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  1. I guess most of the time we don't remind our passenger to belt up if they sitting at the rear.. be it colleagues, friends or family..
  2. Which detailer provides service to clean seat selts? My beige seat selts were dirty and stained. Quotation given to replace 7 seat belts was $780... too expensive for me...
  3. Hi, Usually when we change the timing belt, we will change the water pump since they involve the same labour cost. But what if the water pump is leaking when the car is almost 4 years old at 40k, do we change the timing belt because we are changing water pump? Or is my friend mech trying to earn more money?
  4. Don’t forget abt the maid oso hor http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/driver-sentenced-to-one-week-s-jail-for-accident-which-led-to-10547298
  5. Hi Rear seat belt is stuck - cannot pull out (altis). How to release? DIY or go WS? Thks
  6. Hi all, Any place to recommend for timing belt change and how much?
  7. More drivers have been caught by the Traffic Police for not putting on seat belts or appropriate restraints for children travelling in vehicles. The number has doubled in the first half of this year, compared to the same period last year. This follows changes to seat belt rules in the beginning of the year. Since January, anyone below the height of 1.35 metres needs to be properly secured - either with seat belts, child restraints or booster seat cushions - when travelling in a car. Previously, the seat belt rule applies to children aged eight and below. Police say in the first half of the year, 490 drivers were caught for failing to belt up their young passengers, compared to 220 in the same period last year. Parents say they find it challenging to belt up their children. "You need to offer some incentives, sweets and all sorts of funny things, all the distractions. It actually has its practical issues." "The kids find it uncomfortable but we try to force it onto them. Otherwise, we just don't move off because it is important for them, for their safety." "Of course as a parent, we just need to tell them that this is for their safety. If I'm struggling, if they refuse to put the seat belt on, I just use force to buckle them up. After that, they just cry a little, then it's ok." One psychologist says it's understandable that kids do not like to be restrained, but parents need to think safety first and not give in to their children. Dr Qu Li, Assistant Professor, Division of Psychology, Nanyang Technological University, said: "Parents need to know more about how to deal with the situation and more about safety issues. For example, in Singapore, once in a while, we will see parents putting young children at the front passenger seat, which is not safe at all. Some parents may think this seat is safe, there is an air bag to protect the children. For younger children who are so short, when the air bags blow open, it will completely cover their face. They can't breath. They will die." She said adults need to get creative when teaching kids the importance of belting up. Dr Qu said: "If we just say, bring a textbook, this is rule number 1, number 2, number 3, children of course won't follow it. But if we say, "let's play a game, you're the driver, I'm the passenger, and what we will do." Children can learn very fast. Also I think what they learn during the pre-school years, they will remember. That will also help when they grow up and become teenagers." Police stressed the importance of drivers taking responsibility for their own safety and the safety of their young passengers. Those who flout the seat-belt rules will be fined $120, and given three demerit points. Source: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/sin...1225638/1/.html
  8. Seem like all not on seat belt and kana throw out from the car https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gn0OaOgkmAc...;has_verified=1
  9. At the start of the day, when accelerating, can hear chirping sound coming from below, it only goes off after travelling on the expressway for awhile. Can anyone tell me whats the issue?
  10. The maintenance interval for the belt change was 60kkm according to the owner's manual. The odo is showing 76kkm. Any recommendation of a workshop who can get the job done for < $200? The AD is asking > $400
  11. haronkr

    Equus Leather

    Hello! I'm looking for a new belt and was recommended to get one from this website. Customisable and made from premium leather. Anyone bought from Equus before? Cheers
  12. Hi guys,First time car owner here,my car is a 9 year old toyota corolla fielder,its a opc car with 34k mileage Trying to check my timing belt,I saw that on tbe internet that a timing belt is black color but this belt looks brown color Would like to get your advice if this is my timing belt?
  13. http://www.autoblog.com/article/how-to-clean-seat-belts-autoblog-details/ I found this useful. Not sure I'll actually do it, but it's a thought.
  14. http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/stomp/sg..._your_kids.html Remember the case of the 11 years old girl killed on PIE as she was not belted up and was thrown out of the window... Just a reminder to all parents to ensure to belt up your kids before it is too late. Cheers
  15. After watching this video, i will always remember to wear my seatbelt! https://www.facebook.com/MangoNews/videos/810686718967472/
  16. Dear all, Can any one advice me where I can find seat belt extension for the baby seat. Welcome suggestion from both Sg and My and online. Thanks Best reagrds, Rustyz
  17. Hi I understand that our tyre have a lifespan of 5 years or 40K usage and need to change by then. Can I know what is the lifespan for Fan Belt? What mileage must I be changing it? If my mileage is low (abt 40K now) due to OPC and my car is now 5 years old and till now not change before. What your advise
  18. Anyone has ever experienced steering wheel has a wobbly feel when turning ? Like a loose belt like that. What could be the cause ? Where can repair ? Thanks.
  19. Has anyone seen this for sale in Singapore? I have tried autobacs and calling baby kingdom. But they don't have it and the staff never even heard of such an extender. http://www.seatbeltextenderpros.com/extenders-by-car/ Looking to get 2 units as it is currently a pain to clip the belts in for the kids in their booster car seat. the booster seats block access to the receiver side. thanks
  20. Bought a 2nd hand car planning for short term usage. Asked my regular workshop to open up to check the condition of Timing belt. He did it and say Timing belt looks ok as the numbering printing is still intact and clearly shown and edge of timing belt show no sign of wear and tear. Was worrying as i will be driving to genting with family next month. Technician also ask me crank slowly and all look fine. Does that sounded good enough to last for trips to genting and run for another 1 year? Thanks for your value view.
  21. In 1993, the Road Traffic Act made buckling-up mandatory for backseat passengers at least 1.5m in height. Anyone in the rear caught not wearing a seat belt was slapped with a $120 fine, while the vehicle’s driver would be fined the same amount and given three demerit points. Despite these penalties, many people flouted the rule (and still do, to this day). The excuses given by recalcitrant passengers range from “the belts are uncomfortable” to “the back seat is safer anyway”. Others even proclaimed that they had a “safe driver”, and believed they would never get into an accident. This attitude echoes the initial resistance by local motorists to the wearing of front seat belts, which became compulsory in 1981. Many, including driving instructors, argued that seat belts would hinder their chances of escaping an automobile in a serious collision, especially if their hands were injured. Although the rear seat belt law was intended to enhance safety, it wasn’t all-encompassing. While every new car registered on or after January 1, 1993 had to have rear seat belts, owners of older cars weren’t required to retrofit their vehicles with extra seat belts. Even though seat belts have long been proven to save lives in a car crash, they remain unpopular among rear passengers. During a one-week crackdown in 2002, for instance, the Traffic Police issued no less than 587 warnings to rear-seat occupants who did not belt up The Government stepped up its efforts to improve passenger safety seven years later, when all purpose-built MPVs (multi-purpose vehicles) had to have seat belts for each of the back seats. Specifically, every outboard seat in every rear row has to have a three-point belt, while the middle seats should be equipped with a lap belt at the very least. The authorities were very serious about this new ruling, even if it did come into effect on April 1, 2009 (April Fool’s Day). The real fools, however, are the back-seat passengers who persist in not belting up. In the event of (touch wood) a bad traffic accident, they could end up being transported in the back of a vehicle exempt from Singapore’s rear seat belt law – a hearse This article was written by Jeremy Chua, writer for Torque.
  22. Hi, I had my car making funny noise and my ws diagnose that I need to change the fan belt tensioner and pulley. That solved my problem but now I have another issue. Usually when I am stopping at the red light, my RPM s jumping up and down before it is stabilizing. I also noticed that the rpm also changing when I'm rotating my steering wheel. Anyone know what the problem might be? Is it related with the tensioner that I just changed?
  23. Just realised that my kiddo son, while seated in the rear, pulled the seat belt full length and now it doesnt retract...... kan ti tu.... anyone has any experience on this and how u resolved it eventually?
  24. Checking for colleague who owns a 05' Matrix 1.6M on how much is the timing belt change package and recommended workshop in Sg? (he dun drive to JB type) He panic and asked if can help after i told him his mileage 100k+ and gotta change liao.
  25. Guys, anyone know if this ride on timing chain or belt? And can run on Ron 92? Appreciate feedback
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