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  1. if supposing a p plate commits a demerit point offense on march 15, and licence only becomes 1 year old in april 3, when the letter comes, will the point deduction start at the day of the offense or the the day of the processing. after april 3rd, how much points will one have now that the driver is no longer a p plate? what about on 4th april 2016 if theres no other points accumulated? when would the other 12 point kick in? thanks in advance.
  2. Not stopping at a red light, which is an offence with 12 demerit points, carries increased fines of S$400 for drivers of light vehicles, up from S$200, and S$500 for drivers of heavy vehicles, up from S$230. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/higher-fines-traffic-offences-motorists-pedestrians-cyclists-apr-11275482
  3. Been driving for 4 years +, no accident, no traffic offence... Suddenly kena 2 red light offence in a row I make no excuses...and learnt a hard lesson (hope bros dont flame me. I already learn from my error... beat 1 more time immediate 2nd suspension!!) Any bro can advice me on what next? 1. After I pay my fine, how long must I wait before I receive suspension letter? 2. What will the suspension letter state? Like, roughly what is the deadline to surrender license? Or is it a fixed date? When will the date be? 3. Upon sign up for DIPS retraining course, can reduce suspension to 1-month right.. then for my case, no accident involved, can reduce to 1 week? Is it confirm can reduce or depend on other factor? Any bro can advice me would be so much appreciated... Also, curious to know what do bros here do with their car when/if kena suspension? If you guys follow my other thread, you will know im buying a new vehicle. Thinking what to do with my vehicle is kena 1month or 3 month suspension... if kena 1 week, i just go overseas a few days, come back the suspension over liao
  4. 0 Demerit Points but with fines * Not displaying P-Plate for drivers on probation for the first time. ($120 fine) * Most parking offences (except for parking along zig-zag lines etc. Refer to HDB/URA link for fine amount.) * Failure to give signal ($70 fine) * Tinted windows/helmet visors not meeting LTA regulations of allowing 70% light transmittance on the front and 30% an the rear. ($70 fine + inspection) * Illegal modifications (up to $1000 fine + 3 mth jail depending on mod) * Faulty lights * Driving inside bus-lane during prohibited timings ($130) * Emission of excessive smoke (up to $150) * Not displaying a valid or displaying a tampered OPC coupon/license (for off-peak-cars) when driving during peak hours * Failing to give way to bus at a Mandatory Give Way to Bus lane. ($130) An offender can be fined up to $10,000 for using an OPC without displaying a valid day licence. For tampering with the day licence, the penalty is a fine not exceeding $20,000 or imprisonment not exceeding 12 months or both. About one-third of those convicted were found to have tampered with the licences - a more serious offence. The punishment is a fine of up to $10,000 for the first offence. Subsequent convictions carry fines of up to $20,000, a maximum jail term of 12 months, or both. They also face an additional charge of driving without a valid supplementary licence, which carries a maximum fine of $5,000 for first-time offenders. On average, the tamperers were fined $8,000 - equivalent to almost half their tax savings. Those who drive without a supplementary licence or an invalid one face fines of up to $5,000, which can double for repeat offenders. 3 Demerit Points * Disobeying traffic direction of Police Officer * Carrying excess pillion or carrying pillion sitting not astride * Riders failing to wear or wear insecurely on his head a protective helmet * Driver failing to wear a seat belt * Driver failing to ensure that front/rear seat passenger wears a seat belt * Allowing a child below 8 years of age who is a front/rear passenger to be secured with an unapproved child restraint * Using a motor vehicle where a child below 8 years of age, who is a front/rear passenger is not properly secured by an approved child restraint when there is seat belt available for the use of such passenger * Parking within a Demerit Points No Parking Zone * Stopping within a Demerit Points No Stopping Zone * Parking abreast of another vehicle * Parking within a pedestrian crossing * Stopping in a zebra-controlled area * Carrying passengers on goods vehicle without a permit * Conveying load not properly secured * Using tyre with ply or cord carcass exposed In addition, a fine is imposed as follows: Light Vehicle (unladen weight of 2500 kg and below): S$120.00 Heavy Vehicle (unladen weight exceeds 2500 kg): S$150.00 4 Demerit Points * Exceeding speed limit of vehicle up to 20km/h. * Exceeding speed limit of the road up to 20km/h. * Failing to give way to oncoming traffic at controlled junction. * Failing to give way at uncontrolled junction. * Failing to give way at junction. * Failing to give way at roundabout. * Crossing double white lines. * Crossing road divider. * Hindering flow of traffic. * Failing to give way to ambulance or fire brigade or police vehicle. * Driving while carrying load on a motor vehicle in a dangerous manner. * Stop or allow vehicle to remain at rest on shoulder of an expressway. * Stopping or remaining at rest on the carriageway of an expressway. * Forming up incorrectly when turning left or right. In addition, a fine is imposed as follows: Light Vehicle (unladen weight of 2500 kg and below): S$130.00 Heavy Vehicle (unladen weight exceeds 2500 kg): S$160.00 6 Demerit Points * Driving or riding against the flow of traffic. * Driving on a shoulder of an expressway. * Load falling off from the vehicle. * Exceeding speed limit of the road by more than 20km/h up to 30km/h. * Exceeding speed limit for vehicle by more than 20km/h up to 30km/h. * Offences committed by motorists at a pedestrian crossing 1. Failing to give way to pedestrian at pedestrian crossing. 2. Unable to stop your vehicle before reaching a pedestrian crossing. 3. Failing to allow free and uninterrupted passage to pedestrian. 4. Failing to give way to pedestrian at controlled intersection. * Careless driving. * Carrying passengers on a goods vehicle in a dangerous manner. * Carrying passengers on a motor vehicle or trailer in a dangerous manner. * Reversing unnecessarily along an expressway. In addition, a fine is imposed as follows: Light Vehicle (unladen weight of 2500 kg and below) : S$150.00 Heavy Vehicle (unladen weight exceeds 2500 kg) : S$180.00 8 Demerit Points * Exceeding speed limit for vehicle by more than 30km/h up to 40km/h. * Exceeding the speed limit of the road by more than 30km/h up to 40km/h. In addition, a fine is imposed as follows: Light Vehicle (unladen weight of 2500 kg and below): S$170.00 Heavy Vehicle (unladen weight exceeds 2500 kg): S$200.00 9 Demerit Points * Driving without due care or reasonable consideration for other road users. In addition, a fine is imposed as follows: Light Vehicle (unladen weight of 2500 kg and below): S$170.00 Heavy Vehicle (unladen weight exceeds 2500 kg): S$200.00 12 Demerit Points * Exceeding speed limit for vehicle by more than 40km/h up to 50km/h. * Exceeding the speed limit of the road by more than 40km/h up to 50km/h. These offenders will be prosecuted in court. * Failing to conform to traffic red light signals. In addition, a fine is imposed as follows: Light Vehicle (unladen weight of 2500 kg and below) : S$200.00 Heavy Vehicle (unladen weight exceeds 2500 kg) : S$230.00 * Use of mobile telephone whilst driving. Offender will be prosecuted in court, and may face a driving disqualification and forfeiture of handphone. In addition: 1st time offender- Fine not exceeding $1000.00 or jail sentence of up to 6 months or both. 2nd or subsequent conviction- Fine not exceeding $2000.00 or jail sentence of up to 12 months or both. 18 Demerit Points * Exceeding speed limit for vehicle by more than 50 km/h up to 60km/h. * Exceeding speed limit of the road by more than 50km/h up to 60km/h. Offender will be prosecuted in court. 24 Demerit Points * Exceeding speed limit for vehicle by more than 60 km/h. * Exceeding speed limit of the road by more than 60km/h. * Reckless or dangerous driving. Offender will be prosecuted in court. License suspension * Accumulated more than 24 demerit points within 2 years Disqualified from driving * Driving without valid license (no license, or driving manual cars with Class 3A license) * Driving without valid insurance coverage * Drink driving * Accumulated more than 12 demerit points during probation (P-Plate) * Caught twice driving without display P-Plate for drivers on probation.
  5. http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/much-to-cheer-for-but/1985250.html?cid=TWTCNA Wah! Zhun bo, any MCF bro or sis will wanna redeem this from SPF and paste on their windscreen? Doubt I will do so, even if I am demerit point free. Dont wanna be a target. What's your take?
  6. I just received a letter from LTA Fine 120 + 3 demerit points for parking at double zig zag line. Anyone appeal before? Any success story? My 1st time kanna such offence.
  7. Hi everyone, I have read some threads that they say you will be fined and get demerit points when you got into an accident. So I was curious whether how will it work for my case. I have met 2 accident on the same day. One of the accident is the bike hit the rear of my car on the highway, while the other accident is I was going straight on the green light and hit a right turning vehicle. I made a police report and went to consult a doctor and got two days of MC. So for this case, will I get 6 demerit points and $200 fine two times (total 12 points and $400 dollars fine) since its two accident on the same day? Thanks for the help *I am still on P-plate...
  8. Hi all, I received a letter from Traffic Police Department, saying that I crossed a double white line in between Havelock Road and Upper Pickering Street. any bro / sis know that where is the double white line ar? Can i appeal for this case? Demerit point: 4 Find: $130
  9. Just curious... Besides fine, does Malaysian drivers get demerit points for traffic offences in Singapore? Vice versa, does Singaporean drivers get demerit points for traffic offences in Malaysia?
  10. After the implementation of this new ruling, traffic along Bartley road still as tragic. How do TP exercise this "Inconsiderate driving"? Parking along the left lane or dropping student off in the second lane?
  11. Can we overtake in single carriageway with 1 lane in each direction? (i do that quite often in malaysia B or trunk roads. but how about singapore?) continuous white line in the centre. I know that double white line confirm cannot cross or overtake. 21 Crossing double white lines 22 Crossing road divider Why rule 22? from http://driving-in-singapore.spf.gov.sg/ser...vices/dips.html
  12. Do not agree with the writer. IMHO 3 months is not what he envisioned a "reasonable time to reflect" but a short period to lie low for some to chut pattern once again once over. From ST Forum: http://www.straitstimes.com/premium/forum-...-point-20121023 Expunge demerit points after three months AS MANY people need to drive as part of their work, I hope that the Traffic Police can consider expunging demerit points after three months instead of a year. Motorists are already punished with a monetary fine, but still have to wait for 12 months for the demerit points to be zero again. Three months is a reasonable time for a motorist to reflect on the traffic offence committed. Chan Ban Choon
  13. so this means it is possible to get 0 DP for TP? I know someone who had 6 points for TP. But 2 points .. She wore hot pants during test? :p http://alina-mak.blogspot.sg/2012/07/bye-cdc.html
  14. army got one saying: doing anything dont get caught, get caught, dont comprain
  15. Last night & today, almost rear collided by motorbikes who tried to overtaking, first was a bike with exhaust mod racing along a bend on lane1 at high speed, today was another bike cant wait for cars to exit road on left, die die want to overtake. Come to worse only the bikers will suffer bodily harm not the car owners, money cannot buy back their lives. So do u think anything will change if more stringent demerit penalty is imposed on motorcyclist?
  16. Sunday monring, I exited SLE (toward BKE) via Woodlands Ave 2. At the 1st t-juncture turning into Ave 1, there is this odd traffic light which has the red/amber/green light for right-turning lane. when the entire direction turned green light, the right-turning light also turned green. Then suddenly it turned amber and then red. I was the 3rd car in the waiting lane and was trailing behind a slow pickup. Being the 3rd car, I togt I should be able to clear the traffic light. Howver, I didnt expect the right-turn green light to change to amber then red so soon. I think I was just before the stop-line when the turning light became red. The slow pick-up caused me to over-estimate my speed of turning and I was overly optmisstic that I could make it. On hindsight, I should have stopped. I drove past the junction again and realised that there is a redlight camera. I dun recall seeing a flash at all. As the entire traffic direction was still green light except that this right-turn lane which was turned red, I wonder if the camera will activate. The funny thing about this junction is that after the red light for the right turn comes on, it will go off after 5 sec. It becomes a "normal" right-turning lane when the red light goes off. i reckon that the camera wont activate for a single lane (general traffic direction is still green) or due to the weird set-up for this right-turning lane (turns red then turns off). Any expert opinion? Having said the above, I am absolutely sure it was a mistake on my judgement. I will definitely be less optimssitic when crossing traffic lights...
  17. k my friend is on a p plate license... so from my understanding she has only 12 points to spare... whereas seasoned drivers with a clean record have 24points to spare... i also understand that if i get 25points or more in 24 months (for 1st timers) i will get a suspension... but for the p-plate driver, if she get 13points or more in 12months she will get her license revoked and NOT suspened... is this correct? i believe so... now the thing is, in her 1st few months of driving, she kanna 4points... so this 4 points will expire in 12months... just nice the day her points expired, she kanna beat red-light 12points... so now she has checked with DIPS, she has no offenses now record is clear... but if she goes and pay her fine for the beat red light 12 points, will she be safe or you think license revoked?... big risk here cause its revoke and not suspend... anybody knows?
  18. Repost due to Outage SINGAPORE : From June 7, drivers can go online to find out how many traffic demerit points they have chalked up or if they have any outstanding traffic summons. The new online service, the Electronic Driver Data Information and Enquiry System, also allows applicants to find out the status on new driving licences. An Identity Card number, vehicle number and driver's licence serial number are needed for verification. For foreign vehicles, access to the site can be done by using a vehicle number. Once logged on, the website will provide a summary of traffic offences that have been paid up. The website includes information about non-demerit offences as well - like parking summons. Drivers can log on to www.ecitizen.gov.sg or http://www.spf.gov.sg/epc/index.html to access the information
  19. hello bros, i heard from a friend that if you get a class 2B licence after you hold a class 3 licence for more than a year, your demerit points limit will be reset to 12 again because class 2B and class 3 shares the same demerit points system. is this still true now? even if this is true... there's no need to put on the P plate on your car even though your demerit points limit is reset to 12 right? (but of course u still gotta put on your P plate if u're riding a bike)
  20. Hi guys, like to consult MCF brothers and sisters who might have been in a similar situation before. My friend just received a TP letter charging him for 'driving without consideration for other persons'. The offence carries a $200 fine and 9 demerit points. My friend just wanted to pay the fine and get it over with, but I thought the outcome was unjust. Here's what happen on the road: He stopped behind a lorry which is dropping passengers. In an attempt to overtake the lorry, he signalled right and checked his blind spot. That was when a foreign motorcycle rammed past his right car mirror, losing his balance and crashing onto the road. The right car mirror broke into pieces as a result of the impact. Needless to say, both road users could not resolve the dispute, each making allegations at one another. Due to abrasions on the foreign motorcyclist, he checked into a hospital. My friend was then called down by TP to record a statement. Subsequently, this notice of traffic offence arrived in the mailbox. I'm not sure how TP arrived at the conclusion that my friend drove without consideration, bearing in mind that his car was stationary when the bike crashed into his mirror. Of course, I understand that this is just his side of the story, and the IO probably have a different view on the accident. But does that mean that every car driver has to be penalized for the recklessness of other road users? (Especially locally unqualified foreign road users who are not familiar with traffic rules and safety) Thanks for reading, I guess I just wanted to find out if its worthy to pursue the case further or just get it over with. My friend can't even be bothered to appeal the offence, saying its a waste of time.
  21. Hi, I have a friend already rec'd 18 demerit points and he got another 24 points today for speeding (speed camera) meaning total 42 points, can someone let me know how long will be the suspension ? And how much he will likely be fined? Anyway, he could escape suspend? Thanks in advance.
  22. With so many speed limits imposed, please read to avoid killing your own pocket What are the offences that carry demerit points? There are 8 categories of offences that carry demerit points. They carry 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 18 & 24 demerit points according to the severity of offences. 3 Demerit Points
  23. Hi all, need some help on the dermerit point system. I got my license on 6th sept last yr, met with an accident in oct, got 6 demerit points. Its like slightly 1 yr after i get my license, i just want to know for my situation, i am able to get a max of 12 demerit points or 24 demerit points?? pls advice! thanks!
  24. As above, wonder if by clocking demerit points, will it affect NCD?
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