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  1. Dear folks, Need to take a long-haul flight soon. I am rather prone to motion sickness while on the plane especially when the turbulence gets too strong. Do you have any recommendation for medicaton which could help to prevent/relief motion sickness? The thought of being on the plane to the eastern part of USA is making me giddy now. Many thanks for your recommendations!
  2. Dear all, Recently I had poured an almost full cup of sugary drink into one of my leather chair. Because the leather was perforated and had mini holes, most of the drink went inside to the car seat foam under the leather. I cleaned what I could with the leather and went for some chemical cleaning. But how to treat the foam inside? What other methods are there besides steam cleaning? Thanks
  3. My car, less than three months old, kena bird s--t. Sent the car for grooming by Imperial1, the stain is still obvious, if viewed from a certain angle. Sigh... For bros who have PPS on their rides, please advise how effective is it against bird droppings, especially if they have been in contact with the paintwork for more than six hours. Thanks
  4. There was a press release on the Enhanced Baby Bonus packages and its effective date of 1 Jan 2009 this afternoon. Following which was an uproar by expecting Mums who are dued to deliver in this year who will be missing out on the new benefits. What are your views?
  5. OK, so I guess most people already know how a car loan of 2% HP rate equals to easily over 5% APR over a few years. But for mortgage loans in Singapore, the rate which the bank advertises, is the 'nominal' APR and not the effective APR correct? e.g. I understand most banks use the 'daily rest' method to compound mortgages? (correct me if I am wrong, which banks here use monthly rest?). So for a loan at nominal 5% APR but with daily compounding, it would say work out to about 5.13% effective APR. Am I right to say the APR quoted by the banks here for mortgages is the nominal and not the effective APR? Is there any MAS rules that says we can ask for the effective APR from the banks?
  6. My Chinese not good, I read like effective but read further they said not effective. http://www.guangming.com.my/node/209657?tid=27 馬六甲15日訊)衛生部長拿督斯里蘇巴馬廉指出,目前我國正研究使用木瓜葉汁抵抗蚊症,不過發現木瓜葉汁雖然能夠增加病患的血小板及有退熱的功效,但是對於消滅蚊症病菌或制止病菌繁殖上則無效,因此將進行更進一步的研究。 他聲稱,由於目前蚊症沒有任何的解藥,所以衛生部還是會注重在預防的工作上,希望民眾能夠及時覺醒,與政府配合,抵抗蚊症。 他說,我國蚊症病例不斷上升,而噴蚊霧也只是解決蚊症的一種治標不治本的方式,只能暫時性的殺害蚊蟲,不是解決骨痛熱症的終極方案;更重要的是,民眾必須覺醒,與政府配合減少黑斑蚊的溫床。 “民眾如果每日就花費10分鐘清除住家周圍能夠繁殖蚊蟲的溫床,就能有效的制止蚊症。 已有數據顯示,頻密執行滅蚊覺醒運動計劃(COMBI)的民眾,蚊症就有明顯的下降。” 蘇巴馬廉指出,民眾一再的誤解,認為政府應該增加到蚊症黑區噴蚊霧的次數,不過人們不知道的是,噴蚊霧的效果最多只能維持一天,蚊霧的藥效第二天就失效了。 他說,對抗蚊症的責任,不能只落在政府的身上,民眾也必須付出。政府可以推介上百個滅蚊醒覺運動,也可以每個星期主辦清潔運動,但是如果民眾仍然不注意周遭環境的衛生,這些努力將是白費的。 蘇巴馬廉是在2014年東南亞骨痛熱症日全國慶典上的開幕典禮,如是指出。 他舉出,蚊症在人口密集的地方案例最多,尤其全國人口最密集的雪州八打靈,佔了全國蚊症病例的30至40%。去年1月至6月為止,全國蚊症病例是1萬910宗,今年同時期已經飆升至3萬4411宗,明顯的增加252%。去年同時期的死亡病例有22宗,今年飆升241%至75宗。 他呼吁民眾在瞭解黑斑蚊子的習性後,知道黑斑蚊通常在清晨及傍晚出現,於是在那個時候若要出門,最好做好防範措施。(光明日報)
  7. As a regular user of the CTE, I drive by everyday looking at the widening works. I wonder who approved of the plans... For CTE southbound, WHY are they widening from Yio Chu Kang Rd to PIE??? Shouldn't they be widening braddel to maybe bukit timah?? I think it is a waste of money widening the CTE southbound from YCK to Braddel since the bottleneck is at Braddel. I think after they finish the widening works, the Jam will just start from Bukit Timah onwards....
  8. Drink water and holding my breath don't work for me........
  9. Effective Speed Controls in India Indian Speed Controls Speed controls being used in India ... How's this for effective speed control? I don't know about you, but this would certainly slow me down! Drivers slow down and actually try to "straddle" the hole. This is an actual speed control device that is currently in use. It is MUCH cheaper than speed cameras, radar guns, police officers, etc. Pretty clever -- especially when they move them around every day. Isn't art wonderful?
  10. http://marketing-interactive.com/news/32163 Global adspend rises despite a slowdown By: Rezwana Manjur, Global Published: 1 hour 37 min ago AD SPEND RESEARCH NIELSEN Global - Despite advertisers being cautious in the fourth quarter of 2011, global adspend grew by 7.3% in the year with Latin America (11.6%) and Asia Pacific (11.5%) leading the way. The ad market in Middle East & Africa came a close third with 11.3% increase in spend compared to 2010. In terms of industries, saw the greatest percentage increase in ad spend in Asia Pacific (28%). In Asia Pacific the growth was attributed mainly to the clothing & accessories industry which saw a 28% jump in ad spend. Gloablly, US managed a minor increase of 2% while the European ad market saw a decline of 0.4% in 2011. According to Nielsen, the global ad spend in 2011 stood at US$498 billion, with the last qaurter closing at US$131 billion. This is a 6.2 % increase as compared to the last quarter of 2010. The report was compiled based on rate cards and the four major media types, television, radio, newspaper and magazine. In terms of media, TV saw the highest growth at 10.1% across all markets, followed by radio which registered a 9.7% increase. Spending for Internet, outdoor, and cinema also increased in 2011 with the Internet seeing a 24% rise in spend in 2011 across all markets.
  11. Hi, like to check if anyone tried calling the number to report parking offences in HDB area? In my area, there is a truck who had parked overnight, illegally in the loading bay for the last 2 weeks, despite I called several times to the hdb carpark enforcement office to complain about that, the truck is still there...no summon issue...? I have no issue with these people parking illegally cos sometimes I did that too...but doing it everyday and I supposed they dont buy the season parking becos a truck can never enter a multi storey car park, so I think it is not fair to those who bought the season parking. The last call I made to them, the officer asked me if I like to have the enforcer to come down....! WTf, I tot they supposed to attend to such complain...! So guys, look like I have being a kapo and getting nowhere.... Any alternative beside call the HDB...legally....
  12. The majority of road accidents on our expressways / main roads are due to tailgating when the front car slows down but the one behind cant stop in time. Even without any injury, what follows is usually a big traffic jam while the drivers involved inspect / discuss / argue / wait for rescue etc right on the spot. This ends up wasting a lot time of other road users. To prevent this, maybe LTA should make every car install a distance sensor (not a very hi-tech / expensive item) and link it to a warning device, or better still a speed-limiter so that if the driver tailgate for say more than 3 seconds, he will be either warned or his car's speed will be cut to suit the distance he maintains eg 10kmh or car distance of only 2-car-lengths etc etc. TP will conduct random and on the spot tests anywhere and if tempering of the device is found, the drivers will be fined heavily. And as a further preventive measure, the guilty driver involved in road accident during peak hours will be charged a $2k (or more) blanket fine for causing traffic jam. We may say driver safety education is better than fines, but after so many years of police warnings and educations (one way or another), there's still no major improvement, in fact it's getting worse, it's time to introduce serious penalty like this to wake up these reckless drivers. Any better idea?
  13. The Newpaper today featured about the latest LTA road campaign " You are how you drive" featuring a poster with 2 faces; one side is a kind and gentle and the other an angry raging face behind the wheel. It was launched in July this year but recently the road rage incidents have increased. Take a look at stomp and first hand experience. How effective do you think? Link: http://www.tnp.sg/news/story/0,4136,265533,00.html?
  14. To the more experienced bro's out there, There are lot of car on the roads that just scream "modded!" when you see them. Just wan to find out from you all which are the mods that are effective in improving the performance of your ride but not so obvious to the casual observer. Thanks in advance.
  15. Heard from the news earlier that the BMT programmes have been changed. Some are shortened and some lengthened to another few more weeks. Heng are I already completed BMT almost 10yrs ago liao. Was in the obese programme and went for 15weeks at Tekong. Posted: 04 Dec 2009 1330hours Report by Ong Hong Tat Starting from December 2009, changes to the Basic Military training (BMT) programmes will be implemented progressively. As BMT is likely to be their first experience of the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) for most Singaporean males, training must also focus on integrating recruits into the military and instil a greater sense of purpose towards defence. This was a point made by Chief of Army Major-General (MG) Neo Kian Hong during a media brief on the new BMT programmer on 4 Dec at the Central Manpower Base. While the purpose of BMT will continue to be training combat-ready soldiers for the SAF in a safe and professional manner, there will be changes to the duration of BMT and the Physical Employment Status (PES) for some groups of enlistees. A recruit's PES will determine his role within the SAF. For example, PES A and B recruits can expect to be deployed in combat and combat support roles within formations such as Combat Engineers, Artillery and Signals after completion of BMT, PES C and E recruits will take on roles such as storeman, military logisticians and administrative clerks. Key changes to the BMT programmes are a new 19-week BMT for obese recruits, a four-week BMT for PES E recruits, a nine-week BMT for PES C recruits, and a new nine-week BMT for PES B2 recruits. PES B2 is the new name for the current PES C1 for consistency between medical classification of SAF soldiers and their subsequent deployment to combat and combat support roles. The nine-week BMT programme for these recruits will include customised physical training and basic combat training. Explaining the changes to the BMT programmes for obese recruits, MG Neo said: "The revised BMT for obese recruits is based on careful analysis and research which indicate that we are able to achieve an optimum fitness level and weight loss at around 19 weeks. Data also shows that weight loss becomes natural after about 19weeks in BMT. " Under the old BMT system, obese recruits attended either a 15-week or 26-week BMT, based on individual levels of obesity. Under the SAF medical classification system, a pre-enlistee whose Body Mass INdex exceeds 27 will have to attend the obese BMT programme. The revised 19-week BMT for obese recruits will start from February next year, while the nine-week BMT programmes for PES B2 and PES C recruits will be taking effect from June. The four-week BMT for PES E recruits will also commence in June. http://www.mindef.gov.sg/mindef/publicatio...dec09_news.html.
  16. i was travelling along a wet (no puddles) road just now along PIE exit lane to upper serangoon road at around 60km/h behind an off service sbs bus... view on front was blocked so didnt follow closely ... then the bus jam brake and its wheels locked up... upon seeing the 4 huge 22.5inch tyres lock up from the back i oso scared.. jam/slam brake and ABS "unlocked" my wheels 3 times.... while hoping that the bus neber crash into anything in front and stop abruptly which may cause me to kiss backside ... stopped at >1.5m away from the bus... further up front at the bus stop got one swift and 2 bikes parked by the side.. most likely accident... neber see properly Question to fellow mcf bros (esp those who track): Which is the most effective way of stopping a car (shortest braking distance) in a situation like above.. not too sudden but need to react fast kind ? (a) slam on brakes and let ABS do the job or (b) step on the brake fast but not slam... like step till full in 1 sec instead of "immediate" ... dunno if u guys understand... © others (pls specify) cos when my ABS activate the braking power doesnt feel stronger than normally when i brake hard n fast.... and i rem reading somewhere that pro drivers actually have shorter stopping distance w/o ABS... thanks in advance for yr comments~!
  17. Errant truckers' crackdown 22 nabbed for speeding, 227 summonses issued in 10 joint operations since May By Sujin Thomas THE traffic authorities mounted a crackdown on heavy vehicle drivers yesterday for speeding and other traffic offences. It was the 10th joint operation by the Traffic Police, Land Transport Authority (LTA) and Jurong Inspection Centre held since May to clamp down on errant drivers of heavy vehicles, whose numbers have been rising. Drivers who got pulled over yesterday received warnings or summonses on the spot. One of the luckier ones was a cement-mixer driver who wanted to be known only as Mr Lew. He was stopped at a roadblock in Tampines Link, a popular road that heavy vehicles ply daily. An LTA officer who inspected his cement mixer found its brake lights to be faulty and the licence plates covered in mud. 'I'll fix it now, I'll fix it now,' he said repeatedly in Malay before being let off with a warning. He immediately got down to fixing the problem - replacing the brake light bulbs and scrubbing down his licence plates with water - in a nearby heavy vehicle wash. The 54-year-old driver, who has more than 20 years of experience driving heavy vehicles, said: 'Luckily they didn't issue me with a summons.' Traffic Police senior staff sergeant Mohd Fadzil, 34, told The Straits Times: 'Drivers usually say they didn't know when we catch them for not displaying their speed-limiter labels or for not carrying a breakdown sign with them. 'But those caught for speeding usually don't say much because we clock speeds with our laser speed guns. They'll just ask for another chance.' Speed limits for heavy vehicles vary between 40kmh and 60kmh. In the 10 operations mounted from May, 22 heavy vehicle drivers were caught speeding while 66 summonses were issued for offences involving the speed limiter, a device which prevents the vehicle from travelling beyond its speed limit. A further 161 summonses were issued for other violations. In all, 1,397 heavy vehicle drivers were nabbed in the first half of this year for flouting road rules. The figure was 1,160 for the whole of last year. Oil reservoir analyst Tuang Kwong Feng, 44, said that although the clampdown was a step in the right direction, more needs to be done to curb speeding. 'Heavy vehicle drivers earn money from the number of trips they make, so they often drive recklessly,' he said. Educational posters were also handed out to drivers and many were advised on road safety rules. Roving teams of Traffic Police officers on motorcycles and patrol cars also conducted checks in the vicinity. Last Tuesday, a National University of Singapore professor was killed after being hit by a heavy vehicle at the junction of Commonwealth Avenue West and Clementi Road. [email protected] http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking%2BNew...ory_275411.html
  18. http://news.hsw.cn/2008-07/15/content_10144614.htm hahah...really kns....this thing only happen in China.
  19. Making ERP more effective ERP changes revive debate over system's intent and effectiveness Thu, Jun 26, 2008 The Business Times It is clear that electronic road pricing (ERP) remains the cornerstone of the government's policy to control congestion on Singapore's roads. In principle, this is right: it makes more sense to tax actual road usage rather than car ownership, and the shift in the emphasis of policy over recent years in this direction is appropriate. However, there remain legitimate questions over the pace and timing of the expansion of the ERP system and its charges. After 10 years of ERP, the system's effectiveness is still a source of debate. Last week, the government announced another round of ERP changes. There will be five new ERP gantries and increases in electronic road pricing rates from July 7, aimed at easing congestion in the city centre. They will join 32 existing gantries in the CBD. With the five new ERP gantries, the island will have a total of 65. There was also a revision of the ERP rate structure, which involves increases in the base charge and increments. Much of the focus was on the new gantries and the higher charges, but what also attracted attention was the explanation the Land Transport Authority (LTA) gave in revising the ERP rate structure. The LTA said it is doing so because motorists have become 'less sensitive' to the current rate structure, which has remained unchanged since 1998. This highlights the fundamental problem with ERP. Asked a letter writer to BT: What if motorists remain insensitive to the revised structure? This is quite plausible. Having won the right to own a car and having paid some of the highest car prices in the world to do so, it would stand to reason that Singapore motorists would be less sensitive to the cost of using roads than motorists elsewhere. Addressing this point, Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, while speaking at an Institute of Policy Studies seminar earlier this year, acknowledged that the government had got its sums wrong when it implemented ERP. 'Our prediction of consumer behaviour was not quite right,' he said. The LTA has defended ERP, saying it benefits business by smoothening traffic flow. It also said the intention is not to stop motorists from using their cars, but only to modify their travel patterns. As a policy objective, this is right. But the fact that motorists have been insensitive to higher ERP charges should give pause for thought.Is simply raising charges and erecting more gantries the right answer? Or does the answer lie in significant and tangible improvements to the public transport system? Probably both. However, there are questions of timing, pace and sequencing. Raising ERP charges would be most effective in terms of inducing behavioural changes when motorists have a real choice. Under the Transport Review, new public transport initiatives are to be implemented over the next decade. It is only after these are well advanced that introducing more ERP gantries and higher charges would be most effective in terms of reducing congestion.
  20. http://paultan.org/archives/2008/06/04/new...-5th-june-2008/
  21. Why Wait when you can take action? Letter from ANGELINE LEE I refer to the Competition Commission of Singapore's (CCS) reply "Market competition deters overpricing" (May 7), to my commentary "$5 charge should be justified" (April 30). . CCS' duty, as the competition regulator, is to investigate and regulate if it detects evidence of any possible abuse of dominance in Singapore at any point in time. . As a regulator, its duty is to act independently to enforce the Competition Act; and this duty should not be delegated or devolved, under law or in spirit, to any government entity. . I suggested that CCS should consider investigating Nets' $5 charge if "excessive pricing" is covered under the Act as there is currently no competition in the Electronic Road Pricing CashCard market. . CCS has replied that "competition among different suppliers in a free market environment, instead of regulation, is the best form of protection against any excessive pricing", and that the Land Transport Authority (LTA) is working on the next generation of e-payment systems that will allow multiple payment service suppliers. . CCS' response suggests that it prefers to wait until LTA introduces competition in the market to protect consumers against any excessive pricing. . This more benign approach of waiting for the LTA to create competition rather than taking independent pre-emptive action may be instructive of its policy approach as competition regulator in Singapore. It is noted by the writer, and should be taken note of by competition and administrative law lawyers in Singapore. . I thank CCS for its clarification on the law in Singapore and its approach. CCS' approach may be instructive of its policy approach as a regulator in S'pore Source: http://www.todayonline.com/articles/252592.asp Haha.. CCS kena suan..... laywer 1 Gahman 0
  22. Hi, anyone got lobang for carbon fiber lamination? was thinking of doing my internal trim with carbon fiber trim but the two places i check is quite expensive so was looking around to see if they are other places that can offer the lamination at a better price. Thanks in advance
  23. So maybe you should figure and see which category you belong to ? Read this somewhere. QUOTE Example 1 In 2006, if after rebates etc, your net taxable income is $60,000, the income tax you need to pay is $2,700 ( 8.75%). If you spend $800 a month on needed goods and services, the GST paid for 5% will be $480. Total=$3,180 in Tax paid. In 2007, if after rebates etc, your net taxable income is $60,000, the income tax you need to pay is $2,600 ( 8.50%). If you spend $800 a month on needed goods and services, the GST paid for 7% will be $672 Total=$3,272 in Tax paid. From $3,180 to $3,272, the effective increase is 2.89%. Example 2 In 2006, if after rebates etc, your net taxable income is $400,000, the income tax you need to pay is $61,650 (21%). If you spend $4,000 a month on needed goods and services, the GST paid for 5% will be $2,400 Total=$64,050 in Tax paid. In 2007, if after rebates etc, your net taxable income is $400,000, the income tax you need to pay is $58,700 (20%). If you spend $4,000 a month on needed goods and services, the GST paid for 7% will be $3,360 Total=$62,060 in Tax paid. From $64,050 to $62,060, the effective increase is -3.11%. Example 3 In 2006, if after rebates etc, your net taxable income is $25,000, the income tax you need to pay is $187.50 ( 3.75%). If you spend $800 a month on needed goods and services, the GST paid for 5% will be $480 Total=$667.50 in Tax paid. In 2007, if after rebates etc, your net taxable income is $25,000, the income tax you need to pay is $175 ( 3.5%). If you spend $800 a month on needed goods and services, the GST paid for 7% will be $672. Total=$847 in Tax paid. From $667.50 to $847, the effective increase is 26.89%. The fact is: The poorer you are, the more GST is going to make you poorer UNQUOTE
  24. Hi all. I am hoping to tap on the wisdom of modders in this forum. So any advice is welcome! I have a Black '99 MKII ford Mondeo. i) What's are the best (& most cost effective) ways to get better performance from my '99 MKII Mondeo? Short of installing a new engine. ii) I've done a couple of minor things. like K&N drop-in fiter, volt stabilizer, grounding cables. What else could I do? iii) How about bolt-on turbos? Are they available n do they work? How about piggy ECUs? Thanks in advance for all your advice. Cheers
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