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Found 15 results

  1. I started this thread to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the Death of a God. On September 27, 1986, Cliff Burton died when Metallica's tour bus over-turned in rural southern Sweden. In life, he played the 4-string bass like a 6-string lead guitar, and he did this with uncanny ease, even unto the point of nonchalence for the tremendous skill & technique involved in using such a style. In death, he will be remembered forever by anyone who has Heavy Metal running as a liquid in their veins instead of blood! RIP Cliff, I think God took you away to play in his very own band! 'Cos you were waaaaaay too good for mere mortals like us!
  2. I have a pre-amp already. Do I still need the above ?? BTW, what are the differences between crossover / bass expander & reconstruction processor ? Thanks.
  3. Hi. Driving a small hatchback currently on: 1) HU: Pionner 8850 2) Amp: 4 channel Infinity (old sch) 3) Front: Infinity Ref component Thinking of geeting either an entry lvl speaker for rear or active subwoofer that can produce backgound bass only. Please help to recommend?
  4. To p80 user. Do you set your bass output to mono or stereo ? My current setting is stereo out from HU. Y cable to input 1. Then pump my sub with only 1 channel. If set to mono.. Will all signal goes to the left output on the HU? Then I can skip the Y cable and use just a RCA cable will do..
  5. In my effort to understand how bass boost works for my amplifier, i emailed my manufacturer. I got curious because the manual states that every boosting of 3dB up to a max of 18dB at the 45Hz level (called Bass Boost) requires twice the amount of power. I was worried because it may draw more power for the amp and pump too much and maybe blow speaker. --------------- The reply is as follows: To first understand the bass boost you must first understand that it is essentially a narrow Q single band equalizer, essentially when you increase the level it does in fact affect the levels of surrounding frequencies to some extent in a very narrow bandwidth. The next thing needed to know is the 3 db rule, 3db is a noticeable increase in output to the human ear, in order to gain 3db of output you must either double the power or double the speaker surface area. You are not sending more power to the given speaker you are just increasing the power which is focused at that specific signal range. As long as the amplifier is adjusted properly you will not have a problem with overpowering the sub, you will in fact have better control over it which results in greater dynamic range and accuracy. ------------- I suppose, as they say, think of it as a single channnel EQ and u'll appreciate what it does. does anyone else have comments about how they use bass boost in their car, how they tune their sub, and the sub-to-midbass transition/crossover ...?
  6. Hi ICE gurus! I recently added a Genesis Profile 4 amp which is powering my front Alpine speakers. I also have another amp powering my subs. However I don't really like the sound at the moment because it seems the Alpine speakers cannot handle the bass produced by the Genesis amps. If I turn the bass up, i get a very boxy sound, increase up a bit more and the sound starts to break. Seems like the Alpine speakers are only good at producing vocals so I can't increase the bass. Right now I have high and boxy sound coming from the front and very low thumping bass coming from the subs. It sounds funny to me. I want to add 2 more 6.5s on my rear door but I want one that produces bass only without breaking up so that I can have the whole sound range. The shop that I went to recommended me Alpines similar to what I have and they told me Alpines produce good bass. But from what I have, I don't think so, It sounds so flat and boxy. Could someone recommend me which 6.5s produces rich deep bass? Thank you.
  7. Hi, am pretty new to ice thus hope to know more from fellow mates. Using a CDT 61 for my front. was using a bazooka 10" basstube but it bust. Amp also gone. So now am thinking of changing to another bass tube or a boxed woofer? I am more to techno. thus hope for more solid bass from the woofer. Have another cardence amp from my bro for this woofer. So now concern is which woofer can give me the bass i want. Btw i am driving a hatchback. thus space is a pretty big concern as well. boot space small ah. anyone can reccomend me a good 8" or 10" basstube or woofer which pump out real great solid bass? budget range from 200 to 400. and place to buy? or anyone selling good used piece? Pls advice me. thanks
  8. Hi all: I am running a active subwoofer with a attached control with level control, phase and low frequency filter. Powering my sub is a Pioneer Hu with also the level control, phase and low frequency filter control function. Can I check with anyone here what sort of settings I should make to both of them. For example, should I set the sub's level control to the highest on my HU and then tuning it to my preference via the level control on my subwoofer. Or is it the other way round? What about the low frequency filter? Should the frequency that I cut bass off be the same with what I set on the HU and that of what I set on the subwoofer itself? Anyone any advise? Do you think I should just remove the remote control of my Subwoofer and just use my HU totally to control the bass output? Thanks in advance.
  9. hi all, always can feel the doors vibrate when i tune up the ice and also up the bass level, does it imply i need to soundproof the doors ? is it due to the doors being too empty hence too much gaps for the air to vibrate ?
  10. Hi all, would like to know if i have a stock ICE setup (and stock speakers), can i just add a bass tube to improve the bass...(yes i wan to blast the bass ).... bass tube comes with built in amp right? so i will not blow my speakers rite? thanks
  11. Hi there, Does anyone out there know where can i find the following: VRT 6.5" Reference Subwoofer Tube http://www.my-blaupunkt.com/acatalog/www_m...sboxes__41.html Cause during my trip to malaysia, have come across this product on demo the bass is really good. Price at RM$350, wondering how much is singapore selling? Rdgs Laser
  12. Hi to all ICE gurus, i have a problem here.... my dad's car audio has no bass.. only very little.. what can i do to it?? Btw, there is no way for me to add a subwoofer as the car boot is too packed. He is using the original kenwood HU, pumping out 44W x 4 Just changed 2 rear speakers and 2 tweeters.. no improvements... haiz.. nw very sian.. dunno wat to do.. the boss suggest me to change the HU, but the HU he reccommend is pumping out 45W x 4.. isn't the output of both HU almost the same??? He said its different.. kenwood no power, pioneer and sony got more power. Base on the specs, isn't 44W and 45W the same? pls teach me.. d: > Sooo.. my qns is.. haiz. should i add an amp or change the HU?? i am not asking for those heavy bass.. just sufficient to make songs pleasant to the ears. pls help!! thanks!!
  13. Need some advice from the ICE gurus here Current speakers set-up: Rainbow (front) and Lanzar (rear) components; 2 ch JBL amp for front components My sound-tech is advising me to add in a bass-tube, a 4 ch amp and a pre-amp to complete my ICE Is a 4 ch amp really necessary? T.I.A.
  14. Hi all, I've the following items (from my previous vectra) available for sale (no more space in current setup in my Mondy II liao). SONY XPLOD XM-222 AMP, less than a year old - $80 BAZOOKA BASS TUBE EL SERIES 8"(passive), slightly more than one year old - $150 These two items form a good combination for those who are interested in getting more bass out of their current setup, as the Sony amp can be bridged to power the Bazooka bass tube. Viewing is possible, and pls contact or sms me at 98487271. I can consider some discount for purchase as a set. Cheers
  15. NOS Bass tubes anyone? http://www.bazooka.com/productAutoPassiveBTsEL.asp?id=157
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