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Heard about this news from an acquaintance with kids in this school and now realized it's viral on social media. Sounds like principal doing PR damage control to all parents.
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Multiple people have been shot in a Brooklyn subway station and several undetonated devices were also found at the location, according to fire officials and law enforcement sources. They stress the investigation is preliminary. The extent of the victims' injuries wasn't clear. The FDNY says it responded to a call for smoke at the 36th Street and Fourth Avenue station, which serves the D, N and R lines in Sunset Park around 8:30 a.m. and found multiple gunshot victims. No details were immediately available on the devices. Information on a possible suspect also wasn't immediately known. Several law enforcement sources say a man possibly dressed in clothing that resembles those worn by MTA workers threw some sort of device and opened fire. Some of the wounded jumped on another train to flee to the next station, the sources said. More pictures here. Another F up day in America.
Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has warned its citizens residing in six Southeast Asian countries of a possible attack, sending out an advisory to its embassies on Sep. 13. The six countries are Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Myanmar, Associated Press (AP) reported. Urged citizens to follow local news and information In its advisory, Japan urged its citizens to pay close attention to local news and information and use caution "for the time being", AP reported. They urged their citizens in the countries to stay away from religious facilities and crowds as they had received information on "increased risks such as suicide bombing". According to The Vibes, an overseas safety information posted on Japan's embassy in Malaysia also urged their citizens to avoid visiting places that are "easily targeted by terrorism". According to the alert, these places include "western-related" facilities, such as restaurants, hotels, and tourist facilities. Countries puzzled Responding to the advisory, several nations said that they had no information of such threats. AP reported that a spokesperson for Thailand's Foreign Ministry said Japan had not revealed the origin of the warning and that the Japanese Embassy could not provide any further details other than that the threat was “not specific to Thailand.” The deputy spokesman for Thai police Kissana Pathanacharoen also said their security agencies have no information about the possible threat mentioned by Japan. Similarly, Malaysian police chief Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani said they have not received any information or detected any security threats, but will nonetheless step up its surveillance, according to BFM News. The Philippines Department of Foreign Affairs said they were not aware of any information about an elevated threat level. Meanwhile, Indonesian Foreign Ministry spokesman Teuku Faizasyah denied that any warning was sent to Japanese citizens in the country. Japan's foreign ministry refused to provide the source of information or reveal whether the advisory was shared with other countries. Saw someone posted a screenshot of this message in Japanese from the Japanese Embassy in Singapore. There was also a lowkey warning of possible attacks being carried out in Singapore on Straits Times or some other publication few days back. Let's be alert and vigilant.
- Adulthood is an invigorating stage of life as young people join the workforce, take on more responsibilities and set their sights on the future. But its many facets — from managing finances and buying a home to achieving work-life balance — can be overwhelming. In this series, TODAY’s journalists help young Singaporeans navigate this stage of their lives and learn something themselves in the process. SINGAPORE — In the last two years, five people I knew died from sudden cardiac arrest. They were young and seemingly healthy people whose untimely demise came as a shock to their family and friends. They ranged in age from about 25 to 35. The grief hit me pretty hard, as I felt a lot of guilt and regret about my relationship with some of them. It got me to thinking — are more young people dying from sudden cardiac arrest? And should I be worried? Cardiologists from the National University Heart Centre Singapore told me that the risk of sudden deaths in young people remains exceedingly low. Based on the out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) data report published by the Singapore Heart Foundation four years ago, those above the age of 65 constitute the highest risk group of patients, accounting for 36.2 per cent of the 3,000 cases of cardiac arrest in 2019. There are about 3,000 cases of OHCA yearly here. One cardiologist told me that the prevalence of OHCA in Indians and Malays is twice the rate of Chinese. The prevalence of OHCA in men is also twice that of women. While uncommon, there are underlying conditions among young adults that can lead to sudden deaths, such as hypertrophic cardiomypathy (abnormal thickening of heart muscles) or arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythm of genetic causes), another cardiologist said. This is why health screenings are important, as people often believe themselves to be healthy if they do not have any symptoms of underlying disease when they may have conditions that are asymptomatic. Though sudden cardiac arrest among young people with no underlying conditions is rare, I could not shake this feeling that my life could be taken from me at any time. This led me to move beyond concerns over cardiac arrest affecting the young to wonder more broadly at the meaning of my brief, mortal existence. I was left feeling unmotivated and uneasy. Don’t get me wrong, my life is going okay — I have a good job, I have a roof over my head, I have two beautiful kids and a supportive husband — but I was being consumed by this thought that if life is so short, why bother doing anything? It occurred to me that I was perhaps having an existential crisis. Mr Praveen Nair, a psychologist at Raven Counselling and Consultancy, said that this occurs when there is an inner conflict within an individual causing them to break from traditional thinking patterns and recalibrate to become more contemplative with regard to questions about meaning, purpose and identity in life. Mr Nair also reassured me that I am not the only one feeling this way, as he has seen more adult clients with similar issues. One contributor to this is social media, said Mr Nair, as some netizens cherry pick what they share online to present a rosy picture of their lives, which can cause other users viewing the content to experience "fomo" (fear of missing out). This, in turn, can lead them to wondering about their direction in life. Mr Nair said it is normal to experience an existential crisis even when things in your life seem to be going okay as many things, both overt and subliminal, can influence our thoughts even when our lives are relatively routine. In fact, some argue that the mundane and routine can be a stimulus to initiating thoughts about the larger meaning or purpose of life. This makes sense, as I have been feeling a certain kind of tedium for some time now, juggling work and caring for two young children daily. Ms Abigail Yang, a grief therapist at counselling platform Talk Your Heart Out, said that it is normal to think deeply about life or question how you feel about it. The more fundamental issue is when no answer satisfies you, she added. “It becomes a constant loop of complex questions with no fulfilling solution. This, in turn, leads to a conflict within yourself about your reason for existence,” said Ms Yang. In some cases, extreme thoughts and unanswerable questions can leave one feeling frustrated, anxious, depressed and even suicidal, said experts. They also shared that one way to overcome an existential crisis is to disengage from pursuits or people that bring me no joy and redirect my energy to those that do. Mr Nair said this can help initiate renewed drive and motivation in life. “It may sound counterintuitive but many great innovations occurred when inventors experienced an existential crisis. They channelled their energies into a new venture that was motivating,” he told me. One way to overcome the crisis is to also take time to connect more with people whose company I enjoy, as an existential crisis can occur when we feel disconnected from others, said Mr Nair. Ms Yang reminded me that it is okay to allow myself to feel such negative emotions, and that I should not suppress them. Some people block out pain and suffering, thinking this will make them happy, but it can often lead to a false sense of happiness, she said. Embodying emotions and acknowledging feelings of pain, discontentment and dissatisfaction can open the door to personal growth, and improve one’s outlook on life, Ms Yang added. One tip I got from a friend that has helped me deal with my existential crisis is this: "KonMari" your schedule, rid yourself of self-imposed duties and obligations and identify areas where you could be doing less, doing something easier, or doing nothing at all. This is a reference to Japanese author Marie Kondo and her ideas about ridding our lives of needless clutter. This might mean, for instance, your one-hour exercise routine becomes a 20-minute one, or perhaps you ditch it all together for an extra hour of sleep. The only person that should be happy with the choice you make is you. ABOUT THE WRITER: Nabilah Awang, 29, is a former Senior Journalist at TODAY.
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- 美国网红卖屁赚27万 屁放太多心脏出问题 因卖“瓶装屁”而人气大增的美国女网红,近日因为放太多屁而出现心脏问题,被迫放弃这个赚钱大计。 《8视界新闻网》此前报道,因演出实境秀而声名大噪的女网红Stephanie Matto,自去年11月开始,以每瓶500美元(约680新元)的价格,在各大社交平台和视频网站向粉丝推销她的“瓶装屁”。 “产品”推出后反应非常好,让她赚进20万美元(约27万2000新元)。 特别多吃高蛋白质食品 为此,她每周必须赶制50瓶的屁,以满足客户的需求。而为了让自己的屁味更浓郁,她每天特别多吃豆类、鸡蛋和高蛋白质的食物,尤其喜欢香蕉蛋白奶昔。 不过,英国网媒《Jam Press》报道,女网红近日出现类似心脏病的症状,胸口极度疼痛而被紧急送医。 “当天晚上,我躺在床上,感觉到胃部有股气不断往上移。每次吸气时,都会感觉心脏疼痛。” “我以为自己中风,快不行了!” 经过验血和心电图等检查后,医生告知并非中风或心脏病发作,而是因为持续食用可以排放气体的豆类和鸡蛋导致非常严重的“胀气痛”,建议她改变饮食和服用抑制气体的药物,但这无异于终结她这盘生意。 部分收入捐作慈善 不过,为了自己的性命着想,女网红决定停止“卖屁”,并将部分收入拿来做慈善。 她表示,由于自己的事业太另类,网民对她的评价十分两极。有人称她是女强人、激励他们对自己的工作不感到羞耻,但也有很多负面评论,甚至接到死亡恐吓,而她都选择不去理会。 Anybody good at translation?
- KNN, farked up owners. Claimed the girl ‘stared’ at the peacock, she’s probably just curious and awed by it. Poor girl. And I didn’t even know can rear peacock on landed properties! Ostrich anyone?
A Singaporean student was attacked by a man wielding a knife, who tried to steal his bicycle on a London street. Mr Raymond Hing, 21, was left with a cut on his face after being knocked to the ground while cycling in Leicester Square at about 1am. His ordeal was recorded by British YouTuber Sherwin, who helped fend off his attacker. Sherwin, known only by his first name, was live-streaming his walk around central London on April 10 when he heard Mr Hing's screams for help. In the video, which has since been viewed 155,000 times, he can be seen rushing to help the student, who is sprawled on the ground and bleeding from the cut on his face. The attacker is seen making a desperate lunge for Mr Hing's bicycle before walking away as more bystanders gather. Mr Hing is seen screaming for help and saying "call the police" multiple times. More than a week on from the attack, he said: "I have recuperated and I am feeling better - still alive and kicking." Mr Hing said he did not contact the Singapore High Commission in London because he recovered quickly and did not require help. Sherwin described the experience as surreal, telling the Insider news website: "As I was rushing over, adrenaline mixed in with my anxiety. I truly really hope, if anything, I've maybe inspired people to not be afraid. To try and step in, and to stop a bad-looking scenario from turning (from) bad to fatally worse." After calling emergency services, Mr Hing was seen in the video asking for assistance and describing the attacker as being about 1.7m tall and wearing a blue jacket. "It's attempted murder, he is armed and dangerous," he said. The Metropolitan Police said they were called at 12.49am "to reports of an attempted robbery in Whitcomb Street", according to the Insider report. watch the video at the most top for the attack. dunno who this sherwin but good job thou not exactly sure how this live stream works this dude seem to just stream his random walking around for a full 7 hours so many things i noticed in the video... in the same live stream just above this (full clip), skip to 6:59:00 of the video, there seem to be some kind of domestic abuse happening to the streamer or rather mental abuse by his mum becus she watched his live stream, saw tat he tried to help the singaporean n didnt like it tat he was risking his life also notice something a bit off bout the singaporean tat was attacked notice the head twitch which he ddid many times? is tat some sort of anxiety twitch? hope he is feeling better poor guy how can a man cycling be attacked in london just liddat? with so many ppl around something is wrong in amdk countries
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- SINGAPORE: A full-time national serviceman (NSF) was arrested for planning to carry out a knife attack against Jews at a synagogue at Waterloo Street and was subsequently detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA). Singaporean Amirull Ali, 20, had also made plans to travel to Gaza, Palestine to join the military wing of HAMAS in its fight against Israel, the Internal Security Department (ISD) said in a news release on Wednesday (Mar 10). Amirull was self-radicalised with a deep hatred for Israel after being convinced that Palestinians were being oppressed in the Israel-Palestine conflict, the ISD said. He was arrested on Feb 5 while he was an NSF with the Singapore Armed Forces. A detention order under the ISA was issued against him on Mar 5. This is the second reported case this year involving a young person held under the ISA. In January, it was revealed that a 16-year-old student had been detained for planning to attack two mosques in Woodlands. Amirull posed an “imminent security threat to Singapore”, said the ISD. He had planned to attack the Maghain Aboth Synagogue on a Saturday after the Jewish congregational prayers, with a goal to kill three Jewish men, the ISD said. He later considered carrying out the attack on Dec 25 last year. “He had targeted the males on the assumption that they would have served national service in Israel and hence carried out alleged atrocities against the Palestinians,” ISD said. After deciding to use a knife for the attack, Amirull downloaded an image of the human vascular system to study how he can inflict “a quick death from massive bleeding”, said ISD, adding that he made a replica knife to practise stabbing motions and grip techniques at home. Between August and early October 2019, he made at least two reconnaissance trips to the synagogue and identified a spot to ambush his victims as they exit the place of worship. Amirull eventually shelved his attack plans as he was concerned about not dying as a martyr if he was arrested and sentenced to death, ISD said. “The Ministry of Defence had alerted ISD that Amirull could have been radicalised by extremist ideologies,” the agency said. “ISD’s subsequent investigations confirmed that he was self-radicalised.” SELF-RADICALISATION PROCESS Amirull’s interest in the Israel-Palestine conflict started sometime in 2014 after watching a video that showed Palestinian civilians being bombed by Israeli fighter jets, ISD said. “His subsequent online research into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict convinced him that Israel was oppressing Palestinians and also deepened his hatred for Israel,” it added. Amirull’s support for the HAMAS military wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades (AQB), began in 2015 after he read a book that glorified the group’s fight for Palestinian rights. In 2018, Amirull discussed with a foreign contact his intention to travel to Palestine and join AQB. The contact encouraged him to do so, telling him that he would become a martyr if he died fighting the “enemies of Islam on the battlefield”, ISD said. The foreign contact was a "casual acquaintance" of Amirull and is currently not in Singapore, said ISD. "Apart from Amirull, he is not known to have influenced any other individuals in Singapore with his radical views," it added. Between mid-2018 and 2020, Amirull prepared to travel to Gaza and take up arms alongside AQB. He researched travel routes, intending to fly to Cairo before reaching Gaza, and practised how to handle an assault rifle using a self-made AK-47 replica. “He was focused on the AK-47 as he believed that he would be issued one by AQB based on what he had read about the group,” ISD said. Amirull planned to make the journey after November this year, after completing his full-time National Service and saving enough money by working as a chef. SYNAGOGUE ATTACK PLAN In July 2019, Amirull watched a CNA documentary on the Jewish community in Singapore and was enraged that Jews here were “thriving peacefully” while Palestinians were “suffering overseas”, ISD said. This was when he decided to attack Jews at the synagogue, ISD said. Knowing that it would be difficult to buy a firearm in Singapore, Amirull decided to use a Smith and Wesson knife he had originally bought in 2016 for scouting activities. “To prepare himself for the attack, he downloaded an image of the human vascular system which he used to identify the mid-section as the best place to stab his intended victims to inflict a quick death from massive bleeding,” ISD said. He also made a replica PVC knife to practise handling it at home and avoid damaging the actual knife or injuring himself, ISD said. From his recce trips to the synagogue, Amirull identified a spot along its exterior wall to ambush his potential victims. He was careful not to take pictures during these trips to avoid attracting attention, and downloaded an image for reference instead, ISD said. When carrying out the attack, he intended to conceal his face with a white keffiyeh, or traditional Arabian headdress, and would return home afterwards to post a manifesto online. “The aim of the manifesto was to incite all oppressed people to mount attacks against tyrannical regimes using ‘any means necessary’, including ‘assasinat(ion)’ and ‘vigilante justice’,” ISD said. In October 2019, Amirull had second thoughts about his attack plan after he was concerned about not attaining martyrdom should he be arrested and sentenced to death. “In his mind, martyrdom could only be achieved by fighting in an actual battlefield in Gaza,” ISD said. Nevertheless, Amirull revisited his plan in December last year when he became enraged by an online video on the killing of an unarmed and autistic Palestinian man by Israeli forces, ISD said. “He considered mounting the attack on Christmas Day (Dec 25, 2020), and planned to wear a black ski mask instead of the white keffiyeh,” ISD said. Amirull had bought the ski mask in March last year with the intention of wearing it when he joined AQB in Gaza, as he had seen the group’s fighters wearing similar masks. “However, he eventually shelved his attack plans, as he remained concerned about not attaining martyrdom,” ISD added. ISD’S INVESTIGATIONS SO FAR ISD said its investigations so far indicate that Amirull had acted alone, with no sign of him trying to influence anyone with his radical outlook or involve others in his attack plans. “His immediate family and others in his social circles were not aware of his attack plans,” it added. ISD said it will take firm action against any individual in Singapore who supports, promotes, undertakes or makes preparations to undertake armed violence, regardless of how they rationalise such violence or where it takes place. “In Amirull’s case, he wanted to engage in violence both at home and abroad. He made detailed plans and preparations to kill Jews in Singapore, and was held back only because he was uncertain if he would achieve martyrdom from doing so,” ISD said. “If Amirull had remained undetected, he might have eventually carried out his attack plans in Singapore or travelled abroad to undertake armed violence.” ISD said it is important for the public to remain vigilant to signs of radicalisation in the community, so it can “intervene early to avert a tragedy”. These signs include avid consumption of radical materials, expressions of an “us versus them” mentality, or interest in travelling overseas to participate in armed conflict. “Anyone who knows or suspects that a person has been radicalised should promptly contact the ISD Counter-Terrorism Centre hotline at 1800-2626-473,” it stated.
Volkswagen has been hard at work readying its electric ID. R race car for its Nurburgring record attempt. The German manufacturer has set sights on the 1,341bhp NIO EP9’s 6:45.90 time, which is currently the best lap ever recorded by an electric vehicle. Using its ID. R which demolished the record at Pikes Peak International Hill Climb last year, Volkswagen has developed some new parts to optimise the race car for use on The Green Hell. One of the big changes given to the car is a new rear wing that works similarly to Formula 1 car. At the touch of a button, the driver will be able to open up an element of the rear wing which will reduce downforce by approximately 20 per cent and lower the car’s drag, not unlike the Drag Reduction System (DRS) found in a Formula 1 car. Other new aerodynamic elements include a new floor and a new front splitter to better deal with the denser air at the Nurburgring as compared to the old Pikes Peak configured parts.
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Tuesday we had a worst power failure in 14 yrs. Wednesday MRT broke down for more than half a day. Thursday M1 data down, and I think is at least from jurong to clementi. other area unknown to me yet. Hotline busy for last 30 min. So, are we under some form of attack or simply just plain suay? So whats going down tomorrow? is there a line up for Sat and Sun also? Let the guessing game begin..
Finally come to an end after more than 2 decades. Japan executes AUM doomsday cult founder Asahara, 6 members AUM Shinrikyo cult founder Shoko Asahara, who was convicted of numerous murders including the 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway system, was executed Friday along with six former senior members of the cult, the Justice Ministry said. Asahara, 63, whose real name was Chizuo Matsumoto, was sentenced to death more than a decade ago for masterminding the subway attack and other acts that resulted in the deaths of 29 people among a total of over 6,500 victims. He was among 13 people placed on death row in connection with the string of crimes perpetrated by the doomsday cult. The six others executed on the same day are Yoshihiro Inoue, 48, Tomomitsu Niimi, 54, Tomomasa Nakagawa, 55, Kiyohide Hayakawa, 68, Masami Tsuchiya, 53, and Seiichi Endo, 58. Asahara was executed at a Tokyo detention center, while the others were hanged at the same detention center as well as those in Osaka, Hiroshima and Fukuoka. "Their death penalties had been finalized after sufficient deliberations at courts," Justice Minister Yoko Kamikawa said at a press conference in the afternoon, adding that she made careful considerations before ordering the executions on Tuesday. Kamikawa, however, declined to comment on how the seven were selected among the death row inmates. In March, seven of the 13 AUM death row inmates were transferred from the Tokyo detention center to other facilities across the country, fanning speculation they could be executed anytime. Some of those transferred were not among the seven hanged Friday. Inoue, who was among the transferred seven, filed for a retrial at the time. Japan usually does not execute people who are seeking retrial. The move drew sharp criticism from some lawmakers as well as Amnesty International, which called capital punishment "the ultimate denial of human rights." Kamikawa said that capital punishment is "unavoidable" for such heinous crimes. The following are brief descriptions of three major criminal cases involving the AUM Shinrikyo doomsday cult. Tokyo subway sarin gas attack Under instructions from AUM leader Shoko Asahara, 15 senior members conspired to take plastic bags containing sarin liquid onto five Tokyo subway trains and release the poison by puncturing the bags with umbrellas, vaporizing the nerve agent, during the morning rush hour on March 20, 1995. The attack, one of Japan's worst terrorism incidents, killed 13 people and injured over 6,200. Matsumoto sarin attack Under instructions from Asahara, several AUM members released sarin gas from a vehicle mounted with a spraying device at a parking lot in a residential district of the city of Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture, central Japan, on the night of June 27, 1994. The attack killed eight people and injured more than 100. Lawyer Sakamoto murder Under instructions from Asahara, six AUM members strangled 33-year-old lawyer Tsutsumi Sakamoto, who had been helping parents seeking to free their children from the cult's control, as well as his 29-year-old wife Satoko and their 1-year-old son Tatsuhiko, after sneaking into the family's home in Yokohama, near Tokyo, in the early hours of Nov. 4, 1989. Victims of AUM crimes and their families largely welcomed the move, which came decades after the crimes were committed due to prolonged trials. Some said Japan has now lost a chance to hear an account of the crimes from Matsumoto, who had stopped making meaningful speeches from the middle of his first trial, which started in April 1996. "The time has come. That was my only thought," said Shizue Takahashi, 71, who lost her then-50-year-old husband, the assistant stationmaster Kazumasa, in the Tokyo subway sarin attack, adding many others had been waiting for the day. "A third of my life has been affected by AUM. Thinking that makes me feel frustrated," Takahashi said. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said police have increased vigilance toward the cult's successor organization, Aleph, following the executions. "The police will take measures to be fully prepared," the top government spokesman said when asked by reporters about potential retaliation by people close to the cult. The Public Security Intelligence Agency on the same day inspected Aleph offices and other related sites nationwide. Asahara was arrested in May 1995, just under two months after the March 20 subway attack, which claimed the lives of 13 people and left more than 6,200 others injured. In a February 2004 ruling, the Tokyo District Court found Asahara guilty of all 13 charges and sentenced him to death, saying, "We cannot help saying that the motivation and purpose of the crimes were too outrageous and ridiculous, as he tried to control Japan in the name of salvation." Asahara was also convicted of masterminding a June 1994 sarin gas attack in Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture, which killed eight people and injured more than 100. He was also convicted of the murders of lawyer Tsutsumi Sakamoto, who had been helping parents seeking to free their children of the cult's control, and his wife and their 1-year-old son in November 1989. The death sentence against him was finalized in 2006. After his arrest and the start of his trial in April 1996, Asahara began exhibiting baffling behavior in the courtroom and detention facilities, often remaining silent or just mumbling. His execution came as a slew of trials involving AUM members came to an end after more than 20 years with the Supreme Court's decision on Jan. 18 to reject an appeal against a life sentence filed by Katsuya Takahashi, the last former member on trial. Japan forgoes executing death row inmates if an accomplice is still on trial. Around 190 people were indicted for crimes involving AUM Shinrikyo, and Asahara's first trial alone took seven years and 10 months to complete at the Tokyo District Court. AUM evolved from a yoga school established by Asahara in 1984 and had about 1,400 live-in followers and over 10,000 lay followers at one point. It renamed itself Aleph in 2000 and two splinter groups have been formed, including one established by high-profile former member Fumihiro Joyu. Following reports of the executions, Joyu reiterated his apology to people affected by AUM but said he is no longer part of the original cult. "As I also bear a heavy responsibility, I would like to apologize to the victims," he said, although adding, "I have left Aleph more than 10 years ago, and I don't have any special feelings (for Asahara)." The Public Security Intelligence Agency continued to monitor the groups, believing they were still under the influence of Asahara. The followers of the three groups total about 1,650 in Japan and about 460 in Russia, while the groups hold more than 1 billion yen ($9 million) in assets, according to the agency. Asahara told his followers he is the incarnation of Shiva, the Hindu god of destruction and regeneration, and urged them to entrust themselves and their assets to Shiva and himself for life, according to prosecutors who indicted him. After he and 24 other AUM members unsuccessfully ran in the House of Representatives election in 1990 in an attempt to take over the state, he started planning mass murders of members of the public in revenge, according to the prosecutors.
- [media][/media] PETALING JAYA: Police are investigating a shocking video being shared on social media showing two men slashing a woman. The two-and-a-half minute video, which has gone viral, is alleged to have been shot at an industrial estate in Klang. "We are in the midst of tracing the whereabouts of the suspects in the video. Our initial investigation indicates that it was a fight between a husband and wife," said Selangor CID chief Senior Asst Comm Fadzil Ahmat when contacted. The video starts with a man dragging and beating a woman in front of a blue car, while several people witnessing the beating are heard screaming. Another man can be seen getting out of the car brandishing a weapon resembling a machete and walking towards the two, as the other man drags the woman towards the passenger side of the vehicle. Moments later the accomplice opens the car door as the suspect grabs the weapon and threatens to slash the woman. The two men drag the woman behind the passenger side door as one of the suspects swings the weapon repeatedly at the woman. The two then bundle the woman into the car as she is heard screaming for help before driving off. Read more at
SINGAPORE: An SBS Transit bus hit two taxis at a cab stand in Commonwealth Avenue, near Commonwealth MRT Station on Thursday morning. The driver of Service 100, who's in his 60s, was sent to the National University Hospital for suspected cardiac arrest. The Singapore Civil Defence Force said it was alerted about the accident at 10:50am. SBS Transit said in a statement that no one else was injured. It said its top priority is to ensure the well-being of the bus captain, affected passengers and road users. Link
She was delivering a cake to her friend, but forget to bring inhaler. Then suddenly had a asthma attack after parking her car and dies. RIP. Happened at Tampines St 42 this morning. A passerby called the police after noticing the car had its engine on for a few hours and the lady driver slumped over the steering wheel
After Paris, now it's Brussels... Brussels Zaventem airport blasts cause casualties5 minutes ago From the sectionEurope Media captionPeople fled Brussels airport after two explosions went offTwo blasts have struck the departures area of Zaventem airport in Brussels. The Belgian government has confirmed casualties but has given no numbers. The cause of the explosions is unknown. Another explosion has now been reported at a metro station close to the EU institutions. The whole metro system has been closed. The blasts come four days after the capture in Brussels of Salah Abdeslam, the main suspect in the jihadist attacks in Paris on 13 November 2015. Belgium has now raised its terror threat to its highest level. Brussels airport blasts - latest updates Emergency services are clearing the airport completely. Belgium's Het Laatste Nieuws reports that more bombs have been found. The airport is being evacuated and has been closed to flights. The Belga news agency reports that shots were fired and shouts in Arabic were heard before the two explosions. Media captionDamage at the departure lounge of Brussels airportImages on social media showed smoke rising from one of the buildings, amid reports of panic as people fled the airport. Rail transport to the facility has been halted and people have been told not to come to the airport. All flights have been diverted. Other reports say at least one of the explosions was close to the American Airlines check-in area but this has not been confirmed. The Belgian broadcaster RTBF quoted a witness as saying there were people injured or unconscious in the departure area, opposite the Sheraton hotel. There are few reports yet about the metro blast. Niels Caignau, a Swissport employee, told Flemish broadcaster VRT: "I was on a break and heard and felt a big explosion - we have from here a view over the departure hall and saw a plume of smoke come out. "The windows are completely shattered. People went outside in shock. It doesn't look good." Belgium's Interior Minister Jan Jambon had said on Monday that the country was on the highest level of alert for possible revenge attacks after the capture of Salah Abdeslam. He told Belgian radio: "We know that stopping one cell can... push others into action. We are aware of it in this case." Zaventem airport is 11km (7 miles) north-east of Brussels and dealt with more than 23 million passengers last year.
This is no accident, more like murder in broad daylight. A car drives at high speed and knocks over two persons, in broad daylight. One person falls on the hood in front of the car, and the car rolls over him. That is not all. The driver gets out, and starts KICKING the fallen! Kicks one, then runs over the kick the other. All this in broad daylight, in front of at least two other people who just stand by and watch the drama unfold!
- BEIJING, Nov 22 (Reuters) - A panda at a zoo in southern China attacked a student who snuck into its pen hoping for a cuddle with the endangered bear, state media said on Saturday. The 20-year-old male student surnamed Liu jumped over the fence at the zoo in the tourist city of Guilin, ignoring warning signs not to, Xinhua news agency said. "The panda, named Yangyang, was wide awake. Apparently scared by the intruder, he bit at Liu's arms and legs," it quoted an unnamed worker as saying after zoo keepers managed to calm the bear and rescue Liu, the report said. "Yangyang was so cute and I just wanted to cuddle him," Liu was quoted as saying from his hospital bed. "I didn't expect he would attack." Scientists believe fewer than 2,000 giant pandas live in the wild in China
SMS about terrorist attack in Bugis a hoax: Police An SMS about a possible terrorist attack on Bugis Village has been circulating amongst members of the public. But police say there is no credible evidence to suggest such an attack to date. Still, they've taken the necessary precautions to enhance security in the area. And investigations into the case are ongoing. In the meantime, police are advising members of the public to not be overly alarmed, and to contact the police immediately if they notice any suspicious activity. They also want to warn those who would intentionally mislead the public by perpetuating false threats to public safety. The police say they take a very stern view against anyone who attempts to cause undue public alarm or fear in such a manner. They added that they will not hesitate to take action against such perpetrators. anyone here got receive the sms?
Not the human kind but the real deal... From The Telegraph: Woman saved by cruise ship passenger after croc latches onto her legs By Lisa Quartermain PerthNow April 03, 2012 11:19AM Tara Hawkes suffered severe lacererations and puncture wounds. Picture: Facebook Source: PerthNow A YOUNG woman is recovering in hospital after being bitten on the legs by a saltwater crocodile while swimming from a luxury boat in the Kimberley. A passenger is believed to have pulled Tara Hawkes to safety as she was being attacked just metres from the cruise ship True North. Ms Hawkes, 23, formerly of Busselton, was paddling at Dugong Bay when a 2m crocodile latched on to her legs. Ms Hawkes, an employee of the True North, was pulled back on to the vessel and flown by helicopter to a hospital in Derby. True North has its own helicopter and landing pad. Miss Hawkes suffered lacerations and puncture wounds to her upper legs and is in a stable condition. It is believed she needs further treatment and will be transferred to another hospital by plane. The attack came just two days after father Peter Kurmann was killed by a shark on the same stretch of wA coastline. Dugong Bay is south of Talbot Bay and near Horizontal Falls, near Derby. True North - popular with wealthy tourists and WA locals - was the cruise ship used by American model Jerry Hall and her Perth-based boyfriend Warwick Hemsley on a recent trip to the Kimberley. Ms Hawkes posted pictures of True North on her Facebook page. The vessel, which can carry 36 passengers and has 20 staff, was purpose-built to access remote wilderness areas. Passengers pay thousands a day for a berth - a seven-night Kimberley adventure costs $9000-$14,000 a person. The ship is due to take passengers from Wyndham to the King George Falls this weekend.
Incidents of road rage are on the rise in Singapore, with known attacks occurring once every four days last year. Reported cases that resulted in assault rose to 97 last year, up from 84 in 2011 and 63 in 2010. Some of the cases were heard in court in recent months. A businessman was sentenced to one month in jail earlier this month for punching a technician he felt should have given way to him on a street in Jurong East. Source: