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  1. New saga! Cheapo rider take Gojek, according to her there's a route that can avoid ERP. When the driver ask which way, she says she don't know and then claims that driver is out to cheat her ERP money. Driver angry, drove to police station. She tries to record driver and accused him of driving recklessly. She says driver has no right to record her, even though she herself is trying to record the driver. She calls (presumably Gojek hotline) to report driver. They reach a place where there is a Malay policeman. She tried to exit the car but the car is auto locked, and shouts "kidnap!" Policeman appears to side with driver and she plays racist card. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0sziuM1_a8&feature=youtu.be
  2. how the heck would he recognize the texture of faeces so quickly unless he tried it before? LOL
  3. http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/officer-accused-of-molesting-woman-gave-different-account-of-what-happened-nea Officer accused of molesting woman gave different account of what happened: NEA SINGAPORE - A National Environment Agency (NEA) officer accused of hugging a woman from behind has given a different account of what happened, NEA said in a statement on Thursday (Jan 14). "The officer highlighted has given his account of what had happened, which is different from what was alleged, to the police," an NEA spokesman said. NEA said that they are aware of the case which happened at Suntec City Tower 2 on Jan 8. The enforcement officers had seen a woman smoking under the covered walkway near the staircase of Suntec City Tower 2, and asked for her particulars. "The incident occurred as our officers were requesting for her particulars in order to take enforcement action against her for smoking in a smoking prohibited place," NEA said. "Subsequently, the enforcement officers requested police assistance." The agency did not provide more details as the police are investigating the case. The 33-year-old woman, who has not been named, told Shin Min Daily News that an NEA enforcement officer hugged her from behind when he was trying to stop her from leaving. She told the Chinese daily that she lit up her cigarette as she was approaching a smoking area at Suntec City Tower 2 during her lunch break. She was then stopped by a man who said he was an NEA officer. "The man claimed that he is an NEA officer and asked me to show my identity card, but I did not bring it downstairs so I quickly stubbed out my cigarette and tried to leave," she told Shin Min. As she was heading back to her office, she said that she was stopped by a second man, who blocked her way. She told Shin Min that the man asked her for her identity card, but did not show his own identification. She ignored him, called her husband and continued to walk back to her office building. As she was using her staff pass to enter a gantry at the office building, she said she felt someone hug her from behind. When she managed to break free, she realised that it was the second man who had tried to stop her earlier. The man then grabbed her left arm, only letting go when she shouted: "What do you want? Why are you doing this?" She said that the officer had touched her chest and she felt humiliated. She then called the police, Shin Min reported. After the incident, she tried to board a taxi to leave the area but was stopped by the man, who opened the door and told the driver not to drive off. The woman then alighted. It is unclear what happened next. Later, the woman's husband arrived at the scene and they went to a police station to make a report. The police confirmed that a report was made and said that they are investigating. NEA said that their officers are trained to handle "challenging field situations", and the agency has "strict protocols" to guide them. "This includes engagement and disengagement of offenders, as well as handling of situations where offenders try to escape," NEA said. Offenders caught smoking in a prohibited area can be fined from $200 to $1,000, according to the agency's website.
  4. show-off or forced with no choice?? seems like no proof...duno what she "stolen" too... NSFW...
  5. Migrant workers Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Tun were charged with the murder of David Miller, 24, and the rape and murder of Hannah Witheridge, 23. The tourists’ battered bodies were found on the southern island of Koh Tao on September 15. The arrests of the men, both in their early twenties, followed intense scrutiny of Thai authorities which have been accused of mishandling the investigation. http://www.thenational.ae/world/southeast-asia/myanmar-man-accused-of-british-murders-is-scapegoat YANGON// The mother of one of the Myanmar men accused of murdering two British tourists in Thailand has said her son is a “scapegoat”. Migrant workers Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Tun were charged with the murder of David Miller, 24, and the rape and murder of Hannah Witheridge, 23. The tourists’ battered bodies were found on the southern island of Koh Tao on September 15. The arrests of the men, both in their early twenties, followed intense scrutiny of Thai authorities which have been accused of mishandling the investigation. “The case has been fixed, my son is a scapegoat,” Zaw Lin’s mother Phyu Shwe Nu said, adding her son “has never done anything violent before”. Britain has voiced concerns about the way Thai police had handled the case so far and offered police support to Thailand. Myanmar president Thein Sein has also asked for a “fair” investigation, amid reports the accused were tortured into confessing.The mother of the second suspect, Win Zaw Tun, said the news of her son’s arrest had left her suicidal. Thailand has strongly rejected allegations of torture and defended its probe, with junta chief and premier Prayut Chan-ocha saying the case was “reliable”. Earlier in the week Thai authorities agreed to accept British and Myanmar observers to monitor the case but details of what form this would take were not provided. Thai police have said the two Myanmar suspects confessed to the crime and their DNA matched samples taken from Witheridge’s body. The murders dealt another blow to Thailand’s tarnished image as a tourist haven after months of protests in Bangkok led to a coup in May and the introduction of martial law -- which has yet to be lifted.* Agence France-Presse
  6. From Yahoo! News: http://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/singaporesc...-104456912.html NTU student accused of sexual harassment By debchoo | SingaporeScene
  7. Quote from CNA report: Baey Yam Keng apologises for comments over foreign student's remark SINGAPORE: Tampines MP Baey Yam Keng apologised in Parliament Tuesday, for his comments over a remark by a foreign student here on a Singapore government scholarship. Mr Baey has been accused of not standing up for Singaporeans. But he said that was never his intention. The comment by China national Sun Xu, that "there are more dogs than humans in Singapore", had sparked plenty of comments after it went viral online. The final-year Mechanical Engineering student at the National University of Singapore had posted the remark on his microblog, after describing how some "uncles" in Singapore would stare at him after he brushed against them in public. Some netizens also took issue with the fact that Sun is a government scholar. Mr Baey was later quoted by a newspaper saying that there might be something in Sun's words that Singaporeans could reflect on. This added to the furore, even after Mr Baey subsequently explained on his Facebook - saying he did not agree with Sun's comment, but that he felt Singaporeans could be more open to criticism. And he maintained this stand in Parliament on Tuesday, although he apologised to those who felt hurt by his words. "In trying to give the benefit of doubt to what the student said, and attempting to soothe the hard feelings of some Singaporeans, I was accused of siding with a foreigner and not standing up for fellow Singaporeans. It was never my intention to undermine Singaporeans but to those whom my words have hurt, I am sorry," said Mr Baey. But he also noted the frustration among Singaporeans on being squeezed out by foreigners, whether it's for seats in the train, or for places in schools. He said that negative sentiments against foreigners should not all be treated as noise. What he has learnt, he said, is that he needs to be more sensitive to how people might read into certain words. And he said the same applies for policymakers when they craft, implement and communicate policies. - CNA/cc He apologised, never his intention but he maintained his stand...... What he means ...
  8. SINGAPORE: A former principal of Maris Stella High School has been charged with misappropriating S$148,539.85 between May 2004 and September 2009. 64-year-old Anthony Tan Kim Hock, who retired in 2009, allegedly committed the offence in the school on 21 separate occasions. 13 of the charges involve a man known as Peter Lim, believed to be a relative and is said to be in his 30s. Tan allegedly used S$44,860.80 from the school management committee as well as the Director-General of education school fund accounts to pay for items such as seven of Mr Lim's overseas school trips and an open water diving course in Pulau Tioman. Tan is also accused of misappropriating another S$34,000 which was donated to the school. Another charge involved him allegedly misappropriating S$2,000 which was donated to three retired Marist brothers. Besides these, Tan is believed to have done the same with S$67,679.05 from the school's chapel building fund account. Tan is out on a bail of S$40,000 and is represented by lawyer, Dr Koh Hai Keong. The case will be mentioned again on June 16. - CNA/cc
  9. Another poor guy who did got paid enough to prevent him corrupting. But not too bad - accused of taking $129k bribes but facing fine only up to $100k. Still got some change left. --- NEA officer accused of taking $129k bribes AsiaOne Wed, May 04, 2011 Tweet A senior technical officer with the National Environment Agency (NEA) is on trial for allegedly receiving bribes of up to $128,980 from a contractor. Oh Hian Kee, 47, is accused of pocketing $3,000 to $30,000 from Mr Tan Boon Gee, director of Mincon Engineering, between May 2006 and August last year, reported the Straits Times. He faces 15 charges of corruption. The prosecution allegest that the money was in return for contracts to be awarded to the company. Oh was attached to Tuas South Incineration Plant's Mechanical Maintenance Unit (MMU), as one of two team leaders. His duties included planning the schedule for the overhauling of cranes, alling for quotations for repairs and procurement of equipment. Yesterday, the court heard prosecutors allege that Oh had corruptly accepted the money as rewards to help Mincon get selected for projects at the incineration plant on 15 occasions. Oh, represented by Mr K. Jayakumar Naidu, is saying that the money was for football bets that the duo had wagered on. Nine prosecution witness have been lined up, among them Ms Lim Mui Hoon, who was asked by Oh in 2006 to cash a $30,000 cheque signed by Mr Tan on his behalf. The trial continues today. If convicted, he faces a fine of up to $100,000 and/or a jail term of up to five years on each charge.
  10. A MALAYSIAN forklift operator was jailed for 12 months on Tuesday after he was found guilty of molesting two women in November 2010. Aziz Oman, 27, was convicted of molesting a 19-year-old and a 20-year-old while jogging past them along Pearl Bank and Chin Swee Road on Nov 6 and 8 respectively. The teen was walking home from Outram Park MRT Station when he touched her private part between 9.30pm and 10pm on Nov 6. The 20-year-old student testified that she was about to cross Chin Swee Road when Aziz crossed over to her side from the opposite direction and touched her breast. Both witnesses said Aziz was wearing a black T-shirt and shorts at the time. The younger victim also noticed his white shoes and hair band. Aziz, who was not represented, denied the molestation. He said he was gay and did not like women and could not have committed the acts in the charges. He could have been jailed for up to two years, fined, caned or received any combination of such punishments. This guy is going to have fun in prison
  11. Wan Bao reported a case of suspected case of car park warden angrily taking off his uniform & helmet at Kranji industrial area to go 1-on-1 with a disgrunted lorry driver who was being booked. Fortunately the lorry driver had left already but the warden's actions caused a lot of unhappiness amongst witnesses who accused him of spoiling image and being "gangster-like". Some fellas even took down footages of the confrontation... The above reported incident reminded me of an earlier case of unhappy drivers filming & arguing with another warden who was more patient at Serangoon Gardens. They even put up on YouTube the footage later... http://news.omy.sg/News/Local%2BNews/Story...503-216317.html 开罚单起争执 稽查员脱衣要打架 开罚单开到当街脱下制服要向对方单挑独打,停车场稽查员被指行为嚣张而触犯众怒,并被围观公众讥为
  12. Case of school principal accused of bullying, abuse & embezzlement being reviewed by MOE SINGAPORE: The Education Ministry is currently reviewing accusations against the principal of a secondary school in Pasir Ris. Channel NewsAsia understands from a source that the principal has been accused of bullying, abuse and embezzlement. When asked about these accusations, an MOE spokesperson told Channel NewsAsia that the case is currently under review. She added that the principal has been given a new assignment at the MOE headquarters in the interim. - CNA/vm
  13. SINGAPORE : The first person to be accused of committing a crime at Marina Bay Sands since it opened a week ago was charged in court on Monday. Malaysian hairstylist Tey Chin Wei, 18, allegedly stole real estate agent Tan Hwee Leng
  14. By Bryna Sim THE e-mail accused a bowling coach at a top boys' school of showing favouritism to some of his students. It also alleged that he breached codes of professional conduct by taking a personal loan of $10,000 from a student's parent. The e-mail writer admitted that his own child had not made it to a top team and the student who did was a good bowler. And the school said there was no favouritism. But it seems a parent did give a loan to the coach, "a family friend". The coach was then counselled by the school. It is not certain if the loan was a one-off matter. The coach had been unaware of the accusations until The New Paper alerted him to them last Wednesday. The e-mail had come on April 4 from a "John Tan". The writer claimed to be a parent, an old boy of the school, and a passionate advocate of sports. When we asked if John Tan is his real name, he did not reply. Responding to The New Paper's queries, the school said it found the allegations about favouritism to be "unfounded". However, the school confirmed that the coach did approach a parent for a personal loan. The school "does not condone such behaviour", but did not say if it would terminate the services of the coach. The coach had not declared the loan to the school. Mr Tan sent his e-mail to the school principal and copied it to various others, including some in the Education Ministry. The external coach, employed by the school, was not one of the addressees. The Singapore Bowling Federation website lists him as a "Certified Level II Coach" on their registry of active coaches. This means that he is "recommended as a head coach for schools, colleges and clubs", the website said. Personal favour In his e-mail,Mr Tan wrote that the coach had taken personal "loans" from a student's parent. He gave the parent's surname in his e-mail. He claimed that with the help of a private investigator whom he had hired, he had "found out that the money (loaned) was used to repay credit card bills amounting to $40,000". Mr Tan then suggested that because of this personal favour, the lender's son was placed in the first team for the school's 'B' division bowling championships, for upper secondary students. "I'm not denying that her son is a good bowler," Mr Tan wrote, "but isn't this all too coincidental?" Mr Tan felt that the man had "breached the code of conduct as a professional coach" by his actions. In a second e-mail to the school, dated April 8, Mr Tan highlighted another incident. He claimed that the coach had "borrowed a brand new red Mercedes" belonging to another student's parent. This time round, he named the student in his e-mail. "The car was on loan to (the coach) when he conveniently forgot to drive his car to the bowling centre," wrote Mr Tan. The school said it cannot confirm the details of this particular incident as investigations are still pending. Mr Tan claimed that soon after the coach borrowed the car, that owner's son was also placed in the school's first team. Mr Tan declined to allow The New Paper to contact him by phone and kept his correspondences with us only via e-mail. "My son is still in the school team," he wrote by way of explanation. When this reporter wrote back asking him why he was choosing to expose the coach in this way, Mr Tan said he was "disgusted that such injustice was happening in the school". "It is my moral obligation to ensure that it comes to a stop. The issues I brought up are not allegations, but facts that (the coach) cannot deny," he wrote. Did he have other personal motives for doing so? Does he feel that his son had been unfairly treated? In his e-mail reply to this reporter, Mr Tan said he was "very disappointed" when his son did not make it to first team. The New Paper understands that there are several bowling teams in the school, each comprising four members. Mr Tan added that his son, like him, was "very disappointed" and might give up the sport to concentrate on school work. "I hope my child has a fair shot in making the team, and does not have to resort to underhanded methods in order to be noticed by the coach", wrote Mr Tan. Upon investigating the matter, the school spokesman said the allegations about the coach showing favouritism towards some of the bowling students were unfounded. "A fair and objective set of criteria was used to select students for the first team for bowling. This is practised by all sports groups in the school when selecting students for the first team," he said. As for the coach's decision to approach a parent for a personal loan, the spokesman said that the school "does not condone such behaviour" and has "counselled (the coach) accordingly". When contacted, the parent who had given the $10,000 loan said her son was a good bowler, and she "did not have to resort to doing (the coach) personal favours" to ensure that he got into the first team. She also emphasised that the loan was made only because the coach was "a family friend". An ex-bowling team captain of the school who declined to be named said that the man started coaching the team at the end of 2008. On the calibre of the children of both parents mentioned in the e-mails, he said: "They deserve to be in the first team. They were bowling very well even before he started coaching and have been winning many tournaments." The coach declined to discuss the allegations made against him when The New Paper called him on Monday. He is still coaching at the school. He said he did not know any parent by the name of John Tan. "I'm not aware that any parent is unhappy with me,"he said. "I don't think I've any enemies either." The spokesman said the school has invited the e-mail sender to speak to them so that they can share with him the findings of their investigations and ascertain the basis of his allegations. However, despite the school's "repeated attempts to get in touch with him", the e-mail sender had not responded to them. Although Mr Tan had seemed comfortable corresponding with this reporter via e-mail, since being told on Tuesday of the school comments, he stopped replying to our e-mails. Schools say coaches should pass on right values HIGHLY inappropriate. A breach of integrity and professionalism. That was the view of educators. It doesn't matter even if the transaction was made between the two parties on the basis of them being "family friends", said the educators we spoke to. It was still not right, and some would even consider terminating the coach's services. "Highly inappropriate," Madam Liew Wei Li, principal of Xinmin Secondary School, said of his actions. "Coaches are not only supposed to help our students achieve good results. They're supposed to convey the right values," she said. Mrs Tan Chen Kee, vice-principal of Gongshang Primary School, felt that the coach's taking of personal loans could cloud his professionalism. Even if the case in itself was a "personal affair", Yuying Secondary School vice-principal Tonnine Chua felt that it could still have "some complications", as it indirectly concerns the student. All educators The New Paper spoke to felt that counselling the coach was a good way of handling the situation. Mrs Tan and and Mrs Chua also said that they would also consider terminating the coach's services. However, Punggol Secondary School principal Lee Eet Fong said she would not be so quick as to "just dismiss the coach after one such incident". "We have to consider the impact of that decision upon the students, and the coach's personal track record," said Madam Lee. Madam Liew agreed that one such incident might not result in the coach's termination.
  15. Refer to this report. http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/S...ory_470185.html Being male is tough, do NS and yet have to be treated like scum of society automatic is the male is guilty until proven innocent. if it were me, i'd rather murder the bitch and do jail time or hang. at least other males will not suffer under her false accusations.
  16. 17 Sep 2009 SOURCE: The Straits Times AN IT engineer was yesterday charged in a district court with attempting to molest a doctor. Pham Thai Ha, 29, a Vietnamese permanent resident here, is accused of trying to kiss the 26-year-old female doctor
  17. Hi all MCF shifus,I need some advice from you guys badly.Below is my unfortunate encounter. On 13/8/2007, at about 1000hrs,I proceeded to my car to do some minor touching up as it was being scratched. After having done that, I then proceeded on my way to the nearby Gek Poh Shopping Ctr to buy the day news and some foodstuff. I walked along the MSCP where my car was parked. I was proceeding towards the SC and was about to cross the road. At this junction,a chinese man dressed in office attire suddenly held my hand and stopped me. He then said the following: "Hello, you stop there, don't go, I'm going to call the police. You walked past my car and you scratched my car." I was totally taken aback. I then replied : "Hello, Mr, what are you talking about? I don't understand you at all. What do you mean by "I walked past your car, I scratched your car." He then said :"I saw you walked past my car, I heard a screeching sound and then my car got a long scratch mark, I was behind you." I replied :" Mr, you better know what you're talking about, You better got evidence and you better know what you're talking about." At this point, I was totally blurred. The chinese man then said :" You go see my car, you take out your keys." I replied:" Why should I take out my keys? I then followed him to his car, there was a long and very deep scratch on his car, I was totally shocked. I then looked at the damage and told him :" Mr, this is a very long and deep scratch, there is nothing with me right now that could possibly inflict such damage to your car. He then said :" No, I don't care, I'm going to call the police. I told him:" Fine, if you so wish, then go ahead. I then call my wife to proceed to the MSCP to be along with me. The police came, the chinese man told the police what happened. The male sgt then serach my pouch that I was carrying at that time, he inspected all my keys but could not find any black paint dust on their tip (in fact all my keys were very old and blurt) and the sharpest object I have is but a spectacles screwdriver. I told the police that I really did not scratch his car and there is nothing on me that could possibly leave such a damage. While the man is recording his stt with the female police sgt,my wife heard him saying that he was back from work at about 0530hrs and would leave about 1000hrs to work again.My wife's temper wasn't so good as mine and she gave the bugger a piece of her mind :"Hello, Mr, do you know that many things could have happened beteen that time and he cannot simply accused me of doing that to his car merely because I walked past his car. (I didn't really noticed that scratch on his car when I walked past it,think I was searching whether did I bring my wallet inside my pouch) My wife then overheard him telling the female police sgt that "It's all a misunderstanding". At this point in time, I suspect that he knew that the scratch was done much earlier, waiting for a scapegoat like me to walk past,then all throw onto my account.My wife told me confirmed he's putting the damage all on your account lah, just because you walked past his car!!! I really cannot believe such a thing can happened to me. In fact the male sgt told me, "Mr, in life this always happens, pple mistakes others. Now the boiling question is I will wait for investigation to be complete first, then I will take legal action against him. I'm no something famous/impt,but this is too much.I want to know what can I sue him for? Can it be Public Embrassment? Unnecessary duress? Anxiety caused to me and my family Defamation Kindly advice? Thanks in advance
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