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Found 20 results

  1. Hi, does anyone know where I could buy Fire Warden Arm Bands? Thank you
  2. Nowadays a lot of drama everywhere, especially with hostage situations [sweatdrop] http://www.straitstimes.com/news/asia/east-asia/story/hostage-drama-taiwans-kaohsiung-6-prison-inmates-seek-escape-20150211#xtor=CS1-10
  3. u believe who? nowadays any issue people post to social media, but sometimes they might even be in the wrong! who knows? nowadays got public support means win liao right? https://www.facebook.com/AllSingaporeStuff/photos/a.493799937401739.1073741828.487870694661330/540572902724442/ "Hi, On 11TH APRIL 2014 ABT 2.29PM I was at Changi South Ave 2 waiting for available parking lot as it was all full as u can see. I was awaiting at the side so not to obstruct any traffic. A Cisco officer came by and I told him that I waiting for a parking lot. But he insist of issuing me a summon " Parking opposite single white line" even thou I am inside and beside my car. So does the traffic law doesn't allow us to wait for a available parking lot and does one get summon for illegal parking even when the driver is beside or inside his car ?"
  4. Yesterday evening my friend and I reached the car park at around 8pm. I tore a 50 cents coupon starting at 8.10pm while my friend started at 8.05pm then went for dinner. We both overshot our parking coupon period when we returned at 9 plus but only I got a summon for $6! My friend's car is just a few lots away from mine and I glance through the entire car park it seems like I'm the only one to get fined... :( Can I complain and make sure my friend get summon too? haha PS: It's my own fault for not displaying enough coupon and very willing to pay for the fine! Just wondering why I kena fine only
  5. A warden with Singapore's Changi Prison died after he was ambushed and stabbed outside a pub here. The 43-year-old man, identified only as Ravi, and a friend were attacked when they exited a popular entertainment outlet along Jalan Melodies Merah in Taman Melodies at around 5am on Sunday. Ravi died after he was stabbed three times by several men who cornered him and his friend M. Gunaseelan, 29. Gunaseelan, who managed to escape, said they tried to run in different directions upon seeing the men armed with knives coming towards them. He said two men chased and punched him while the others went after Ravi and stabbed him. "I threw my wallet with RM700 inside at them and asked them not to hurt me further," said Gunaseelan, who works as a baker in Singapore. "When I turned to look at Ravi, he was already lifeless," he said. He added that Ravi, a Singapore permanent resident, left behind a 39-year-old wife and a three-year-old daughter. Johor Baru South OCPD Asst Comm Zainuddin Yaacob said the attack was a result of a misunderstanding after the victim brought beverages from outside into the entertainment premises. He said an argument ensued, which led to a fight outside. Those with information can call the police hotline at 07-2212 999 or head to the nearest police station. Source: http://www.asiaone.com/News/Latest%2BNews/...730-362134.html
  6. I was amazed for the first time all the cars at my area cp parking illegally while returning home after sending wife to work were summoned . Parking has always being a great problem at my area with increasing approval for season car holders via limited number of parking lots. Open space carpark is already full at time as early as 9pm in the evening especially for some who returns home late from work has no choice but to park their car illegally however in their best discretion not to cause obstruction to other neighbors . We are all legal season holders mind you. Simple theory applies: 20 parking lots available while 50 season tickets were issued. Some may argue the fact that buying season ticket doesn't Amt to the fact that you will get a lot??? At the end of the day , still gotten summoned ????? Justifible ???? You are a parking warden and saw numerous cars parking illegally at a particular cp but upon scanning the tag discovered drivers are actually season ticket holders. What does it tells you especially seeing carpark is fully packed at that point of time???? One thing i know for such that who ever you are and whatever mindset you may have at that point of time, a big AngBao expected end of the month for you in the expense of law abiding citizens . Perhaps we should think twice voting for you know who this year????
  7. Today abt 12pm, saw 1 LTA warden hiding behind a tree along Kallang Road (Opp Pico Art) toward town with a cam. So early aiming to zoom in on cars that travel inside bus lane (RED/YELLOW LINE) Pls share if they were seen in some other locations.
  8. Wan Bao reported a case of suspected case of car park warden angrily taking off his uniform & helmet at Kranji industrial area to go 1-on-1 with a disgrunted lorry driver who was being booked. Fortunately the lorry driver had left already but the warden's actions caused a lot of unhappiness amongst witnesses who accused him of spoiling image and being "gangster-like". Some fellas even took down footages of the confrontation... The above reported incident reminded me of an earlier case of unhappy drivers filming & arguing with another warden who was more patient at Serangoon Gardens. They even put up on YouTube the footage later... http://news.omy.sg/News/Local%2BNews/Story...503-216317.html 开罚单起争执 稽查员脱衣要打架 开罚单开到当街脱下制服要向对方单挑独打,停车场稽查员被指行为嚣张而触犯众怒,并被围观公众讥为
  9. Went to doing up my car along serangoon Juz now. Parked my car in front of e shop While speaking to e boss on how to do it. Den saw a man taking photos of my car beside his van, which is a few lots in front of mine. Sensing funny, we asked him Wat he want. He Juz kept quiet n went back to his van. Seconds later, he came out with e handheld device all of us recognized. It turn out to be he is a parking warden n he is going to summon my car for not displaying coupon. Seems like they operate like HK police in movies now. Park a harmless looking van along e road n operate from inside. Bros pls beware. No longer white motorbikes r tell tale signs of their presence anymore
  10. http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/showthread.php?t=3019826 Got video, got picture, and many opinions. what happened??
  11. Not once but twice my car was issued with a summon by one Roslan bin xxxx .Due to my job nature,I return home at alternate days after midnight .I believe I'm not the only one encountering situation whereby even though I buy season parking promptly every month,I seldom get a parking lot as usually by 9pm every weekdays,carparkpp is already packed!!Some drivers who return home quite late will have to dump their car illegal either behind rubbish hut or along double yellow line. On this fateful day I returned home to find the car park fully packed,thinking I will be leaving home quite early ard 7am and not wanting to cause obstruction to the other neighbors , I left my car at a space which by right is a No Parking lot whereby other cars were parked inconsiderably along double yellow line blocking almost 1 car wide in the middle of the road. I was shocked to received a ticket by one Roslan bin xxxx for parking on No Parking lot. Whereas others Ain't. . the position of the cars were left exactly as I saw last night before ,guess what? no summon!!Last night again I return home after midnight but this time try parking like the others but still try my best not to cause obstruction. This morning,gotten another ticket by the same focker . Can anyone advice me on this? Somehow or rather can we make a complain base on tat individual warden on his double standard? us drivers are punished if we commit an offense,what about them? Come on, can't he make extra effort to scan on my season parking which then looking at the situation of the car park make proper actions? Please advice fellow bros . many thanks
  12. I was at Newton Hawker Car park 2 days ago at 9.50pm. I could not believe my eyes when I saw a CARPARK WARDEN issueing car park summons. FYI, this car park is free after 10pm. This warden Damn ON THE BALL.
  13. can get summon by post later? damn luck cos i was the first car and he oredi seemed to be noting down my number when i reached my car. Told me resident comprain, normally will they give chance if you quickly move off after they come? some good ones will stand there a while and wait for the drivers to drive off and only summon those cars that remain, this one once kopitiam auntie shouted, already stood there scribbling on his notebook
  14. Just back from NSE and still got dozen of construction roadworks both way . Saw this cute Traffic Warden. From far at high speed looks like a real warden.
  15. Hi folks, I just came back and found that my neighbour kanna a summon of $30. The place of offence is at our own HDB carpark..I observe that he did not display the new blue colour season parking disc.( our area oredi implement the new season parking disc) So I am wondering if he appeal will he get his summon waived ? Or can a carpark warden wanna play punk anyhow summon a vechicle ?
  16. iam sure we have notice that many MSCP and open carpark have changed to ERP parking style and no more using coupon. so will parking wardens still "petrol" in those carparks? because i know some of these carparks still have the "red" lots(season parking),so if someone who does not have season parking park at the "red" lots,do you think he will be issued a summon? anyone seen parking warden "petrolling" on those ERP carpark,please answer?
  17. Just now as I was washing my car in the mscp wash bay, I saw a cisco scooter came into the mscp and proceeded to move slowly. Thinking nothing of it, I continued washing my car. After about another 10 mins, the same scooter then again moved by and then went up to the next level. I was thinking wow, they sure damn on tonight. After drying my car, I drove up to the 5th level to finish off the job with some qd. After that was done, I then proceeded to recondition the leather seats and it was at this moment that another scooter came by and this time, the warden stopped and asked (politely) whether I was washing my car. I replied that I have finished washing at the wash bay and was doing some maintenance work in the interior and the warden then actually stopped the scooter and with a sigh, started telling me the type of s-hit they faced in their job ( I guess he was lonely and needed to vent out his frustration but I dunno why he chose me, I normally have the kind of unfriendly look). He took out an email from his jacket and told me that someone (around my area) have complained to HDB about some indian FTs washing cars in the lots and dirtying the area and demanded that action be done or else he'll go see his MP. I was perplexed...I knew washing in the lots is against HDB's rules but I also felt that the Indians did not mess up the area and generally the floor was just a bit wet. And because of that complaint, the wardens have to be extra 'on' (MP mentioned mah) and those cars/vans that were washed by the indians have their numbers taken down and will be fined $50 by HDB while those indian fts had their particulars taken down and sent to the police. The warden then proceeded to cite more complaints by some of our dear HDB dwellers: 1) There was this chap who was staying in a block near the coffeeshop and would frequently call HDB to complain about illegal cars parking along the road next to the coffeeshop. He would wait and timed the cisco wardens and then when they came and did not book the cars (normally those affected motorists will rush out and move the cars away), he would then call HDB again and complained that the wardens let the motorists go scot-free. I meant I know they broke the rules but if they were not really obstructing traffic, just by showing up and chasing them away the wardens are also doing their job mah. Gist is live and let live lah. 2) There was another fellow that lives on a low level whereby he can walk from the mscp to his flat. He actually wrote to his MP and demanded that a lot be available for him on that level as he had paid for it! And the siao MP actually made HDB enforce the area to be sure that a lot is available for him! Like that also can? The warden then said that because of people like those above, his life was made very miserable. Everytime he was called to the coffeeshop, he was treated like a public enemy by the stall holders. Even though he explained to them that he was called to enforce by those who complain, the stall holders (naturally) did not care. That warden was drawing $750 a month and his life was made miserable by motorists and flat dwellers alike. He told me that he had to endure as he is suffering from cancer and had children to feed. Most jobs did not offer him insurance because of his illness and he stayed on as a warden as he was given limited insurance coverage by Cisco. He even asked me to touch his chest where a pump was connected to injected medicine directly to his body as his veins have all but shrank . After that, we bade farewell and he went on with his rounds. I really felt sad for him but could not do much but to commiserate with him. So for those 8 or so motorists living in a certain part of Sembawang, please do not berate the warden when you received your summons, he was only responding to a complaint by a Mr soso .
  18. Read this guy blog : http://parkingtrafficfineswardens.blogspot.com/ I tink he is . TP has to waive off his fine before he will go to TP HQ for a meeting!!!
  19. After a feedback query sent to the relevant authorities, these are their official replies. From LTA[/size] Dear XXX, CAR PARK WARDENS FEEDBACK NUMBER: 457763 We received your feedback dated 15 Feb 2007. To enable us to better assist you with your query, we would appreciate if you could email us at [email protected] to provide us with more information on the location where you spotted the wardens. You may wish to know that since 1 August 2005, the Housing and Development Board (HDB) and the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) have outsourced their car parks enforcement function to private service providers. Under the current outsourcing exercise, HDB has awarded contracts to the Commercial & Industrial Security Corporation (CISCO) and SembCorp Environmental Management Private Limited on 31 May 2005. CISCO will cover Woodlands, Sembawang, Yishun, Bukit Batok, Clementi, Buona Vista, Queensway, Bukit Merah and Chin Swee. SembCorp Environmental Management will cover Sengkang, Hougang, Geylang, Ang Mo Kio, Bishan, Toa Payoh, Balestier and Sims Drive. URA has awarded the contract to United Premas Ltd, which will manage the parking enforcement function for all URA carparks. Should you wish to contact HDB or URA directly on your query, please refer to their email address below. We thank you for writing in. Yours sincerely, (SIGNED IN LOTUS NOTES) JINNY CLAIRE SIM (MS) MANAGER, PUBLICITY & FEEDBACK CORPORATE & MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS From URA[/size] Dear XXX SERVICE PROVIDER 1 I refer to your enquiry made to the Land Transport Authority. 2 We wish to inform you that the Patrolling Officers of our service provider, United Premas Limited, are required to wear their uniforms when carrying out enforcement actions at URA car parks. Yours sincerely FRANCIS ANG FOR DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT CAR PARKS DIVISION From HDB[/size] Dear XXX Car Park Warden Thank you for your feedback. Under our current Standard Operating Procedures, enforcement staff from our Service Providers are required to be in full uniform while on duty. As such, please let us have more details of your observation ie date/time/place of non-uniformed enforcement staff issuing notice of parking offences. Regards and a "Happy Chinese New Year". Yours sincerely CHNG AH BAH HIGHER ADMINISTRATIVE EXECUTIVE HOUSING ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT
  20. came across this a few times at different locations. finally realised some ppl were using this to signal presence of traffic wardens..... think its a good idea to standardise this
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