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  1. Breaking News . Former Singapore chief justice Yong Pung How, 93, dies SINGAPORE — Yong Pung How, independent Singapore’s second Chief Justice, has died. He was 93. Yong was known for his reforms that enhanced the efficiency of the Singapore courts and earned a reputation for being tough. According to the Supreme Court website, Yong was born on 11 April 1926 in Kuala Lumpur. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Cambridge University in 1949 and qualified as a barrister-at-law of the Inner Temple in 1951. Yong was admitted as an advocate and solicitor in the Federation of Malaya in 1952 and in Singapore in 1964. He was a partner at Shook Lin & Bok, his father’s law firm, from 1952 to 1970. He was appointed a Judge of the Supreme Court in 1989 and was ultimately elevated to head the judiciary in 1990 as the Chief Justice of Singapore. Yong retired in 2006 at the age of 80. link: https://sg.yahoo.com/news/former-singapore-chief-justice-yong-pung-how-dies-055715474.html
  2. More people are expected to be retrenched this year compared with the figure last year, as signs of an economic slowdown become more evident, Lim Swee Say said yesterday, in a report by the Straits Times. As demand slows, some companies are already putting their workers on a shorter work week, such as having them work only four days a week, the labour chief noted. But he stressed that the situation is nowhere close to the economic downturn of 2008. The newspaper reported that Mr Lim said the NTUC is keeping track on a weekly basis the number of workers who may be affected by potential retrenchments ahead of any slowdown in the economy. Speaking to reporters at the opening of the upgraded Bedok Community Centre, Mr Lim explained, "The NTUC, together with the WDA (Workforce Development Agency), is already working with some of the companies that are beginning to see the early signs of slowing down. We're working with them to send their workers - those on shorter work-weeks and some of their potential excess workers - to go on training before they take any action on retrenchment." His remarks came a day after Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam warned of rough times ahead for Singapore, given the 'very real possibility' of a severe slowdown of the global economy. He said any slowdown in the economy is not related to the size of the companies, but by the sector. He cited electronics, even though signs of a slowdown are not across the board in the sector. Mr Lim said: "Those in the electronics, like personal computers, are more affected, whereas those supplying parts and components to the automobile sector are less affected at the moment." However, Mr Lim said the retrenchment situation today is unlikely to be anywhere close to the numbers seen in 2008.And while the outlook remains uncertain, he said the labour movement is making necessary preparations so that when the time comes, it can launch them into action. At the same event, Mr Lim also said the review on CPF contributions will continue. This is because more Singaporeans are living and working longer. "When we call for this review of the CPF contributions, we're looking at it as a medium- to long-term structural issue. I think that will continue. Of course in terms of short-term, there'll be ups and downs," said Mr Lim. But he stressed that short-term fluctuations and longer-term structural issues should be kept separate.
  3. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-2865342/Korean-Air-executive-kicks-flight-attendant-plane-moments-New-York-failing-serve-nuts-properly.html An executive for Korean Air is facing investigation after she reportedly delayed a flight because a member of the cabin crew didn't serve her nuts properly. The flight was was about to take off from New York's JFK Airport when Korean Air's vice-chairman Cho Yang-ho had a flight attendant removed from plane for failing to offer her a packet of macadamia nuts. South Korean news service Yonhap reports that, when prompted, the attendant gave the daughter of the airline's chief executive Cho Yang-ho macadamia nuts in a bag, and not on a plate as formal business class procedure dictates. For that oversight, Cho, who also goes by her English name Heather, reportedly yelled at the cabin crew member and ordered her off the plane as it was readying to depart JFK Airport for Incheon, near Seoul. The South Korean Government is looking into the executive's on-the-spot disciplinary action against the attendant, who hasn't been named. The plane was already in the process of being taxied to the runway but had to return to the passenger terminal, with the whole saga delaying the New York-bound plane's take-off by 11 minutes, it was confirmed by the airline. However, Korean Air also confirmed that the decision to expel the crew chief had been made in consultation with the pilot. A Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport official, who spoke to Yonhap on the condition of anonymity, said there will be a government investigation into the incident. Law dictates that the cabin crew is under the orders of the captain while on a flight. 'The official explained: ''Even if she is the vice president of the airline, she was one of passengers and should have been treated as one. 'The lesson for the flight attendant could have been given after returning to South Korea.'
  4. Brigadier-General (BG) Perry Lim Cheng Yeow will take over from Major-General (MG) Ravinder Singh as Chief of Army on 21 March 2014. PHOTOS Brigadier-General Perry Lim Cheng Yeow (left) will take over from Major-General (MG) Ravinder Singh s/o Harchand Singh (right) as Chief of Army on 21 March 2014. (Photo: MINDEF) ENLARGE CAPTION SINGAPORE: Brigadier-General (BG) Perry Lim Cheng Yeow will take over from Major-General (MG) Ravinder Singh as Chief of Army on 21 March 2014. The Ministry of Defence said the change is part of its continuing process of leadership renewal in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF). BG Lim, currently Chief of Staff - General Staff, joined the SAF in 1990 and was awarded the SAF (Overseas) and President's Scholarship in 1991. During his military career, he has commanded the 1st Battalion, Singapore Guards, as well as the army's 3rd Division. He was also the chairman of last year's National Day Parade executive committee. The 41-year-old holds a Bachelor of Arts (Starred First) (Mechanical Engineering) from the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. BG Lim was also awarded the Lee Kuan Yew Postgraduate Scholarship in 2008 to pursue a Master of Business Administration in INSEAD, Singapore.
  5. Nobody talks about this? Workers' Party chief Low Thia Khiang to step down as secretary-general by next party election Some say no big deal, is just handing of baton to new leaders, so who will be next and what will and can he do to bring things another level up? http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/workers-party-chief-low-thia-khiang-to-step-down-as-secretary-9374216 SINGAPORE: Workers' Party (WP) chief Low Thia Khiang will not be contesting the post of secretary-general at the next party election to make way for new blood, he said at the party's 60th anniversary dinner. Channel NewsAsia understands that the next party election is due to be held next year. Mr Low would have been the secretary-general of WP for 17 years when he steps down. Mr Low said he has achieved what he set out to do when was handed the party’s reins in 2001 after Mr JB Jeyaretnam left - renewal of the Workers' Party and making "political progress towards democracy" in Singapore. WP now has a new breed of young politicians, he said. Speaking to more than 1,000 guests and party members on Friday (Nov 3), Mr Low said it was time for the younger leaders to "take over" the party. "It is time for these younger leaders to step up to the steering wheel ... to drive the party forward to continue this walk with Singapore," said Mr Low. "I shall therefore not be contesting the post of secretary-general at the next party election to enable the younger generation of party leaders to take over the party completely." Advertisement Mr Low’s announcement was followed by loud cheers from the crowd. He thanked party members, volunteers, supporters and voters for their support. “Without their trust and support, the Workers’ Party would not have been able to transform from the one-man operator party with one MP to an organised political party of today, with nine MPs in Parliament,” Mr Low said. He urged the next generation of leaders and supporters to draw their strength from the party’s 60-year history. “Resilience is also inherent in our Singapore DNA, enabling our party to make progress despite the winding political journey, its ups and downs in the last 60 years. I’m sure we will stay on course to work with Singapore for generations to come.” Mr Low’s speech came at the end of the dinner, held at a banquet hall at HarbourFront Centre. He spent much of the evening mingling with guests and signing their copy of a commemorative book launched at the dinner, to mark the Party’s 60 years. The book, ‘Walking with Singapore’, documents the party’s history since lawyer David Marshall formed it 60 years ago, about a year after he stepped down as Singapore’s first Chief Minister. MIXED REACTIONS FROM PARTY MEMBERS Mr Low’s announcement came as a surprise to many, although some said the announcement had been expected “sooner rather than later”. One party member said while Mr Low thinks the move is good for party rejuvenation, it is a sad day for many, as he has been a good leader. “It’s almost as if he (Mr Low) is reminding himself that he cannot be (at the helm) forever and that there is a need to have party renewal," a party member who joined in 2011 told Channel NewsAsia. The member added that there are plenty of worthy people within the party ranks, and that “more will step up”. image:  Workers' Party secretary-general Low Thia Khiang signs the party's commemorative book at the party's 60th anniversary dinner. (Photo: Monica Kotwani) NEW TOWN COUNCIL MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE Speaking before Mr Low, Party Chairman Sylvia Lim also announced WP has put in place a new integrated town council management software. Party Chairman Sylvia Lim said the system, developed under the guidance of Town council vice-chairman, Png Eng Huat, is "comparable to the system used by other town councils". Ms Lim said that when the Party won Aljunied GRC in 2011, the WP members of Parliament were "denied the use of the town council management system software" that residents had paid for. "We coped as best as we could with the system in Hougang SMC (single member constituency) for five years" Ms Lim said. Despite the "adverse news" on town council management issues, Ms Lim said there have been no disruptions to residents of Aljunied-Hougang and that the town is progressively being renewed and improved. image:  Member of Parliament for Aljunied GRC Pritam Singh at the Workers' Party's 60th anniversary dinner. (Photo: Monica Kotwani) Assistant Secretary-General Pritam Singh also made a speech, paying tribute to members who had played a significant role behind the scenes. The party also screened a trailer for an upcoming documentary about the Workers' Party, which will be released in two parts towards the end of the year. Read more at http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/workers-party-chief-low-thia-khiang-to-step-down-as-secretary-9374216
  6. The unfortunate demise of Jayalalithaa on 5 December 2016, fondly known as 'Amma', 'Puratchi Thalaivi' and the 'People's CM', has put the whole of Tamil Nadu into a state of mourning. For an actress-turned-politician to come as far and to earn the respect and love of the people in a territory marked by patriarchy, her story has been remarkable. http://www.newindianexpress.com/nation/2016/dec/06/15-chief-ministers-passed-away-while-in-office-heres-the-list-1546354--1.html While to me , its just another sad passing, I am just taken aback by the flying suspension to india and the SAFETY aspect and travel advisory during that period. Just an aspect that I never knew that when a minster passed on, there can be so much anxiety created in the country.
  7. FROM JAN 2015 Commissioner of Police Ng Joo Hee has been appointed as PUB's new Chief Executive. Mr Hoong Wee Teck, who is the Depity Commissioner (Investigations and Intelligence) will take over from Mr Ng. http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/new-commissioner-of/1416414.html SINGAPORE: After nearly three decades serving in the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Police Commissioner Ng Joo Hee is making a move to head National Water Agency PUB as Chief Executive with effect from Jan 6, 2015. The Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources (MEWR) announced this in a media release on Wednesday (Oct 15). His predecessor, Mr Chew Men Leong took over as Chief Executive of the Land Transport Authority earlier this month. The 48-year-old Mr Ng will hold the concurrent appointment of Deputy Secretary (Special Duties) in the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources, the release said. He was appointed the Commissioner of Police in 2010 and was Director of the Singapore Prisons Service from 2007 to 2009. MHA said during Mr Ng's term as police chief, the crime rate in Singapore reached a 30-year low in 2013. In a statement, Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean who is also Coordinating Minister for National Security and Minister for Home Affairs also praised Mr Ng for his "dedication and commitment to keeping Singapore safe and secure in his 29 years with the Singapore Police Force". "During his tour of duty as Commissioner of Police, he has made significant improvements to reduce crime and bring unlicensed money lending under control. He has also introduced various initiatives to increase the effectiveness of the force and to provide our Officers with more capabilities to carry out their duties, such as in Community Policing and the deployment of police cameras in our HDB estates to fight crime," he said. "Joo Hee has also played an active role to further strengthen the Singapore Police Force's partnership and collaboration with regional and international law enforcement agencies through joint operations and sharing of information to combat transnational crime," DPM Teo added. NEW COMMISSIONER OF POLICE APPOINTED Mr Hoong Wee Teck will succeed Mr Ng on Jan 6, 2015. He is currently the Deputy Commissioner (Investigations and Intelligence) and Director of the Criminal Investigation Department.The 51-year-old Mr Hoong has served 27 years in the police force holding various key appointments, including Commander of Bedok Police Division and Director of Police Intelligence. MEN AND WOMEN IN BLUE 'A REAL TREASURE': COMMISSIONER NG Mr Ng released a statement taking stock of his time in the force so far. He also revealed that when he became a police officer 29 years ago, it was simply to get a scholarship to attend Oxford University. "It was never my youthful ambition to become a cop. But I turned out to be a fairly decent policeman and am tremendously privileged and honoured to have been the police commissioner these past five years," he said. "My only motivation for coming to work every morning is the grave responsibility that I have for the 12,000 or so hardworking policemen and women in the SPF, and our collective mission for safeguarding public safety in Singapore. Our men and women in blue are a real treasure. Their daily toil often goes unappreciated, but is the stuff that produces the almost miraculous safety-from-crime that we enjoy every day. I only hope that my leadership has been worthy of their hard work and sacrifice."
  8. hmmmmm........... another potential MP in making ... CNA : Change in chief of Singapore Navy Rear-Admiral Lai Chung Han will be the new chief of the Republic of Singapore Navy on August 1, succeeding Rear-Admiral Ng Chee Peng. PHOTOS (L) Incoming Chief of Navy Rear-Admiral Lai Chung Han, ® outgoing Chief of Navy Rear-Admiral Ng Chee Peng (Photos: MINDEF) SINGAPORE: Come August 1, Rear-Admiral (RADM) Lai Chung Han will take over from RADM Ng Chee Peng as Chief of Navy. RADM Lai is currently Deputy Secretary for Policy at the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF). T he ministry announced this in a news release on Wednesday (July 2), saying the change is part of the continuing process of leadership renewal in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF). 41-year-old RADM Lai is a former SAF (Overseas) and President's Scholar. He holds a Bachelor of Arts (Economics) degree from the University of Cambridge, and a Master of Public Administration from Harvard University. He joined the SAF in 1992 and was once commander of the RSS Valiant as well as Fleet Commander. MINDEF paid tribute to the outgoing navy chief for his "dedicated service and sterling contributions". It says during his term, RADM Ng laid the foundations for the Republic of Singapore Navy's (RSN) future capabilities by operationalising new platforms such as the ARCHER-class submarines and by reorganising its operational, training and safety systems. The 44-year-old also introduced various initiatives to better engage navy servicemen, as well as introduced public outreach efforts such as Navy@VIVO, which saw naval displays at VivoCity mall. "Under RADM Ng's leadership, the RSN has made valuable contributions to international counter-piracy efforts and played a key role through its command of Combined Task Force 151 in the Gulf of Aden. RADM Ng also enhanced the coordination of our national maritime agencies in detecting and responding to maritime threats, by establishing and operationalising the National Maritime Security System," MINDEF said. - CNA/ly link: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/change-in-chief-of/1230424.html
  9. Civil service money no enough.... time for pay raise http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/mfa-chief-of-protocol-lim/842746.html SINGAPORE: The former chief of protocol at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was charged on Thursday with 60 counts of cheating, totalling almost S$89,000. Sixty-year-old Lim Cheng Hoe faces 56 counts of cheating the ministry and four counts of cheating a government agency called Vital.Org. Lim is accused of doing so by submitting false expense claims between February 2008 and May 2012. He allegedly inflated the quantity of pineapple tarts and wines bought and used for official trips and visits. He claimed more than 10,000 boxes of pineapple tarts but only used about 2,200 boxes. He also claimed 248 bottles of wine but used only 89. Lim is said to have made claims for items he did not buy, or those that were bought but not used. Lim's lawyer has asked to make representations. A pre-trial conference will be held on October 25. - CNA/fa
  10. Very Sad stories of today's society. How are these people going toface their respective family?? Sad Sad News
  11. Summary: Last time they had lower pay and worked less days. Now they have higher pay but work more days. On a per day basis, their income has actually dropped. Link Dear Sir, APPEAL IN RESPECT OF REVISION OF SALARIES AND AVERAGE HOURLY SALARY FOR BUS DRIVERS 1. We, employees of SMRT Corporation (hereinafter referred to as
  12. 太岁头上动土。 Whether he is a Singaporean or not, he is in a deep sh!t... From STOMP: http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/stomp/sg..._belonging.html Posted on 27 Jun 2012 S'porean allegedly stole Nissan GTR belonging to son of former Thai Navy chief A Singaporean man was allegedly arrested in Bangkok on June 26 for stealing a Nissan GTR which reportedly belongs to the son of the former Thai Navy Commander-in-Chief, according to STOMPer llkadabrall. Said the STOMPer, who also sent in photos: "A Singaporean man was arrested in Bangkok yesterday for stealing a Nissan GTR. "The vehicle belongs to the son of the former Thai Navy Commander-In-Chief. "The man and his two accomplices, who are still at large, attended a car rally in North Pattaya last weekend, where they met and befriended the victim. "The vehicle was stolen at the front parking lot of a Pattaya Hotel after the rally event. "The man has denied that he was involved but the evidence showed otherwise. "The Singaporean and another man was seen on CCTV footage, driving the stolen vehicle into the condominium. "He was also seen making phone calls to his Thai wife to destroy documents pertaining to the stolen vehicle shortly before he was arrested. "However, police were able to go into his unit and recover the said documents in time. "The licence plates and security system in the vehicle were also changed to avoid detection. "Police believe that the gang of three intended for the vehicle to be sold in a foreign country."
  13. The Straits Times The Straits Times Published on Apr 28, 2012 Printed from straitstimes.com Wages must rise faster with higher living costs: Minister Slow down income gap growth: Swee Say By Janice Heng The higher cost of living means that wages must go up faster, said labour chief Lim Swee Say on Friday. The widening of the income gap must also be slowed down, added the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) secretary-general in a message ahead of the labour movement's celebrations on May Day on Tuesday. Inflation hit a high of 5.2 per cent last month, after staying at more than 4 per cent in the first two months of the year. In his message, Mr Lim also set out the challenges - old and new - which Singapore faces. Copyright
  14. SAF Chief Guards Officer quits over 'personal reasons'
  15. http://www.temasekreview.com/2011/07/18/kh...n-balakrishnan/ Is this true or just wayang?
  16. Another 'dirty old man' can't keep his pants on... IMF chief! Has all the money in the world, can pay for top-class escort, so why do it? But what impressed me was that the NYPD boarded his flight as he was about to flee the country, and hauled him off to be arrested, disregarding his status. And mind you, the complainant was only a hotel maid - yet their police acted swiftly without hesitation. Reminds me of a certain 'romanian diplomat' case, and how we should've done the same... http://sg.finance.yahoo.com/news/IMF-chief...193440.html?x=0
  17. Sad start to this election. RIP Mr Goh and condolences to the family. Apr 29, 2011 Share Tweet NSP chief's brother dies but campaign goes on By Kor Kian Beng National Solidarity Party secretary-general Goh Meng Seng's elder brother Mr David Goh, who is in his mid-50s, died of a heart attack early on Thursday morning. -- ST PHOTO: SAMUEL HE NATIONAL Solidarity Party secretary-general Goh Meng Seng suffered a family tragedy on the first day of the election campaign. His elder brother, Mr David Goh Meng Hee, who is in his mid-50s, died of a heart attack early on Thursday morning. The elder Mr Goh was a businessman, a member of the Workers' Party and the NSP's principal election agent for the Tampines GRC that the NSP leader is contesting in. Mr Goh Meng Seng, when contacted, said he would carry on the electoral campaign. 'The fight must go on,' he told The Straits Times. 'The reason is that it is his last wish to send me into Parliament. He is the unsung hero of democracy.' A statement from the NSP Central Executive Committee on Thursday said: 'While we mourn the loss of a brother and a great friend, our election campaign will continue unabated. All party events will carry on as scheduled.' The NSP is holding a press conference later on Thursday. Mr Goh's team is facing off the People's Action Party's Tampines GRC team led by Minister Mah Bow Tan,
  18. http://www.straitstimes.com/GeneralElectio...ory_662196.html This is sad news ... must be tough on the NSP team at this time to deal with this as well as the campaigning.
  19. http://www.mrbrown.com/blog/2011/04/chief-...g-ret-chan.html He really does talk like one of MrBrownShow's characters
  20. Surely we will not get to see this type of headline for the foreseeable future. At least MBT came to PP to try his luck before going into the parliament. So if this ex-MAS bloke is touted to be of minister material with many years of valuable fiscal experience, why not put him in a SMC, say, PP again or if this is risky, maybe the highly secured Mountbatten SMC to test him out? If he wins good for him but if he doesn't then maybe he is not ready yet. Sad to see a highly capable professional going into parliament via the GRC system without going through the baptism of fire....
  21. Yahoo News latest report: C'wealth Games supremo Kalmadi goes AWOL AFP - Friday, September 24 NEW DELHI (AFP) -
  22. According to a report out of Germany, Toyota's chief test driver has died in a crash on highway 410 near the Nurburgring after veering into the oncoming lane and colliding with two others test drivers driving a BMW. While the two BMW test drivers survived the crash, the yet-unnamed Toyota driver died behind the wheel of the recently spied LFA Nurburgring Edition he was driving. The report says that the driver of the LF-A was 67 years old and Toyota's chief test driver, which leads us to believe that he is Hiromu Naruse, In addition to being the company's chief test driver, Naruse is also Akio Toyoda's personal driver and the Godfather of the LFA. Source: Rhein-Wied, Rhein-Zeitung, Spiegel
  23. SINGAPORE : SingHealth's Group chief operating officer, Dr Wong Yue Sie has died after developing a massive stroke. He was 49. SingHealth says that despite emergency surgery after his stroke last Friday, Dr Wong succumbed to the severity of the condition yesterday, without regaining consciousness. He is survived by his wife, Mdm Choy Sok Cheng, 47, and two teenage daughters. In a statement, SingHealth's Group CEO Professor Tan Ser Kiat said that they have've lost a gifted clinician leader and a selfless individual who made time for anyone who needed him. He adds Dr Wong has left a lasting legacy for his family, colleagues and staff. Among other things, Dr Wong had been the Chief of the SAF Medical Corps. In 2008, he was seconded to Ren Ci Hospital as its chief executive officer upon the request of the Ministry of Health. One critical task he faced was the completion and opening of the Ren Ci Community Hospital. -
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