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Found 10 results

  1. Lazy Shanghai man takes dog for walk -- while driving his BMW Quote:A man was recently spotted taking his dog for a walk at the Shanghai Jiading District, which sounds perfectly normal, until you realise the man was behind the wheel of a white BMW. NDTV reports that the unusual sight was caught on surveillance cameras, and footage shows the white BMW being driven with the trunk wide open and a leash trailing out. A visibly tired German Shepard is attached to one end of the leash, and can be seen panting even though the BMW is not going fast. Impatient drivers following behind the BMW sounded their horn while the driver cruised along. http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/si...riving-his-bmw German car stroll with German Dog, this guy very creative but idiot
  2. I watch a documentary on cable and it's about WW II events. In one part, they were talking about how Germans attempted to march into Russia, Stalingrad, to invade Russia. At that time, Germans were mighty in their equipments and hardwares. i was shocked to learned from the documentary that the Russians started to train dogs to be like modern-day terrorists. They will train the dog to find food under tanks and vehicles, then they will starve the dogs to hunger. Then they stapped bombs to the dogs' bodies and they lie in ambush for the Germans tanks to come. Once the tanks are in sight, they will release the dog, the dog will run towards the tank, and the bombs will be ignited; disabling the tank, and the poor dog is blown to pieces. I search through internet and wiki also mentioned this technique used by the Russians http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-tank_dog So now, we cannot blame the Chinese for being cruel by eating dog meat, the bloody ang mo Russians are far worse than them. The bloody Americans also tried to use dogs during war, to bring bombs to the enemy's bunkers...........
  3. Badly hurt A China foreign worker apparently bashed this stray dog with a metal chain and injured it so badly that its face become a bloody mess. Another foreign worker witnessed the incident, and shouted at the man to stop hitting the dog. The man stopped hitting the dog at once and a volunteer at an animal shelter has since brought the dog to the shelter to get its injuries treated. STOMPer Lia saw the dog at the animal shelter and wrote to STOMP. She said: "I do believe most people will not want this to happen to any stray dog. "This dog's injuries were no accident. "A China foreign worker had allegedly bashed the dog's face in with a metal chain. "He was spotted by a fellow worker. The other worker shouted at the man to stop hitting the dog and he did. "My friend, who happens to be a volunteer at an animal shelter, saw the dog and asked the other worker what happened to the dog. "He was told what had occurred and he decided to bring the dog to the animal shelter, to be treated. "Everyone who saw the dog when it came in yesterday (Jan 2) afternoon were shocked by the extent of its injuries." An SPCA spokesman issued a statement: "The injuries on the dog are horrific and action needs to be taken if the dog was abused as reported. If anyone has knowledge of where this incident happened, and who is responsible, please do make a police report (and inform the SPCA) as soon as possible, at the nearest police post. If you need any assistance, please do call the SPCA at 62875355 ext. 9 for further advice. CRUELTY TO ANIMALS IS A CRIME In Singapore, cruelty to animals is a crime. Under the Animals and Birds Act, anyone who is found guilty of such an offence including abandonment of any animal, can be imprisoned for up to 12 months, fined up to $10,000, or both."
  4. STOMPer is too young to remember that this dish was around at least 20-30 years ago. Apparently it has been unbanned in certain Canto speaking parts of the world.
  5. Hi MCF brudders, On Sat, I parked my car at the carpark opposite the Amoy Food Centre, I was there for lunch with my family. The weather recently has been quite humid and we were already quite sweaty after we got out the car. I was looking around and happened to see the car beside me with one of it's window wind down about 2 inches. AND there was a dog inside the car!! The engine was off and the car was parked under partial shade. You guys should know how stuffy the interior is without the air-con on and this dog is the furry type. Please do not leave your pets in the car without proper ventilation! This is cruel for goodness sake!! Sorry if I sound too harsh, just want to highlight this and hope people learn to be kind. Safe driving, everyone!
  6. http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/viewPost5992.aspx this picture is horrifying.
  7. http://www.autoblog.com/2007/07/05/cruel-s...d-as-a-hyundai/
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