For those who buy and ship from USA,
I have ordered from vpost, borderlinx.
Now I try comgateway and it's absolutely the worst.
My 1.6kg item was charged 4.5kg volumetric weight (understandable as others also use vol weight).
The charge amounts to USD40.
Now their shipment is the worst.
Item received by them on 22 Sep. I paid and was charged.
Website say it is shipping on 26 Sep.
It's 4 days passed and nothing has happened.
Whoever says comgateway is good, might want to think again.
Borderlinx has probably the best service, if you can find promo code, it helps defray the cost.
Vpost is improving. Sometimes you get 10% off, but you need to the front page for credit card promo.
Never have I such a bad experience as with comgateway.
Comgateway is just...