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Found 14 results

  1. I think we need more effort in stopping Dengue. The more I think about it, the more I think we over-reacted for Covid. 12 people died from Dengue, 24 people died from Covid. Are we going to throw 50 billion for stopping Dengue??? Because I live in a red cluster, I have narrowed my jogging range to avoid getting bitten on my morning jog. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/dengue-cases-this-year-could-surpass-2013-peak-12800008
  2. New facility in Ang Mo Kio aims to produce 5 million mosquitoes a week to fight dengue source: https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/environment/new-facility-in-ang-mo-kio-aims-to-produce-five-million-mosquitoes-per-week-to SINGAPORE - The war on dengue has received a boost with the opening of a new facility in Ang Mo Kio that can breed millions of mosquitoes a week to prevent urban female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes from producing offspring. The launch on Monday (Dec 2) comes at the tail end of a year in which Singapore has experienced its third-biggest dengue outbreak. As of Nov 21, more than 14,470 people here had been infected with the disease, with 20 lives lost. The new facility will allow the National Environment Agency (NEA) to scale up Project Wolbachia by producing up to five million mosquitoes a week. The project involves the release of male Wolbachia-Aedes aegypti mosquitoes to suppress the urban Aedes aegypti mosquito population, which is the primary vector of dengue, chikungunya and Zika here. When the released male Wolbachia-Aedes aegypti mosquitoes mate with urban female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that do not carry Wolbachia, the resulting eggs do not hatch. The NEA said that over time, the continued release of male Wolbachia-Aedes aegypti mosquitoes is expected to bring about a gradual reduction in the urban Aedes aegypti mosquito population, and hence lower the risk of dengue transmission. Speaking at the launch of the new facility, Senior Minister of State for the Environment and Water Resources Amy Khor said: "If we are serious about confronting climate change and other challenges, dengue control cannot simply be just 'business as usual'. We cannot just do more of the same." Explaining the need for action, Dr Khor, who is also Senior Minister of State for Health, said the dengue situation is likely to worsen over the next few decades as a result of global warming. This is because higher temperatures result in mosquitoes breeding faster, and cause the dengue virus to replicate at a quicker rate. The new $5 million facility in Techplace II at Ang Mo Kio Avenue 5 is expected to provide scalability in the production and release of Wolbachia-Aedes aegypti mosquitoes needed for Project Wolbachia. NEA chief executive Tan Meng Dui said the facility's target capacity a week is a tenfold increase over that of the previous facility, which was located in Neythal Road and is now defunct. "This facility and the technologies it houses will play a key role in Singapore's efforts to deploy Wolbachia technology as part of our integrated vector control programme to tackle these diseases (dengue, chikungunya and Zika)," he added. The highly automated facility in Ang Mo Kio, which is thrice the size of the previous one, incorporates new technology and machines to boost production capacity and increase productivity, including a male-female pupae sorter, which was co-developed by NEA and local start-up Orinno Technology. The sorter is 10 to 20 times faster than the previous method used to separate the two types of pupae and larvae, and uses lighting, water-flow control and a specially designed sieve to achieve high accuracy and high efficiency in the separation process. The facility also uses automated larvae and pupae counters. The NEA has also been working closely with the Joint Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to incorporate low-dose X-ray irradiation in the production process. This step causes any female Wolbachia-Aedes mosquitoes that are inadvertently released to become infertile, preventing any build-up of such mosquitoes, which would hamper Project Wolbachia's effectiveness. More devices, such as a high-throughput larvae-rearing system designed by FAO, IAEA and Orinno, are in the pipeline to further improve scalability for Project Wolbachia in future. Dr Khor said the impact of Project Wolbachia goes beyond the realm of public health. "The innovative solutions developed and collaborations formed through this important scientific initiative have also advanced research and provided economic opportunities in Singapore," she added.
  3. Tonyng

    Dengue death

    http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/...idemic-20130530 A 20-year-old man died on Wednesday from dengue fever, becoming the first person in Singapore to die from the disease during this current epidemic. Mr Ang Yong Han, who recently graduated from the Institute of Technical Education, fell ill on May 22. What started out as a fever later worsened to high fever, and he also felt weak and uncomfortable, said his aunt Madam Yeh, 56, housewife who spoke to Chinese evening papers, Shin Min. He went to the Tan Tock Seng Hospital's (TTSH) emergency department last Thursday and was diagnosed with viral fever. After being given a drip, he was sent home. When his condition did not improve, he went back to the hospital's emergency department again in the wee hours of Friday. But after waiting for five hours, he left to go to a general practitioner near his home, said his mother Madam Yap Geok Kuan, 45. He was eventually admitted to TTSH on Saturday night. By Monday he was transferred to the hospital's intensive care unit, where he died three days later. Mr Ang, an only child, was to have enlisted in National Service on Thursday. He had received blood transfusions in the hospital also had a breathing tube inserted into his chest. His father, Mr Ang, 56, a vegetable wholesaler, said in Mandarin to Shin Min: "He is very filial and often helps me with delivering vegetables. I did not think his fever would be so serious, and he would end up dead. I am heartbroken." I am heartbroken he left after a 5h wait. Was he ever seen by doctor?
  4. Read this and I'm wondering what is best way to beat it?? Channel NewsAsia - Wednesday, September 19SINGAPORE : A 60
  5. This must be one of the most innovative way to tackle dengue.. I like the self destruct mechanism.. But scary if one day, they can GM humans to self destruct before gaining sexual maturity. Macam the genophage in Mass Effect.
  6. My Chinese not good, I read like effective but read further they said not effective. http://www.guangming.com.my/node/209657?tid=27 馬六甲15日訊)衛生部長拿督斯里蘇巴馬廉指出,目前我國正研究使用木瓜葉汁抵抗蚊症,不過發現木瓜葉汁雖然能夠增加病患的血小板及有退熱的功效,但是對於消滅蚊症病菌或制止病菌繁殖上則無效,因此將進行更進一步的研究。 他聲稱,由於目前蚊症沒有任何的解藥,所以衛生部還是會注重在預防的工作上,希望民眾能夠及時覺醒,與政府配合,抵抗蚊症。 他說,我國蚊症病例不斷上升,而噴蚊霧也只是解決蚊症的一種治標不治本的方式,只能暫時性的殺害蚊蟲,不是解決骨痛熱症的終極方案;更重要的是,民眾必須覺醒,與政府配合減少黑斑蚊的溫床。 “民眾如果每日就花費10分鐘清除住家周圍能夠繁殖蚊蟲的溫床,就能有效的制止蚊症。 已有數據顯示,頻密執行滅蚊覺醒運動計劃(COMBI)的民眾,蚊症就有明顯的下降。” 蘇巴馬廉指出,民眾一再的誤解,認為政府應該增加到蚊症黑區噴蚊霧的次數,不過人們不知道的是,噴蚊霧的效果最多只能維持一天,蚊霧的藥效第二天就失效了。 他說,對抗蚊症的責任,不能只落在政府的身上,民眾也必須付出。政府可以推介上百個滅蚊醒覺運動,也可以每個星期主辦清潔運動,但是如果民眾仍然不注意周遭環境的衛生,這些努力將是白費的。 蘇巴馬廉是在2014年東南亞骨痛熱症日全國慶典上的開幕典禮,如是指出。 他舉出,蚊症在人口密集的地方案例最多,尤其全國人口最密集的雪州八打靈,佔了全國蚊症病例的30至40%。去年1月至6月為止,全國蚊症病例是1萬910宗,今年同時期已經飆升至3萬4411宗,明顯的增加252%。去年同時期的死亡病例有22宗,今年飆升241%至75宗。 他呼吁民眾在瞭解黑斑蚊子的習性後,知道黑斑蚊通常在清晨及傍晚出現,於是在那個時候若要出門,最好做好防範措施。(光明日報)
  7. I'm worried about our dengue problem. my other half is expecting at this moment and I'm thinking of how to repel mozzies at home. I saw those devices that you plug into power sockets. Will these devices actually work? what other ways to repel mozzies?
  8. Hi, Pls exercise caution when going to tampines. As at 26/3, already 180 cases from tampines!!! Blk 267 alone got 32 cases! Can get more details from nea website http://www.dengue.gov.sg/
  9. take care guys if you stay around the area. ----- Jul 20, 2011 Dengue cluster at Upper Paya Lebar keeps growing By Salma Khalik The dengue threat continues to rise as the large Upper Paya Lebar cluster gets bigger, with 65 people living in the vicinity down with the disease - 11 more since last Wednesday. -- ST PHOTO: MAY LIN LE GOFF THE dengue threat continues to rise as the large Upper Paya Lebar cluster gets bigger, with 65 people living in the vicinity down with the disease - 11 more since last Wednesday. This is in spite of the National Environment Agency (NEA) sending search-and-destroy teams to visit every house in the area as well as public places where mosquitoes might breed. An NEA spokesman said 40 officers have been scouring the area daily, including weekends, and have found 29 breeding spots in the past three weeks. Further north, another large cluster of 11 victims has emerged in Woodlands. On a national level, 215 people were infected last week, the second week running that the numbers have been above 'epidemic levels'. In the first three days of this week, another 58 people have been diagnosed with dengue. More than 2,800 people have been infected so far this year, about 450 more than in the same period last year.
  10. Dengue is no joke...take care of yourself and your family. --- Jun 27, 2011 61 cases of rare dengue in Marsiling By Ashutosh Ravikrishnan More than 60 cases of an uncommon strain of dengue has been reported since Friday. -- PHOTO: NEA SIXTY-ONE cases of an uncommon strain of dengue has been reported since Friday. The Den-3 virus has, so far, hit the Marsiling area. The National Environment Agency (NEA) believes that residents may have little or no immunity against the virus. This may possibly lead to a faster transmission of the disease. However, it assures the public that there is no indication of the strain spreading to other parts of the country at this point in time. Stepping up control efforts, the NEA has dispatched 70 officers to search and remove all potential breeding zones in the area. It has also called on the Sembawang Town Council and the National Parks Board to fumigate the area.
  11. was at plaza singapura shopping centre yesterday. To my horror i saw the drains that is near the car park lots fill with mosquito larvae. Not few but lots could be hundreds. For guys going there with family please be careful on level 4 and level 3
  12. Draw your own conclusions 死者的侄女(左)和妻子无法接受他去世,在殓尸房哭得呼天抢地。 中国管工疑在狮城工作被伊蚊叮死,家人来新向雇主索赔,价码节节高升,从10万到20万再增到50万,最后更扬言不赔60万就不领尸不火化! 《联合晚报》日前报道,一名来自中国江苏的建筑工地管工周世强(43岁),疑患上骨痛溢血热症,发高烧5天后,上个月25日猝死。他的妻子、独生子、侄女急忙赶办手续,星期日抵新处理后事。 死者的家人认尸时,向记者哭诉死者的雇主处事不当,要他赔偿50万新元,若谈不妥就坚持不火化死者的遗体。 死者的侄女周云说,叔叔过世前一天还拨电回家,没想到隔天却接到他病逝的消息,令他们非常震惊。据了解,死者的家属抵新和雇主见面后,起初要求赔10万,过后增加到20万元。 她们星期一认尸时又告诉记者,要雇主赔偿50万元。不过据记者向雇主李先生询问,死者家属要求的最新赔偿是60万元。
  13. BMW320i

    Dengue Fever

    I would like to take this opportunity to warn MCF members of the dangers of Dengue Fever. Around late last week my mother had of gastric pain in which the doctor classified as an isolated case. Fever started to kick in as of last sunday in which she went to the clinic and the doctor prescribed some antibiotics and panadols to keep the temperature down. Doctor adviced that if fever persist, come back again on Tuesday. On Monday fever persist and today apparently my mother said her bones were aching and painful even by just lying down. My father brought her to the clinic in which the doctor refered her to Mount E. Upon arrival this morning, after blood test was done, doctors confirmed it was dengue fever and that her blood count is extremely low given her age. She is currently hospitalised and placed on IV as she is unable to consume food or water orally due to vomiting. The doctor warned that possible bleeding, rash and high fever may occur at the very last stage before the patient recovers. Fever will not subside during early and middle stage and continuous medicine treatment is required to keep the fever under control. This is a general advice to all. Please take all necessary precautions to ensure any potential form of mosquito breeding can be stopped. In addition, also take precautions in knowing that just because your place of residence may be free from mosquitos, however you cannot speak the same for your neighbours or even the general environment. Do look out for each other and dengue fever is a very terrible process to go through. The elderly have to take extra care as their immune system and body is fragile and weak and hence experience more severe symptoms. I strongly urge everyone to take extra care for your health's well being as well as your family members.
  14. when performing Project Shed Weight, guess what I found... almost 4cm of water flooding in my spare wheel well! i cleaned it out and seems like there's rust forming. i went for a car wash today and seems like it's seeping in from the side, where the jack is stored. i can only imagine how long that puddle has been accumulating under the board. damn, looks like another mini project for me to sand it down and give it a coat of pylox.
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