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  1. Would you invest one grand to coat the car which probably will last 2-3 years or just save the money and budget a respray 3 years later? Pros and cons. 😁
  2. As above .... If PI which company ? Thanks for all advice in advance appreciate
  3. by reducing resistence and increasing CCA on the battery, whats the real benefit if it????? electrical gurus please enlighten.....
  4. hi wanna put on a CF wrap.. any pros and cons about it? dont wanna spend on CF bonnet cause LTA have rules and regulation of the bonnet.
  5. Buying a car in Singapore is a burden, thinking of leasing one instead so that can change car anytime. Any bro can spell out the pros and cons on leasing? Thanks in advance.
  6. HI pple, Considering to get a Audi A5..... May i know what are the pros and cons of getting the car from PI instead from AD??? Servicing? Warranty?? If Gearbox or Enginge kaput how?? etc etc...
  7. Yahoo news : Gay casanova with HIV plays out 200 in M'sia Kuala Lumpur (The Star/ANN) - A HIV-positive gay casanova is believed to have conned nearly 200 young men in Malaysia of their money and valuables besides having sex with them. So far, 193 youngsters have claimed to be victims of the man with at least 100 saying they had sex with him before they were cheated of money, laptops and other items. The victims, some teenagers, said the casanova claimed to have fallen in love with them to gain their trust. His conquests were discovered after one victim posted a photo of the man on Facebook, and other victims recognised him. One, who only wanted to be known as Lee, 24, said he met 'Alvin' through Facebook last August and they soon carried on a relationship. "He came to my house last month and stayed with me for three days," said Lee, who lost 3,000 ringgit (US$990) when the casanova made off with his laptop, wallet and credit cards. He lodged a report with the Kota Damansara police station. Another victim, Kor, 22, said he had been conned into sleeping with the man two years ago. "He said he loved me and wanted me to be his boyfriend," he said, adding that they had spent a night together in a hotel before the man ran off with the 400 ringgit in Kor's wallet. "I want him to be stopped before he harms more people," said Kor, who has yet to get himself tested for HIV. The youngest victim, 17-year-old student Tai, met 'Kelvin' through a pen-pal magazine last October. "He invited me to come over to a hotel room," said Tai, adding that they had sex before going back to Tai's home. 'Kelvin' then disappeared after stealing Tai's laptop worth 3,000 ringgit. Tai has already tested positive for a sexually transmitted disease. Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) Public Services and Complaints Department chief Datuk Michael Chong said the number of the casanova's victims was shocking. "We believe there are many more who do not want to come forward due to shame."
  8. Hi to all the experts here.. im contemplating upsizing my rims. So wanna know more about the implications. Hope you guys can share some wisdom. Kindly use the format: Pros: Cons: thanks a lot!
  9. experts out there.. what are the pros and cons on ignition boosters? supposed to improve ignition with complete combustion but does it affect ECU? affect spark plugs life span? affect ignition coil life span? Please share, cheers!!
  10. Interest-only loans: the pros and cons They make sense to short-term investors and individuals who are high income earners and in high tax brackets. Ben Fok CONSUMERS are constantly bombarded with offers of loans, overdrafts, credit cards and instalment plans that promise instant gratification. We cannot avoid debt entirely, especially when it comes to acquiring the big ticket items, and not all debt is bad. But those who borrow must be prudent and know that they can make the repayments. Even high net worth individuals (HNWI) go to financial institutions for loans, which might seem strange since they are presumably cash-rich. But there are situations where it is worthwhile for the HNWI to borrow instead of paying with their own cash. Some financial institutions offer interest-only loans targeted at the HNWIs. With such loans, you only repay the interest, not the principal, so the loan balance remains unchanged. Most interest-only loans offered by financial institutions are associated with the purchase of property. Interest-only loans make sense to individuals who are high income earners and in high tax brackets. The benefit comes from being able to save on tax on rental income. That's because the interest portion of loan instalments for rental properties is tax deductible. This package also works well for short-term investors. By repaying only the interest, investors fork out less cash each month, until they sell the property. As a result, they may be able to invest in two properties instead of one. But interest-only loans are not for the long term, because at the end of the loan period, the payment is raised to the fully amortising level. If you're still in your home at the end of the interest-only period, you'll have to start paying off the principal. The payments will be considerably larger because they'll be amortised over a shorter period. For example, if your interest-only option lasts for five years and you have a 30-year loan, your principal payments will be calculated on a 25-year term. Drawbacks of interest-only mortgages: - You could experience payment shock. As mentioned earlier, your monthly payment will go up - sometimes by 30 per cent or more - when you start paying off the principal. And if the end of your interest-only period coincides with an upward adjustment in your mortgage rate, you could face an even sharper hike in monthly payments. - You're more vulnerable if your home value declines. Many borrowers with interest-only loans assume home price appreciation will help them build equity in their homes. In recent years, that's been a good bet. But rising interest rates could deflate real estate values in some high-cost areas. It's best to get a reputable financial institution to run the numbers for you and spell out the worst-case scenarios. Equity provides a cushion against falling home values. Without it, you could find yourself owing more on your mortgage than your home is worth. If you sell, the proceeds won't cover your loan balance, which means you'll have to come up with money from another source. One way to avoid this problem is to make a good-sized downpayment on your mortgage. Advantages of interest-only mortgages: - You have more flexibility. Some interest-only borrowers can afford a larger mortgage payment but their priority is to beef up their retirement nestegg or build up their emergency funds. Once they've accomplished those goals, they often decide to increase their mortgage payments. Increasing your monthly payments will build equity and lessen payment shock when you're required to start paying off the principal. If you're interested in this option, make sure your loan doesn't contain pre-payment penalties. Interest-only mortgages are complicated, so make sure you understand the pitfalls before you sign anything. And don't rely on the financial institutions to figure out how much you can afford to borrow. A lender may not take into account all of your future expenses, such as child's university fees or support of an elderly parent. What worries me is Singaporeans taking two or more mortgages in a rising market. As property prices rise, the dollar amount also rises in line with higher selling prices. Affordability becomes an issue. You're in the best position to know what your financial obligations are, so get a mortgage you can afford. How much should one borrow? There are two ratios that financial advisers commonly use: - Debt to asset ratio which is total debt/total assets. This ratio should be 50 per cent or less; - Debt servicing ratio which is total monthly loan repayment/monthly take-home pay. This ratio should be 35 per cent or less. After all, wealth equals assets less debt. It is built up over the years by accumulating assets and paying down debt, especially mortgage debt. When you pay down the balance of your mortgage, you are increasing your wealth by reducing debt. But an interest-only mortgage does not increase wealth in that way. Of course, you may be increasing your wealth by accumulating assets instead. If that's your plan and you have determined that it is more effective in building wealth during the interest-only period than paying down mortgage debt, fine. But paying down mortgage debt is the most effective way to build wealth, especially in today's financial environment. Four dangers related to borrowing too much: - It can become a habit; - It takes away money from other important needs; - Your credit rating will be damaged if you don't pay the bills; - It can lead to high interest payments that are harder to make. Three situations where it's better to avoid borrowing: - Paying your everyday expenses; - Covering optional spending; - Borrowing when you know you can't afford the payments It's not a good idea to borrow a lot thinking that you will just pay the minimum back each month. It may take a long time to get out of debt and you'll end up paying a lot of interest. Also, if you have one late payment, your credit rating may suffer and you'll be charged penalties. At the end of the day, paying down a loan is the best option, because once it's paid it remains paid. Ben Fok is CEO, Grandtag Financial Consultancy (Singapore) Pte Lt. He can be reached at [email protected]
  11. as of topic, lets say if we deviate from e manufacturer's spec of offset, wats e pros(if any) n cons of it??? For discussion purpose, take for eg. original states 55mm offset n u replaced e wheels wif a 40mm, sure it look gd wif e wheels now more closer to e fenders. But wat may b e cons of it technically???
  12. Anybody here bore their air intake manifold before? What are the pros and cons?
  13. Hi guys, Any HDB dwellers having a common toilet with 2 doors? any good and bad experience of using one? Thank you. Regards,
  14. Does an Oil based filter fares better than cotton based and stainless steel drop-in air filter? It supposes to trap dirt better and yet provide higher flow than the 2. Please comment. Thank you. Regards,
  15. Hi bros can anyone pls highlight the pros and cons from changing 16'' rims to 17'' rims
  16. That day was out with ma fwen. Cos I dribe a stick one. Then I was like abit dulan cos left hand need to shift gear cannot touch her... Sibeh dulan... Should have gotten an auto box instead But then dribe manual the passenger can touch me instead... So I'll start... Pros for Manual: Control Fun Passenger touch you instead of you touch them Can be like Takumi Pros for Auto: Hand can Auto Roam Easy relag relag dribe Shifts faster than manual (for the better boxes out there) Yawn... Damn sian today
  17. I can see the move towards cheaper COEs and more usage costs (Electronic Rd Pricing)implemented. As close as 5 yrs ago when COE prices were at >$30K levels, cars were not so many on the rd. Traffic was lighter than today and ERP prices were lower. Today at rock bottom COE prices, we not only get heavier traffic, higher ERP prices, but also more fatal accidents (more frequently too) on the road. When COE prices were high at >$30K levels, everyone complained about the high cost of cars and out of reach to many, but now when COE prices are low, everyone also complains about dealers making extra profit, higher & more ERP gantries etc. So cheap COEs = Good or Bad?
  18. Hi MCF bros, May I know what are the good and bad of parallel import cars? How come the price is cheaper as what I see in SGCARMART? Is there a catch or need to pay extra after you collect the car? What you see the price stated is what you pay? Please advice. Thank you.
  19. Below is an extract from the NGV community in Malaysia by drander. Just wanna bring this article up for discussion as it shows some cons of converting to cng. Comments pls: Since CNG octane rating is at 130, it burns very efficiently. In technical terms, it burns almost perfectly and emit a large volume of heat. While petrol octane rating at 97, it burns less hot. When you are operating at CNG-mode, you are burning very efficiently (eventhough you do not have a timing advance processor to ignite earlier which is only to counter the slow flaming rate on CNG). For NGV Users, you can by now notice that your car is extremely hot (pretty unbearable to place your hand for a couple of minutes). For simple arithmatic, the entire cooling system in your vehicle operate 7 times more than when you are using petrol-only. In percentage, the increase in heat is about 113% more, and not 15%, 20%. If you do hear taxi driver complaining about overheating, this is the one of the reasons. Here are some signs of extreme heat with CNG-mode driving: (a) Please keep track of your spare radiator water level (in plastic bottle). It should be dropping a couple centimeter everyweek. (b) Please keep an eye on your temperature indicator at your speedometer. It should be slightly higher than 80-85 degree C. © Please keep track of your battery acid liquid level. It should be drying up pretty rapidly as well. (d) For vehicle older than 5 years, please keep an eye on your radiator fan as it can be overworked and spolit. (e) Based on our experience, we have found that car battery can only last up to 2 years most. For taxi, you can sometime see them place a styrofoam to block the heat from the battery plastic wall. Since they wait in line for gas refill, the battery plastic get too hot and it cracks. And once it cracks, it leaks and damages. Heat is the biggest enemy to any vehicle. It reduces the engine efficiency to produce power. It can lead to mechnical damage, valve train, timing belt reduced-life span. In older vehicle, the power-loss can be also contributed to heat, and not just 'very dirty' engine. Heat can cause wiring damage, particularly when NGV Installer are not properly encapsulating NGV wiring with PVC tubes. The humidity and heat will build high resistance ® in copper wires; thus, it makes the gas soleniod semi-open due to low voltage. Some car has lower performance power during hot day is perhaps a heating problem. Heat can cause valve & valve seat damage due to dry fuel. The heat in the engine makes your standard engine oil 15W 40 to lose its viscosity (lubrication) and melted down to become watery. Once it become watery, it become dried easily by the dry CNG fuel at the valve and seatings. In petrol, a chemical called benzene is added to provide extra lubricant for valve. This is why we need to adjust our Valve Tappet every 10,000-15,000km. The tappet is knocking on the valve head, while the valve shaft is moving without lubrication. After a thousand of kilometers, it becomes misaligned and need a readjustment. For hydraulic valve, when its valve head get over knocked, it thins out. By then, you need change the entire top side. A NGV Member, CLKONG' has been championing this issue overa a couple of weeks now. He is strugglingly looking for a good solution to this problem. Thank you, CLKONG. He found one, but he can't seems to get his hands on the solution. Why then this heat problem can happen to our vehicles. Petrol engines were designed to tolerate petrol heat-emission (at max), and the cooling system engineered to disperse the generated heat. BUT these engines were NOT make to run on CNG fuel. It is we who converted the engine and subjected it to CNG-heating. It is our fault, and not the Manufacturer. For me, I have been using an improved engine oil, specially formulated for LPG & Diesel engines. It is the LPG side that is most applicable to CNG-mode. It is a dry fuel & has extreme heat too. My valve does not misalign so easily. The engine runs cooler, and easier to start. For coolant water, i use Lubeguard formula that is designed to reduce heat faster. For those who have driven my car, now you will understand why it have better power than usual. This is why we have always been asking NGV Users to think of safety. Overheating can cause fire (short circuit wiring, burning rubber hose, etc) and the refilling NOZZLE is in the engine compartment as well. So, please keep an eye on the heat, and kindly be COOL about this issue!
  20. Performance Gurus, Spending $$$ on CAI and others only yield so much more HP. Warranty, legal issues aside., would it make sense to bolt on a supercharger kit on a 1NZ-FE (Auto/CVT) engine? How much more HP would it yield in reality ? Would it cause long term structural damage ? etc PS: The 1NZ-FE produces maximum power of 107 hp at 6,000 rpm ( from my expert vendor) Thanks, Neotan
  21. hi all, im getting my new ride soon but cant decide whether to get leather seats or not. any kind soul pls advise. thks alot
  22. Brudders, Those with the latest Nissan Sunny 1.6 EX (manual), please post some Pros and Cons about the car. Heard that the FC is kinda high. Turth or myth? Would like to get reviews from u all before i really decide to book the car. Please feedback. Thanx.
  23. Hi Bros and Sis, So far, MCF has been a friendly, warm&cosy, casual, informative, fun etc etc forum and we all love it for what it is. Many of us feel it is probably one of the more, if not most, desirable forums today. For these good things about MCF, i guess we owe everyone who has contributed towards these achievements a big thank you and a big hug!! As MCF grows, we may face with some issues which we have not faced when MCF was younger:- Eg -- Does MCF really need publicity??.... If it does, what kind of publicity it needs?? Will publicity, assuming its well handled, bring benefits to MCF?? etc etc What do you think??? ...... (do bear in mind that MCF is a free forum, we dun pay a single cent to take part, and this implies that we may discuss and share our views, but the ultimate decision rests in the hands of the Owners, do remember this ) .... however, as we are part of MCF, it may be good to look at the pros and cons concerning publicity as part of the feedback process.... At the end of the day, there may not be right or wrong answers to these questions. Many thanks Notes: Publicity can make or break a group either directly or indirectly depending on how we handle it. It's also a fairly unpredictable art even to professional PR people. The wider the audience, the more unpredictable it can be. Also, publicity may or may not generate the kind of names/impressions we intend to give ourselves in the eyes of the public. Not everyone out there will appreciate what we do or who we are. At the same time there may be people who will give us their support if they know through our publicity efforts exactly what we do and who we are. On the other hand, some may not like what we do or who we are despite the fact that we have not harmed/upset them in anyway. Jealousy or sheer "trouble-making" could be one of the many reasons why others may not like the publicity we make for ourselves.
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