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  1. Hi all. Today I will be sharing a little something about what I've been quite involved in of late, especially since a passing of a very beloved furkid. And that is, the adoption and rehoming of stray dogs in Singapore. To those who are already dog owners out there but still have space at home, in your heart and abundance of love for another furkid, to those whose furkids have crossed the rainbow bridge but are now ready to love again... I appeal to you! I will be posting from time to time, dogs that are up for adoption here from various rescue groups, and also appeals for fosterers while the rescue groups find forever homes for them. If you are able to help, please do. If not, sharing the post to those who might be able to help would be very appreciated! What's Singapore Specials? This may be a term familiar to some, but unfamiliar to many. Singapore Special is a dog that is bred on the streets, a product of generations of varieties of different breeds of dogs. The Singapore Specials are the street dogs, free breeding dogs, the dogs we loosely call 'Mongrels' before 'Singapore Specials' came about. The stigma against these pups are real. Most people are afraid of them, mainly because of their size. They're mistakenly portrayed to the public as "ferocious", untrained, and with the tendency to attack humans. The 'uneducated' and 'prejudiced' will shun these mongrels, and only fancy the pedigree dogs. What happens to the strays then? Due to discrimination faced by these dogs (low adoption rate), our shelters are overwhelmed with them. Some of these dogs never made it out of shelters their entire lives and spend almost all their time confined to tiny spaces. They are grateful and excited when volunteers come in each week to bring them out - the only time they may spend outside of the shelter which they now call home. Some are taken in by kind fosterers because a shelter is not exactly a very good environment to grow up in. Many of these fosterers will eventually become their adopters as they grow older and chances of getting adopted gets lower and lower. Due to the size of these pups, most of them are also not eligible to stay in HDB flats hence making their adoption rate even lower. TEMPERAMENTS & TRAITS of the Singapore Specials Since most of them have been rescued off the streets, industrial parks, and are not domesticated, they may have trust issues or certain personality traits that are genetic. They are smart, can be house trained, but will require lots of time, patience and a forgiving heart. Most importantly, lots of love to give. Many of these rescue dogs also comes with separation anxiety (sometimes aggression as they are not used to humans) and may be prone to barking, whining, all of which will need time to condition and overcome with training. HEALTH Now, since they are of mixed heritage, usually the Singapore Specials are a healthy bunch of dogs and may require lesser veterinary attention than the expensive purebreeds. PROJECT ADORE (ADOption and REhoming of dogs) Project ADORE was started in April 2012, as a pilot by the Ministry of National Development (MND), Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) and Housing and Development Board (HDB) to assess the acceptance of mixed-breed dogs in HDB estates if proper safeguards were in place. Taken from: https://www.mnd.gov.sg/our-work/engaging-our-communities/project-adore Today, Project ADORE is supported by Animal Welfare Groups (AWGs) – Action for Singapore Dogs (ASD), Save our Street Dogs (SOSD), Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), Exclusively Mongrels (EM) and Causes for Animals (CAS). Under Project ADORE, HDB flat owners can adopt local mixed breed dogs, also known as Singapore Specials, which are up to 15 kg in weight and 50 cm in height. These limits are comparable to the size of toy breeds allowed in HDB flats. Interested adopters are allowed to keep only one dog per flat and have to abide by stringent ownership conditions, including the sterilisation, routine vaccination and micro-chipping of the adopted dog. New owners must also apply for an AVA dog licence for the adopted dog. In addition, new owners will have to enrol their dogs for obedience training courses at the point of adoption, and sign a Code of Responsible Behaviour (CORB) which includes requirements to ensure that their dogs do not cause nuisances to the neighbours. To qualify under Project ADORE, your dog will have to: Be a local medium-sized mixed-breed or “Singapore Special” Be at least 6 months old and sterilised Have a maximum weight of 15kg and shoulder height up to 50cm Undergo compulsory basic obedience training by AVA-accredited trainers Places you can adopt from: These are just some of the shelters/rescue groups that I am aware of and can remember at this point. There are also many individual stray feeders etc who feed strays on a daily basis and even rescue+rehome pups. When I say pups I mean dogs in general, not just puppies. All puppies grow up really fast anyway. Don't adopt puppies just because they're cute. I'm sure you've heard this very often but we can't remind enough. For some, once the novelty of having a pup or new dog dies down, they don't receive as much love anymore. So before you adopt, please make sure you're ready for a lifetime commitment! Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD) Action for Singapore Dogs (ASD) Exclusively Mongrels Causes for Animals (CAS) Animal Lovers League (ALL) Purely Adoptions Chained Dog Awareness Singapore Hope Dog Singapore Mercy Light Adoption Voices for Furbabies A Stray's Life Paws Angels This thread is getting too long and I'll have to end off abruptly here for now. To be continued...
  2. https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/southeast-asia/article/2178279/singapore-allows-same-sex-fathers-adopt-their-surrogate-son Singapore allows two fathers to adopt their surrogate son in landmark ruling The two men are 45, of Chinese ethnicity, and are Singaporeans. The men have been in a relationship for 13 years, living together since 2003 The process was treated as single-parent adoption and will confer to one of the men sole parental rights and responsibility for the child PUBLISHED : Monday, 17 December, 2018, 12:16pm UPDATED : Monday, 17 December, 2018, 1:13pm In a landmark decision, Singapore’s highest court has allowed a gay couple to adopt their son, who was conceived through surrogacy in the United States. The case began in December 2014 when fathers “James” and “Shawn” applied for James – whose sperm was used for the assisted reproduction – to adopt their son, “Noel”, hoping to remove the stigma of illegitimacy. Their real names have not been disclosed. James and Shawn, who heard the news at 10.25am through their lawyers, were elated. They had gone to work as usual, despite knowing the judgment would be released on Monday morning. “It was business as usual because we didn’t want to get our hopes too high,” said James, who is a doctor. Booming surrogacy business is a legal grey area Shawn works in the marketing industry. Both men are 45, of Chinese ethnicity, and are Singaporeans. The men have been in a relationship for 13 years, living together since 2003. James said the family was happy and relieved that the High Court allowed the adoption of Noel. “The fight to raise our family in Singapore has been a long and difficult journey,” he said. “We hope that the adoption will increase the chances of our son to be able to stay in Singapore with his family. His grandparents and us really want Singapore to be the home of our family. Our family will celebrate this significant milestone.” His grandparents and us really want Singapore to be the home of our family. Our family will celebrate this significant milestone JAMES, FATHER The process was treated as single-parent adoption and will confer to James sole parental rights and responsibility for the child. Both fathers hoped this will make it easier for Noel, now four years old, to acquire Singapore citizenship. The South China Morning Post in January reported on the family’s legal limbo. Noel had been rejected for citizenship and at the time the fathers applied for his adoption, Noel was on a dependent’s pass that has since been renewed every six months. Last year, the couple had their bid rejected by the Family Justice Courts one day after Christmas, although District Judge Shobha Nair said Noel would be provided for, with or without an adoption order. The couple then appealed the decision in the High Court, and in a 145-page judgment released on December 17, Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon ruled the adoption should go through. He wrote the adoption would be for the child’s welfare “essentially because it would increase the child’s prospects of acquiring Singapore citizenship and securing long-term residence in Singapore”. The court considered Singapore’s public policy on same-sex families and its relation to this case as well as any policy violation if an adoption order was made, but thought neither reason was “sufficiently powerful to enable us to ignore the statutory imperative to promote the welfare of the child and, indeed, to regard his welfare as first and paramount”, the chief justice wrote. China looks at making surrogate motherhood legal This is Singapore’s first legal acknowledgement of same-sex families. James’s lawyer Ivan Cheong, partner at Eversheds Harry Elias, said the case was important because it showed how the Court would take in public policy considerations. “In the current case, notwithstanding that the court found that there is a public policy in favour of parenthood within the marriage and a policy against the formation of same sex units, the court found that the welfare of the child would be significantly promoted if an adoption order was made,” Cheong said. “At the end of the day, it is about what is in the child’s best interests.” Surrogacy in Hong Kong: all you need to know about the risks and legal ramifications The case has also provided clarity on surrogacy issues in Singapore, he said. The court found there was no public policy against planned or deliberate parenthood by singles through the use of assisted reproductive technology or surrogacy. Koh Tien Hua, partner at Evernsheds Harry Elias, who was also James’s lawyer, said this was the first time surrogacy and gay adoption was canvassed in court. The outcome showed that “family is important no matter the orientation of the parent and family is the cradle of society”. =========================================== never expected this, sure to be a shit storm in the usual religious circles soon. but dont see how the courts can throw the kid out.
  3. Found this cutey being abandoned at a car park. Took it home and seems to be in good health as it eat lots of chai sim and kang kong. Do PM me. I would love to keep but have a puppy liao. Did not want to sent it to spca as eventually they will be......
  4. I found a tortoise (the shell is 18cm in length) by the road. I suspect it was abandoned and brought it home. Anyone wants to adopt this critter? Please PM me. I intend to release it in a fresh water pond tomorrow night (late) if there are no takers.
  5. See we are Number 1 again .... A tiny 'Red Dot' with 5 million peoples but number 1 smartphone adoption .... Yahoo news: Google Reveals Singapore Number One For Smartphone Adoption, Surprised? We have long known that Singapore has an amazing smartphone adoption rate, but how amazing is amazing? Well as it turns out, according to a global study called Consumer Barometer released by Google, Singapore is the number one smartphone adopter in the world at 85 per cent. Based on 150,000 interviews, the study also revealed that more Asians use their smartphones to access the internet more than desktop computers, making Asia a truly mobile-first continent. The blogpost on October 28 by Google reads: “In Asia, consumers are living in a mobile-first world that needs new products and services built with mobile in mind, not as an after thought or nice-to-have. There’s a great chance here for Asian businesses to lead the world in mobile-first innovation by reacting fast to the revolution that’s happened on the streets right outside their office doors. All they need to do is heed the consumers’ call.” Here are some statistics on Singapore that might fascinate you: Singaporeans use an average of 3.3 devices each – one of the highest rates in the world. Most Internet users in Singapore go online every day. This is true across all age ranges, with 78% of Internet users 55 or older coming online every day. 42% of respondents in Singapore used the Internet to compare choices before making their last purchase. 35% of Singaporean smartphone users used their device during their last purchase. Singaporean respondents frequently research online and then buy offline. 1 in 3 Singaporean respondents watched their last online video with someone else. This was usually their partner. Online video is often watched while commuting or travelling link: https://sg.finance.yahoo.com/news/google-reveals-singapore-number-one-043027547.html China got 1.2 billion peoples and lets say 100 million use smartphone is way above Singapore. How Goggle calculate ? ....
  6. send from my friends for bros and sis who wants......quickly i hope. Cos they would be put to sleep soon if no one takes them. all are around three months old and will grow no bigger than a bull terrier. Please contact 97876889 -Jennifer directly. God bless these puppies and whoever adopted them.
  7. Helping a friend to post Intelligent Carrot looking for good home. She's 3 mths old local cross breed. Not hdb approved. Paper trained. Understand basic commands like " sit". Will grow to big size 15-20kg approx. Pls contact 96932850 Pls help to share to find carrot a home she deserve. Thank you.
  8. I know this is a weird place to post threads for pet adoption, but just trying out my luck. My friend has 5 bunnies, about 3 months old. All local breed. She can't keep them for long due to financial constraints so I'm helping her to ask around for potential adopters. There are no monetary terms attached. The only condition is to give them a forever home and to love them unconditionally. So if any of you are interested, drop me a PM and we can discuss from there. I don't know the gender of the bunnies, but will check when I visit her this weekend. Pictures will be available upon request.
  9. Brownie is a very handsome, intelligent and friendly pup. He was rescued by my friend. Pls help tp spread words around and help find him a good home. If you can help foster or adopt pls contact 97876889 Breed: Mongrel Gender: Male Age: 3 mths + Vaccinated, healthy Not HDB approved
  10. Anyone willing to adopt her by this week if not will put her down.. She is 4 urs old female Italian greyhound. Btw, this is not mine, just trying to help. Info that i get is that she's from farm n unable to produce, hence the bad situation. Anyone interested pls contact Stanley @ 90056352 Thanks
  11. Hi guys, I found a terrapin trying to cross the Penang Road today and I decided to save it from being crushed by vehicles. Its quite big, about palm size. Anyone interested to adopt it please pm me. Otherwise, i might release it somewhere and let it be.
  12. Animal Infirmary's 2nd Adoption Drive coming on 18 Dec 2011. It was a great success from the previous adoption drive that 5 dogs found a home. Come down Animal Infirmary this 18th to meet these lovely doggies.
  13. Come down meet these sweet doggies who are ready for new home. They were rescued and now you can give them hope and second chance to survive. Some of these dogs will be released back to wild if can't find home or foster. Some are already sterilized and all are friendly and affectionate.
  14. Ebert


    Anybody here is adopted? How is it like to be adopted? Do you want to know who your real parents are? If you know who your real parents are, are you tempted to live with your real parents? Would you love your adopted parents less if you found that you were adopted? Thanks
  15. Hi all, Mentioned in my earlier post regarding a schnauzer that i found at around Teachers' Estate. Till now nobody came forward to claim the dog. Im putting it up for adoption now. Breed: Mini schnauzer Color: Salt and pepper Gender: Female Age: Vet and groomer estimate to be between 3 to 4 yrs old, still very young and active dog. Toilet trained: Only will do her business downstairs. Basic commands: Understand how to "Sit" and "Come here" Microchipped: No Adoption fees: No need, just love her for life. This cute little girl is very very obedient and well-behaved. She doesnt bark at all, only when she see u coming back home she will cry and whistle and maybe bark abit. Whole family loves her but its difficult for us to keep 2 dogs. If any of you are ready and willing to adopt the dog and can fufill the following conditions... 1)Are you and your family sure about keeping a dog and are animal lovers? 2)Do you have enough time to spend with the dog? 3)This cute girl needs to be taken downstairs to pee and poo early morning, noon and evening. Are you, your family or your maid able to do it? 4)As it was a lost dog without microchip, i cant trace her history. She probably needs to get a de-worm jab and get microchipped this kind of things. Please help spread words to your friends or anyone who loves dogs... I will have to send her to SPCA in a few days time, i dont wanna do that but i dont have a choice or time to look after her... She is a good lapdog and can give you all her life and expect nothing much in return. Thanks all. Please call me @ 9 3 8 7 8 3 2 0 Wilson.
  16. Pure Breed 4 months old Female. Very Cute. Want to give DUCHESS away for adoption because she is always fighting with her siblings. ONLY Experienced Dog lovers need apply. SMS 9-617-3641 or email: [email protected] Not for sale, not to be sold or transferred.
  17. Comnao

    Child adoption

    hi Friends a friend and wife are childless . They have worked out between themselves and decided they want to adopt a child instead. They are upper middle income family and normal people, not sicko bastxxx. They do not want children of foreign countries, only singapore born locals. Does anyone know the procedure and whom to contact ? Thanks in advance ! ** Ps : spare me the song and dance about natural or unnatural or why they discrimination against babies from other countries or how they are going to break the news to the child in future. we had already discussed this topic extensively so i am sure of their mental state before i agreed to walk this journey together with them
  18. Hi people, I have adopted 2 strays last week. I have provided them temporarily shelter but i am unable to keep them long term. Hoping to find a good home for them. Two female Kittens. Toilet Litter trained (will be provided for new owner), along with some boxes and blankets that they are using right now. Anyone interested and can give them a good home, pls let me know. Thank you.
  19. Name:YaYa Gender:Female D.O.B: 24/7/2008 Breed: Jack Russell Terrier Temperament: Not barkish, quiet, playful,manja,active Color: Tan/white Micochipped:YES Vaccinations: 2 doses done Spayed/Neutered: NO Adoption fees: $200 donation to Animal Lovers League dog shelter Interested pls email below info to [email protected] 1.Age 2.Occupation 3.Working hours 4.Marital status 5.HDB/Landed/Private 6. Main caregiver e.g maid/parents/myself 7.Any other dog at home? breed? 8.contact & address **Adopter must sterilize the puppy at his/her own cost.The above info are required for screening purposes and to ensure no reselling and breeding of the puppy is allowed.Adopter must sign agreement upon adoption.
  20. These are two puppies saved from a construction site. They are approximately 4 months old, both vaccinated, healthy and living happily. The one on the right is Shepherd (male) and the black one on the left is Lady (female). Shep (short for Shepherd as he looks like a German Shepherd) is a very friendly and inquisitive little fella. He is so likeable, you just fall in love with him immediately. Always wanting to be the center ofattention, he'll be the first to investigate food, people, dogs, cats which explains why he was the first and easiest to catch). The only boy in the litter, the smallest yet he is our "Braveheart" - size of a pup, heart of a lion. Many times, his bigger sized sisters will hide behind him as if seeking protection and yes, Shep is always there for them. He loves cuddles and pets and if allowed, will put his muzzle on your lap when he takes a nap. His huge pointed ears and sharp features make him uniquely handsome. Lady as aptly named as she is behaves like one. More cautious than her brother, though bigger in size, she has a lustrous coat of black and rich brown. She looks like a mini rottie or a fat dobbie. We anticipate her to be a good watch dog as she is always watching and if not sure, will let out a low growl. Lady is not as hyper as herbrother but certainly looks the faster to be trained as can keep still for longer periods. The seemingly smarter of the two, she lets her brother "check it out" before she ventures into anything. Pls help to spread..give them a home Pls pm me your contact if you are keen to adopt.Thank you for your kindness.
  21. I am an IT Manager in a big organisation. I would like to have a gauge of the general sentiments from you and the organisations you work for towards Vista adoption. To qualify myself, I am a Linux person deep down. I have been using Linux since 1996 and have extensive contacts with different Linux distributions from Slackware to Redhat to Gentoo and Debian. My servers/computation clusters run predominantly *nix OSes and my personal desktop now runs Ubuntu (oh btw, Gusty Gibbon will be released soon) with WinXP VM (VirtualBox). Still, I feel WinXP is a good, stable, easy to maintain/support and sufficiently peppy/light OS for daily computing, emailing, surfing and document processing, after having supported it since 2002. I dun remember having bad or painful experience in the early years of WinXP migrations and adoptions, in fact, I actually pushed for it's adoption. Unfortuntely, I dun have the same type of enthusiasm towards Vista. New systems in my organisation come pre-installed with Vista. Although I only have a handful of Vista machines in my support right now, they are already driving my up the walls. I have directors requesting for downgrading back to WinXP and since been extremely happy. Some common Vista user problems are: 1) slow, slow, slow and slow, resource gobbling 2) device driver incompatibility issues 3) software incompatibility issues 4) un-intuitive interfaces 5) cluttered desktop, messy workspaces 6) stability issues My other concerns are environmental issues such as having to condemn perfectly usable hardware when switching to Vista as they are deemed too slow for Vista. Incidentally, there is this really fancy, super slim notebook, Toshiba Portege 2000, that was too slow for even XP. I had it installed with Ubuntu and wala, my director is carrying it around for his overseas trips. I wonder if you IT ppl or even home users are facing similar problems?
  22. POSTING ON BEHALF OF A FRIEND: a cute white male white maltese is up for adoption! foc..help this poor dog as he risk being put to sleep(i heard) if he doesnt gets adopted..sad tat i cant help cuz i cant keep it at home. anyone interested? pls leave me a pm..thanks.
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