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Motul 300V Power Racing 5W30 Engine Oil (2L Bottle)
Racing engine lubricant which is 100% Synthetic with ESTER Core technology. Recommended for racing, competition and track use for normally aspirated or turbocharged engines. Particularly recommended for engines producing a medium level of fuel dilution in the oil. Maximum anti-wear resistance. Perfect engine cleanliness.
NEW 300V Range Available In:
- 0W8, 0W16, 0W20, 0W30, 0W40, 5W30, 5W40, 5W50, 10W40, 10W60, 15W50 and 20W60.
All listed Motul products are 100% Authentic & Genuine, sourced directly from Motul (Singapore) distributor.
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Motul 300V Power Racing 5W30 Engine Oil (2L Bottle)
Racing engine lubricant which is 100% Synthetic with ESTER Core technology. Recommended for racing, competition and track use for normally aspirated or turbocharged engines. Particularly recommended for engines producing a medium level of fuel dilution in the oil. Maximum anti-wear resistance. Perfect engine cleanliness.
NEW 300V Range Available In:
- 0W8, 0W16, 0W20, 0W30, 0W40, 5W30, 5W40, 5W50, 10W40, 10W60, 15W50 and 20W60.
All listed Motul products are 100% Authentic & Genuine, sourced directly from Motul (Singapore) distributor.
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1 Corporation Drive #01-12/13/14Revv West Enterprise Hub S(619775)
9.30am - 7pm (Mon - Fri) 9.30am - 3pm (Sat) Closed on Sun & PHs | ||
87978787 |
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