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A scale thicker than your usual oil. You must understand. Higher viscosity oil does not protect better or have better performance. The main purpose of thick 50wt oil is to combat fuel dilution of oil due to rich mixtures.


If you car is new as in less than 10yrs old, 30wt oil is sufficient. 40wt is a little thicker but the only cars sanctioning the use of 40wt oil are the Conti cars with VW or MB engines.


When oil is thinner, there is less friction. Less friction means less drag on the engine components which means slightly more "power released". Also means less heat so engines run cooler.

Edited by Genie47
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Neutral Newbie

That's pretty thick viscosity, how old is your car and what is your current mileage?


15W50 for a track day will definitely be recommended


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Neutral Newbie

think 0W 40 lower viscosity may cause more engine noise but may improve the Fuel consumption.... personal opinion

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