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Smells to watch out for while driving :p


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Came across this, a fairly interesting read. Better check your air-fresheners guys...


Bad smell in car can cause accident, says study

Peter Barnwell



The wrong smell in a car can cause speeding, dozing, road rage and potentially even serious accidents, according to a new study.


Having the right smell can help a driver to recognise dangers earlier, stay focused on the road ahead, forgive other peoples' driving errors and even find a bit of romance.


It's astounding how much the smell in a car can affect a driver's mood and actions, said Sue Nicholson, of the RAC Foundation, which reviewed a US study into odours and driving.


Smell is a very powerful sense and could result in a lack of concentration or over-reaction to minor irritations on the road - which can turn into potentially life threatening incidents.


The research identified peppermint and cinnamon odours as being the best cure-all, but the range of smells that can help or hinder driving are enormous. More than any other sense, the sense of smell circumnavigates the logical part of the brain and acts on the limbic and emotional systems.


This is why the smell of perfume can turn men into gibbering idiots and the smell of baking bread can destroy the best intentions of a dieter.


When we bring cars into the equation, the ability of various smells to over or under-stimulate us as drivers can have catastrophic results.


Dangerous smells to be aware of include chamomile, jasmine and lavender, which are all used to treat insomnia and can cause drivers to become over-relaxed behind the wheel. They are also present in many flowery air fresheners.


The smell of fast food, fresh bread or pastry can cause driver irritability, a preponderance to speed and an increased chance of involvement in road rage because they can all make drivers feel hungry and in a hurry to satiate their appetites. The smell of fresh cut grass, pine woods or roadside flowers, while relaxing some drivers, can put others into a nostalgic frame of mind where they daydream of swooping down country lanes and fail to appreciate the speed at which they are traveling.


A combination of leather seats and oil can make some older drivers remember the thrill and sense of freedom that came with their first cars. They could potentially then unconsciously adopt the risk-taking behaviour of much younger drivers. Smells beneficial to driving include:


* Peppermint and cinnamon - improves concentration levels as well as making drivers less irritable

* Lemon and coffee - these smells are good for clear thinking and high concentration levels

* New car smell (a combination of cleaning products and organic solvents) - tends to make people concentrate better and also take more care with their driving

* Sea ozone - a blast of salty sea air can encourage deep breathing which relaxes the muscles, relieves stress and calms the mind.


Citroen Australia stepped into the odour business by introducing the new C4 small car with a perfume dispenser.


C4 owners can select from a range of nine fragrances including lemon, cinnamon and, oops, jasmine and lavender. Let's hope they stick with the lemon and cinnamon.


News Limited Community Newspapers

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Bro Good Article!

Wonder why they don't produce a "New Car Smell Fragrance" Perfume


* New car smell (a combination of cleaning products and organic solvents) - tends to make people concentrate better and also take more care with their driving

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Neutral Newbie

I believe they do...just don't know where to get it...


If a driver really decide to use the 'new car' fragrance, it might be dangerous as well. Car smells like new but looks old...Brain confused and can lead to accidents... [:p]

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Neutral Newbie

Depends on the grade of the fart...


Grade 1 - good, can stimulate the driver thus increasing attentiveness


Grade 5 - detrimental, instant knock out... [laugh]

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I know can get leather care lotion with new car smell fragrance but not those perfume type like ambi pur.


like that no smell ze best laugh.gif

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Neutral Newbie

Please do not fart in your car as the SO2 will accumulate when the air recycles and end up driving a fart machine that gives out the accumulated smell from your 3560 times you farted in your car! scary sia... [laugh]

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Neutral Newbie
the only worried I have from smells is when I fart inside the car laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


Haha! That's the least of my problems. The only worry I have from smells is when OTHERS fart inside the car. [bigcry]

Edited by Avenso
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