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9 Tampines Avenue 2 S(529731)
( 7 more outlet ) |
9am - 6pm (Mon - Sat) Closed on Sun and PHs | ||
67853603 |
Ad information
Why use Cataclean?
- Reduces emissions by up to 60%
- Can prevent MOT emissions fail
- Increases MPG saving you money at the pumps
- Restores performance
- Reduces air pollution
- Patented formula
- Positive effect for STOP/START driving
- Easy to use - simply pour into your fuel system
- New COEX-HDPE bottle constructed for increased strength with no evaporation
Cleans, Restores & Protects:
- Engine
- Cylinder Heads
- Intake Valves
- Injectors
- Catalytic Converter
- Oxygen Sensors
- Exhaust
Reduce Nanoparticles PM ( Particulate Matter ) PM2.5, PM10 AND PM1.
PI car importer face this issue faill emission ( PM) for New car especially Honda vezel.
Find out more:
It can be use for Hybrids car and have the same great result.
Get CATACLEAN PETROL at all Motoserv Pte Ltd's outlet.
Ad information
Why use Cataclean?
- Reduces emissions by up to 60%
- Can prevent MOT emissions fail
- Increases MPG saving you money at the pumps
- Restores performance
- Reduces air pollution
- Patented formula
- Positive effect for STOP/START driving
- Easy to use - simply pour into your fuel system
- New COEX-HDPE bottle constructed for increased strength with no evaporation
Cleans, Restores & Protects:
- Engine
- Cylinder Heads
- Intake Valves
- Injectors
- Catalytic Converter
- Oxygen Sensors
- Exhaust
Reduce Nanoparticles PM ( Particulate Matter ) PM2.5, PM10 AND PM1.
PI car importer face this issue faill emission ( PM) for New car especially Honda vezel.
Find out more:
It can be use for Hybrids car and have the same great result.
Get CATACLEAN PETROL at all Motoserv Pte Ltd's outlet.
Merchant information
9 Tampines Avenue 2 S(529731)
595 Sembawang Road S(758454)
9am - 6pm (Mon - Sat) Closed on Sun and PHs | ||
67853603 |
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