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Found 5 results

  1. need to be so drastic or not? piang eh~! 菲律宾一名男子与梦中女神网恋6年,见面时赫然发现“女神”样貌与照片截然不同,当场跳楼自杀身亡。 死者冈萨雷斯满心欢喜,相约“女神”在一个商场见面,有目击者表示听到二人对话,冈萨雷斯问该名女子,“是否真的是你?那个女孩怎可能是你?你有一身黑皮肤,你骗了我6年”!冈萨雷斯感到非常失望,难以面对现实,从商场6楼一跃而下
  2. Was there earlier, please was fairly packed. There's cafe's/rest. However place isn't what it's hype out to be. Many run of the mills brands & pricing are only slightly cheaper for most items in the given shop + lots of off season stuffs. Selection damn 'selected' + lots of brands have yet to open. Should you make your way there? Best wait 1-2 more wks when more shops/brands are open. There's dining & cafe- carparks machiam free (don't know for how long).
  3. After reading so much about it in the papers about the mangrove swap etc, I went down this evening only to see the place sparsely decorated with CNY flowers and a few structures.... WTF? No mangrove, no hills, etc. I found out that the various sections were merely named after the terrains that could be found in Singapore but not at the boardwalk itself... What a joke
  4. i wish to share with you my encounter with Maybank on the use of Cash Deposit Machine(CDM). please bear with me for my long composition and give me your advises,thanks. i withdrew $3000 from UOB to be banked in to Maybank on 12/01/08(Saturday) at around 3pm. some of the $50 notes were new notes and i had guessed the CDM might not be able to accept it and i was really right.i had to crampled up those rejected notes and in total i did 5 transactions at the CDM. the last transaction of 2 pcs of $50 notes were not deposited and the CDM went out of service(my $100 is stuck inside) and i received a receipt showing **Transcaction Suspected**.Immediately i used the phone beside the CDM to make call to the Customer Service Officer(CSO).and it took about 10-15mins before someone picked up my call.i told him about what had happened and he asked me to leave first and he will send someone down to check and he will get back to me after 2-3 working days. on the following Monaday(14/01/08) i went down to the same CDM again to deposit more cash but it was still out of service.the next day,i went down again to update my passbook and realised that there was a $100 deposited and yet again withdrew dated on 15/01/08(Tuesday).I called the CSO on wednesday to ask why was the money deposited and withdrew again.he told me that they double checked and there wasn't excess money inside.he told me to give them some time to do further investigation.i was very patience and had confident that they will be able to retrieve back my $100.in between,i had a few times of conversation with the CSO and most of the replies were negative to me. until yesterday 04/02/08,i received a call from another CSO telling me that they confirmed do not have excess money in the CDM.iam starting to lose hope this time.i asked her who is going to answered for my $100?i told her my money is lost in your premises.she kept telling me no excess money(seems like trying to push the blame back to me).seems like Maybank only covers their own backside and don't care where my money goes to?she told me that they checked with engineer and confirmed that once the machine is out of service,the "door" will not open until someone went for servicing.she told me that on that particular day(12/01/08) cisco officer went down to checked on the CDM at around 5pm plus(remember on monday it was still not working?it might not be done by me,but the possibilites is still there). after 15-20mins of conversation,i asked her if iam able to view the record and CCTV and she said she has to check.she asked me back:"if the record does not shows excess,will i stop pursuing this matter?"WTF? $100 is not a big sum afterall,but iam really disappointed with such service from a bank. do you still dare to use Maybank service?do you still dare to use CDM again? below are my transaction receipts.
  5. Test drove a GTI this afternoon at LK. The car is a junk, interior sucks and can't feel the power it claims. A small and cheapo car and yet trying to project itself as luxury sport car. Not the kind of car that I will get want to get. Headed off to SM which is just 10m apart. Sat and test on the S40T5, the interior is far superior than the GTI . Was happy with it and the offer make. Sign up the paper immediately without even a need for a second thought. 2nd Volvo in the family after my S60T5.
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