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  1. I just changed 4 shock absorbers (front are Thai made Tokico and rear are japan made original Nissan) for my Nissan Latio. However, I am still feeling that the ride is still not comfortable (can feel every bump on the road). This is the same as before changing the shock absorbers. Anyone know if this mean the new shock absorbers are not good or is there something else I need to change?
  2. Hi All, I would like to get an advice from bro for my case below. This morning, I went to service my car (Toyota Axio) , to check aircon intermittent cooling and normal servicing. But W/S told me I need to change aircon compressor and all 4 shock absorbers (right side at rear is leaking) and lower arm front. Total bill was S$2400.00 (They round it for me). Did I get ripped off by W/S or is the price around there? I have attached the invoice for reference. If I got ripped off, can recommend any good W/S? Thanks in advance.
  3. An interesting insight into the eyes of Expat kids serving their NS. Hard to imagine living in Singapore and yet not made a single local friend. If you have 10 mins of time while drinking kopi in office, it's worth a read. http://ricemedia.co/culture-people-expat-kids-national-service-culture-shock/
  4. Last Sunday morning which was 24/01/16, I was on my way from SG to JB and as usual, there was a heavy jam. Through this 1hr plus of jam, I saw few things which made me think twice before buying conti cars. First I saw a Volvo X40 which put hazard light in the middle of jam and stop moving Then 1 WW Golf turn right to siam the volvo and hit my rear bumper, he act blur wana drive away(in a jam). He say got hit meh, then he said cause that Volvo put hazard light blah blah blah. I let him go cause my picanto is scrapping soon and my scratch is very minor but the Golf scratches is so obvious and big. Then I saw the Volvo start his car and travel a while before his car die again Then I saw the Golf who hit me also car die half way. Like seriously, Wtf is wrong with those cars. Lol
  5. Hi my old trusty Kia picanto may have to renew COE for another 5yrs. do any one know the estimate price to replace the front and back absorber (including Labour)
  6. Any idea how much mileage can they lasts? I heard Engine Mountings can last about 120 K. wonder if its true
  7. Hi Bros! Need some advise on where to change shock absorbers for my W169 A Class. My car shock absorbers are squeaky when I go over humps. Car has done around 80,000km. I brought to C&C for regular servicing and they want to charge me $180 to check the shock absorbers (just to check and not do anything!). They also said my undercarriage could be in bad condition and the shock absorbers could cost up to $10K to replace - naturally I declined, sounds way too expensive. Any suggestions on where else I can go? Thanks in advance.
  8. I just realized the rubber cover of the rear absorber has disintegrated . Will it create any problem,? Need to replace?
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLtPY06LEhw Sometimes on bumpy road, even with a good shock absorber, it can still be uncomfortable. Has anyone mounted the rubber shock absorber for the springs. Does it work as claim before and after mounting the rubber absorber?
  10. Hi guys, need to change my BM E60 shocks as its already leaking, will order one set new shocks from US, any bro could recommend one shop can do the labour installation with good skill? ofcos with alinetment done together, tks
  11. hi,got a vios left 9mths only. need to change shock absorber, where can I find place that sell used car parts?
  12. any fellow bros have replaced avante shock absorbers before? any recommended ws and wats the damage? heard from my ws during the last servicing tat the front n back is due to change liao... Thanks in advance for your input and have a nice day ahead
  13. Does changing front n rear shock absorber require any form of alignment or balancing? I just bought a set of absorbers from stockist and looking for recommendations for place to change. Also like to check if there s any decent panel beat spray paint ws in amk autopoint2 ? Don't need super good, just decent will do wig reasonable pricing. Need to do my front bumper that kiss the wall.
  14. SINGAPORE Airlines (SIA) has come to the rescue of Tiger Airways again – this time with hard cash. The national carrier will be injecting up to S$140 million to plug the budget carrier's haemorrhage - PHOTO: SPH 18 Oct5:50 AM Singapore SINGAPORE Airlines (SIA) has come to the rescue of Tiger Airways again – this time with hard cash. The national carrier will be injecting up to S$140 million to plug the budget carrier's haemorrhage. The funds will be part of a proposed rights issue Tigerair announced on Friday to raise S$234 million. With its regional ambitions savaged by fierce competition, Tiger on Friday unveiled a staggering net loss of S$182.4 million for its fiscal second quarter ended Sept 30, 2014, compared with a net profit of S$23.8 million a year ago. It also proposed a rights issue of about 1.2 billion new shares priced at 20 Singapore cents each, a 38 per cent discount to its close of 32.5 cents a share on Thursday. SIA, which holds a 40 per cent stake in the company, said it will subscribe to its entitlement and excess rights shares, up to S$140 million. "Singapore Air is rescuing Tigerair," said K Ajith, a Singapore-based analyst at UOB Kay Hian. "With the conversion of securities and rights offering, there will be less risk to the balance sheet. I don't foresee Tigerair needing more funds after this." Prior to the rights issue, SIA will convert its 189.39 million perpetual convertible capital securities (PCCS) holdings into shares. The conversion will raise SIA's stake in Tigerair from 40 per cent to about 55 per cent, and possibly up to 71 per cent after the rights issue, assuming SIA is the only one to subscribe for its rights and convert its PCCS. SIA will not be making a general offer as Tigerair's minority shareholders had approved a whitewash resolution in March 2013 to waive their rights to receive a general offer as a result of the PCCS conversion. In another telling development, Tigerair said it was exiting Australia, barely months after it exited Indonesia and the Philippines. It will sell its remaining 40 per cent stake in loss-making Tigerair Australia to Virgin Australia for A$1 – Virgin paid A$35 million for its existing 60 per cent stake barely 14 months ago. The estimated net loss arising from the sale is S$60.1 million. "We need to now stem the losses arising from this joint venture and divert our resources back towards our Singapore-based airline in the execution of the turnaround plan," said Lee Lik Hsin, Tiger's chief executive since May and an SIA veteran for 20 years. Dubbed the "Sale of the Century" by some analysts, the move was largely expected given that Tigerair Australia has been suffering operating losses since it started its services in Australia in 2007. Its financial woes worsened after safety breaches grounded its entire fleet in Australia in 2011. Already, the group's plunge into the red for the second quarter ended Sept 30 included S$161.1 million in one-off accounting provisions, comprising S$59.8 million for the divestment of Tiger Australia and S$99.3 million related to the sublease of surplus aircraft which it was forced to sublet at a discount to address its over-capacity headaches. While analysts said it made sense for Tigerair to do a reset and focus on its Singapore carrier and its tie-up with Scoot - SIA's other no-frills, low-fare airline - many were surprised by the extent of the "value destruction". "Shareholders must ask SIA and Tigerair for an explanation. Who's running the show? Details are sorely lacking," said an analyst. Tigerair also needs to convince investors it still has a growth strategy, now that its regional wings have been clipped. "They need to address a strategy going forward because they have divested Australia, they are out of Indonesia, out of the Philippines, so what next now?" said Derrick Heng, analyst at Maybank-Kim Eng. "Are they going to stay as a standalone unit just in Singapore? That will put them at a disadvantage to other players like AirAsia, which is growing across the whole region." It is too early to say if SIA was throwing good money after bad. "On paper, all these make sense. Scoot and Tigerair have lots of synergies they can tap. But how the alliance will pen out, it is still a wait-and-see situation," said an analyst with a foreign bank. Tigerair shares fell almost 11 per cent to a record low of S$0.29 apiece before recovering to end Friday at S$0.31, down 4.6 per cent on the day and nearly 40 per cent so far this year. SIA, a unit of Temasek, was unchanged at S$9.65 a share. In Australia, local media reported that Virgin Australia signalled it plans to cut a bloated Tiger Australia fleet that has hobbled its own turnaround efforts. http://www.businesstimes.com.sg/companies-markets/sia-rescues-bleeding-tigerair-after-shock-s1824m-q2-loss
  15. Recently changed the tyres on my 8 year old Honda CR-V, and noticed that the car veered to the left when the steering wheel is centred. Brought it for wheel alignment and the mechanic said that my front left shock absorber has hardened and advised me to change them. After alignment the car started veering to the right and they had to make some adjustments to centre it. Nonetheless, they said that it was only a temporary solution and quoted me around $1,000 (excluding GST) for replacement of the following components: - Front absorbers - Mounting - Stopper - Linkage - Anti rollbar - Rear absorbers - Stopper My shock absorbers have never been changed before, and the car is seeing around 85,000km of mileage. Should I go ahead with the repair?
  16. Has anybody change before...how was the condition..Thanks for feed back
  17. As I was approaching lorry, saw him outside vehicle checking tyre etc. As I was nearing, saw him climb back into vehicle. Didn't expect him to move out without checking like that suddenly. Was a very close shave. sai almost all flow out. stopped driver down the road abit and asked why he pulled such a stunt. he asked what he did? He didn't even see me coming. Some said it was my mistake not to horn. It's my bad habit. I hate to use the horn so in moments like this I can really sometimes forget. anyway no cursing no fighting just went down the car tap the driver on his door and he wound down his window. he say didn't see me, what can I do? hahaha move on lor.
  18. Anyone got contact for recondition of shock absober??? Singapore or Malaysia... Dont tell me get new one cos...... Thanks a million. Cheers
  19. Anyone else noticed or is it me, that the re-surfacing of the roads are crappy. Even on highways, the roads are uneven dempening what could be a relaxing drive. Are we not paying enough road taxes or ERP charges to warrant a higher standard of road maintenance? Also, I have notice the lack of those big roller machines that smoothen out the road at some road work areas, which only mean that somewhere down the line, someone is cutting the cost.
  20. Due for my shock absorber change, wondering if its necessary to change stopper and mounting together?
  21. Hi Guys, My car has some ' cloak claok ' sounds on turning corner, how to know its time to change. THx
  22. Well done , Singapore [thumbsup] Have always been puzzled why we can do so well in SEA but unable to replicate that success in Asia or even at world level. From CNA: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/spo...1238983/1/.html Water Polo: Shock win for S'pore at Asian Swimming Championships By Tan Yo-Hinn, TODAY | Posted: 23 November 2012 0753 hrs Pan Ning
  23. BT Report Professor Lim Chong Yah, who rattled many economists and businesses with his wage shock therapy in April, on Thursday addressed the two extremes in Singapore's salary and wage system in his "Shock Therapy II". In his latest paper presented at the Singapore Economic Policy Forum 2012, Professor Lim said the National Wages Council (NWC) should continue with the issuance of quantitative wage increase guideline for those earning less than S$1,000-S$1,500 a month for the next two years. He reiterated his suggestion for NWC to call for an across-the-board temporary three year moratorium on salaries of the very top executives both in the private and public sectors. Professor Lim added that should the wages of the lowest paid resident workers remain stubbornly very low in two or three years' time, serious consideration should be made to introduce a compulsory minimum wage scheme with, say, S$1,000 a month as the start-off quantum. In April, Professor Lim created a stir with his proposed wage reforms which included a wage freeze for top earners while raising incomes for the poorest by huge quantums - 15 per cent in each of the first two years and 20 per cent in the last year. The proposals reignited debates over Singapore's widening income gap. Shortly after, in May, the NWC recommended that the pay of workers earning below S$1,000 a month be raised by at least S$50 a month. An small excerpt of his paper-- The Two Extremes My remedial proposal had two parts. One aimed at lessening the number and percentage of workers at the lowest end of the income ladder. Two advocated a three-year pause to the ever increasing rate of escalation of income of the highest income group. Media reports on the salaries of some top executives in Singapore can range from $2.5 million a year to $5.5 million a year, or roughly $208,000 to $458,000 per month. In one instance, I recall 4 top family-related directors of a publicly listed company paid themselves between $2 million and $3 million each, when the company did not see it fit to pay a single cent dividend to its shareholders. When a very brave shareholder at the AGM asked the Chairman of the Board of Directors for an explanation of this dichotomy, he replied to the effect,
  24. hi All, how do we know the stock shock absorber due for replacement when used with lower spring? example - No oil leaking stain on the absorber when hoist up to inspect, when rock the car at park position all are firm and mileage at 85k km what other method test or know the absorber is giving way?
  25. Sorry, just realized post in the wrong session. Mod, pls delete the thread in http://www.mycarforum.com/index.php?showto...682392&hl=* Any good place to recommend for aftermarket or original parts?
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