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  1. The topic sounds unfilial but tolerance hit my limit. Not gonna type millions of words but my parents is too much, hit my nerves and I decide to end ties with them. Demanding for money, insulting and nothing can save this relationship any more. Even my hubby told me, just ignore them, no need to do anything but as far as my concern, I will want to cut off with them legally. any friends have any advise? No flaming please , I labeled myself " unfilial " then............ Let me know the procedure, anyone?Thanks
  2. Thinking of doing a mod to my netbook but no dremel Would like to cut out a precise shape from the plastic bezel. I got the exact dimensions courtesy of a plastic block (not really a stencil) Does anyone know of a good shop that does customised laser cutting service, mine is just a minor laser cutting only plastic only. Hopefully the cost is not too expensive. thanks for your replies
  3. Went for the annual Qing Ming session yesterday at Peck San Theng @ Bishan. In other years, we will avoid the 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after the actual day, to avoid the expected jam. This year, though, my uncle asked my mother to go yesterday (which I realized only when i asked being stuck in the jam, that it's the very weekend of Qing Ming) as my that works best for my cousins. Big mistake! I went via CTE side and missed the long queue which started before SPH, then had the bad experience of having to try to cut into the bumper-to-bumper queue of cars waiting to turn into Peck San Theng… Even before I reached there (to start to squeeze), at the traffic light, can hear got cars sounding (not sounded) their horns non-stop - an indication of the frustration of being obediently queueing but seeing other vehicles cutting in in front. The fact that the cars inside the single-lane road were crawling (as most cars will stop to allow passengers to alight somewhere inside, hence stopping traffic), doesn't help. 10+ years ago, when caught in such jams, I would let my folks alight on the main road, then I proceed to go to the HDB carpark opp RI to park and walk over, so as not to get caught in the unpleasant situation like yest. Now my folks are 79 and 82, and my mother had knee op on one leg last year, and is going for the other leg next month. She walks with a walking stick, very very slowly - but refuses to use wheelchair. Yest was to pray to her late parents and elders, and she insisted must go. Wouldn't have been able to make her walk the long distance from main road to go in... Really no choice but had to resort to squeezing in and cutting queue. Can feel the frustration and unhappiness of the other drivers. To them all, very sorry for the bad driving behavior. Apology... Already told my mum, next year if my cousins/uncle side said can only make it on the '2+2' peak weekends, then we split and go separately. Confirm don't want to do this again.
  4. Any place which provide car key cutting service for like $10-$20? Just pure cutting service. Not remote duplication, not even any part from them. Checked a few shops, all asking for $40 and above just to cut. Is this the standard rate?
  5. I notice there are quite a few drivers who like to cut across chevrons or double white lines when their lane is congested but the adjacent lane is free. Personally it irritates me as you don't expect people to be cutting into your lane at those places, not to mention it's a traffic offence. What do you think?
  6. Hi, Bros I need your recommendation for an good deal for ply wood cutting for my panel van floor board (Especially to have 2 x rectangle boxes to cover the rear wheel arches)
  7. There are at least 10 plus old trees at Canada Road and Montreal Road being cut down. These trees are strong like pine tree and don't look sick in anyway. Don't understand what are they doing. I also remember there are a few big trees near Yishun Mrt, now cut just left 1.
  8. My virgin thread, not about cars but about humans.......... I have read many cars Q cut, Korean man vs China gal etc etc Now my real life story, purpose is to see what will you guys do in this situation and any positive advises... Many will say what EQ etc etc , its good to share Today i sent my son to childcare around 8.30am Seeing 3 children in Q, we shall also Q. One father brought his boy later and son just walked in and stand in front while father in shorts, not in working attire stood behind without a sound I never want to get involved cos i want to see whats gng to happen 1st. Me: Lao shi, how come this boy came last but u let him go 1st? Ls: I duno who come 1st. Me: (pointing to 1st little gal with a very soft mum) This poor gal standing in front of you for so long even before i reached Ls: This is not my fault Me: So ya not your fault, its my fault Me: Everyone is rushing to go work, but we still follow the principle of Qing. Another parent came along: Oh, school never teach Qing up meh? Ls: Since you in rush, then your boy come 1st! (What an answer from her) Me: If my son goes 1st, then why am i still here to explain the importance of Q! (Obviously she still dun get it) Me: Hao la, Hao le, dun say already, just clear the Q, (wasting time keep saying its not her fault) Me: Run ren rang ren chi (This was my last words to her) I asked for her name before i left and can see she lowered her volume.... I cfm will bring this up to principal cos just now she was not in yet. And if i witness this again, if teacher dun control, i cfm will tell the boy, boy you are not suppose to Q cut and you father never teach you (in front of the father) Any inputs are welcome, my EQ was never high................ hahhahahaa And some of you got it right! Lao shi was indeed Ftrash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF she was in her kampung, i believed one korean would have punched her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Yesterday driving on the CTE saw a white Lexus SUV cutting in & out of traffic at high speeds. He was going from lane 1 to lane 4, and back again to lane 1 repeating this all the way until I lost sight of him. Also Tailgating cars all the way and swerving in/out into small gaps. It was really dangerous and arrogant driving Is it common to see such extreme cases? (usually see people just switch between lane 1 & 2) Will the Traffic Police do anything if they see this, or is it ok to drive like that?
  10. Was driving along TPE one evening, noticed that there's this QQ cutting in/out traffic at ard 100km/hr. Driver using it as though sports car. 0.8 or 1.1cc small car, how stable can it be at such high speed? Playing with his life and others....
  11. Apologies to the Forester and Mercedes Taxi when we did a right turn into loyang. It was raining heavily and the lines were not clear. I accidentally cut into the right most lane. Sincere apologies!
  12. Darryn

    Queue Cutting

    If you know a way "around" a queue that lets you cut it without jumpiing the queue is it ethical to use it? For example, driving CTE towards city, if traffic is at a standstill, can take AMK ave 3 exit, go straight at traffic lights and then rejoin the other end. Or maybe there is a way to "go around the block" cutting out 90% of the jam, and then rejoining later...is this ok? And I am talking real jams, not just traffic slowdown, and you are leaving the cue, and rejoining in front of where you would otherwise have been... is it ok?
  13. The developer did not cut cost on the construction material and design, I hope. http://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/singaporesc...214521-313.html Tombstone, coffin found at construction site in Yishun By farism | SingaporeScene
  14. hey ppl, yesterday i drove to JB, den on the right hand side which is meant for the big lorries was empty lane, i saw a JB plate camry drove past followed by many cars .. then i followed, up the bridge where the lorry turn right the malaysia TP signal all the cars jump queue to park infront. oh man TP threaten 300MYR tio summon but TP keep smiling ...then i had to give 50 dollar kopi money ... haizz.. so i open this post is DON'T CUT QUEUE ON CAUSEWAY to JB custom TP waiting to ambush you there, for ang bao money le..
  15. Yesterday was in Little India. Passed by this tyre shop (the one along Serangoon Rd, next to one of the "higher" end Mustafa outlet. Saw the men used a special tool to cut grove on a worn out tyre. Dont know he was asked by his customer to do that or he just do that and sell the "newly cut" tyre as 2nd hand tyre. Dont know this practice is common. Just want to warn everyone here beware of such thing.
  16. We have one bus/coach driver, one train driver, etc. So one pilot should be ok lah! Last time fly plane got many checks and instruments to worry about, now all easy to check and control by one person. http://gizmodo.com/5634864/airline-wants-f...se-of-emergency A low-cost airline wants flight attendants to fly airplanes in case of emergency. The reason: Having two pilots in the cockpit is too expensive. That's great, because I really can't wait to see Steven Slater landing a 747 at JFK. The father of the idea is none other than Michael O'Leary, the CEO of Ryanair, the most famous low-cost airline in Europe. O'Leary does a lot of seemingly stupid things, but he's a very smart man too. In this case, he may be completely right too. Authorities and aircraft manufacturers are actually looking into this. Embraer is planning to have a one-pilot-only commercial jetliner by 2020, and General Electric and Lockheed Martin are actively working in incorporating remote control capabilities
  17. Actually wanted to post this some time ago but forgot about it until i kana this grass cutting again today. For bros out there, please be aware wen passing near any grass cutting works on the road side. Was passing by Old CCK when spotted some men using the typical grass cutting equipment... the one with the long pole with a piece of rotating plastic at the other end. They were about 5 meters from the edge of the road so i thought can pass by safely. As i pass by, i heard a twack and thought siao liao. True enough, when i check later, there is a slight dent with chipped paint where i think a piece of pebble has hit onto my front passenger door. I can't and am not blaming the grass cutters for the whole thing... they are just doing their job. But just to warn bros to exercise some caution when near these grass cutters. As they sweep the cutter left and right, inadvertently some pebbles or stones may get whipped by the plastic cutter and get thrown into the air in all directions. In my case, tio the door. There is also the possibility of hitting the glass window or (even) windscreen?? Anyone experienced this before?
  18. Good Day Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm just wonderring if anyone ever gotten summon for the above offence?? cos I've seen lately that alot of queue cutters.. Is the offence legit??
  19. With pressure mounting on Iran to halt its nuclear weapons program, Daimler is reportedly joining the growing list of businesses
  20. Hi all, Was wondering what cutting compound are you guys using. Possible to share location to get them and pricing as well as how abrasive is it. I was looking at Ultimate compound and Maguiars professional line up. I have some fine scratches that only upon close inspection can u see. Swirl X dont seem to do the trick.
  21. hi all, need yr advise on which department is responsible for the trees cutiing along the road? my car kena falling tree branches when driving through. thanks
  22. For breakfast this morning, I had Nutella with bread, and I just realised that now Nutella comes in transparent plastic jars. I'm not sure when the change started, but I can recall last time it used to come is heavy glass jars. I thought this is one very clever way to cut cost although it's not so envrionmentally friendly. Plastics jars must be cheaper and easier to make, and more importantly it's also much lighter. So just imagine how much they save in shipping cost when they have millions of Nutella jars to ship? That's why I start this thread so we can all share based on what we encounter, how some companies come up with clever cost cutting measures to survive during this downturn.
  23. bad times are ahead... http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/sin.../388278/1/.html
  24. Lately, heard that Cutting of VVTI, MIVEC or VTEC wire and used unichip to tune, can tremenously increase the HP up to 30 HP There is even a Colt Plus Turbo cut the MIVEC and HP become 200Plus Not sure how true? Or had any brother done before?
  25. Minister Mah says cutting petrol taxes not the way to cushion rising oil prices Posted: 21 June 2008 2024 hrs SINGAPORE: National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan has said the government cannot reduce petrol taxes despite the soaring oil prices. He warned against taking the subsidy route, noting that even countries like China and Malaysia have started to re-think their policies on this. Mr Mah was speaking on the sidelines of a community event on Saturday. As pump prices here continue to rise, some Singaporeans are wondering why the government is not stepping in to cushion the impact by cutting petrol taxes. The government has always maintained that petrol duty - currently about 40 cents for every litre - is meant to promote public transport and curb excessive use of cars. Mr Mah said: "If you price it wrongly, if you subsidise anything, people will tend to use it more or people will tend not to use it as efficiently as possible and that is going to raise the demand. Once you raise the demand, I think that is in turn going to cause prices to go up even higher." So instead of lowering taxes, Mr Mah said Singapore's strategy is to change habits and attitudes to cut down on energy consumption. "If you are a motorist, how do you cut down (energy consumption)? Reduce the number of trips, if possible. Car pool, if possible. Better still, take public transport," he said. Mr Mah was speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a dialogue session with Tampines residents. To help reduce energy costs at the township level, he said, the Tampines Town Council is looking at replacing all lights in common areas with energy-saving ones. The chit-chat session was instituted two years ago as a way for Mr Mah, who is the Tampines Grassroots Organisation adviser, to meet residents in a more informal and smaller setting. Hence, a lot of municipal issues were raised, one of which was the issue of safety in the light of the recent spate of molest cases in the neighbourhood. To address this, Mr Mah said the town council will seriously look into installing CCTV cameras in blind spots and secluded areas around the neighbourhood. - CNA/ir Source: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/sin.../355547/1/.html
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