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Found 4 results

  1. came across the story of this guy recenlty... very amazed by his "achievements" 🤣 he played for 13 seasons, some years at big Brazilian and Mexican clubs, without kicking a ball and always used the same reasons to siam playing lol the most recent football scam I can remember was the infamous Ali Dia, who faked Southampton to sign him lol
  2. ...to stop lying. http://www.asiaone.com/News/Latest%2BNews/...729-362053.html AsiaOne Sunday, Jul 29, 2012 SINGAPORE - Mr Kelvin Ong Wee Loong, the founder of AristoCare centre, charges a whopping $250 per lesson for parents of primary school students looking to clinch a place in the coveted Gifted Education Programme (GEP). GEP is a highly selective academic programme in Singapore, designed to identify the top 1 per cent of students from each academic year. On his website, the 36-year-old claimed he was previously from Clementi Town Primary before being admitted to Anglo-Chinese School's (Primary) GEP in Primary 4. He further stated that he went on to attend Anglo-Chinese Junior College and the National University of Singapore, before becoming a teacher in the GEP programme at his alma mater. However, checks by the Ministry of Education (MOE) revealed that Mr Ong was neither ever a pupil nor teacher in the programme, The Sunday Times reported (SUT) He is not even a qualified teacher, and according to ACS (Primary), not even a student of the school. MOE was alerted to the claims when SUT ran a report on parents sending children for costly tuition, where Mr Ong was featured as a highly sought after tutor. In response to the revelations, Mr Ong said it was his mother who told him that he was from the gifted programme and he could not verify it because he does not have the records from the past. [laugh] Knn, he himself dunno wan meh? What kinda lousy liar is this? He has since cleaned up his website and now claims that he was a relief teacher at ACS (Primary) from 2002 to 2003 and 'helped out' with the gifted classes. Lobang pichar still want to lie somemore. However, this too is being disputed by the ACS (Primary), which said that a check with all its long-serving teachers revealed that there was never a Kelvin Ong who taught there as a relief teacher. This is not the first time Mr Ong has faced allegations of misleading claims. Two parents have asked him to remove positive testimonials supposedly written by their children, saying that their children never wrote them. In 2010, Mr Ong also got into hot water with MOE for selling fake 2009 GEP Screening and Selection Test papers. [email protected] Who bring their children to this fark dup centre? I wonder why MOE do not shut down his centre and blacklist the liar. Should sent him to jail for fraud.
  3. Atten members of the public, RE: Conman online Please beware of this conman going around online by the name of Delvin Teo. His full name is Delvin Teo Jin Wei ( IC no.:S85xxx44C), Hp: 9xxx7788. He is very active online selling HID lamps and LED lights in the various car forums. He tells everyone that his family owns New Eastern Food Industries (which specialize in Bak Kwa) and that he is the sales and marketing manager for them ( please refer to the attached documents). Furthermore, he is very flashy in his ways, telling people about his various fictitious assets which are all lies. Delvin Teo is in fact a fraud and a con man. He is in no way related to New Eastern Food Industries Pte Ltd and was never an employee or shareholder of the company. He was never a representative of New Eastern Food industries in anyway.( please refer to attached documents) Delvin Teo is such a congenital liar that he has lied to his close friends of 10 years about the truth about his
  4. Warouz... some bugger shouted out at me in open carpark. then claim is fr my camp. his name ah Tan driver. Dark skin, rotten teeth. with tattoo mark. then say i forgotten abt him. you remember ah Tay anot? you remember ah lim anot? take out his baseball cap to show his spikey hairs. i shoke my head... ask me wat i do. say work in office. ask him back. claim to b warehouse in pasir panjang. ask me wat i doing there. claim he is there to see a friend to collect $150 debt. feller moved house, owner refused to give him the contact. fone no longer in use. blah blah. then say his father doing some ritual tml. only left some coins. thing is... where i work in NS.. there is no one called those names leh... got some ahGua.. with girly names, got president son whom i dun call him ahNeh also. deh... this guy obviously trying to pwn me. and where i work last time, no guy or butch carries a tattoo. no one i know has a set of rotten teeth like his. now ask for several tens.. i how abt 20$ he gave up. i wave goodbye to him..
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