sum of GBP
  2. Which is a reliable and not-so-expensive company that can provide such service? Anyone?
  3. MS Outlook is down since late morning and no more email, can shake leg and can't do work. Anyone drinking coffee now... 😂 Many unable to send or receive e-mails due to Microsoft Outlook outage https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/microsoft-outlook-experiences-outage-users-report-failure-to-send-or-receive-e-mails SINGAPORE - Users of Microsoft Outlook found themselves unable to send or receive e-mails on Tuesday, amid an outage of the service. According to outage tracking website downdetector.com, problems with the service were first detected at around 12pm in Singapore. It is currently unclear how many users are affected, although many have taken to social media to highlight their inability to send and receive e-mails through the service. On its website, Microsoft said it was investigating a potential issue, with reports of problems accessing Outlook.com. It said it had identified a recent change that “may be causing issues with send, receive, or e-mail search”, and was working to restore access to the service. As at 1.26pm, the tech giant said the issue mainly affected users located in the North American region. In an update at 3pm, Microsoft said those in other regions may also be impacted, due to affected infrastructure in North America. However, there has been gradual improvement for these users, and the company is carrying out targeted operations to restore service. The latest outage comes after a similar one on Jan 25, when users found themselves unable to access several Microsoft 365 services – with many of the affected apps being an integral part of operations for schools and businesses.
  4. Dear all, Just wondering is there any good All-In-One Laser printer that is .. - Network-able - Scan to pdf/email - Receive fax as pdf/email Thanks for feedback ...
  5. The email in my iPhone and iPad is not showing the attachment but my Macbook is. Anyhow know what's wrong? By the way its a gmail account.
  6. Luckcent

    Email address

    Hi Bros.... Anyone knows the email address of the sales manager at Starhub ? TIA
  7. I received an email like this this morning... enterprising? ------------- ADV> Singapore Email Database For Sales Inboxx EDM Singapore <removed gmail account> 11:20 AM (23 hours ago) to "Undisclosed-R. This message may not have been sent by: <removed gmail account> Learn more Report phishing Launching latest release of Singapore Database! Email Database For Sales 5000 Emails $70 10000 Emails $135 30000 Emails $390 (26% off, $290 for 6 month version) 50000 Emails $600 (38% off, $380 for 6 month version) Pre-Released 80000 Emails $880, NOW $650 Special Festival Price! We also provide EDM services as well. Free yourself from this tedious work! <<website removed>>
  8. Dear gurus i have a imap account Gmail, and a singnet account (pop3) in mail app across several iOS devices. whenever i delete an email on my phone, my iPad still gets the same deleted e-mail that i have deleted. so does my mac as well. is there a way to "sync" across this deletion through out the devices that i have?
  9. Krieger

    URA CEO email

    Guys anyone knows the email of the CEO? Need to bring up an issue on the re-construction of my house. Thank you.
  10. Hi all, Just found this email in my junk email.. anyone also receive this? To our COTY contest prize winners, Here is a reminder to claim your COTY Contest prizes before the 31st of March 2014. Please come down to our office for roughly 10 minutes from Mondays to Fridays ONLY, and give me a call before coming down, to ensure I'm at the office. Bring your IC/ driving id along as well and do note - any unclaimed prizes will be forfeited. Our address is: SGCM Pte. Ltd. 61 Ubi Ave 2 Automobile Megamart #07-06 S(408898)
  11. does any one have the email contact of HSBC Singapore senior members, who i can drop a complaint note to? They have been taking so long (3 mths) to follow up on my query relating to my HSBC Revo Sign-up rebate. Told me they will call me back, but never do. One CSO told me one thing, another told me another. I am not sure if droppinng a feedback on the HSBC site will be useful or not, hence i thought going through senior mgt team will find a faster resolution. If youu have it, don mind pls PM me on the contacts? thank you very much.
  12. Anyone encounters colleague who did that before? i used to work in a MNC and received an email from australian engineer who massed email his greviance and grudges with the coy to everyone globally. my fren said he also received such emails before.
  13. My wife reced this email last week supposedly from his company supplier. She thought it is real but luckily she replied saying that she doesnt have the money. Only today when the supplier came and when asked, he told my wife that he did not emailed her and that was a SCAM. He believed that his email was being HACKED. "I'm writing this with tears in my eyes. I came down here Spain, Madrid for a short vacation to visit a resort and got mugged at gun point last nite at the hotel where I lodged. All cash, credit card, cell were stolen off me. I've been to the Spain Embassy and the Police here but they're not helping issues at all. My return flight leaves tomorrow and I have problems settling the hotel bills. The hotel manager wont let us leave until we settle the hotel bills which is 1500 Euro or anything that you can afford now. I am totally freaked out. Please reply back and let me know if you are able to help out so that I can give necessary details. You will need to get to me via Western Union money transfer. I promise to pay you back as soon as I get home. Koh XXX XXX (Real Name)
  14. By Farhan Shah from Yahoo!News: On average, 294 billion emails are sent every day. That
  15. Apparently can..... http://news.cnet.com/8301-17852_3-57359259...-law/?tag=rtcol
  16. The Holy Email The other day God was looking down at Earth and saw all of the wicked Behavior going on... He sent one of his angels to earth to look into it. When the angel returned, he told God, "Yes, it is bad on earth; 95% are misbehaving and only 5% are not." God was not pleased so he decided to e-mail the 5% that were good, because he wanted to encourage them and give them a little something to help keep them going... Do you know what the e-mail said? NO? Okay, I was just wondering because I didn't get one either.
  17. Anybody got similar problem with difficulty in receiving email after upgrading Yahoo email service thanks
  18. Csnewbie


    received an email... knn pls donate to charity. [mad]
  19. Need help on account setting. With the old version i can set the account so that all email after upload still remains in my hosting server but not possible with version 6. Anyone out there has any idea how to overcome this small problem. TIA
  20. i got it in my Email.. Disclaimer: I do not know if all these are true or not.. since its circulated in email, take it with a pinch of salt.. and read for entertainment sake? :p Subject: Tan Jee Say ( tjs ) is GOD ?? Tan Jee Say is GOD By TheRealTruth 15 August 2011 Dear Fellow Singaporeans In the interest of transparency and in the spirit of being the voice of conscience, this is to correct the false impression that is conveyed in the Sunday Times article about Tan Jee Say (tjs). Tjs has no moral righteousness, compass or anchor and blows where the winds of opportunity takes him. He quit the government when it became apparent that he would not become permanent secretary. After quitting the government, he first joined Morgan Grenfell, then Peregrine Bank, Standard Chartered Bank and finally AIB Govett. When Morgan Grenfell came knocking, tjs jumped at the chance. He promised them to bring in much monies from the Malaysian conglomerates which he came into contact with during his tenure at the Ministry of Trade & Industry. His results at Morgan Grenfell speak for themselves, tjs did not deliver the monies and his peers soon found that he was a light weight load of hot air. His stay at Peregrine Bank was just as short lived. In fact, he had a contributory role in Bank Peregrine’s eventual demise. His poor judgement, resulted in his failure to dispense proper advice that the investment into an Indonesian concern was not viable. Tjs, the person responsible failed to do appropriate due diligence. Peregrine's subsequent bankruptcy saw him packing his bags again. At AIB Govett, it was reported that his strength was in policy making. This firm collapsed whilst others survived. Obviously tjs’s policies were wrong. This forebodes poorly on the potential for tjs to be EP as at every employment stop he has demonstrated poor judgement. Translate this into safeguarding our nation’s reserves and it will result in disastrous consequences. Tjs’s next stops at Standard Chartered Bank and Hi Green is also empty of significant contributions. He was forced out of Standard Chartered by his Indian FT boss. His claim to be ‘not a lavish man’ is a distortion of the truth. In his ‘high flying’ years, tjs openly boasted that his income tax contributions were higher than an average man’s annual income. Tjs aspired to the lifestyle of his successful PAP friends and his banking colleagues. Tjs had his fair share of thoughts about redeveloping his Frankel Avenue house into a mansion. It is obvious that tjs squandered his wealth on ill conceived and dubious ventures in his empty years. If tjs had prudently invested his wealth, he would be fairly well off. This can be verified by any banker. 2006 till present, tjs was unemployable as by that time the banking industry had seen tjs for what he was, no substance and only hot air. Let the people exam tjs’s empty years for themselves. And these were indeed empty as he was trying to chase his ‘China make money’ dream backed up by the casual connections made when he accompanied government officials in China state visits earlier. There was also an abortive attempt at marketing Chinese breast enhancement drug treatments in Singapore. Not surprisingly, it failed. His attempt to provide training of bank personnel also failed as tjs could not deliver what he promised. Acquiring a certificate in Islamic finance, he tried to hawk his credentials as an Islamic finance adviser. Predictably this flopped too. Tjs is a serial failure after quitting the government. There is also an erroneous reporting that Tjs’s wife was an investment banker. This is inaccurate. Pls verify for yourself which investment bank she was employed under. In fact, Mrs tjs abused her position when she was with their 4th child. NTUC Income would not grant her paid maternity leave so she took unpaid leave but traded on her information from the NTUC Income equity positions she managed to make money for herself. In what ever manner one looks at this, this is a conflict of interest. Tjs’s selective use of reality makes him dangerous to Singapore. Reporting that tjs is an independent candidate is also erroneous. He was brought up through the PAP system and for a time worked within the system when he was PPS to DPM GOH. In truth, tjs is a rogue PAP onion setting his own agenda to revenge the wrong that he perceives the PAP had done to him under the disguise of public interest. Tjs cannot claim to be a people’s man and have the Singaporeans’ interest at heart. For those who know tjs, he thinks highly of himself, is full of airs, highly opinionated, talks down to people. No way can Tjs be Singapore’s President Closing factories, moving workers to Batam, disbanding Temasek Holdings, closing casinos, draw $60 billion from reserves to finance his hare brained schemes, etc all came from his lips. Has he seriously thought through what he is proposing, or is he just shooting from the hips to rouse mob hysteria. His endorsement by Chee Soon Juan and his EP campaign being financed by SDP make him beholden to Chee Soon Juan, and thereby a SDP spokesman, and not representative of all Singaporeans. I feel that tjs does not have ALL SINGAPOREANS' interest at heart; tjs has an axe to grind with the PAP because he is disgruntled that his dreams of higher government office was not realized. This is very dangerous and a threat to our country’s stability and because of this I feel strongly to disclose what I have discovered about tjs so that the TRUTH be correctly reported. Best regards TheRealTruth
  21. I received this in my email, anyone else received this? It came with 2 attachments --- On Wed, 30/3/11, earl grey <[email protected]> wrote: From: earl grey <[email protected]> Subject: Pls circulate - How can Singaporeans contribute in the upcoming General Election ? To: Date: Wednesday, 30 March, 2011, 10:18 AM Dear Fellow Singaporeans, General Election is scheduled in May/ Jun 2011. You can participate and contribute in the upcoming General Election by doing the following - (A) Be a Party Candidate, Member or Volunteer Our Alternative Parties are recruiting Singaporeans who are patriotic/ passionate and willing to come forward to serve our people as Candidates. Members and Volunteers in this coming General Election. Interested Singaporeans can read / approach the Alternative Parties in the below web links. 1) RP election manifesto http://votingrp.wordpress.com/about/ http://www.temasekreview.com/2010/11/29/wh...n-rp-candidate/ 2) SDP election manifesto http://www.yoursdp.org/index.php/the-party/our-manifesto 3) SPP election manifesto http://www.spp.org.sg/manifesto.php 4) WP election manifesto http://wp.sg/manifesto/ 5) NSP election manifesto http://www.nsp.sg/ 6) Singapore Malay National Organisation election manifesto http://www.pkms.org/ http://singaporemalaynationalorganisation.blogspot.com/ 7) Socialist Front election manifesto http://www.socialistfront.org/the-socialism-ideology/ (B) Be an Opposition Supporter help in the OUTREACH CAMPAIGN Create public awareness and educate our people the problems we are facing, the need for change and the need for Multi Party system. Pls download this self explanatory and comprehensive article DETAIL VERSION and help to distribute to people / strangers around you to get more Opposition Votes http://www.temasekreview.com/2010/10/27/an...n-in-singapore/ Other articles to read http://www.temasekreview.com/2010/11/01/li...at-im-defending anymore/ http://www.temasekreview.com/2010/10/30/sm...long-over-here/ MCYS spend $10 million immigrants integration fund to welcome Foreigners to Singapore but only spend $3 million to help the local poor and needy. MCYS $10 million immigrants integration fund http://news.asiaone.com/News/AsiaOne+News/...113-191488.html CDC $3 million to help the poor and needy Singaporeans http://www.temasekreview.com/2010/10/22/th...north-east-cdc/ PAP increase foreigners salary bar will not stop Companies from hiring more foreigners. Minimum wage for Foreigners not Singaporeans http://www.temasekreview.com/2011/03/11/mi...ot-singaporean/ http://www.temasekreview.com/2011/03/10/ep...s-to-be-raised/ Listed company HIRE New Immigrants http://www.temasekreview.com/2011/02/21/li...ecruitment-ads/ New Immigrants HIRE their kind http://www.temasekreview.com/2011/03/12/ko...citizens-or-pr/ http://www.temasekreview.com/2011/03/14/pr...er-singaporean/ Malaysian born hiring manager recruiting Malaysian degree holders http://www.jobstreet.com.sg/jobs/2011/3/de...512857.htm?fr=J Eg - Companies HIRE foreigners (Malaysians) http://sg.jobsdb.com/SG/EN/Search/JobAdSin...389250&sr=1 http://sg.jobsdb.com/SG/EN/Search/JobAdSin...389278&sr=1 http://sg.jobsdb.com/SG/EN/Search/JobAdSin...389265&sr=1 http://sg.jobsdb.com/SG/EN/Search/JobAdSin...387924&sr=1 http://sg.jobsdb.com/SG/EN/Search/JobAdSin...388484&sr=1 Listen how the ungrateful New Immigrants "INSULT" Native Singaporeans http://www.temasekreview.com/2011/03/15/10...-for-filipinos/ http://www.temasekreview.com/2011/03/19/fi...s-for-filipinos PAP Ministers/ MPs holding multiple directorships (conflict of interests) http://www.temasekreview.com/2010/12/30/mo...-directorships/ http://www.temasekreview.com/2010/12/24/nu...pointments-too/ PAP high pay packages http://www.temasekreview.com/2011/03/11/pr...increase-by-26/ http://www.temasekreview.com/2011/03/19/ha...isterial-wages/ http://www.temasekreview.com/2011/03/17/80...for-themselves/ Feedback on PAP New Candidates http://www.temasekreview.com/2011/03/16/fo...some-bold-talk/ http://www.temasekreview.com/2011/03/21/pa...ick-succession/ http://www.temasekreview.com/2011/03/22/dp...-you-can-trust/ http://www.temasekreview.com/2011/03/23/na...99s-sufferings/ http://www.temasekreview.com/2011/03/29/the-peril-of-youth/ http://www.temasekreview.com/2011/03/29/ms...vate-secretary/ http://www.temasekreview.com/2011/03/27/po...e2%80%99-money/ http://www.temasekreview.com/2011/03/27/%e...b9%8b%e8%af%8d/ http://www.temasekreview.com/2011/03/27/pm...ng-term-future/ Open letter to Native Singaporeans = PAP broken promise Who will DIE for Singapore in a crisis ? Native Singaporeans or New Immigrants ? http://www.temasekreview.com/2011/03/18/du...ays-who-leaves/ SPOIL VOTE = VOTE FOR PAP http://www.temasekreview.com/2011/01/13/to...poil-your-vote/ Pls read below methods of Reaching Out to more Singaporeans. http://www.temasekreview.com/2010/12/02/in...rship-in-spore/ © Email your Wish List (desires, problems, ideas, suggestions to improve your lives, estates etc) to our Oppositions . Feel free to email your wish list to our Oppositions or the contesting Opposition in your constituency so that they can help to fulfil your wishes. Kindly share this email with people/ strangers around you. Together we can make a difference to our lives and make Singapore a better place for all Singaporeans ! Thanks
  22. Hi all, i know some here knows where to find big shot email addresses.... so i would like to know General Manager for NTUC income (not that big shot) Want to comprain
  23. was updating some info and email config and I just realised that i got 682 profile views..... wow... still prefer the old way that the forum sends email notification to you only if someone posts a reply to your comments. apparently it dosent work this way now..... now my email is flooding with emails notifications from threads that i've posted in... haiz hope it can go back to the old notification method
  24. hello comrades, Received this email scam recently. Have read one of such where the conman was taken for a ride & had even gone to the extent of getting himself tattooed Maybe can someone reply to them that we believed in instant coffee..not instant wealth Peace be upon you (Assalam Alaikum). > > After having gone through your profile, I prayed and decide to confide in > you for this simple and sincere business bearing in mind that one has to > take some risk at times to survives trial times. > > I am Miss.Fatima Morad 18 yrs of age, from United Arab Emirate (UAE). The > only daughter to the late MR & MRS. IBRAHIM MORAD who establish his cocoa > and coffee farm at GHANA here in West Africa I escaped from our country > immediately my both parents where murdered by his business partners As a > result of greed and instability on accounting concerning their cocoa and > coffee export business, my father established his cocoa and coffee export > business in Ghana were he took the whole family to reside for past twenty > six years. > > He went back to UAE for the sales of his property, and was shot and killed > by the hired assasine to take over the his properties and business in the > country. The death of my father and mother has now made me an orphan and > there by exposing me to danger. > > Before his unfortunate death, my late father told me that he deposited a > funds in an escrow account totaling the sum of $25,250,000.00 million > United States dollars with the barclays Bank of Ghana. As a result of the > present insecurity of lives and property in this country, I wish to > request that you assist me transfer this Funds in your country since I am > still under age. > > Again to assist me with a letter of invitation that will make me get a > visa to your country for residence in order for me to continue my > education and to invest the fund in a valuable business venture. I am > willing to give you 25% while 5% has been earmarked for expenses. I shall > attach to you by email all the legal documents that is backing this my > Inheritance Funds making it 100% risk and free, when next I hear from you. > If this is acceptable to you, please you can contact me for way forward. > Thanks and remain bless. > Best regards, > Ms. Fatima Morad. [email protected]
  25. Hi, Anybody can help? I looking for MP's e-mail address.........
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