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Product Highlights
- Headlamp / Tail Lamp short circuited due to long period of intense heat
- Brittle Wiring due to long period of usage
- Water Seepage into Headlamp causing Water Vapor
- Blurred / Cloudy Headlamp / Tail Lamp Cover due to long period of Heat Exposure
- Water Seepage Repair - To solve issue and to prevent future Water Penetration
Water Seepage Repair - To solve issue and to prevent future Water Penetration
Note : Price Range : S$180.00 to S$450.00 depending on condition and repair required
Why go for Headlamp / Taillamp restoration?
Engage our Headlamp Repair and Restoration Service to save cost instead of getting a new one.
Why spend money on a brand new Head Lamp / Tail Lamp, when you can save cost by getting it repaired.
Along with our Headlamp Restoration, your Headlamp / Tail Lamp will now look as good as new!
For more information of our products, please visit us at for more of our Automotive Solutions and Services.
Alternatively you may also whatsapp us to speak to our sale representative
V-TEC Motorsports & Accessories
Operating Hours:
Mon - Fri (9.00am - 6.00pm)
Sat (9.00am - 2.00pm)
Closed on Sun & PH
Address : 8 Kaki Bukit Ave 4 , #07-09 Premier@KB
Singapore 415875
(Enter by Gate 2 - Turn Right at Level 7)
Tel : 6635 2706
Whatsapp : 85886656
Email : [email protected]
Ad information
Product Highlights
- Headlamp / Tail Lamp short circuited due to long period of intense heat
- Brittle Wiring due to long period of usage
- Water Seepage into Headlamp causing Water Vapor
- Blurred / Cloudy Headlamp / Tail Lamp Cover due to long period of Heat Exposure
- Water Seepage Repair - To solve issue and to prevent future Water Penetration
Water Seepage Repair - To solve issue and to prevent future Water Penetration
Note : Price Range : S$180.00 to S$450.00 depending on condition and repair required
Why go for Headlamp / Taillamp restoration?
Engage our Headlamp Repair and Restoration Service to save cost instead of getting a new one.
Why spend money on a brand new Head Lamp / Tail Lamp, when you can save cost by getting it repaired.
Along with our Headlamp Restoration, your Headlamp / Tail Lamp will now look as good as new!
For more information of our products, please visit us at for more of our Automotive Solutions and Services.
Alternatively you may also whatsapp us to speak to our sale representative
V-TEC Motorsports & Accessories
Operating Hours:
Mon - Fri (9.00am - 6.00pm)
Sat (9.00am - 2.00pm)
Closed on Sun & PH
Address : 8 Kaki Bukit Ave 4 , #07-09 Premier@KB
Singapore 415875
(Enter by Gate 2 - Turn Right at Level 7)
Tel : 6635 2706
Whatsapp : 85886656
Email : [email protected]
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