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  1. Auditor-General’s Report FY 2015/16: Audit observations http://www.todayonline.com/singapore/auditor-generals-report-fy-201516-audit-observations In its latest report for financial year 2015/16, the Auditor General’s Office (AGO) flagged lapses and inadequate financial controls in six ministries and six statutory boards. These ranged from investments made without proper approval and evaluation by the Ministry of Defence, to the National Arts Council paying a consultancy fee of S$0.41 million for the construction of a bin centre that cost S$0.47 million. Here’s are highlights of the AGO’s audit observations: NATIONAL ARTS COUNCIL (NAC) The AGO found lapses in the NAC’s management of the Victoria Theatre and the Victoria Concert Hall redevelopment project, after carrying out test checks on six contracts with a total value of S$139.17 million. It found: The NAC paid S$0.41 million in consultancy fees for the construction of a bin centre, equivalent to 87.2 per cent of the S$0.47 million construction cost of the centre. • The AGO called the consultancy fee “exceptionally high”, and said the NAC directly engaged consultants for the additional services without first conducting a cost assessment. • Its supervising ministry, then the Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts (MICA), did not have a robust assessment of the consultancy fee. It benchmarked the fee against more complex projects. • The Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY), which now oversees the NAC after a restructuring, cited the complexity and expertise needed for the bin centre, and the effort to coordinate with multiple parties as reasons for the higher fee. The AGO noted there was no documentary evidence these reasons were considered then. • Going ahead: > The NAC said it would include relevant cost assessments when seeking approval for procurement. > The MCCY said it would adopt the norm for cost assessment of consultancy fees and provide justifications where there are good grounds for deviation. • The NAC also allowed 47 instances of alterations to the scope of works under two construction contracts to be carried out prior to approval. • The 47 variations were estimated to be valued at S$4 million, and were among 164 variations made to the contracts. The delays in obtaining approval ranged from 12 days to 3.5 years. LAND TRANSPORT AUTHORITY (LTA) The AGO found that the LTA failed to ensure proper collection of tolls at Woodlands and Tuas checkpoints. • Tolls at Woodlands and Tuas were under-collected by an estimated S$13.93 million in financial year 2014/15 — almost 22 per cent of total tolls collected that year. • AGO’s site audit showed that there was no effective system to ensure that vehicles pass immigration booth only after fees were paid • The LTA has agreed to review controls and enforcement over toll collection. HOUSING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD (HDB) The AGO identified lapses in HDB’s collection of parking fees at residential and industrial estates. • At five car parks at industrial estates, the AGO found 113,103 instances of vehicles not charged parking fees. An estimated S$159,000 was not collected between April 2014 and August 2015. • At 59 residential car parks, the AGO found 2,501 instances of non-payment upon exit between April and September 2015 on more than three occasions a month. • The HDB has begun a thorough analysis of reports from car park operators, and made police reports against motorists who deliberately tried to evade parking fees in industrial areas. MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (Mindef) The AGO audited the Savings and Employee Retirement and Premium Fund (SAVER-Premium Fund), focusing on receipts and payments as well as investments. It found: • Mindef failed to provide for Central Provident Fund (CPF) contributions on the Full Savings Vesting (FSV) Bonus, which is paid to SAVER Plan members who have completed 10 years of service. • Mindef did not provide the CPF contributions since 2007, when the FSV bonus was introduced. • Mindef had considered FSV bonus as an integral part of the SAVER Plan and as a termination benefit which would not attract CPF contributions • But AGO said the bonus is paid to officers while they employed, hence CPF contributions would need to be paid. This was affirmed in the legal advice sought by Mindef. • MINDEF said it would make the required CPF contributions by next month. For FY2014/15, the estimated CPF amount for 215 members is S$324,000. • Last January, Mindef invested S$50.26 million in a United States Real Estate Investment Trust exchange-traded fund (US REIT ETF) without proper approval and evaluation by the SAVER-Premium Fund’s Board of Trustees. The ministry only sought approval from the then Director of Defence Finance. • It also appointed an investment manager without the Board’s approval. • Evaluation of the US REIT ETF was not adequate, and complete information on the investment costs was not presented when seeking the director’s approval. • Mindef said no approval for the investment was sought from the Board because it was deemed a transitional investment consistent with the Board’s approved strategic asset alocation. This was pending the appointment of two Board-approved fund managers for investments of S$25 million each in Global REITS and US REITS. • However, the AGO noted that Board’s approval was only for the aforementioned S$25 million investments. • Mindef has since obtained covering approval from the Board for the appointment of the transitional investment manager • It will review the processes relating to seeking approval for investment MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS (MFA) The AGO found irregularities in the management of subscription of telecommunication services, with overpayments totalling S$109,868 and wastage totalling S$80,744 on mobile lines that were no longer needed. • No proper verification of invoices to ensure that rates and amounts billed and paid were correct. • Out of 26 invoices, 18 had indications of overpayments. • Rates billed were different from usual rates, or there were wide fluctuations (more than 20 per cent) in rates billed between months. • No evidence officers verified service and rates billed by vendors against the contracts. • Their methods of either comparing with the rates in previous invoices or spot checking the phone plan subscription rates billed against an internal listing were not effective, said the AGO. • The MFA has since recovered the overpayments. • The MFA also subscribed to 28 mobile lines that were no longer needed. • 11 lines had not been used in more than two years, while 17 lines belonged to officers who had either left the MFA or were assigned other lines three months to three years earlier. • Measures to rectify this include: > Terminating the 28 mobile lines > Implementing processes to monitor usage and review the need for mobile lines annually, > Plans to trigger the termination or assignment of lines when officers leave the MFA The AGO also identified irregularities, overpayment, lapses and wastage at the Manpower, Law and Home Affairs ministries. The Intellectual Property Office and the Civil Service College were also called out for lapses in procurement and administration of course/trainer fees. The AGO’s report is available here: http://www.ago.gov.sg/docs/default-source/report/18599c06-73f0-4965-a32b-db9394110e4a.pdf
  2. The new fixture list is out. Man Utd play Spurs on the opening day. Falcao on loan to Chelsea. Is Depay the answer?
  3. Starting a new thread, cos can't wait for new season to start, w/o BR ! Anyone still supporting BR? On what grounds can we still support BR? I have never seen our Pool lost 6-1 to such a team called Stoke? If this isn't called humiliation, I don't know what to say? FSG, can you see what happen? Time to say bye bye to BR... Pls, I don't want to see us relegated next season! Looking forward to pre-season, with sacking of BR first and foremost ....
  4. If that Clubman concept caught your eye, it's reality now. * Pictures with acknowledgement to paultan.org Hope it makes it to our shores soon!
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