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Mazda 323 Protege Owners - TCSS corner part 4


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car is not like shirt/socks etc.. wanna change can change.. car 5-10 yrs change once, so i like to try other brands lor..


just like my Hp... i started with motorola then nokia n now siemens, next up i'll by SE lor...got my eyes on SE k750i... [thumbsup]


never try never know... [laugh]


(eg, if every day eat chicken rice ... not sian MEH??) [laugh]

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OC is fixed asset... cannot change one [laugh] car different, tangible asset with straight line depreciation mah [laugh]


u tell me, yr "brother" can change?? no mah, cause its also a fixed asset... [:p]


but, to add.... CO cannot change, but can juri ayam, just dun get caught [laugh]

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bro.. i thot only svc at 40k n 80k then change this filter.


buy from stockist abt $40+. not sure abt the labout tho.


oso, wanna share with u guys.


bro protege says MCS got post that mazda sg recall 323s for some faults at engine/coolant thingy. any news on this from fellow bros ? [sweatdrop]

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