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Found 11 results

  1. Hi bros,need some advice on my car jerking issue,my car is a 9 year old toyota corolla fielder with 34k mileage Previously it has jerking issue during acceleration(only jerks between 2000-2500rpm),after I went to a workshop and changed the fuel pump/fuel filter/fuel regulator/gas pedal sensor,the issue was solved However,these 2 days,I started ferrying my friends,one of them is 160kg and the other is around 85kg.When I accelerate on slopes or to overtake,the car will jerk(between 2000-2500rpm again)and lose power until I release the gas pedal,and accelerate again When my 160kg friend got off the car,the car has no issues and got the power again,I would like to ask if heavy weight could cause the jerking issue? thanks bros
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h683pzcwpnA Since the extra demerit point system was implemented at school zones on Jan 1, Traffic Police reported 17 speeding offences in school zones; 11 drivers were caught beating the red light; 16 for careless driving and one for inconsiderate driving. On Thursday morning, the media observed how the Traffic Police conducted their enforcement in three school zones in the eastern part of Singapore. Two Traffic Police officers were stationed outside Temasek Secondary School on Upper East Coast Road to catch motorists speeding down the road, which has a speed limit of 50km/hr. Within 15 minutes of operations, Traffic Police caught a female van driver speeding down the road. The two officers chased after the driver in their motorbikes. She eventually stopped by the side of the road and her particulars were taken down. She declined to speak to the media. As part of stepped up enforcement against errant motorists in school zones, an extra demerit point applies to all motorists caught committing the offence of careless driving, inconsiderate driving, beating the red light, or speeding within school zones. Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/singapore/story/traffic-police-carrying-out-enforcement-upper-east-coast-road-20140206
  3. The Commissioner of Charities (COC) has ordered Global Virtue, a business consulting and marketing communications firm, to stop conducting fund-raising appeals from Thursday. The COC's office had received complaints about teenagers representing the company to solicit donations or sell vouchers in public purportedly for charitable causes. The company claimed, including on its website, to be contributing part of its sale proceeds to non-profit and charitable organisations as part of its corporate social responsibility programme. But investigations showed that the firm had "no proper control over the vouchers or sale proceeds and no proper accounting records were maintained". The COC concluded that the fund-raising appeals were "improperly administered". The prohibition order was issued to the company, its directors Muhammad Zuhairi Abdullah and Mohammad Rudi Muhammad Suffian, and its advisor Jeffri Pawel.
  4. My friend took this picture while in China. 2 ways to view this : 1. very innovative. 2. sibei dangerous
  5. Recently I patched one of my flat tyre twice but still leak. I know its not advisable to replace one tyre, so decide to replace the two and find a rim to keep the good one as spare (since my spare is the smaller rim type and its quite old liao) The two tyre manufacture yr 2012. Went to a well known shop, whose name frequently appear in this forum, ask them got a used steel rims they said have but need to come back to collect another day because rim is at another store. The mech say can replace my tyre first and leave it at the workshop and when fix the spare rim they will call me to collect it. So I did, got replace a set of 2012 new tyre, but next morning call me say their store don't have my spare rim. See bay too lan! I went down to collect my two old tyre, give the flat one to another tyre collection center. Now got two spare in trunk, one without rim. See bay bay song. See alot of ppl go there, but they so unprofessional, how can do this. Lim peh dead dead must take back the old tyre they sell used one also, can tell me customer trade in. Basket how to trust the shop like that! Will never go back to them again, me goondoo one time enough liao! By the way anyone know where can get a used rims? When to ask around a few workshop all don't sell or not interested. Maybe try scrap yard. I know defu lane have scrapyard anyone when there to get spare parts? Would appreciate the info, definitely will help cool the steam down.
  6. Kindergarten school bus carrying kids crashes through barrier and into other vehicles A school bus carrying nine students from Glory Kindergarten crashed through a barrier near Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School near Upper Bukit Timah Road. The incident, which happened around noon on Tuesday, saw the bus hitting two stationary vehicles and a bicycle. School principal Mrs Helen Chua told The Straits Times that the bus driver was making his way out of the kindergarten grounds when he appeared to lose control of his vehicle, which ploughed through the fence straight ahead instead of turning right as intended. The children on board, who are aged between four and six, along with their adult bus attendant and driver escaped with "very minor injuries" such as bruises and bumps, said Mrs Chua. "Everyone had their seat belts on so that was probably what prevented something worse from happening," she added, noting that it is the first time such an incident has happened with any of the school's transportation services. The bus driver is understood to be a male in his late 40s with a clean driving record and an employee of one of the school's longtime bus service vendors. Police investigations are ongoing. Wah lau eh, what's going on nowadays..
  7. Sad accident. http://www.tnp.sg/content/mercedes-hits-maid-carrying-baby Gets to me when this involved a baby.
  8. Since the case of stomp showing maid carrying army bag for her employer's son, maids seem to learn new ways.... Yesterday on my way to work, i saw a xmm (about maybe 14yr old, nice long legs in hot pants) sitting (or riding) comfortably on the rear tray (behind the main seat) of a bicycle riden by her maid!! ..... a puppy was also sitting in the basket in front of the handle bar. The maid was very small size but she seemed to enjoy cycling with dog in front, xmm behind. What caught my eyes was the xmm looked very relaxed and was actually eating a cup of icecream with her back leaning on the back of the maid, one leg stretched out with the other crossed over, machiam fashion model pose....... will try ambush them again next few days to take a pic.... (i think she lives somewhere nearby)
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