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Just had a rather heated argument last week with my superiors before CNY. Basically just did not agree with some instructions to be passed to my colleagues. And this was not the first time it happened. Could understand from my superior's point of view in the interests of the organisation but I just could not carry out the orders since myself was not convinced. But bo bianz still have to LLST swallow my pride and agree eventually. True enough when the bad news was announced via e-mail, folks below almost rioted but I had to put up a stout defence to crush the "rebellion" machiam Darth Vader in service of the Emperor Now not exactly popular lately and the last guy on earth my colleagues wana invite over drinks or dinner. Point is I am not even management level and really dreads being the hatchet man or 爪牙。 *sigh* That aside I am quite ok with the more important aspects of the job and to be fair my superiors are not nasty fellas, just that we small fries just do not have the 20/20 vision to see the BIG picture ahead I guess. Maybe that's why I am still what I am after so many donkey years [shakehead] Ok enough of the rant. A happy lunar new year to all bros!!
汽车屡次被破坏,商人王先生砸下7000元,在车子的前后装了6个电眼 心爱的休旅车在新家的多层停车场频频被刮花恶整,商人不惜砸下7000元在车子里装6电眼,结果竟大有所获! 被恶整的车主是商人王先生(40岁),他还未搬入裕廊西65街第627座的新家,车子就被人破坏,短短半年里就多达5次。 为了揪出破坏者,他花了7000元,在车头车尾、里里外外装了6个电眼。 果然,3天后,刮车狂徒再次出击,他万万没有想到,自己的一举一动已经被拍下。 商人说,他原本以为拍到破坏者的行为,把录像画面交给警方处理,事件就此了结。没想到上个月,他发现汽车轮胎上被人插上铁钉,导致他开车中途险酿意外,他越想越气,于是拨电《晚报》投诉。 他说,第一次发现车身被刮是在去年10月,当时他把车停在第635A座的多层停车场,不料回去取车时发现车身多了一道刮痕。他起初以为有人恶作剧不多加理会,没想到车子修理好3天后,车身又多了另一道刮痕。