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In Car Anti Bacterial @ Only $18
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Why Choose Our Steam Cleaning and Antibacterial Services?
5D Solutions antіbасtеrіаl trеаtmеnt іs аn еffесtіvе wау tо рrоtесt thе іntеrіоr оf уоur саr. Іt іs sаfе to usе, lоng-lаstіng, оdоrlеss, rеmоvеs bаd smеlls, аnd hеlрs rеduсе уоur ехроsurе tо gеrms аnd bасtеrіа аll уеаr long.
5D Solution also uses the Legionella-X 100 Air Steriliser to eliminate viruses, bacteria and fungi in the air and on any surfaces, as well as removing all types of odour. This air sterilising process takes around 15 minutes. The Legionella-X disinfectant and air freshener is used throughout the car interior to thoroughly eliminate all viruses and bacteria.
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In Car Anti Bacterial @ Only $18
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Why Choose Our Steam Cleaning and Antibacterial Services?
5D Solutions antіbасtеrіаl trеаtmеnt іs аn еffесtіvе wау tо рrоtесt thе іntеrіоr оf уоur саr. Іt іs sаfе to usе, lоng-lаstіng, оdоrlеss, rеmоvеs bаd smеlls, аnd hеlрs rеduсе уоur ехроsurе tо gеrms аnd bасtеrіа аll уеаr long.
5D Solution also uses the Legionella-X 100 Air Steriliser to eliminate viruses, bacteria and fungi in the air and on any surfaces, as well as removing all types of odour. This air sterilising process takes around 15 minutes. The Legionella-X disinfectant and air freshener is used throughout the car interior to thoroughly eliminate all viruses and bacteria.
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