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  1. Pump prices fall by up to 5 cents a litre a week after oil plunge source: https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/transport/pump-prices-fall-by-up-to-5-cents-a-litre-a-week-after-oil-plunge?xtor=CS3-18&utm_source=STiPhone&utm_medium=share&utm_term=2020-04-30 10%3A04%3A37 SINGAPORE - Pump prices here have fallen by up to 5 cents a litre, a week after crude oil plunged to record lows. The price of 95-octane petrol, the most popular grade here, is $2.04 at Esso, Shell, SPC and Sinopec - down from $2.09, according to fuel price tracker Fuel Kaki. Caltex is selling it at $2.06 a litre. All the reductions were made on Wednesday (April 29) except for Sinopec, which adjusted downwards on Thursday morning. The 92-octane grade is now $2 at Esso and SPC, and $2.02 at Caltex. Shell does not sell 92-octane petrol, and neither does Sinopec, which is said to get its supplies from the British-Dutch oil giant. On the other end of the price spectrum, 98-octane petrol is cheapest at SPC, which is retailing it at $2.38 a litre, followed by $2.41 at Esso and Sinopec, and $2.43 at Shell. Caltex is retailing 98-octane, which it touts as a rival to Shell's V-Power, at $2.53 a litre. The so-called special grades by Shell (V-Power) and Sinopec (Sino X Power) are retailing at $2.65 and $2.55 a litre, respectively. Diesel is cheapest at SPC, which is selling it at $1.64 a litre, followed by Esso's and Sinopec's $1.67, and Shell's $1.68. Diesel at Caltex is priciest at $1.69 a litre.
  2. If you haven't already received the shocking email from Circles.life today, well it's official on the news now. Circles.life to discontinue optional 20GB for $20 plan. I'm guessing there's something better coming up with competitors like Starhub etc launching 30GB no contract data plans etc. Singaporeans are so spoilt for choices now. Let's wait for the announcement on Thursday.
  3. Raining heavy tonite. Just went out to pick up my daughter from my bro-in-laws place. Came back thinking of dropping wifey & girl within the sheltered area 1st b4 drving to park my car. Saw this car & van parked side by side in the area. The van was just ahead of me probably doing some delivery cos I saw 3 guys carrying some boxes just walking away. Bo pian wife have to take umbrella out & getting a little wet. Another car was also behind mine & he must he as well cos I saw him staring at both the van & car while I was driving off. Was thinking after parking my car, if they are still there I sure take pic of both the car & van! After parking car, van was gone... but car still there. Went back upstairs to take digicam, Came down & managed to snap a couple of pic of the car. Dunno how long already the car been there. This is despite a BIG yellow sign that say something like "No waiting & Parking except for police, ambulance & authorised vehicles only" "fined $400" He could also hv dropped his family off or for whatever reason, I dun think he should be so selfish to hog that place for his own convenience. He was parked there for 20 minutes in the pouring rain.
  4. I reading MY auto forum, they are already saying tyre prices already dropping. SG one no drop?
  5. should I hold back my purchase till may ? if the coe drop to 50k ...might considered buying new car ...
  6. bros. what do you normally do if it happens heard touchup a bit is hundreds of dollars
  7. A friend told me if the owner doesn't drive his car too often and his car is always parked outdoor exposed to hot weather, he shouldn't pump full tank petrol because the full tank will take weeks to be used up ie the petrol left in the tank will be subject to high temperature (from hot sun) for too long and its octance value will drop. As a result, if he pushes the engine hard when the octane value drops too low, it's no good for the engine, and the engine may "piang" !!!? [sweatdrop] His advice:- if the car is not driven often, just pump enough petrol each time to last say the next 3-4 weeks. I am not sure what he said is correct.
  8. along Sembawang Road on 30 Jan...circled the tail end of the car
  9. Rennie Whang, My Paper, Tuesday, Sep 16, 2014 SINGAPORE - Sales of new homes were stagnant again last month, with developers selling 432 private homes. This was a 15 per cent drop from the 509 private condominium and apartment units moved in July. The number of new homes sold last month was 23 per cent more than the 351 homes that were launched, indicating that buyers went for units at projects launched earlier in the year. The top seller was The Panorama in Ang Mo Kio Avenue 2, which moved 40 units at a median price of $1,249 per square foot (psf). Other popular developments included Coco Palms at Pasir Ris Grove, with 23 units sold at a median price of $1,046 psf, and Eight Riversuites at Whampoa East, which sold 22 units at $1,345 psf. While there were no executive condominium (EC) launches last month, 58 EC units were sold. A major contributor was Waterwoods EC at Punggol Field Walk, which sold 28 units at a median price of $813 psf. After including the number of ECs sold, a total of 490 new private homes were sold last month, a 13 per cent drop from July. - See more at: http://business.asiaone.com/news/private-home-sales-drop-august#sthash.4n4kxehU.dpuf
  10. Visibility levels in the west coast took a dive over the weekend although the weather remained on the cooler side. The reason for the reduced visibility levels is not conclusive as air quality in the country is recorded at either “good” or “moderate” on the Air Pollutant Index. Some Malaysians speculated it might be haze as they felt ill, listing symptoms such as fever, sore throat and sinus problems. Homemaker Sara Sukor, 33, said she had observed her baby son’s eczema flare up after the “haze” appeared on Friday afternoon. She said she could barely make out the skyline of the Petronas Twin Towers and KL Tower from her 19th floor apartment in Taman Tun Dr Ismail. “Even though there is no smoky smell, I feel the haze is getting worse by the day,” she said. IT support executive, Martin Arulappa, 26, said he had not noticed lower visibility levels in Klang but he and his sister had been suffering from flu and fever since Friday. “It could be the indecisive climate,” he said. The Meteorological Department (MET) said Petaling Jaya and Kuala Pilah in Negri Sembilan had visibility readings of up to 4km as of 5pm yesterday. Visibility was up to 6km in Subang and Ipoh, 7km in Butterworth, 8km in Sepang and Malacca and 9km in Batu Pahat, Johor. Normal visibility levels are from a range of 10km and further. However, air quality remained at good and moderate levels, with Ipoh recording the poorest reading of 82 as of 5pm yesterday. According to the Department of Environment’s Air Pollutant Index (API), unhealthy, very unhealthy and hazardous air quality readings are from 100 to 200, 200 to 300, and more than 300 respectively. The reduced visibility could be due to the 500 hotspots detected by the NOAA-18 Satellite on the Meteorological Service Singapore’s website, for the areas of Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand and Laos. The hotspot map for that region showed most of the hotspots were concentrated in Cambodia and spread out into Thailand and Laos. Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/se-asia/story/visibility-levels-drop-malaysias-west-coast-residents-suspect-haze-20140
  11. Should I change a new stock air filter ever six months or get one of those washable drop in replacements?
  12. Help !!!............Help!!!!........ Anybody know of any good TCM who can help with hair drop????...........my hair dropping very badly recently.................see doctor also no use..........doctor also cannot tell what's wrong................. [:(]
  13. Just wondering if anyone in the forum can advise me on drop off charges for Hertz car rental in US. I thought of renting a car from LAX and drive to the desert and then returning the car at San Francisco Airport in 3 weeks time. I wonder how much extra do I need to fork out. Thanks.
  14. I was informed by a C&C SE that they are reducing the price of C180 and E200 Sports Edition by $5,000 this weekend. The first 80 units will enjoy guaranteed COE package, after which the following units willbe based on a non-guaranteed pacakage. C180 CGI now $193,888. Compare that with BM's Toyota Camry at $185,888. Looks like C&C may be the only AD dropping price of their entry-model best sellers, while others are increasing price - as a fall out of the recent COE bid exercise. How much the Volvo V60 T4 ah? Can compare with the C180 pricing or not?
  15. ASIAONE / BUSINESS / NEWS / STORY Monday, Jul 23, 2012 my paper Real wages may drop 2.7 per cent this year Ms Chan Shu Jun has her eye on a new camera, but her rising monthly expenditure is making her think twice about buying it. The 25-year-old analyst in the financial sector estimates that she spends about half of her monthly income - in the region of $4,000 - on food, shopping and entertainment. Although her wages have increased by about 7 per cent in recent years, Ms Chan is still concerned by inflation and the spectre of shrinking incomes here. She said: "I'm exploring investment opportunities to offset inflation. There's no point saving money in banks as the interest rates they offer cannot keep up with inflation." Her concerns are shared by many, with real incomes likely to fall by 2.7 per cent this year, according to a survey by the Singapore Human Resources Institute (SHRI) and wage consultancy Remuneration Data Specialists. This is despite an expected increase of 1.5 per cent in nominal wages. The survey - which was conducted last month and covered 167 companies across key sectors, like services and construction - shows that further wage stagnation is expected next year. Although nominal wages are expected to increase by 3.1 per cent next year, that will be offset by an expected 3 per cent inflation rate. The former chief economist for the Government of Singapore Investment Corp, Mr Yeoh Lam Keong said that Singapore faces both "wage stagnation" and "inflationary problems". "Wage stagnation appears to be a general trend globally but, in Singapore, this is exacerbated by the massive influx of low-wage workers, which depresses nominal wages," he said. SHRI executive director David Ang said he is especially concerned with the ability of low-wage workers to manage their daily expenses on transport and food. Any increases would eat into their disposable incomes, he explained. Mr Yeoh said that these expenses make up a big proportion of low-wage workers' "consumption baskets", thus an income drop will hurt their pockets. He suggests that the Government raise the Workfare Income Supplement Scheme payout significantly by "about two to three times, and allocate a bigger share of the payout in cash rather than in the form of CPF". This will help push low-wage workers past the poverty line, rather than "wait for productivity levels to increase to push real wages up". He said: "That would take too long." The survey also found that about eight in 10 companies are expected to hire new staff this year. This is projected to drop to fewer than six in 10 firms next year. Mr Yeoh believes that the sluggish United States economy, euro-zone crisis and China's faltering growth may dampen business sentiments here. "This could then cause a lack of business confidence to hire," he said. For more my paper stories click here. she spent 4K on food etc and that is half of her income and she worry how about those earning MUCH less than her.. sometime i wonder how the press work ... they either feature the extreme high or extreme low income group ... not realistic at all
  16. there is another thread on this. pls go to that thread
  17. looks like there's another round of increase again... argh... will the petrol prices ever drop again?
  18. Any Sunny owner has dropped the rubber thing? I was quoted $2xx by tan chong. Whenever goes over hump, there is a click-clok sound. Any recommended place to install the rubber mounting?
  19. WOP rally so good? can cause COE to drop?
  20. Hoping for a super big discount this week.
  21. This is a serious question. Many people say that COE prices will drop in 3 to 5 years time. I know this is when many cars will reach their 10 years shelf life and be scraped. And it will free up more COE. So which means the COE quote will be higher. I know this for a fact but i dont understand. ___________________________________ Wouldnt the car owners who scraped their cars in 3 to 5 years time want to buy a replacement car? So what if there are more COE? There will be more car buyers too. Increased bidding will compensate for the increase in COE quota. Am i missing something here?
  22. Si bei sian
  23. I don't understand why the TP don't summon these flouting cars who jamm up the roads and yellow Box? Surely if TP summon them every day, these cars will come to their senses. So even if appeal....surely there come a time when the appeal must void for those frequent flouting parents. I don't get it...is it TP gave up summoning...and working with the school to get a win win solution? The New Paper Monday, Jan 30, 2012 On every
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