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Found 1 result

  1. Hello Everyone! Apa khabar? Pandu Kereta must jaga jaga lah! With the increase number of irresponsible & reckless speedsters cum racers who drive their super-cannot-make-it cars with some cheapo modifications from Johor Malu to malu themselves by crashing and dying on the spot, I am indeed a Happy Man. Mana Boleh? You may ask. I am often on the road, Singapore or JB roads clocking no less than 200km a day and 5000km a month on average. These kuku speed and cut into every conceivable ends, causing white drivers from PAP branch like me to jam so so so hard on my brake that my brake got this curry smell coming out so many times. I am so pleased to announce that many more drivers of these calibres are doing down the path of this joker who speed at 160km/hour on a 70km/hour while racing with another Proton wira! A Cork driving a Colt thinking he is a F1 Singapore Rep doing a 3 times over the speed limit! What is this? Asking for trouble? Nonono.. he is asking to DIE. Asking for trouble is different from asking to die. Death to reckless racers. If they breed, you will BLEED. Happy CNY and hope those racers die before CNY if not they will cause a few of u here to die for them. I am asking for trouble here by posting this because many losers will come here to shoot me, thinking I am easily intimidated. But i am a brave man you know! As a self-declared loyalist cum supporter to PAP, even if u were to punch me or even burn my body, I will still post my very learned arguments here to HELP my fellow innocent motorists who have their families waiting for them to go home. Those who speed recklessly and irresponsibly must die. No two ways about it. If they dont die, what will happen? YOU DIE! No joke. That evo joker who CRASHED and killed/murdered the innocent taxi driver out to make some extra cash for his family is still very yaya papaya cos he has his own life but another innocent chap lost his life due to this yaya papaya young idiot.
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