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  1. Surprised to see the asking price for a car reg number: http://www.sgcarmart.com/directory/carplate_index.php, "ET1H"
  2. Compare this to the greed of the PAP Pig ministers on Animal Farm...good to see TJS making this point. I wonder what ever happened to that bogus committee that was set-up to review Ministerial Salaries.....they should use S$500k as the benchmark... http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC11...s-enough-for-me Tan Jee Say: S$500,000 is enough for me by Carolyn Quek [email protected] 04:46 AM Aug 21, 2011SINGAPORE - After laying out several pledges in his Presidential candidate broadcast speech, Mr Tan Jee Say said he would take a salary of S$500,000 if elected. The 57-year-old's campaign flyer states, among other things: "Presidential salary: $500,000 a year is plenty for anyone to live on. Anything else should go back to the people of Singapore." Asked by reporters how he had arrived at the figure, Mr Tan replied that the sum "is far above" what an average family needs. On whether it was meant to counter Mr Tan Kin Lian's campaign promise to take half of the president's salary, which is currently about S$4 million, Mr Tan Jee Say replied: "No it's not undercutting. People do ask me what is good to live on so I think this is a figure. It's a lot of money." Any amount he receives above S$500,000, if he is elected as President, would go to charity, Mr Tan Jee Say added. He was speaking to reporters during a walkabout at Geylang Serai yesterday evening. Earlier, he visted the Green Avenue Home for the Elderly and High Point Community Services at Lorong 23 Geylang. Calling ageing issues a "rising problem" for Singapore, Mr Tan Jee Say felt that issues such as raising the income ceiling for healthcare subsidies for the elderly in aged homes should be looked into. Mr Tan also told reporters he was heartened to see so many young professionals taking time out to volunteer, and said it is something he wants to promote if elected as President. Accompanying him on his visit was Ms Nicole Seah, who stood in May's General Election as a National Solidarity Party candidate. Mr Tan has approached her to be a speaker at his rally on Tuesday night at the Toa Payoh Stadium. The 24-year-old Miss Seah said that she is willing to take up the invitation, pending Mr Tan's campaign committee's decision. She added that she is helping Mr Tan in her own personal capacity. Image 1 of 1 enlarge this photoMr Tan Jee Say visiting the Green Avenue Home for the Elderly. Photo by Ernest Chua Mr Tan Jee Say visiting the Green Avenue Home for the Elderly. Photo by Ernest Chua Copyright
  3. LOL i sent the thread to Sg Review and they posted it.... http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Sg_Review/message/7474 Sg_Review Comments: Mellanie Hewlitt It has been some months since we received any news from the PAP's bogus committee that was setup in May 2011 as a front to "review" obscene ministerial salaries. The silence from Gerard Ee's committee is defening, and perhaps one difficulty poor Gerard may have is a yardstick for measuring a reasonable benchmark for ministerial salaries. In fact there are plenty of accurate yardsticks for the benchmarks available from salary scales of ministers and leaders in civilised democracies. But poor Gerard is, for some unaccountable reason, unable to use these measures. Of cause it does not help that the only other countries with "leaders" with similiar remuneration scale all just happen to be dictatorships from countries riddled with graft and nepotism. There is however some respite for poor Gerard and his bogus running dog committee as a local benchmark has been offered from Tan See Jay. Now it will be interesting to see how Mr Ee and Singapore's propaganda media attempt to side step this embarassing situtation and continue to remain willfully blind to the increasingly large white elephant squatting in the middle of their small living room. http://www.mycarforum.com/index.php?showtopic=2667953 NightWind Yesterday, 09:41 AM Post #1 Compare this to the greed of the PAP Pig ministers on Animal Farm...good to see TJS making this point. I wonder what ever happened to that bogus committee that was set-up to review Ministerial Salaries.....they should use S$500k as the benchmark... http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC11...s-enough-for-me Tan Jee Say: S$500,000 is enough for me by Carolyn Quek carolynquek@... 04:46 AM Aug 21, 2011SINGAPORE - After laying out several pledges in his Presidential candidate broadcast speech, Mr Tan Jee Say said he would take a salary of S$500,000 if elected. The 57-year-old's campaign flyer states, among other things: "Presidential salary: $500,000 a year is plenty for anyone to live on. Anything else should go back to the people of Singapore." Asked by reporters how he had arrived at the figure, Mr Tan replied that the sum "is far above" what an average family needs. On whether it was meant to counter Mr Tan Kin Lian's campaign promise to take half of the president's salary, which is currently about S$4 million, Mr Tan Jee Say replied: "No it's not undercutting. People do ask me what is good to live on so I think this is a figure. It's a lot of money." Any amount he receives above S$500,000, if he is elected as President, would go to charity, Mr Tan Jee Say added. He was speaking to reporters during a walkabout at Geylang Serai yesterday evening. Earlier, he visted the Green Avenue Home for the Elderly and High Point Community Services at Lorong 23 Geylang. Calling ageing issues a "rising problem" for Singapore, Mr Tan Jee Say felt that issues such as raising the income ceiling for healthcare subsidies for the elderly in aged homes should be looked into. Mr Tan also told reporters he was heartened to see so many young professionals taking time out to volunteer, and said it is something he wants to promote if elected as President. Accompanying him on his visit was Ms Nicole Seah, who stood in May's General Election as a National Solidarity Party candidate. Mr Tan has approached her to be a speaker at his rally on Tuesday night at the Toa Payoh Stadium. The 24-year-old Miss Seah said that she is willing to take up the invitation, pending Mr Tan's campaign committee's decision. She added that she is helping Mr Tan in her own personal capacity.
  4. In Singapore I mean, is there any private property worth investing in with only $500K? I see alot of "Mickey Mouse" 400sf units for sale around this price ($500K), but are this type of units easy to rent out (must be able to cover the monthly installment and other costs) and easy to sell away?
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