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Any tried and tested detailing \ grooming package to recommend ? i understand there are two types of detailing, one is the so call 'maintenance' type which basically clay and wax car for a shine which doesnt last longer than a few weeks. ANother type is the much more lasting type which applies a layer of silicon and can last up to six months. Any one tried nushine before got any feedback ? Any others to receommenda ? Thanks ...

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Maintenance is the best, not from the detailer but the owner.


Can't expect the detailer to fully correct the paint and the owner go to the petrol kiosk and get his car clean with stones and sand paper than go back and blame the detailer that the shine don't last.


I wouldn't recommand a "Clay and Wax" , claying marr the paint slightly.



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Maintenance is the best, not from the detailer but the owner.


Can't expect the detailer to fully correct the paint and the owner go to the petrol kiosk and get his car clean with stones and sand paper than go back and blame the detailer that the shine don't last.


I wouldn't recommand a "Clay and Wax" , claying marr the paint slightly.




hmmm... how does claying marr paint???.... care to share more knowledge bro??.....


btw, true, not smooth doesn't mean no protection as Autoglym HD wax is not the smooth type one after applying.... tried before.....

Edited by Firestorm_33
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Actually DIY using DG product is the best. Haha


+1. I maintain using DG product from day one and paint is as good as new. I have not send to any groomers to do.

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Regular washing/drying will go a long way to maintain your car's look. Either DG or Meguair should be fine. I've had my car serviced by a "professional groomer" and it was an excellent job done, but pricey at $160.


If you have the time and passion, basic wash, clay and wax will be fine. Claying is only to remove contaminants on the paint surface. Some cars don't need to be clayed; just wash and wax will do. and most wax last 3-6 months, depending on how aggresive you wash your car...


So, up to you whether you wanna spend the $$$ for someone else to do it or your own time to do it yourself.

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Regular washing/drying will go a long way to maintain your car's look. Either DG or Meguair should be fine. I've had my car serviced by a "professional groomer" and it was an excellent job done, but pricey at $160.


If you have the time and passion, basic wash, clay and wax will be fine. Claying is only to remove contaminants on the paint surface. Some cars don't need to be clayed; just wash and wax will do. and most wax last 3-6 months, depending on how aggresive you wash your car...


So, up to you whether you wanna spend the $$$ for someone else to do it or your own time to do it yourself.



yup...just to add on... typically if maintenance is done weekly or biweekly, u only need to wax quarterly... of cos it depends on how do the maintenance.....


Claying is only required when u feel that your car got a lot of "unseen" small lumps.....


Though i do grooming for other cars, i also advise them not to spend extra money every month for polishing or waxing unless he/she doesn't really got the time to do weekly/biweekly cleaning :)



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Maintenance is the best, not from the detailer but the owner.


Can't expect the detailer to fully correct the paint and the owner go to the petrol kiosk and get his car clean with stones and sand paper than go back and blame the detailer that the shine don't last.


I wouldn't recommand a "Clay and Wax" , claying marr the paint slightly.




U r right. In fact too much detailing, waxing and shampooing is bad for the original paintwork. My friend is a bio-chemist in oz and he says that car paint work requires even more delicate care then human skin. Why?


Because unlike human skin which sheds cells and replaces itself, car paint work degrades due to exposure to sun and harsh chemicals. The best way to preserve the paint work is not avoid direct sun and to wash with a PH neutral solvent. (Just like human skin).


Shampoos and waxes will not be able to distinguish between road tar and surface dirt which have bonded with the outer layer of the paint job. So when they strip the oil and dirt they also remove some of the paint layering. No shampoo or washer is able to safely strip bonded oil and dirt from the paint surface without damaging the outer surface.


This is a secret that most chemist will not reveal as they are paid by the retailers selling car care products to sell you the propaganda that expensive waxes, shampoos can safely strip dirt without removing paint.


My fren says the best way is to wash only with water and NOTHING ELSE. Use bucket after bucket of water and patiently wipe gently with non-abrasive wet white cloth. Make sure the cloth is soaking wet and wipe keep wiping. After 3-4 sessions wipe with a clean damp white cloth. If cloth remains white and unblemished that implies all of the oil and tar is stripped and you can begin to dry the car.


For subborn tree saps, bird s--t and other stains, repeat the process with wet cloth. Only if this does not work do you resort to stronger shampoos and waxes. And these are used as a last resort and only on the affected areas and not on the whole car.


Finally, he admits that even with this process, the best we can do is to delay the ageing process. However at least we do not accelerate the paint stripping process. And the amount of money we save from not buying shampoos (and car washes and expensive waxes/detailing) over say 2 years will be sufficient to pay for a new paint job in the 3rd year.


Now i am sure many bros will say this is stupid advise. And I used to think the same way. I really shampooed and detailed my first 3 cars regularly. Now with my latest ride I took his advise. For the past 1 yr plus I used only water. And i still had friends asking me if i sent my car for polishing as it looks so shiny. I wash personally, there r no swirl marks on my saphire black paint job. Yes there are some stubborn stains but unless u look very closely the mirror like glossy shine still greets my eyes every time i look at her...... only problem is that i use over 10 buckets of water easily and it takes an hour just to wash....patiently and gently.





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I guess bro fcuktion refer to do not clay and follow by wax..as we know wax does not not have any cleaner form or polish in it and you get marring if you clay and wax instead of clay polish and wax..


Your friend is not wrong but referring to 1st stage paint and I believe some of the waxes or shampoo contain silicon in it which i guess there are still some around..This days..cars are sprayed with a mixture of clearcoat or layman term is lacquer and paint..The clearcoat may have a UV protection but generally it get oxidised after couples of years or as fast as month and they require some form of protection to prevent it from get worst..It is not possible to damage the paint first without damaging the clearcoat..


Generally all shampoo off the shelf are safe this days becos they do not contain any form of kerosene in it which unlike the old days..


It quite or i should say not possible not to expose to sunlight in our weather..waxes..sealant forms a protective layer for clearcoat..as for washing cars with water..i guess really individual preference..Quite impossible to wash just with water especially on white color..Washing car without shampoo makes me feel like washing my hair without shampoo [laugh] I think generally we see a wax car more shiny than a non wax car tio bo..lol ^_^ End of the day..I still think individual believe ba..


Your friend will make all polishing shops and wax manufacturer go bust in the world [laugh][laugh] hehe..Joking joking... but really thanks for sharing bro Nightwind..


hehe above are my 2cents..i am not a chemist.. :D

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That was what I said to my chemist fren.....he replied, before I comment further go try his method first. It is precisely because there is clearcoat protection over 1st epidermal layer that gives a shiny gloss even if we wash with just water.


As for washing hair withou shampoo....ok i agree thats not possible because of our humid climate. But even that was done in the old days b4 shampoo was invented. And there is a big diff between our hair/skin and the car. Our hair and skin are to a certain extenent permeable...so oil is absorbed more readily. And washing with pure water is difficult to remove the embedded grease. So we use shampoo.


This is actually quite damaging but necessary. And its ok for us because as i said, we shed and replace our skin cells and hair daily. The car retains the same skin from day 1. That skin is much less permeable, so washing with water or a PH neautral solvent does do the job for surface layer grease.


As I say to u, go try first la. There is so much talk about mumbo jumbo waxes and tonnes of $$$ are spent by consumers precisely because they want us to buy their products. If you are a drug company and suddenly discover a natural costless cure for the flu, would you be in a hurry to advertise this? Of cause not, your shareholders will murder u....same logic here for the shampoo and wax providers.


Ok if die die u insist to shampoo, at least just limit this to the areas affected by the subborn stains....i tried for a year and now i am a believer.


But as i said, this is a very labour intensive process. I take over an hour just to wash the car (excludes wheels and interior)......and my car is black some more so any streaks r even more notceable. So it should work for less glossy colours like silver etc

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hmmm...Just an update..most shampoo this days are PH neutral liao except there are still some with heavily kerosene still around..


I guess if we refer to polish then there is possibility not recommended to do often..again various type of polishes also from heavy compound to moderate compound..but seriously for waxes..so far have not heard that it may harm paintwork..I myself collect most of the product MSDS and MSDS cannot be chiong cos some do send product for lab test but again i know some are heavily petrol distillate and siilicon as well..i can pass you one MSDS and maybe you can pass it to yr friend..See which content in it is harmful for the paint... [nod]

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hmmm...Just an update..most shampoo this days are PH neutral liao except there are still some with heavily kerosene still around..


I guess if we refer to polish then there is possibility not recommended to do often..again various type of polishes also from heavy compound to moderate compound..but seriously for waxes..so far have not heard that it may harm paintwork..I myself collect most of the product MSDS and MSDS cannot be chiong cos some do send product for lab test but again i know some are heavily petrol distillate and siilicon as well..i can pass you one MSDS and maybe you can pass it to yr friend..See which content in it is harmful for the paint... [nod]


Its ok, i should have known from your handle & sponsor details that this is your businessline and i wont intrude on yuor business any longer. Thks any way

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I think nowadays the shampoos wont damage the paint much because I helped a friend to polish his black car to remove the swirls when he got it second hand. Then he never polished it for the past 4 years but washed it once a week with proper technique with shampoo and 2 buckets and now it still looks almost like new.

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Its ok, i should have known from your handle & sponsor details that this is your businessline and i wont intrude on yuor business any longer. Thks any way


Hey bro..please dun get me wrong..is ok with me..No worries..becos end of the day..i wont want to sell something that is crap..Mind thinking is still no change till now..I always believe if I believe the products..I will try if not i wont give a second look..


I guess many who have know me longer in here knows i started as a passion..till now detailing is still a paassion for me..I dont do full time in this..i enjoy doing this and meeting up new friends...your friend mabe right or wrong but most important is we need to get the right track..which I have mentioned is individual believe..becos sometimes our posting maybe quite unfair to some manufacturers and groomers...They need makan also..lol Just my 2 cents..No hard feeling bro..seriously bro..U have brought something really interesting to know..kopi on me next time [thumbsup]

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NightWind: Haha, thats why your friend's a chemist. :)

Dirty car + water with a non abrasive cloth + wiping = swirls and scratches.

The grit you drag around the paint from the car will cause the imperfections.

I always believe in shampooing, in my case OPT ONR, at least there is some kind of lube present.


Anyway, i rather spend money on shampoos etc etc rather than a new paint job.



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