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Honda Airwave


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We just add flavour to the AIRWAVE community here Zenn [flowerface] . Yes, someone here has the Blue.


Any idea/lobang as to where I can get Fog Lamps for AIRWAVE?


So glad that there are so many proud owners of AIRWAVE in this platform.



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ya lorrr....no car is perfect..


now that you mention it 16.5 is base on own calculation...how to use the trip meter ha ....paiseh siak ....dont know must ask right.... [thumbsup]



On the speedometer, there's a "little stick" where you can adjust the brightness of the dial, reset the trip etc.... there's one show KM/L...

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Neutral Newbie

Thanks bro [cool] , I'll check it out.JUst wondering if any airwave owners out there interested in the glare protection system.....www.glare.com.sg [sunny]

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Hi 05 & all,


Need to check... understand I got the 7 speed mode will others is 4 speed auto..

Therefore, is mine a VTI + CVT or...?

What about those with 4 speed..? Is still a VTI or DSI + CVT


Is the BHP and Torque similar with the 4 speed?



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Hi Longblack


Based on Japanese Spec. both "L" & "G" series carry the same VTEC 1.5l engine i.e. same horsepower 110PS.


The only different is 4 speed CVT or 7 speed CVT gearbox. More speed means smoother and seamless gear change + possible better fuel economy.


BTW, is your "+", "-" on the steering wheel meant for Manual Gear shift driving? If so, it is as good as tiptronic (Auto + Manual possible).



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Hi 05,


Got it.... [;)]



Do you have any problem when parking the car..?

It seem that the back (where the signal light is) seem to be a blind spot from the side mirror.

Lots of time nerly bang into it...


I have make a test to confirm...

Park the car... sure is safe.. turn on the harzard light... notice actually it reflect into the side of the back clear plastic on the side of the car (must stand facing the side view)..now get into the car and look at the side mirror...OMG.. can't see the harzard light at all...


Do you guys have this problem or i cxxk eye...



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I'm a newbie here. I'm very interested in buying airwave. Any recommend on the PIs? How many models are there for Airwave? E.g. With or without sunroof, 4 vs 7 gears. I'm very confuse. Please provide some info. Thanks in advance.

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Most of the guys here got there AIRWAVE from either Pinnacle (Zenn), CarTimes (Longblack & myself) or HupLong ( ??? ), ++++++ Pls input.


At Cartimes + most PIs, they offer std package i.e.


1. W/O Skyroof " G" series

2. With Skyroof "G" series

3. Active Package = "L" series c/w special water-repellent fabric seats, 7 speed CVT, original 15" rims, toneau cover, digital climate aircon control, fog lamp, Active body kit, HID, etc...



I guess u have to shop around ( Selling Price, OMV, delivery, guarantee delivery/COE, warranty, trade-in value) to see who u r comfortable with. Share with us.



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Neutral Newbie

I bought mine from Pinnale. You can look for Shawn @ 90069399. Quite a nice chap. Tell him its been referred by his first red airwave customer [laugh] Not sure abt now but they used to sell the cheapest.


Most in the market comes wif G series (4 speed). L series (7 speed) would be the 'premium' type. Both come wif and w/o skyroof.


You been to any showroom? If not, its best you go down your self. There are a no of dealers at ubi automart selling airwave. See it yourself n if you are comfortable wif the SE. Happy shopping!

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