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Found 22 results

  1. Just a quick heads-up coz I saw a deal on groupon. a 10 bucks deal the deal. Googled v3go -> got this info Do yourselves a favor by googling his name . I am in no way affliated to these dudes.
  2. Just a caution for brothers trying to enter with less than 3/4 tank. Noticed recently they've been checking cars entering. Went in twice for supper (after 11pm~2am timing).....once on weekday and once on weekend. Once i was asked to stop for a quick peek probably at my fuel meter (weekend) and another time the car in front of me was asked to stop for a sec probably to check. Not too sure if they checked randomly but just a word of caution for those whom tries.
  3. Got people eat puffer fish, but must be correctly prepared! http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=11348235&ref=NZH_Tw Eleven members of the same family are in hospital after unwittingly cooking and eating a poisonous pufferfish for dinner. The Souza family, from Rio de Janerio, were given the fish by a family friend who had recently returned from a sea fishing expedition off Dubque de Caxias, on the Brazilian coast. Unbeknownst to anyone, the present was a deadly pufferfish - which contains a toxin 1,200 times more lethal than cyanide, a drop of which can kill in 24 hours. Only seconds after taking their first bite members of the family began to vomit, before losing feeling in their face, arms and legs. Most of the victims, including children aged three to five, were paralysed before they could even reach a car to transport them to hospital. "My brother-in-law was the same. He didn't even make it out the door. We had to carry them out and rush them to hospital in a car," she said, explaining they had invited the entire family round because the fish looked so "tasty". Grandmother Maria do Carmo said: "We had no idea it was a pufferfish. They're all in a critical condition. My grandson, my daughter, and my son-in-law, they are all in hospital. We're praying for a miracle. "We put the fish on the table in the yard outside and everyone dived in. They were all saying how delicious it was. I didn't eat it because I was waiting until everyone had tried it." Pufferfish, or 'Fugu', is a delicacy in Japan. It is strictly controlled and only chefs who have qualified after three years training can prepare a meal featuring the fish. Statistics from the Tokyo Bureau of Social Welfare and Public Health indicate 20 to 44 incidents of 'fugu' poisoning every year between 1996 and 2006 in Japan - however a single incident can hide multiple casualties. There is no known cure for the poison, which paralyses the body while leaving the victim, who gradually suffocates, awake. Victims are hospitalised and their stomachs emptied before being fed activated charcoal to bind the toxin. They are also put on life support until the poison wears off.
  4. This is real sick. Haiz..... https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1253271591441209 fella was arrested! Fine oni $200? damn.......i wish i could do the same to the ....kid
  5. To fans going for the coming MY vs SG match....take caution, the other side could get rowdy..... Just got this from my FB page.. http://www.facebook.com/demimalaysia kinda like a nationalistic pro-islamic anti-semitic group from Malaysia....not sure how influential are they....just take note and take caution... It's very sad that a football match, some about sports and sportmanship has be fabricated and politicized into mob mentality and hate for someone/group's political agenda.
  6. This car obviously is a Old Russian Lada Model, be it new and old cars engines, overheating can happen with least expected mishap. A car mechanic told me that latest Honda Accord has a automatic safety-cut-off to prevent serious damages during engine overheating, any Mcfer here to share these good-to-be-safe useful design in other car models and engines as well ? The dashcam video captured the Lada car explosion(@0:20) in a slow moving traffic jam, fellows regular mcf drivers are reminded to excercise cautions to open bonnet during engine overheats caught in massive jam on our expressway as well as in woodlands causeway.
  7. http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/site/ser...amp;escKey=true A caution to all drivers. Never drives too close to Motorcyclists. You will never know what will happen next . .
  8. Cordon >> ASIAONE / MOTORING / NEWS / STORY Thursday, Nov 03, 2011 AsiaOne Leave no speeding car unbooked If you want to speed, there is an unspoken rule of thumb: go as fast as the quickest car in front of you. The reason? Most photo radar systems can only track one violator at a time and as such, anecdotally, odds are that the radar will only pick up the violator in front of you. That will change if the latest radar sensor, Cordon, from Peak Gain Systems, a traffic enforcement solutions company, is brought into Singapore. Cordon's can simultaneously track the speed of vehicles in up to four lanes using a single sensor. According to Engadget, which first reported on this device, it can follow up to 32 vehicles. In the video below, vehicles that are tagged in red blocks are identified as way past the speed limit while those in yellow are within an acceptable range above the limit. Those in green are safe from tickets, according to an Engadget report. The Cordon system can create a pair of high-resolution images for each violation, ensuring that you won't get away. There will be a wide-angle image of multiple targets with the violator clearly identified and a close-up of each violator, with a clearly visible licence plate, the company's website says. The bad news doesn't end there for traffic offenders. The Cordon system can also automatically detect bus lane violations with 'advanced licence plate recognition system'. The speed sensor is small and light enough to be mounted at a height of five to eight metres on any fixed roadside object, making it inconspicuous. It can also immediately transmit captured data of traffic violations back to the office for processing. Integrated infra-red spotlights means the sensor can also work at night, when roads are emptier and speeding more likely. What do you think? Will this speedcam cut down on the number of speeding violations in Singapore? [email protected]
  9. Will you pick up tokens, chips that someone had dropped on the floor, or left in the gaming machines of casino? Our natural response will be a big YES. Thats free money. But please pause a moment. This free money comes with a hefty price tag of theft. Casinos are well covered by CCTV cameras, and trained CCTV obervers. these are not ordinery car CCTV, they are HD quality mega pixel CCTV cameras. It is true, some people had been charged in court for picking up tokens, game credits that does not belong to them. So MCFers please remember, if its not yours, hand it to casino staff.
  10. chance upon this post on NS Highway, just be careful i believe it meant leftmost lane http://skandal.blogspot.com/2010/09/north-...-3rd-lanes.html ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ All you frequent users of the North-South Expressway Be more cautious when driving on the third lane. North-south highway 3rd lanes I am a frequent user of our North-South Expressway and I have this IMPORTANT experience to highlight and share:- I am a building contractor based in Penang with over twenty years of experience and I have been driving my 5 series BMW (latest generation and a dammed solid road-holding car) each time I travelled to KL. Lately, the new extended 3 lanes highway had been opened up for use and since then, I have also been using it quite often. HOWEVER, when I used it each time it is WET, I can really 'feel' that the new road surface is extremely SLIPPERY! To share with some of you, my car comes with a built-in traction control mechanism ( skidding prevention mechanism ) and you can feel it each time it is activated. Previously, I don't come across this kind of slippery feel except when I drive over a paddle of water at certain speed. From my observation as a building contractor, the 'wearing course' of the new road surface could be TOO FINE OR TOO SMOOTH and TOTALLY UNSUITABLE for highway use! The wearing course ( top premix layer ) mix design for highways should be of minimum 20mm coarse aggregate mix that will give us the required bond between the surface and our tyres. Fine wearing course ( 14mm coarse aggregate size and below ) is only suitable for normal road. ( A proper test need to be carried out to determine the mix design of the wearing course). Technically, this comment on the size of the coarse aggregate (or "stone" in lay language) for the wearing course (top most layer of the road) is correct in that it should not be too fine for better grip between the tyre and the road surface. Since the opening of the three lanes highway, I had seen cars skidding in front me or in the opposite direction and approximately 2 weeks ago, one of my friends who is also a frequent user of our NSE, came to share with me about his slippery feeling as well as the many skidded cars he had seen lately. I am highlighting this to TV3 and The Star with the hope that a thorough investigation could be carried out immediately to find out how or what causes the bus to skid. A proper and independent test need to be carried out urgently to determine the design mix of the wearing course. THIS CAN SAVE LIVES. IF YOU ARE USING THE NEW LANES AND IF IT IS WET, MAKE SURE YOU DRIVE SLOWLY!!!! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  11. These vidz are all pretty old so they may have been posted here before. But because of the sheer insanity of these Saudi drifters, I feel they deserve another posting here! And they use everyday sedans like Camry & Accord as their weapon choice All the 3 videos show fatal crashes and really strike the fear of God into the hearts of men! A real wake-up call to those who insist on doing silly things on public streets... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvRH103q8WM - Car flips ejecting & killing 2 occupants http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9uy3F6VOqU...feature=related - Car smashes into onlooker severing his lower body - Car barrel rolls violently ejecting & killing 4 R.I.P
  12. Extreme grahics! Man become chao tar http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/vide...857C3R4If0H4exY
  13. http://lite.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/PEK327578.htm Kiss until temporarily deaf... ------------------------------------ The kiss of deaf - Chinese man ruptures girlfriend's eardrum BEIJING, Dec 8 (Reuters) - A young woman in southern China has partially lost her hearing after her boyfriend ruptured her eardrum during an excessively passionate kiss, local media reported on Monday. The 20-something girl from Zhuhai, in southern Guangdong province, went to hospital completely deaf in her left ear, the China Daily said, citing a report in a local newspaper. "The kiss reduced pressure in the mouth, pulled the eardrum out and caused the breakdown of the ear," the paper quoted a doctor surnamed Li from the hospital as saying. The woman's hearing would likely return to normal after about two months, Li said. "While kissing is normally very safe, doctors advise people to proceed with caution," the paper said. (Reporting by Ian Ransom; Editing by Nick Macfie)
  14. Dear all, i saw this 2 kittens alive the night before feeding from their mummy and was shock to see that they are lying there motionless in the morning and it saddens me that they are killed in such a manner. I do urges drivers to be cautions and mindful of their surrounding so that we are able to minimize such unfortunate indcidents to happen in the future. It really breaks my heart seeing them lying there like that and i hope that the death is painless for them...
  15. To all bros living in CCK or Yew Tee area, pls be careful when you park your car.Some preyers are going around hunting for our cars. just a few moments ago, my 2 way alarm sounded. I run down immed to the MSCP(B/686 CCK Cres)& there was this black car stoppped in front of my car. I ran towards my car and i assume the SOB saw me & immed,the SOB drove off. i tried to give chase but can only catch a eye of the vehicle, and he drove out of the MSCP after that. pls note that the stretch of lots i parked my car was fully occupied,there4 i see no reasons for him to stop in front of my car,blocking the view of my car, and ran instead of locating lots further up upon seeing me. Lucky i changed my alarm to a 2 way system mths back, although there were no dents or damages on my car, but i noticed that 1 of my wheel nuts was loose. imagine if i dun hav 2 way, my rims think gone liao. there4 all bros, pls take note
  16. Hi all, has anyone caught the uncut R(A) version of the show. I just watched it as was quite shock, those who watch it pls comment if you think they are actually doing it? I tink it will require some great special effect if they arent. Can't think of any movie with scenes as explicit as these, not even hollywood
  17. Bro, Noticed u along Still Rd abt 4.45 pm on 18/07/07 in ur white civic, with ur P plate. Pls drive with care. u were on the furthest right lane heading straight and veered into the a right turn only lane heading to Sims Ave. After realising it was right turn only, u quickly moved back to ur original right lane heading straight. u just passed ur license. Be a patient driver. If not sure about the road, pls stick to ur lane. Still road is a slow road during peak hour, fyi. If want to play, pls go to the track. Kudos to the airwave driving behind u. He give way to u, when u were moving back from the right turn only lane.
  18. Good morning, everyone I have noticed for the past few weeks that an increasing number of commercial vehicles e.g. Toyota Hilux, Renault Kangoo are exhibiting dangerous moves on the expressways. The drivers behind the wheels would swerve rapidly to the faster lanes, sometimes even infringing onto the rightmost track. Thereafter, they adopt an 'No Police - Formula One racing on Lane 1, Police - docile but instantaneous turning back to the leftmost lane' approach. The sequence of events obviously heralds emergency braking and undue stress for fellow drivers who have to fear for their lives while traveling behind the commercial vehicles. Either the indicator/brake lights are faulty or the drivers do not signal their intention. One can empathise that they may be running on urgent errands but the fact that cars are potential killing machines if mishandled is evidently overlooked. On the other hand, the possibility of the speed gauge being tampered with cannot be dismissed. Always keep a safe distance from the commercial vehicles. There is no telling who will pull the above mentioned stunts in the future. After all, we only live once. Take good care
  19. This the season to be merry - for Traffic Police to make more money. These cars parked illegally outside Tanglin Mall to watch the artificial "snow" were all summoned by the 2 TP bikes that came along. Motorists who drove off had their no. plates taken down. Seems that TP knows when to come for their fat catch. These cars were usually parked illegally at the side whenever there is "snow". Some motorists who happen to be passing by, simply stop by the side of the road & alight to take pictures. Assuming every car gets fined S$70, that means a windfall of S$1,050 for TP in a matter of a few minutes for that stretch of at least 15 cars parked illegally by the side of the road.
  20. Caught up last night with a friend with over 20 yrs experience in the insurance industry. Apparently, there's still many cases of workshops deploying their own cars (usually old ones) to deliberately E-brake and cause the car behind to brake and cause a chain collission. The workshop car would then drive away (if they are not hit from behind). Tough to clamp down on these cases, as it is hard to proof that the driver deliberately braked to cause an accident. A tow truck would then appear out of no where (amazing, isn't it?). They love to operate in the morning and evening peak periods, esp on Mondays when people are still sleepy from their weekend late nights or tired after a long day at work. This is one of the reasons why insurance premiums are so high. Please drive carefully and not tail gate. Do not give these syndicates an opportunity to make money out of your misfortune.
  21. To all Bros, The thread on "a good bass box" has been deleted. For those of you who missed it there was an important WARNING posted by one Manchoman. If U'r thinking of going down to Zoom to look into Ur Car Audio BEWARE! The Boss Geoffrey is a handphone cleptomaniac. Manchoman had his HP stolen, then Geoffrey ran away in the middle of the night, leaving his pregnant wife at the shop to answer and cover for him. To make matters worse he shifted his shop from Balmoral to near Racecourse and then to Joo Chiat everytime the lease expired. This was to elak from Manchoman and also goes to prove what a shady character this Zoom Guy really is. For more than 5yrs now Manchoman has been cursing at him. But the handphone is gone so cannot recover ever and now Manchoman has been doomed to keep on cursing till his dying breath. This is true because Manchoman has sworn it to the death of his family. [angelic] Also the Manchoman as an avid and expert audiophile, in his infinite wisdom has rated the car audio installs at Zoom as only so-so and the Zoom Vito as not up to par with other installers' vehicles. Unable to challun. As a public service the Manchoman has painfully broken his silence after all these years to do the Good Semaratan thing. [angelic] As such U all have been warned so don't regret.
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