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*FREE Wireless Charger for packages above $200 starting from Now til June 2024! (While stock last)
Do you know your gear oil will get dirty and wear like engine oil?
Avoid expensive gearbox overhaul. Get your gear oil change regularly.
Call us now at 67477397 or WhatsApp: 91546133
Auto Transmission Oil Package recommended for every 40,000KM travel! For Selected Asia Car Make Only.
Package inclusive of:
- 4L ATF + Labour
*Price stated is before GST
- Smoother low temperature shifting and maintains proper pressure in hot weather.
- Improve the performance and longevity of your vehicle.
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*FREE Wireless Charger for packages above $200 starting from Now til June 2024! (While stock last)
Do you know your gear oil will get dirty and wear like engine oil?
Avoid expensive gearbox overhaul. Get your gear oil change regularly.
Call us now at 67477397 or WhatsApp: 91546133
Auto Transmission Oil Package recommended for every 40,000KM travel! For Selected Asia Car Make Only.
Package inclusive of:
- 4L ATF + Labour
*Price stated is before GST
- Smoother low temperature shifting and maintains proper pressure in hot weather.
- Improve the performance and longevity of your vehicle.
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