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Found 11 results

  1. Really? please share what is your TOP concern.. --- Education is residents' top concern Bukit Panjang residents say Singapore should not be a country of tuition teachers, in dialogue with Balakrishnan by Tan Weizhen 04:45 AM Nov 19, 2012 SINGAPORE - More education options for slow learners or needy students, relook some schools' system of assigning the best teachers to the best classes, review teachers' workload. These were just a few of the myriad of suggestions 108 residents raised at a National Conversation dialogue held at Bukit Panjang yesterday. The residents had responded to an invitation by their Member of Parliament, Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, and it was evident education was among the issues that most concerned them. They also discussed issues on housing, transport and declining birth rates. Most residents wanted many parts of the education system to be overhauled, from a nationalisation of pre-school education to a renewed focus on cultivating the love of learning in children. One group of residents did not want Singapore to be "a country of tuition teachers", and felt there were too many remedial or supplementary classes when it should be more targeted. Another group "pitied" teachers and said parents need to be educated against the pitfalls of placing too much emphasis on examinations. does this mean the definition of meritocracy need to be adjusted? Dr Balakrishnan, who is Minister for Environment and Water Resources, agreed with the residents, saying that developing values and education are areas to think about, as children are being prepared to meet future challenges. He said: "(The) PSLE is important
  2. Shocking photographs posted online show a Kunming Airlines aircraft flying with aluminium tape rolled around its wing. http://www.relax.com.sg/relax/news/389384/...F21CE0440BA6.01
  3. Business Times - 26 May 2009 MPs seek clarity on Temasek's sale of BOA stake They also seek more scrutiny of GIC, Temasek actions By LEE U-WEN (SINGAPORE) The recent news that Temasek Holdings had sold its entire stake in Bank of America (BOA) - at an estimated loss of up to US$4.6 billion - caused much murmuring among Singaporeans from all walks of life. Their main beef? A lack of information on the reasons behind the decision, as well as the sale price, MP Michael Palmer said yesterday. He was the first of more than 50 politicians slated to speak as the second session of the eleventh Parliament of Singapore opened. On May 15, it was reported that Temasek had sold all its shares in the US bank in the first quarter of this year, resulting in an estimated loss of between US$2.3 billion and US$4.6 billion. The investment agency stayed silent for a week before it released a statement saying its 'investment thesis' had changed after its holding in Merrill Lynch was converted in BOA shares following Merrill's takeover by the bank. Mr Palmer, an MP for Pasir Ris-Punggol Group Representation Constituency (GRC), said yesterday that as Singaporeans become more outspoken, the government has to do its part by encouraging openness and transparency where possible. The fact that Temasek took so long to give a response resulted in many newspaper articles 'trying to second-guess' the answers surrounding the sale, he said. 'Online chatrooms were abuzz, with many vociferous views on the losses. Ordinary Singaporeans were discussing the issue, analysts speculated on the sale, and the public wanted to know about the decision to sell something that was supposed to be for the long- term,' said Mr Palmer, who is also chairman of the Government Parliamentary Committee for Foreign Affairs and Defence. While he is glad that Temasek 'finally' issued a statement explaining its rationale, many questions remain unanswered, 'such as those relating to the timing of the sale and the actual sale price', he said. Also making a pitch for greater transparency - this time in terms of government spending - Zaqy Mohamad (Hong Kah GRC) suggested there should be 'greater scrutiny' of investments by Temasek and the Government of Singapore Investment Corp (GIC). 'Our reserves involve our savings for the future. While we trust commercial professionals to do their job, they are investing Singapore's money and we deserve greater clarity on how our money is spent,' he said. He added that it is important to address how to match the commercial objectives of Temasek and GIC to the social objectives of the reserves they both invest in. 'Should greater transparency also be given to the public on the bonuses and performance of their staff, in return for the rate of return of investments over the years?' he said. 'We ask the same of our investment fund managers and commercial banks, why not those who manage our reserves too?' Inderjit Singh (Ang Mo Kio GRC) called for a look at how Singapore's reserves should be managed and invested, given the fact that the investment strategies of both Temasek and GIC have changed since their inception. GIC, he said, used to focus on long-term investments, taking a 'somewhat conservative' approach that delivered good returns. In its infancy, Temasek used to invest in Singapore or government- linked firms, grooming them to be MNCs. 'Temasek was not seen to be a fund investor like GIC. But over the years, both have converged on their investment philosophies and are starting to look almost alike,' Mr Singh said. 'Is it appropriate for them to continue investing the way they have done in recent years, making somewhat speculative investments in certain cases. Is this the right thing for our reserves?' He went on to question if it is wise to put such a large chunk of the reserves in the hands of Temasek and GIC, as opposed to placing them in 'safer investments managed by people who understand that these are meant for long-term investments and as a shelter for Singapore'.
  4. Now watching a blogtv on CNA debating should serangoon garden technical school allow to transform to a foreign worker lodging....after hearing to this "Mdm Rose Tan" serangoon garden resident defensive reasons and excuses, already can tell that she and the rest of the residents ultimately scare their property price will drop, c'mon serangoon garden residents why dun you just admit that the whole episode has a hidden agenda....that is "property price"....they believe the area is going to be another holland v
  5. Hi guys, I am not familiar with the current fiancial turmoil in around the world, but my car is insured by AIG currently, and a bit concern about this bad news... Anyone car also insured by AIG? Any concern?
  6. Quote:Drive.com.au http://www.drive.com.au/Editorial/ArticleD...age:ClassiePuff A new study in the United States has found that red light cameras may do more harm than good. By RICHARD BLACKBURN. Red light cameras significantly increase the risk of crashes at intersections, according to a new study released in the United States. Researchers at the University of South Florida found that cameras increased crashes and related injuries because drivers were slamming on their brakes to avoid fines, causing rear-end accidents. They also claim that some red light camera operators in the US have shortened the time that a light flashes orange in an attempt to increase revenue.
  7. I think lots of ppl are excited that Redbull will be coming to showcase their F1 car with a demo during the chingay parade. But i am bit concern as many attending will have baby / children / young kids and other ppl that are not familiar with a f1 machine. You see F1 car is not a normal car and the "RAW" xhuast sound it produce when on throttle is not kitty cat meow. Just wonder the organiser will take any caution to warn ppl with baby and kids etc.....? Maybe i am just over sensitive kekeke Cheers!!
  8. http://www.straitstimes.com/ST%2BForum/Sto...ory_159277.html B@stard on the road.
  9. After the recent reports on health hazardous related products manufactured in China, next time, during your shopping, would you think twice about products "Made in China"? ---------- Source: http://wineanddine.asiaone.com/Wine%252CDi...0831-23732.html Chocolates to make your skin crawl Aug. 30 - A maggot-filled box of chocolates has raised further concern about the quality of products ''Made in China.'' A South Korean consumer bought a box of imitation Ferrero Rocher during a visit to China. When he opened them back home he found they were infested with maggots. Crawling among the wrappers were dozens of maggots - identified by an expert as the larvae of a small moth. The chocolates - imitation Ferrero Rocher - were bought in China. When the buyer contacted the manufacturer they said he would only get a refund if he took the box back. Consumer rights experts also say proving the contamination occurred at source could be a problem. But even without proof it means more damage to China's already tarnished reputation.
  10. Hi experts out there, especially Cool, I have the broquet BM30 installed on my car, recently, I have been hearing alot about the fuel magnets and was wondering if there would be a problem using these magnets on the fuel line..........for example, with the metal ore additive from the broquet clog up the fuel line where the magnets are??
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