Daily | Weekend | Weekly | Monthly |
- | - | $476 | $2,040 |

Ad information
The minimum rental period for our car rental is 6 months - 1 Year
Deposit: $1000
For personal use only.
Insurance Excess
Singapore usage: Own Damage: $1,000 | Third-Party: $1,000
Optional Add-ons:
Vehicle delivery/collection: Free
Entry to Malaysia: Yes
CDW: Call for Enquiry
Adding a second named driver: $5/Day
For Enquiry, Feel free to contact us with any of the options below!
Whatsapp: 96399773 Joyii
Ad information
The minimum rental period for our car rental is 6 months - 1 Year
Deposit: $1000
For personal use only.
Insurance Excess
Singapore usage: Own Damage: $1,000 | Third-Party: $1,000
Optional Add-ons:
Vehicle delivery/collection: Free
Entry to Malaysia: Yes
CDW: Call for Enquiry
Adding a second named driver: $5/Day
For Enquiry, Feel free to contact us with any of the options below!
Whatsapp: 96399773 Joyii
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