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Do you know your gear oil will get dirty and wear like engine oil?
Avoid expensive gearbox overhaul. Get your gear oil change regularly.
Call us now at 67477397 or WhatsApp: 91546133
Package inclusive of:
- 4L ATF
- Change
*FREE Wireless Charger for repair above $200! (While stock last)
- Smoother shifting at low and high temperatures.
- Protects seals and o-rings with special ingredients.
- Tested and approved by HONDA R&D Japan
*For ASIAN 1600cc car
*Continental car additional charges apply
*Price stated is before GST
Ad information
Do you know your gear oil will get dirty and wear like engine oil?
Avoid expensive gearbox overhaul. Get your gear oil change regularly.
Call us now at 67477397 or WhatsApp: 91546133
Package inclusive of:
- 4L ATF
- Change
*FREE Wireless Charger for repair above $200! (While stock last)
- Smoother shifting at low and high temperatures.
- Protects seals and o-rings with special ingredients.
- Tested and approved by HONDA R&D Japan
*For ASIAN 1600cc car
*Continental car additional charges apply
*Price stated is before GST
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