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  1. Compared to those who queue overnight for say Taylor Swift concert tickets, Moonwatch or the latest iPhone, is this lady even more boh liao to spend time maintaining a journal for mosquitoes she has killed? Woman Keeps Journal Filled With Mosquitoes She Has Killed Since 2018 Source: https://mustsharenews.com/mosquito-killing-journal/ Eunice, better known as @kittybimbs on TikTok, has taken mosquito-killing to the next level. While most would be content with swatting the pesky insect and flicking it away, she instead brings out her “mosquito journal“. With some clear tape, she sticks the carcasses of the mosquitoes she has killed onto a page for easy viewing. Then, she assigns each one a fitting name. In neat handwriting, she details the exact time and place of death, followed by some remarks. Eunice shared with MS News that the most mosquitoes she caught for her journal in one day was four. Her brother and his friends sometimes pass her mozzies they killed too, helping to add to her collection. (someone better contact NEA to check if there's mosquito breeding spot in her house) In her most recent TikTok journal update five days ago, Eunice revealed that she killed a mosquito during a trip to Bali. She carefully wrapped the insect up in a piece of tissue paper and took it for the highest flight of its life on a passenger airline. She flew the mosquito back home to Singapore, unfolding it from its papery coffin and adding it to her mozzie graveyard. With this new addition, her mosquito journal finally went international. (Need permit from NEA for "importing" insect back from overseas?) She aims to continue expanding her mosquito journal until the notebook is filled. After that, she may contemplate the possibility of selling it. Additionally, Eunice flirted with the idea of creating a mozzie-killing OnlyFans or Patreon, which she claimed several viewers have suggested via direct message (DM). (I think she is a good fit to be those NEA mozzie inspector)
  2. Flight data shows China Eastern jet deliberately crashed: Report https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/flight-data-shows-china-eastern-jet-deliberately-crashed-report
  3. https://www.8world.com/singapore/severed-leg-found-queenstown-hdb-rubbish-chute-1746011 垃圾槽惊现断腿视频疯传 警方证实视频属实但排除他杀 新加坡 发布: 06/03/2022 19:44 更新: 1小时前 近日,网上疯传一段组屋底层垃圾槽出现血淋淋的断腿视频,引起网民热论。警方证实有关案件确实在本地发生,并指这是一起非自然死亡案件,不过排除他杀的可能性。 根据网上流传的视频,有人拍到几个大型垃圾桶旁发现一截血淋淋的小腿,周围还散落着一些纸皮和垃圾。 从短短的16秒视频中可见,发现断腿的地点疑似组屋楼下一个垃圾槽。 新加坡警察部队回复《8视界新闻网》询问时,也证实在前天(4日)中午12点35分左右接获报案,指女皇镇玛格烈通道(Margaret Drive)第37座组屋发生了一起非自然死亡案件。 警方到场后发现一名31岁男子一动不动,被医护人员当场宣告不治。 根据警方的初步调查,已排除了他杀的可能性,相关调查还在进行中
  4. Dscheng

    Kill switch

    Hi all, Anyone install kill switch before?
  5. From prev thread thanks to @2bdriver http://www.mycarforum.com/topic/2665681-4-elderly-women-fall-off-escalator-at-punggol-mall/?p=5551521 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeOrMecRfL8
  6. Got people eat puffer fish, but must be correctly prepared! http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=11348235&ref=NZH_Tw Eleven members of the same family are in hospital after unwittingly cooking and eating a poisonous pufferfish for dinner. The Souza family, from Rio de Janerio, were given the fish by a family friend who had recently returned from a sea fishing expedition off Dubque de Caxias, on the Brazilian coast. Unbeknownst to anyone, the present was a deadly pufferfish - which contains a toxin 1,200 times more lethal than cyanide, a drop of which can kill in 24 hours. Only seconds after taking their first bite members of the family began to vomit, before losing feeling in their face, arms and legs. Most of the victims, including children aged three to five, were paralysed before they could even reach a car to transport them to hospital. "My brother-in-law was the same. He didn't even make it out the door. We had to carry them out and rush them to hospital in a car," she said, explaining they had invited the entire family round because the fish looked so "tasty". Grandmother Maria do Carmo said: "We had no idea it was a pufferfish. They're all in a critical condition. My grandson, my daughter, and my son-in-law, they are all in hospital. We're praying for a miracle. "We put the fish on the table in the yard outside and everyone dived in. They were all saying how delicious it was. I didn't eat it because I was waiting until everyone had tried it." Pufferfish, or 'Fugu', is a delicacy in Japan. It is strictly controlled and only chefs who have qualified after three years training can prepare a meal featuring the fish. Statistics from the Tokyo Bureau of Social Welfare and Public Health indicate 20 to 44 incidents of 'fugu' poisoning every year between 1996 and 2006 in Japan - however a single incident can hide multiple casualties. There is no known cure for the poison, which paralyses the body while leaving the victim, who gradually suffocates, awake. Victims are hospitalised and their stomachs emptied before being fed activated charcoal to bind the toxin. They are also put on life support until the poison wears off.
  7. Never put any cheap chinese made electrical items near your body or in your mouth.
  8. This was like final destination! The girl will probably never sit in any car again
  9. Former Nominated Member of Parliament Calvin Cheng has made a police report on someone who allegedly threatened to kill and burn him for criticising the Workers' Party (WP). NCMP addresses threats, acts of anger seen at by-election Opposition party chief Kenneth Jeyaretnam's alleged online threat
  10. Time & date shall not mention here. Luckily the Altis driver was alert, if not.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjH1NrYU8Ow
  11. http://www.asiaone.com/News/Latest+News/Si...328-336355.html SINGAPORE - A 23-year-old woman who drove without a licence was sentenced to four months' jail for causing the death of an elderly pedestrian. Candy Siow Pei Shan, a waitress, was also banned from driving for 10 years, The Straits Times (ST) reported. Siow, who was driving her boyfriend's car on Feb 12, 2011, lost control of the vehicle at the junction of Bukit Batok East Avenue 3 and Avenue 4, the court heard today. She was driving along Avenue 3 and attempted to make a right turn without stopping at the intersection. She panicked when she saw an oncoming vehicle and her car veered to the left, mounted the kerb and hit 70-year-old Tan Son Seng, who was on the pedestrian walkway, ST reported. Mr Tan was crushed between the car and a traffic light pole, and pronounced dead on the scene. Before the accident which took place in the morning, Siow had also drunk a substantial amount of alcohol between 12am and 5am. She had consumed brandy with her boyfriend at Club Axchange in Tanjong Pagar, and later brandy and beer at a club in the Esplanade. According to ST, Assistant Public Prosecutor Raja Mohan said as Siow had failed her driving test 13 times, she would have known that she was not competent to drive, yet she still chose to do so. Siow, who started sobbing when she was sentenced to jail, was also driving without insurance coverage at that time. WTF 4 months only????? WHAT A JOKE!
  12. http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/S...ory_745680.html A private bus driver who beat the red lights and caused the deaths of two people in a car by dangerous driving was jailed for 30 months and banned from driving for 15 years on Friday. Chinese national Li Chuanjun, 32, admitted to causing the death of sales engineer, Hilary Tan Kia Hark, 45, and his passenger, Ms Wong Kaiyun, 30, also an engineer, by driving dangerously along Mandai Road on June 25. Li, who also pleaded guilty to drink driving, failed to obey the red traffic light signal while driving across the junction of Mandai Road, causing the bus to hit the right side of Mr Tan's car and resulting in the couple's deaths. The court heard that just after midnight, Mr Tan exited Bukit Timah Expressway into the slip road of Mandai Road towards Yishun Avenue 1 when the lights were in his favour.
  13. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=319581761399772 Prease ar prease... http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/eat-drin...bf-3523942.html
  14. Getting dangerous to confront illegal fishermen and other seafaring folks in the open seas... Anyone watch Border Security on SH Channel 403 2300-2330hrs from Weds to Fris? This Ozzy programme sometimes show how their maritime forces tackle illegal fishing activities in their waters and they are dead serious about it. From CNA: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/afp...1170784/1/.html Chinese fishermen kill S. Korean Posted: 12 December 2011 1046 hrs SEOUL: A South Korean coastguard officer died Monday after being stabbed by Chinese sailors who were detained for illegal fishing, a coastguard spokesman said. A second officer was stabbed and injured during the clash in the Yellow Sea, the spokesman said. Illegal fishing by Chinese vessels is common in South Korean waters and clashes have become increasingly violent. In September 2008 a South Korean officer drowned while trying to inspect a Chinese boat. The spokesman said the 41-year-old officer was stabbed after the coastguard detained a Chinese fishing boat 85 kilometres (53 miles) southwest of Socheong island at around 7 am. He said it was unclear what weapon was used. The nine Chinese crewmen were detained and were being brought back to shore. In October the coastguard said it used tear gas and rubber bullets to subdue Chinese fishermen wielding clubs and shovels. Some 21 Chinese were detained but later released after paying a fine. In December 2010 a Chinese boat overturned and sank in the Yellow Sea after ramming a South Korean coastguard vessel. Two Chinese crewmen were killed. Three Chinese detained after that incident were freed following protests from Beijing.
  15. http://www.asiaone.com/News/AsiaOne%2BNews...127-313006.html A Singaporean man has murdered his Thai wife's lover in Bangkok on Thursday afternoon at around 1pm. The stabbing took place in a unit on the sixth floor of the Regent Home Condominium located in the Chatuchak area, reports said. The Singaporean man had purchased the unit for his wife. Singapore boss kills Thai wife's lover Click on thumbnail to view (Photos: Internet, Thai Rath) The murderer, identified as a 38-year-old Singaporean man, was caught on the building's security camera as he fought with and stabbed his wife's lover outside the apartment. The camera captured images of him eavesdropping outside the apartment door for half an hour before forcing entry into the room by kicking the door in. Upon entering, he found his 25-year-old wife, Ms Siriwan, in bed with a naked 26-year-old drift-racing driver Ittiphan Kuwakorn, who is also known as Wat Kumho. According to the camera footage, both men started fighting outside the apartment. Mr Ittiphan was still naked. The suspect then re-entered the apartment and emerged with a knife which he used to stab his wife's lover. The footage also revealed that Mr Ittiphan had staggered back to the apartment unit before dying in the bedroom. According to Thai media reports, Mr Ittiphan was stabbed in nine places including his chest, heart, back, and right hand. Ms Siriwan called the police after Mr Kuwakorn died, and upon their arrival, they discovered the Singaporean man's passport at the scene. The Singaporean allegedly fled the crime scene in a BMW 325i that he had bought for his wife. He had previously also bought her luxury gifts and is believed to have given her an allowance of 70,000 baht ($2,900) every month, The New Paper reported. According to Lianhe Wanbao, the Singaporean man married Ms Siriwan on Sept 9, 2009. He reportedly owns a plastic moulding factory in Singapore, and has not been seen or heard from since the incident. [email protected]
  16. As we know, our overprice properties are highly leveraged. In the worst case scenario of US default that carries on for a long period, I cannot imagine the consequences. From my limited understanding, upon default, US banks will not be paid. In fact everybody Uncle Sam owes will not be paid. Vaults will empty. There will be a run on the banks to withdraw their money. The banks on the other hand will try to source hard currency from whereever they can. Borrowing costs will skyrocket. Banks will recall all loans if possible. If you default on your payments, they will repossess your homes. Only HDB-loans will be safe. Eventually money supply will tighten in Singapore and interest costs will rise. Now here is the kliller. Economy grinds to a halt. Valuations plummet. Everybody will be sitting on negative equity. Banks will want you to recapitalise. Will MAS strenghten the S$ then to slow down the US$ exodus? For the man in the street, no job, no $$ what happens? Will this scenario pan out?
  17. Poor children and teachers. Lucky no one injured. Hope it will not happen again. http://www.asiaone.com/News/AsiaOne%2BNews...708-288063.html
  18. Ken4555

    Kill them!!!

    IF ALL YOUR FRIENDS DARE NOT GET LIFTS FROM YOU...... IF PEOPLE EVER COMMENTED ON YOUR HOPELESS DRIVING.... IF YOU HEAR HONKING VERY OFTEN WHEN YOU DRIVE.... IF OUT OF THE BLUE YOU GET MIDDLE FINGERS/STARES/HEAD SHAKES BY OTHER DRIVERS... you could be a road hogger.... think its time to consider getting professional help on driving... if not you need to stop driving before you kill someone....
  19. http://mybikeshopsg.wordpress.com/2011/04/...-a-good-friend/ What the hell. Drink drive 19 year old errant driver even challenged the police why the driver of the truck was not tested with the breathe analyser and only he was tested. parents of the driver who arrived at the scene of the accident in their beaming new 5 series BMW was only concerned about their son not going to jail and NO concern for the 2 injured and a dying person. ^&*#^$$!
  20. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMW_N57 Take a look at the latest BMW diesel engine esp. the twin turbo engine. Its HP is 302HP with a whopping 600Nm of torque!! By contrast, BMW's N54B30 (a 3L turbo engine) produces ~330HP and 450Nm torque. Can fight even evos and WRX easily (stock for stock of course). But the 600Nm toruqe allows the diesel car to pull ahead long before the WRX or Evo's turbo kicks in....
  21. anyone interested in this group buy? Will be getting this item from KL on my next business trip. Retail price at RM469, direct from factory will be RM350, so conversion based on 2.3 should be sin$150/set. But need at least 5 units. Please let me know if interested. Will be making a trip down on first week of Nov. so first weekend of Nov can collect from me. please pay first if interested. I am buying for myself too. Already have one in the room but need another for my car. warranty is 1 year, 1 to 1 exchange, but only can do it when i travel to KL. I travel to KL every first week of the month. comes in red or black color. PM me please. thanks.
  22. Recently I open my house rubbish chute, saw cockroaches and of freaked me out. Last night saw three baby lizards in my house. Go downstairs smoking, saw mother n baby rats scrumpling at the rubbish chute area. I want to do things myself. Intent to buy ten cans of insecticide spray. I want to dump the spray cans into the chute and into the hidden drains, to kill the cockroaches n rats! The lizard in house I can easily spray the whole house before I leave for work and let the poison soaked the entire house. Is there a method to permently trigger the spray nozzle? I want acitvate the nozzle and dump the spray can into the chute to kill the cockroach and rats! Masking tape, might not be stomg enough when I throw the can from my 5th floor rubbish chute. Any gadgets that allows the spray to continue until it's empty? Thanks.
  23. found on taxiuncle site... will like to share here... this car almost kill his/her own family after visit the zoo... driver safe...
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