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  1. Nom107

    Prepaid card

    4 low usage which card is better ??? ( ST/M1/SH) do u consider pre or post paid ??? cos now the prepaid oso got incoming free outgoing free !!! n the top up can b $5/$10 got caller id ( cheaper than monthly $20+)
  2. Today I just collected my TPG SIM card at Woodlands This is our nation 4th Telco Customer service is good and friendly I am surprised that the TPG LTE network is stronger than ST in woodlands Playing 8k or 4k video is so smooth...no lag at all Really good job for a new market player I attached a few pictures for reference PS. All brothers and sisters can sign up for their 1 year trial plan Thank you
  3. My TnG card will be entering into an "inactive" status tomorrow on 24th June since last road trip. As we are in unprecedented times with restricted travel and there's no way I can enter MY now, I tried to resuscitate my looming "inactive" TnG card again. Digging into their 27 pages of FAQ encyclopedia, under section 2.8 Dormant Card, subsection 2.8.1, it states that "Card linked to Touch 'n Go eWallet (PayDirect function) will not become Dormant and Dormant Fee is not applicable....." I proceeded to register my card with eWallet and to play it safe, topped up a grand RM10.00 into it. Not sure if my interpretation is correct wrt to Bolehland's England, my understanding is, now my TnG card is forever active until expiry, i.e. no need to use/top up every 12 months without incurring inactive fee??? I hope that when it is safe to travel again, my TnG card will not become "inactive" thereby causing a traffic snarl at the checkpoint or their TnG prata did not flip by then. LOL
  4. Dear all MCFers Today someone hacked my credit card This is a 20 years aged card So many incurring monthly payee Actually the moment I received a OTP for online transaction I smelled a rat liao Immediately I reported to card centre Then CSO immediately blocked the card She go through all unbilled transactions with me Checking from when the card was compromised After verification she confirmed it is hacked more than a week But I don’t have sms alert for my 20 years old card So I don’t know what is happening Only OTP came...siao liao Ok this hacker got balls of steel I can say (He) used my card for all iTunes payments, Apple items, online automobile accessories and even dare to use my card to pay his mobile phone bill Do you think this hacker really no horse run? Card centre CSO also surprised that those transactions can track the hacker down Clever to hack but stupid to spend huh BTW sorry for so long winded I hope to share this so that bro and sis here can be more careful Best if some people can share more information about card security etc Thank you for reading my post PS. The troublesome part is I have to inform all payee about this and update all my new card details
  5. Both credit cards also got rebate system. I have been using Citibank Dividend cards for few years. Enjoying quite good rebates from them regularly. Recently backside itchy go and apply the POSB Everyday card. Wanna ask anyone who is familiar on both cards, which cards give more rebates and provide more benefits?
  6. SPC is having a new SPC&U card. Register it online, you will get 17% discount in oct 2014 instead of 15%. If you have registered online to get 17% and intend to use with UOB card, please pump $62. $62-17%-$3 = $48.46 (21.8% discount) If you didn't register online and intend to use with UOB card, just pump $60. $60-15%-$3 = $48 (20% discount)
  7. hi just checking if you know does second hand car dealers accept credit card for payments ?
  8. Hi All bro, I looking for a name card scanner... anyone has anything to recommend?? thanks all
  9. Anyone noes how much is the monthly subscription fee? i try to click on the fees on the webpage but my Internet explorer cannt display image...
  10. as per the title, pls help cos i lost my card and need to go in soon. thanks a lot
  11. Singaporean with diabetes, hypertension can get subsidy via the new green CHAS card. https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/new-green-chas-card-november-all-singaporeans-chronic-health-conditions
  12. Wind30

    Usd debit card

    I was looking around for a way to make online purchases or sign card in usd for ages, I have some usd from my stocks and I always thought it’s stupid to Buy stuff in usd and pay in sgd. I finally found that Citibank debit master card can be linked to my usd checking account and any purchases made in usd on that card will deduct usd directly with zero exchange fee. I was asking Citibank for ages for a usd credit card and they always told me don’t have..... Hopefully this info is useful to somebody.
  13. I have a question. It seems the auto top-up works OK if I pass through an ERP when the card value is low. But when I tried to exit a car park gantry, the card doesn't auto top-up and I was stuck up having to swap to a standard cashcard before I can exit. Any idea why? It happened twice so far. Once was at Tanjong Pagar Centre and another at a standard HDB exit gantry. Both have those scan and go type, no need to manual insert. If anybody uses this have some idea what's going on, I would appreciate it if you tell me. Thanks.
  14. So I been having intermittent issues with my dash cam over the last year, it finally seemed that the problem was the memory card. Now looking further into it, the issue at hand is that most memory cards aren't suitable for the 24/7 continous writing in surveillance/CCTV mode enabled dash cams. A typical 32GB card will hold maybe 2, maybe 4 to 5, hours worth of content which means that it is probably eating through its entire capacity's worth perhaps 2 or 3 times a day. Most common memory cards are built on a cheaper variety of memory chips called TLC NAND, which have relatively short write endurance of around 3,000~5,000 cycles, which apparently translates to about 150~300 total overwrites. Examples include be SanDisk Ultra cards... Then there's MLC and SLC NAND, which without going into working detail, get more endurance. Doing some simple math, 150 total overwrites, assuming the card does it twice a day, a cheap memory card could eat through its entire rated write endurance in less than a year! My older dashcam-used memory cards, even with formatting, cuck up the camera every few seconds now. Anyway, I notice now there are High Endurance for video surveillance memory cards by SanDisk, Lexar and Transcend, advertised to handle at least 2 years of continuous recording. I'm trying out the SanDisk card, will be interesting to see if it's still problem free after warranty is over. Anyone else tried those, or other brands of cards? I'd also like to get some more data from other users about how long their memory cards are lasting in cams.
  15. I received 15000 points from KMC when I bought my new vehicle which translates to $540 fuel. I think BM on and off had this promo as well. Would like to maximize my points and just wondering how it works Am I able to get the full discount for credit cards when paying with points? E.g. HSBC/Citi gets 4% extra instant discount Hence if I pump $47, will I get 14% off i.e price of $40.42 and pay $40 by points and 42c by card, or are CC discounts ineligible when part-paying with points?
  16. Icu

    Credit Card Fraud

    Saw this yesterday but surprised that it's not big news since at least 3 major local banks are hit. http://m.todayonline.com/singapore/four-banks-hit-credit-card-fraud
  17. Not too sure anyone post this before but just for everyone's info. The new JB CIQ has many zones, you can top up you Touch N Go card at Counter 10 of any zone. This means that you no need to stop your car at aside and walk to counter 10. You can clear your passport at Counter 10 and drive forward a bit to have your Touch N Go car top up. I just did mine today but I did not know about this and hence I park aside and walk to counter 10 to top up.
  18. I just recently bought a resale car. The exterior is white in color, log card stated primary is white color. However, when I send to repair, the mechanic open up the side mirror and realise the original color should be red. The interior of side mirror casing is red, one part of the the side mirror (after dismantle) is also partially red. Can the primary colour be changed after respray? Will I able to find out what is the original colour of the car? Thank you!
  19. Bros, recently lost cash card required to enter m'sia while paying toll at the causeway, previously was given to me by my colleague, therefore have not bought i before, please advise where can i get 1 thanks
  20. Citi DIVIDEND Card Great for cashback, groceries, and causing jams at Esso stations. Petrol = 5% Petrol at Esso stations = 10% Restaurants and groceries = 2% Shopping = 0.5% Standard Chartered Manhattan Platinum Card Because in Manhattan, no one dares to carry actual money. $1 – $999 = 0.50% cash back $1000 – $2999 = 1% $3000 and above = 5% UOB ONE Card They forgot to set it in Landscape mode before clicking print. Rookie mistake. $301+ per month = 3.33 % $20,000+ per month = $600 (fixed maximum) Under $301 per month = Nothing Getting the Cards If you aren’t sure which card to pick, do a quick tally of your monthly expenses. If the biggest expense is: Petrol – Get the Citi Dividend card. But make sure you use Esso stations as often as possible. Movies and Clubbing – Get the Manhattan Platinum card Dining – Get the UOB One card Source: http://blog.moneysmart.sg/credit-cards/3-best-cash-back-credit-cards-in-singapore/ does anyone use OCBC Frank? How does it compare with the above?
  21. hi there, starting this topic on behalf of my friend. recently my friend has rented a car from his friend that was into car rental service. he happily chose a car from another dealer and the car dealer friend was going to buy in the car to lease to him fora year . he have opted for upfront payment for 1 year contract for the car which amounted to $30000, including SOP 2 months deposit. he has received the hire agreement, and vehicle log (parf & coe rebate enquiry) to submit the Grab for private hire car use. however, the vehicle log card had a column, Dereg XX AUG 2018, Exporting : Yes Is this any normal or something my friend has to worry about? please help out my friend as he already has passed 20k out of 30k to them.
  22. anyone currently using POSB credit card to pay for their SP Services bills on a recurring basis ? understand that can get 1% rebate every month ? question : can I use my card and pay for my parents address ? (I am not staying with my parents).
  23. I remember saw some pamphlet from some bank saying paying income tax with interest free installment but forget which bank. Anyone any idea? Don't wish to pay by GIRO.
  24. Intend to apply for UOB One card to enjoy the minimum spend of $300 each mth (hence $30 cash rebate at end of qtr). To achieve, intend to link recurring bill payments to the Card. Starhub Singtel HDB Conservancy Charge HDB Season Parking SP Utilities On the above, i believe linking Starhub and Singtel to UOB ONE shd not be a problem. But what about HDB and SP? Also for HDB and SP, how do i do the linking to UOB ONE CARD? thank u
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